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Shou smiles brightly, he had done good today. He then takes a look at his wristwatch and realized that it was almost late. " Well, we better get going. " he muttered as turned around and started to walk out towards the exit of the Arcade. He just stretched at the long day, but was very enjoyable. He never had this much fun in a long time now.
Yui smiled, twirling a strand of her hair, walking out after him. "I had a good time today." She said, walking next to him. She petted the cat gently, the fur soft. She smiled, the cat's fur a similar color to her hair. She smiled, pressing her nose gently into the stuffed kitten. She smiled, closing her eyes and walking a little closer to Shou.
He smiles a bit to see that she enjoyed herself in the arcade. And he tries not to giggle seeing how she was genuinely thinking that she really is petting a cat but it failed a let out a little chuckle. " Sorry, sorry. It just seems like you really like that kitten. " he says as he stops at the a pedestrian lane when the street light was red. 
He smiles a bit to see that she enjoyed herself in the arcade. And he tries not to giggle seeing how she was genuinely thinking that she really is petting a cat but it failed a let out a little chuckle. " Sorry, sorry. It just seems like you really like that kitten. " he says as he stops at the a pedestrian lane when the street light was red.
Yui smiled, blushing. "Yeah. I really like it." She said. She smiled, tucking her kitten under her chin. She smiled, looking at him. She gently lifted one hand off the kitten, reaching down. She let her fingers brush his before extending her fingers into his hand, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She felt her heart begin to race.
Shou felt her fingers in his hand as he glanced at her seeing her blushing face as Shou couldn't help but blush a little too. Feeling it would be rude to throw away her initiative, he gently holds her hand. He looks away trying to evade eye contact with her since his face was also flushed. Then the light turned green, " W-well, I can at least walk you home. " he mentioned to her since he didn't mind walking home alone and being a gentleman he is.
Yui smiled, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. She smiled, hoping this wasn't to awkward. She smiled, walking home with him hand and hand. She smiled, feeling better. She knew she would have to talk to Mei when she got home, but for now, she brushed it off, not wanting to ruin her elated mood. Soon they stopped in front of her house. "This is me." She said.
He smiled again and nodded as he let go of her hand looking away while still blushing a bit. " W-well, see you at school then. " he tells her as he stood there looking at her house. It was pretty much just like any normal house there is, pretty much looks like his. He just waves at Yui before turning around and making his way home.
Yui smiled and waved, walking inside her house. "I'm home!" She shouted, kicking off her shoes. Her mom was working and so was her dad so she was home alone. She changed into something more comfortable and baggy and called Mei, having a conversation with her about the morning. They eventually forgave each other, going to bed soon.
Shou arrived home and found his mother waiting for him on the living room. She stood up the moment he got in and gave him a where-is-she look. " She already went home. " he answered her as she looked a bit disappointed. Shou wasn't sure why she would be disappointed at her going home as he goes to the dining room to find that the table was set for three people to eat, and Shou realized that the other one was probably for Yui. Remembering how she likes to eat back on the rooftop he took her side of the dish and placed it in a tupperware as he placed it in a fridge. He could just reheat the thing in the morning and place it in a bento for him to hand to her.

Shou ate his dinner, watched the television for a while before taking a bath and then going to sleep. T'was school the next day and nearly exams too.
Yui woke up early, taking a shower. She smiled, letting the water run over her hair, sliding down her smooth skin. She quickly realized she had to get ready and finished up, getting out and getting dressed. She ate a quick breakfast and grabbed her bag, walking out the door. Surprisingly, Mei was there. She waved, walking with her to school.
Shou wakes up and yawns, he slept pretty late since he was watching television. Same as always, he takes a bath, get dressed and then eat breakfast. But before he ate breakfast, he made sure he reheated the food that he kept for Yui. Placed the bento on his bag and made his way to school yawning a bit. He arrived and changed his shoes in the shoe locker as he walked to his classroom to find Taka there, yawning as well. Curious to where he ran off to yesterday he couldn't help but ask.

" So, where'd you disappear to yesterday Taka ? " he asks him as he looks up at Shou, as if he just noticed he was there.

