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Episode 1: Homemaker

  • HARB
    EPISODE I: Homemaker​

    Episode I Premise
    The westerly breeze beckoned the morning rays into the streets of Dragonsreach. The residents of Aurelian district tended to their morning routine, untouched by the discrepancies of their neighboring peers, as they slept soundly at the expense of the Central and Epirean districts. Meanwhile, the piers flickered with broad, immaculate sails, teeming with life on both the seas and the metalled shores. It has been more than a year since the defeat of the Daemon Lord. The end of the Fourth, and possibly the last, Daemonic War. The inhabitants of Dragonsreach were quick to forget, for the price of their placid nights and freedom were paid for in blood for the last nine years. Unbeknownst to them, the greatest threat to Grozny resided among them, and in plain sight. Yet here the noble Havenites stood ignorantly, indulging and fornicating away at the expense of those they owed their current livelihood to.

    Those that came home carried with them their unspoken burden behind every mug of ale. By merits of rites of passages, trials of character, patriotism, or obligations, what they earned out of the hellish war was a gentle tap on the shoulder. Tensions are at an all time high, as ardent members of the Evocati Society took to the street - demanding proper responses and aid from Barley's Keep. Where diplomacy fails, violence ensued, albeit brief in their quake, as the Black Watch Order had no room for sentiments - only peace and order.

    The heralded heroes of the conflict are on the brink of displacement. Their purpose faded into oblivion, now that there were no present foes to combat but their own evils. Long wakes took them, making up for their sleepless nights on Saarema. While others continued to curl up in a foxhole they made in their own backyard - for the coarse patches of dirt were safer to them than that of a warm blanket that they deemed as hostile and suffocating.

    Among these broken squarebacks, were the Iris Companions - who fared better than mere soldiers. But even so, their post-war symptoms were often dormant, awaiting to capture their consciousness when they are most vulnarable. Despite their destitute situation, the Companions made peace with their evils by mending bridges and taking on part-time jobs, rather than be victimized by the luscious whiskey and carbenet. Following the conclusion of the war many moons ago, their less-than-friendly associates in the Imperial court were keen on disbanding the Iris Company altogether. The only thing that kept it together was a young commander by the name of Sylvia. The prophesied Sygis of this era. While most companions could have retired to some island in the Parallels to start a small plantation of sorts with what pensions they had, some decided to remain in the Havenite capital. For whatever reasons they conjured for themselves, they all shared a common bond and fondness for their commander. One mere anprac call away to be given a purpose.

    In the shadows, lingered remnants of the Daemon Lord's thunderous chosens. Some have made their way to Dragonsreach, by either mere chance or with purpose. Following their overlord's disappearance from Mount Hornet without ever recovering his body, they were hopeful in their quest to be led into battle once again. At least, the more determined ones. There were others that chose to embark on their own destined paths, breaking the habits of their strifes. Altogether, no matter their aspirations, what was left of the Harbingers kept it to themselves, mindful of the Iris's presence. There was nothing more dangerous than to face their well-coordinated counterparts without proper reconnaissance.

    Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
    Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
    ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool
    Nessi Nessi
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