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Dice Trial by Fire - Exalted 2e OOC

I hate trying to deal with custom Charms. I can never tell if they are well balanced for effect vs. cost. For now, I am going to say no. That might change down the road, though.
Sherwood Sherwood I have completed my character sheet, and attached it for review. Since Kwops completed their sorcerer character, I adjusted mine to be a little less sorcery focused and put more emphasis on the crafting part of the Twilight caste. Does this look alright, or should I make further adjustments? Thanks!
I just noticed that it looks like you are missing a few health levels from your free Ox-Body Technique you get from Durability of Oak Meditation. Don't want to forget those. Also, please post the sheet to the Character thread so I can find it easier when I need to check on something.
Haha yeah, I realized this morning re-reviewing it that I built it with the Hardy tag in mind (so no Ox-Bodies purchased), but then forgot to add in the Hardy health levels upon completion.

I am more than happy to post it to the Character thread, but could you tell me how to create the different tabs?
Tabs are easy. Just use the brackets [ ] to make it

The code will look like this, just using the brackets instead of the parenthesis
Insert text here


More text

Psychie Psychie It has been brought to my attention that using the rewrite of your MA Style may be a problem. To keep things fair for everyone, please revert your MA Charms to the ones in the book. If you want to make any other changes to your sheet because of this, you are free to do so.
I had to drop some stuff to get a couple of Resistance Charms to make up for the loss of my Soak, but I'm all done with the changes to Darian.
Since we've picked up two Twilights since the start of play, would it be an issue if I moved the Occult favored and dots somewhere else? Like Performance or Awareness.
Since we've picked up two Twilights since the start of play, would it be an issue if I moved the Occult favored and dots somewhere else? Like Performance or Awareness.
That would be fine.
Much appreciated. Picked up performance as this persona was a bard in every attempt I've had to play it .-. That said, the music angle should be a nice support for Psychie who has actual charm investment with Darian's kit. I'll just have to eat cost/time for raising awareness here soon.
Since we will be soon nearing the opportunity to acquire a few artifacts, I've got a couple questions concerning thaumaturgy and the smelting of artifacts.

[1] Oadenol's Codex states that existing artifacts created using magical materials can be melted down to gather raw resources of the main material (such as melting down a Jade breastplate to repurpose the jade for other projects). Since forging artifacts consumes a lot of the chosen magical material, it is alloyed with metals such as steel or copper. After disassembly, the crafter ends up with roughly 1 pound of the magical material per every 10 pounds the item previously weighed in total.

If Viktor gains any artifacts moving forward (and has the requisite thaumaturgy procedures to smelt them), do you plan to figure all artifact weights individually or using a set formula? I only ask because I thought up a formula that I think could be a time-saver when dealing with weapons and armor. It would be:

- Artifact 1= negligible (not enough magical material remains after smelting to be reused)
- Artifact 2 to 5= 10 lbs. per dot (so artifact 2 would equal 10 lbs., artifact 4 would be 30 lbs, etc.)

If you don't like this formula idea and either have one of your own or plan to decide weights individually as artifacts come along, I totally get it. Just want to speak about it now before artifacts come into possession, so I know what the plan is as we progress.

[2] The 2nd Ed. Core mentions that the resource costs of thaumaturgical rites can be paid with motes of essence at an exchange cost of (2 motes per 1 dot of resource required). I was just rereading the Errata and saw it nixes the ability to pay thaumaturgical resource costs via motes of essence. What is your stance on this?

I feel being unable to pay the cost with motes of essence precludes a lot of thaumaturgy and thaumaturgical weapon augmentation/crafting from all but the highest of resource dots characters. It will also make it difficult to perform higher level rites whenever we are 'on the road.' As such, I would prefer to retain the ability to spend essence. However, if you are against this idea and agree with the Errata, would you be open to a rule bend where constant resources must be provided (typically represented by a workshop/tools) but consumed resources could still be substituted with motes of essence? Then at least I could use the Craftsman Needs No Tools charm to circumvent the constant resource obligation, and directly spend motes to account for the consumed resource(s).

Again, I respect that your word is law, and just want to know your thoughts on these subjects before they come up IC.
Good questions. I have not delved deep into the crafting rules before, so please pardon me for not having a full encyclopedic knowledge on that topic. But, going over what you've posted, lets try and come up with some rulings.

The formula you have there for the repurposing of Magical Materials will work for me, with the occasional rare exception depending on the individual item. Keep in mind that if you want to try do work the metals on the road without any kind of a workshop, you'll need Charms to overcome the basic lack of crafting materials that a workshop would be able to provide.

In this case, I'll go with the Core book and allow the expenditure of Essence to help balance out the lack of other raw materials and thaumaturgy resources.

Keep in mind that once you guys get to the cache in the desert, you'll be given a set of points to be able to pick out what Artifacts you want for your character. In the meantime, if you do come across any other weapons or armor of Jade (or any other MM) and you are able to snag them up, you can use them so long as you remember to pay the extra Attunement costs.
Haha, I definitely hear ya about not having encyclopedic knowledge on the crafting rules. I've only carefully tip-toed through them previously once or twice myself.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it, sounds great! I'll let you know if any other crafting questions occur to me as things progress.
I can help with crafting stuff if it'd be useful...well, sort of? I'm mostly familiar with DB crafting, and they nerfed them to the Void and back with the "no more perfects" rule in 2.5.
I'm always happy to talk crafting mechanics, charms, and ideas! I'd certainly like to hear any thoughts or ideas as they come to you. I've been thinking of creative artifacts to build as our characters gather resources, and checking other player stats to plan specific artifacts that might be more useful for y'all.
Most of the time, you can award yourselves a 1 die Stunt so long as you give me some kind of description beyond the 'I stab him'. For 2 dice Stunts, those I'll award myself, but you can request it from me if you think you did a good job. 3 dice Stunts will be few and far between, but will be determined by group input. If everyone is in agreement that you just rocked their world, you get the bonus.

Fair enough?

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