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Triple The Love (FreeMustang + Funkybub)

Nicole's smile widened "Oh yes!" she giggled "You can carry me into La Mis for the 15th time after words" she giggled "Are you going to spank me too? How'd you put it after you spanked me last time? My ass looked like a couple tomatoes?"
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Paul bit his lip before licking them quickly. "I only spanked you because you were being a very bad girl. You cheated when we were playing on the Xbox and that deserved a big punishment." He paused. "You've been a good girl today." He flirted.
"How else was I supposed to get you away from your games in in my pants? I want to be your favorite toy that you can't resist... That you play way too hard with... Now.... Do I have to be a naughty girl to get that?" she grinned, completely turned on by his flirtation "I don't want you able to wait to play with me when you see me walk in a room" she smirked
"You are my favourite toy." Michael confirmed, squeezing her hand. "But, if you want to be spanked, you need to justify it and get me mad." He teased and flirted, biting his lip softly.
"I did laundry today... But I forgot I can't wash and dry my red dress with your white work shirts... I guess You'll have to wear pink tomorrow" Nicole grinned, it was a complete lie but it would get him mad enough to spank her ass and then fuck it.
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Paul knew she was telling a lie but he might as well play along. "Well, that's more than just a spanking missy." He said, just loud enough for her to hear it. "Now, I want to get home and have a play with my toy."
"I don't think your toy can wait that long in traffic" Nicole laughed "Your office is closer by though" she grinned, knowing it was sound proof in there. The idea they they would get to do it in his place of work really turned her on. She could play the role of his naughty secretary or something. They often role played when fooling around "I could pretend to be your new intern" she said seductively "I willing to do anything to climb that ladder.... Boss" she grinned, lightly stroking his hand with her finger tips.
She had won him over. "Thank god I didn't get the glass windows installed." Paul paused. "Knowing you, you'd probably want glass windows so you could show us off." He teased, leaving $50 dollars down on the table, forcing her to her feet almost.
Nicole laughed and got up with Paul, hurrying back to the office with him. Quickly unbuckling his belt and hiking up the short skirt of her dress up for him as soon as the elevator door closed, having a quicky with him all the way up to the top floor where they somehow managed to hide all their stuff before the door opened again though the moans could be heard on every floor as they passed. Paul and her were both quite loud when making love.

"Mr. Cobb! I have that report you wanted!" Jessica said excitedly when she was him walk into the area with his wife, she wondered what they were doing back as she held out a printed copy of the report.

Nicole looked Jessica over, the young girl was very attractive which made her wonder if her husband had picked her for it.
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Paul's black leather belt wasn't fully tightened when Jessica approached him. Since he didn't manage to finish in the elevator, he felt a bit flustered. "Jess. I asked for it to be emailed. Plus me and Nicole need to do work of ourselves. So, just, get it emailed to us yeah." Paul told Jessica. While he spoke, his hand shifted towards her bottom, tinching it as the two spoke to Jessica. For a second, he could see a hint of jealousy in Nicole's eyes.

Entering into the office, Paul slammed it shit and pulled her shirt up, so it was up to her belly. Sitting himself on his chair, he raised his eyebrow and smiled. "Get yourself over here right now."
"Oh I did that too Mr. Cobb!" Jessica said hurriedly "I just printed off a copy for your own file" she said, he eyes shifting to where he placed his hand on his wife butt. She smiled a little, so he was the type of person that would bang someone in his office. When he went in and slammed the door she couldn't help fantasizing that he was ripping off her clothing and having his way with her.

Nicole went over to Paul "I'm your new intern.... I've been making mistakes all day... Making you madder and madder with my inexperience.... Now you just can't handle it any more... You want to whip my ass with your belt before teaching me what you're a master at" she grinned, setting the scene in their role playing scenario
Sitting on his chair, Paul removed his tie and forced her head down. "You think you're so smart, just because you finished college fast. Yet you can't even make a report right." He told his wife, playing around with the role. Opening her mouth, he wrapped the tie and more or less gagged her. Tying the tie up at the back. "Despite being gagged,'I want everyone in this company to hear how we break in bad interns." He said, snapping the belt in his arms.

Quickly, Paul started to whip her with the belt, unaware that the door was slightly open, meaning only Jess could hear what was happening, since their two offices were side by side. As he continued to whip her, she quickly grew more and more red.
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Jessica had just went into temporary office and hear Paul talking about breaking in new interns, having completely missed Nicole suggesting the theme of their role play. Her eyes instantly widened, he was thinking about her while he banged his wife! She smiled and peeked through the cracked open door, watching the hot and steamy scene unfold bit by bit inside, completely turned on that he wanted her like that! She certainly would start messing up now that she knew that was what he wanted in order to turn him on!

