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Episode 1: Homemaker

EPISODE I: Homemaker​

Episode I Premise
The westerly breeze beckoned the morning rays into the streets of Dragonsreach. The residents of Aurelian district tended to their morning routine, untouched by the discrepancies of their neighboring peers, as they slept soundly at the expense of the Central and Epirean districts. Meanwhile, the piers flickered with broad, immaculate sails, teeming with life on both the seas and the metalled shores. It has been more than a year since the defeat of the Daemon Lord. The end of the Fourth, and possibly the last, Daemonic War. The inhabitants of Dragonsreach were quick to forget, for the price of their placid nights and freedom were paid for in blood for the last nine years. Unbeknownst to them, the greatest threat to Grozny resided among them, and in plain sight. Yet here the noble Havenites stood ignorantly, indulging and fornicating away at the expense of those they owed their current livelihood to.

Those that came home carried with them their unspoken burden behind every mug of ale. By merits of rites of passages, trials of character, patriotism, or obligations, what they earned out of the hellish war was a gentle tap on the shoulder. Tensions are at an all time high, as ardent members of the Evocati Society took to the street - demanding proper responses and aid from Barley's Keep. Where diplomacy fails, violence ensued, albeit brief in their quake, as the Black Watch Order had no room for sentiments - only peace and order.

The heralded heroes of the conflict are on the brink of displacement. Their purpose faded into oblivion, now that there were no present foes to combat but their own evils. Long wakes took them, making up for their sleepless nights on Saarema. While others continued to curl up in a foxhole they made in their own backyard - for the coarse patches of dirt were safer to them than that of a warm blanket that they deemed as hostile and suffocating.

Among these broken squarebacks, were the Iris Companions - who fared better than mere soldiers. But even so, their post-war symptoms were often dormant, awaiting to capture their consciousness when they are most vulnarable. Despite their destitute situation, the Companions made peace with their evils by mending bridges and taking on part-time jobs, rather than be victimized by the luscious whiskey and carbenet. Following the conclusion of the war many moons ago, their less-than-friendly associates in the Imperial court were keen on disbanding the Iris Company altogether. The only thing that kept it together was a young commander by the name of Sylvia. The prophesied Sygis of this era. While most companions could have retired to some island in the Parallels to start a small plantation of sorts with what pensions they had, some decided to remain in the Havenite capital. For whatever reasons they conjured for themselves, they all shared a common bond and fondness for their commander. One mere anprac call away to be given a purpose.

In the shadows, lingered remnants of the Daemon Lord's thunderous chosens. Some have made their way to Dragonsreach, by either mere chance or with purpose. Following their overlord's disappearance from Mount Hornet without ever recovering his body, they were hopeful in their quest to be led into battle once again. At least, the more determined ones. There were others that chose to embark on their own destined paths, breaking the habits of their strifes. Altogether, no matter their aspirations, what was left of the Harbingers kept it to themselves, mindful of the Iris's presence. There was nothing more dangerous than to face their well-coordinated counterparts without proper reconnaissance.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool
Nessi Nessi
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Central District, Dragonsreach, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (mentioned)

Her legs weary, her eyes drowsy, the once proud junior marshall of the Shadow Legion's Nightmare Corps was now but a vagabond. Behind her nonchalant, puffy cheeks and glowing skin was a purpose that she had kept to herself for a year - the revival of the Daemon Lord.

"Papers please." the customs officer in blue asked, looking down at the short Harbinger from their booth.

The aries complied, not before struggling briefly so that she could slide her travelling documents atop the counter.

"Looking for leisure or business in Dragonsreach, miss Hermione of Oosterbeek?"

"Hersh- ahem! Hermione seeks both, offischer." she replied with a high-pitched tone, almost slipping out of her forged identity.

