Other Unpopular Opinions

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Unpopular opinion (probably) - my political and social beliefs.

RIP me.
Dude, same.
Yeah... I mean maybe they aren’t necessarily unpopular. But if you think of the MSM or colleges, oh yeah. I’m definitely on my own there. I keep quiet in classes when thing get political... yeah no thank you I don’t want 30 people against me
I'd say it's fairly unpopular. Maybe not in the internet or here particularly. But like, I'm deep in Eagles country. People can go nuts over football.
Eagles fans are freaking nuts... I know from experience.
Unpopular opinions: My political views that could get me witch hunted to hell.

I dislike Harry Potter

Star wars died in 2005

T-34 tonk is overrated

Jerusalem is Israel's capital

Bombing of Yugoslavia was llegitimate

Crusades were justified.
I think "moist" isn't a cringy or gross word. It's not pleasant, but for the amount of people being like, "Omg ewwwiieee kms ammirite!!!!" It becomes something where people are just saying that because it's a funny, relatable opinion that's exaggerated.
Yup, this topic is definetely doomed. I'll try to bring back the "normality":
I enjoyed NFS:The Run, very underrated game. Great storyline, great gameplay modules, great FPS. It's different from all NFS games, and this is why I love it. The only thing it sucked in was the engine sounds, but those were bearable if played on speakers with bass and sound boosts
Unpopular Opinions:

- Pro Wrestling is a legitimately awesome thing to watch and enjoy on a weekly basis. It is so wonderful and amazing. When you get that awesome balance of great wrestling, story, and crowd reaction, it becomes a masterpiece that only few can surpass.

- Swearing is fucking wonderful and is a great way to express yourself!

- Religion is overrated. I prefer believing in the future generations. Why focus on some deity who you can't even see rather than ensuring that the next generation grows up to be respectful people?
Communism works only on paper
I think this is a very common opinion... unless you ask Lenin or Stalin or Trotsky or Gorbachev. You get the point.

Unpopular Opinion: Hitler was a brilliant Leader. Still an asshole and monster, and at times questionable strategist.
I hate the movie "Elf". I also don't think "The Office" is funny or "The Big Bang Theory".

Family is a totally arbitrary distinction and I don't understand the concept of blood being thicker than water. (I do not care for most of my family; they seem like random people I've been saddled with for life based on common lineage. It doesn't matter to me if my children are biological or not; I'm happy to adopt because I know I can love a child regardless.)
Marilyn Manson sucks. His look sucks, his music sucks, and his character sucks. He's just another over glorified celebrity.
Peanut butter and jelly is gross. Jennifer Lawrence is overrated. The people over at Star Wars are scraping away at an empty barrell of content. Marvel and DC are overrated. Personality types are bs. Genetic modification is inevitable and ethical. Stem cell usage is ethical. The Catcher in the Rye is shit. Uylsses is shit (just because its different doesn't mean its genius). We should just do away with religion. It has, so far, in the entire history of mankind, done more harm than good.

Uhhh... evolution is a theory? Just kidding.

I thinks that's about it.

And oh yes. Kanye is great.
I can't stand dogs whatsoever. They're too rowdy and obnoxious and I would rather own 10 cats than have to deal with 1 dog for a day.
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