*fade to black*

Nicole was breathing hard by the time she had thoroughly satisfied her husband and even pushed him well past him limit because she didn't want him to stop fucking her brutally. Now they were both dripping in sweat. Her ass had red bloody welts on it that were only made worse by the carpet burn that Paul had caused her to get "Oh goodness.... I've never seen you so turned on...." she smiled, concerned he really might bang his intern but unwilling to stop playing her since she had gotten such a fantastic result out of it.
Laying on the floor, Paul slowly panted as he tried to get his breath back. Rolling over to face Nicole, he bit his lip. Her make up had completely ran and more or less stained her face. Sitting himself up, still out of breath, Paul leaned back on his arms. "I think 2 hours is a new record, is it not?" He teased his wife. Still out of breath, Paul slowly placed his boxers and pants back on, and then he noticed she was wearing black laced stockings and suspenders. "This was your plan the entire time. And that's one of the many reasons why I love you." Paul muttered softly, smiling at his wife. His tie was still wrapped around her, around her neck instead of her mouth. "Well. You're going to need to clean up your face."
Nicole nodded as she took Paul's tie off of her "Nearly double your record" she smiled real big "I still could go for more" she giggled as she pulled out her make up wipes and started to wipe everything off of her face, that was when she noticed the door that was opened slightly "Paul.... You didn't make sure the doors were all shut!" she muttered, pointing at the door for him.

By this time Jessica had returned to her desk so she could pleasure her self as she listened to Paul bang his wife while he screamed her name. Her eyes widened when she heard his wife mention the door and she quickly straightened her skirt and got back on her lap top, pretending to be busy when Paul poked his head in.
Paul just laughed. "It'll just be that intern. Hopefully she realised what was going on and made her way outside until we finished." Paul told his wife, helping her out back on the black summer dress she had wearing along with the stockings. Redressing himself in the short, he bit his lip and popped his head out of the office.

As he did so, his eyes met up with a slightly flustered looking Jessica. Yeah, she heard both of them, and looked like she wanted to join in a bit. Biting his lip,'Paul just raised his eyebrows and smiled at Jessica, heading back into the office.

"Now, we go home. Have a shower. Go for round two in the shower, get dressed, go for dinner and then the show." Paul told his wife, grabbing ahold of Nicole's soft red hair, putting it in a ponytail since it was currently messed up beyond belief.
Jessica looked back up at Paul and smiled when he did, getting excited all over again because he looked like he might actually make a move on her!

"Then round 3 at intermission..... And round 4-10 when we get back home" Nicole giggled, she wasn't going to let Paul sleep!
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"Okay. I'm more than down for round 3 during the intermission." Paul smiled, looking down at Nicole. "But I thought you wanted round 4 in the park?" He asked, sitting down infront of her with her make up from her bag. "But round 5-15 can happen back once we get, we didn't spend 3,000 dollars on a bed to not fully use it."
Anna grinned as she put her make up back on "Oh yeah... The park is a great place" she grinned "But I'm not going to let you take that many breaks" she said firmly "Actually I might just want one big continous round once we get home" she said "No measly 2 hours.... I might give you 30 seconds to catch your breath after 4 hours" she giggled, putting away her make up and kissing her husband, leaving lip stick on his cheek.
Biting his lip, Paul just nodded. "I am so lucky to be married to you." He muttered, leading her out of the office before passing Jessica and heading downstairs. "I can't be bothered walking or getting the subway so let's just get a Uber." He told his wife.
Nicole smirked "Why? You don't want to make love to me on the subway again?" she teased her husband. He'd do her any where she wanted him to do it, it was one of the benefits of living in New York, no one cared where you banged, they just turned a blind eye to it all.
Paul rolled his eyes in a jokey way. "That time it wasn't rush hour, it was 3am and we were both highly intoxicated." He reminded her. "But, if you really want to use me, we could do it in the backseat. Just tip him 5000% extra." Paul suggested, holding onto his wife's waist as they waited for the Uber to arrive.
"What? I thought the show would be more than enough payment for the ride" Nicole giggled, kissing Paul's neck lovingly
"You'd probably want him to seat in the backseat and watch all of it and then charge him for the experience." Paul whispered as she began to chew on his neck. The silver Suv pulled out infront of him, so Paul pulled the two of them and sat down in the back seat.
"Nah... He can watch it in the rear view mirror" Nicole giggled and started to unbuckled her husband's pants before *fading to black*. It had been a wild ride getting home as the driver almost crashed at every intersection because he was watching his passengers hump in the back seat. He'd never seen passengers this brazen with it! Usually they tried to hide the fact that they were doing it or they were really drunk but these two were just going at it like there was no tomorrow! Nicole grinned as she put down her skirt again and put her boobs back in her dress when they had gotten home, letting her stud muffin of a husband pay.

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