" Training, so how was your day ? " he asks as if he planned that thing from the start and sighs. " pretty good I guess. " Shou replies as Taka just nodded and closed his eyes and slammed his head on his desk. Shou guessed that he was also pretty tired as well.
Yui smiled, walking down the hallway. She walked into her class with Mei, Mei going over to Jason's side immediately. But Yui didn't care, not anymore. Sure, it hurt a bit, but he was a taken man. Seeing his arm snake around her, Yui sat down, getting out her stuff. She chatted with the group, a large smile on her face until the bell rang.
The bell rang, and it was lunch. Shou not feeling up for it just laid his head there on the desk staring towards the window, and so did Taka. It was as if both of them were drained from there energy by some kind of creature. Shou closed his eyes not before long, he wanted to sleep and so he decided to take a little nap.
Yui smiled, getting up from her seat. She decided to look for Shou, since there group was literally a love fest from Mei and Jason, who where feeding each other. They must have gone on a date over the weekend. She smiled and picked up her lunch, walking towards Shou's class. When she saw him asleep, she gently rested her bento on top of his head.
Shou woke up feeling something heavy on top of him. "Taka.. knock it off.. " he muttered as he tried to look up only to find Yui in the room. " Y-Yui ? What is it ? " he asks her as he just laid his head there and he could here Taka snoring from behind. Feeling a little jealous for him that he was able to sleep soundly.
Yui smiled. "Well my lunch room has become a barf fest because of the happy couple, so I figured that I would hang with you and snoozer over there." She said, smiling. "But if you want to go back to sleeping I can leave." She said, sitting back on the desk behind her and swung her feet, smiling down at him.
" Ahh.. I see. " he replies as she mentions about the happy couple who he thinks is probably Mei and the other guy. Shou goes silent for a moment before straightening back up and smiling. " Before I forget. " he says as he takes out a bento from his bag and placing it on the desk. " It's from mom you see, she was expecting to have dinner with you. " he says as he pushes it towards her smiling.

" So I just thought that, you might wanted to taste mom's cooking so I brought you a bento of it here. " he informs her as he looks back at Taka, with a scorn face and took out his marker as he drew a mustache on his face.
Yui laughed, taking the marker and drawing some cat whiskers and devil horns. "There, now he is complete." She said, capping the marker. "And thanks, for the bento." She said, taking the bento from him. She opened it up and started eating, her face showing surprise. "Wow. Your mom is a good cook." She said.
" It wouldn't be a surprise since I'm still alive. " he answers jokingly and if his mom would hear it he'd get a good amount of nagging. He just smiles and yawns. He didn't feel like eating at the moment since he was pretty tired. He looked up at Yui and stared at her eyes for awhile. She had beautiful eyes and drawing lips as if he is being drawn towards it slowly. He then realized he was checking her out and looked away, blushing. That was weird.
Yui smiled, taking another bite. "Yeah. Wouldn't want you to die from food poisoning, so I guess it is a pretty good thing." She said. She smiled, brushing back a lock of her hair and looking out the window briefly, the sun streaming though the window and hitting her back, giving her a pleasant warmth. She smiled turning back to Shou.
Shou giggles a bit as he checked his watch he then stood from his seat and and looked at his watch again. " I still have to go meet someone. " he remembers as one of the teachers asked him to meat him in the teacher's office. He then looked over at Taka in which case he was also asked for but then he decided to let him sleep.
Yui smiled and nodded. "Ok then! You can go meet your person, and I guess I have to dive back into the love fest." She said, chuckling. She smiled, picking up her stuff and clutching it in her arms. She smiled, tilting her head at him. "Just stop by if you need something, anything at all." She said, smiling before leaving.
Shou nodded in agreement as he stood up and made his way to the teacher's office. He was constantly looking around his surroundings as if he was careful about something. But he did not know what he would be careful of as he continues down his path. He then arrived at the office as he knocked and opened the door. He looked around for Mr.Liam as he spots him in his desk doing some kind of paperwork. He walks over to him and taps him by the shoulder.

" Ah ! Shou. " he greets him in a surprised why half expecting him to be there as Shou just nodded and smiled. " What is it sensei ? " he asked as he stood up straight looking at the teachers around him being so busy.

" Well.. I just want to say that.. your grades aren't really high enough to get you through this year. " he tells Shou the bad news as Shou laughs nervously. He wasn't really good with academics, he himself doesn't know how he passed his past years.

"Either you need to get them up or.. You'll be missing summer. " he informs him as Shou's face went into terror. To miss summer was the worst thing that could happen to a high school student. And he wouldn't want to be held back. Shou bows down in thanks at the teacher and walks out of the room. He's doomed.
Yui smiled and walked back to her classroom, opening the door. She reluctantly walked over to where her friends where and sat down, the only spot left was across from the lovers. Giving an inwards groan, she opened up the lunch Shou gave her and started to eat again. This was far better than anything she made for lunch.
Shou arrived back in his class, only to see Taka now awake. He slammed his head on his desk quite hard as it made quite a loud thump and everyone in the room looking at him even Taka. He then leans word to Shou and asks him, " What's wrong man ?! " in a whispery voice as Shou glances to the side and replies. " I'm gonna get held back.. " he mutters as Taka's face went into terror.

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