Other Unpopular Opinions

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No but it's okay hundreds of lives will be saved at the expense of Riddle's life.

Yes it's HISHE but idfc. Watch the part at the end where Snape goes back in time and does what I said.
-Speaking of Harry Potter, I find the series not really intersting. Like, I never read the books and I never saw the movies all in one piece. I would see some footage of it but that is it.

Man, am I on a roll or what?
Lootbox unlocks that affect gameplay can work if incorporated correctly.

*cough cough*
EA is a good company...




Okay I'm kidding.

No but it's okay hundreds of lives will be saved at the expense of Riddle's life.

Yes it's HISHE but idfc. Watch the part at the end where Snape goes back in time and does what I said.

Except that changing the past is really hard and has really effed up consequences according to cursed child.
I fail to see how this is an unpopular opinion.

Feminism shouldn't exist because everyone should have equal rights. Seriously, what the heck humans.
I completely agree with you about feminism. I sometimes get a little nervous to admit I'm not a feminist because I know that people will tell me 'Femisism is about equality' and not get that feminism does not own the definition of equality nor do they understand why people don't want to associate with the movement.
Yeah. You can get attacked a lot these days just for speaking your mind, or not calling yourself a feminist. Luckily, I don't get into super heated arguments.
Yeah. You can get attacked a lot these days just for speaking your mind, or not calling yourself a feminist. Luckily, I don't get into super heated arguments.
Yeah. I don't really get into super heated arguments either. But I want to be an author, and I've had dreams where I said I wasn't a feminist and then get attacked on the internet for it and told me they wouldn't buy my book for it.
Yep, I have the same experiences, anyways I think I'm getting off for now, like I have been on here for half of the day talking to people.
Unpopular opinion time: I like things that furries like but I do not associate myself with furries for the same reason I don't associate myself with feminists. I prefer to breath.
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