Before long, the officer let her through with a certain look of amusement on his face. Hershey's face turned sour, yearning to choke the living breath out of the officer. How did it come to this? One moment she was a feared strategist in the entire Shadow Legion, and now a doll for everyone else to gawk at due to her small-profiled physique. The absolute disrespect, she thought to herself, as she dragged herself out of Nryx Airport. The flight was not as bad as she thought, but she could have went without being considered a minor. However, being bumped up to Business Class after she persuaded this one mom to give up her seat was not so bad. The Groznyan owed the dreamweaver that much in the very least, Hershey though, clenching her teeth.

Blessed with the great gift of Lazarian Arcus was one thing, but trying to survive on mushroom soups while spending her pensions on intercontinental flights was another. Even now, the woman had to walk towards the city, instead of catching a drake. Judging by the fares, she was disgusted to find out just how evil the Havenites were. Even Jianki drake fares were not this expensive. The first thing she vowed upon finding the daemon lord, was to get him to level the capital again. The audacity of charging more than two hundred ryns for a five mile walk was in itself an evil deed. By the time Hershey made it into the city, she had exhausted herself, inches away from casting her spell out of spite. But a certain aroma lured her in. DiConti's grilled and barbequeued patties. Hershey looked into her rabbit pouch, counting over and over in hopes that it would somehow replicate. But alas, here she was, broke and hungry. She eyed the menu from afar, sighing slightly to herself.

"O' exalted Aetherial Lord, why must thou enforceth an arduous crucible upon Hershey... Perhaps Lord Hassan hath trod the higher path... Poor Hershey lacks the spirit of the warrior after all... " she mumbled to herself, with a long sigh and a rumbling stomach to follow.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59


Hassan Nox I-Sen

Central District, Dragonsreach, Haven

Suffering an unimaginable defeat, the man who wishes to call himself the 'strongest' lost his way, suffering a fate foretold by one who walked the path of the sun.

His body- breaking down, and his mind, slowly casting itself away onto the winds of chaos, would soon find a meaningless fate.

But he had one last mission, one he spent the last year trying to fulfill.

To find his best friend- the one who he called 'lord.'

The last year had not been kind to Hassan.

Dragonsreach was a cruel city to someone without a roof above his head, principally if that someone was someone like him- incapable of getting a job without risking his identity being found out. Hassan, of course, naturally was one of the highest standing members of the Harbingers during the 'old days', where he and his companions could walk side by side into the mouth of war and fight side to side- a man whose stories generally told side by side with the Demon Lord- a man of much fame...Yet said fame doesn't matter in the slightest in this day and age. The war was over, he and his allies suffering defeat, their leader lost- and their strength shattered.

A part of him told him to lay his blades to rest and escape the continent- yet he couldn't, he didn't wish to. The day he lost- the day Sertek fell that blasted mountain and that woman spoke to him again, something inside of him shattered into a thousand pieces, and something new formed from it. He knew that man couldn't have died. He couldn't. He was the strongest man he'd ever known- a beast among beasts, and one who put his trust on him.

How could a man like that, a man who could make the impossible possible, simply die?

Perhaps that was why he forced himself to live on this blasted city- living off of simple jobs for coin and bread to munch on. His body, unfortunely, strong as it was, was incapable of staying healthy for long. He wasn't exactly living off of expensive, healthy meals that would strengthen his body, and his lack of a home caused his own mental state to deteriorate ever so slightly- yet that immense determination never went away. His flame wouldn't be snuffed out until he fulfilled his objective. Even if his own appearance changed. He was much less muscular, despite possessing his strength. His hair was longer, nearly reaching his rear, and a small beard forming upon his face. His blades stood by his side as always, yet a small cloak, both to warm himself up and to hide his appearance, surrounded his body. A sad attire- but he was never one for fancy outfits.

The central district was a bad place for quietness and solitude, yet it worked to find people of interest or opportunities for work and information. Rumors were big in a town like this- just what he needed. It was a normal occurrence for him. Wake up, watch the streets, try and find some work, eat, overhear rumors, keep himself hidden, so on, so forth- ad infinitum.

The streets had many travelers as usual, but not enough for him not to notice a certain diminutive, almost misleading figure a few meters away from him. A woman with blonde hair, wearing what almost appeared to be pajamas, with a puffy face and goat-like horns that acted to symbolize her personality and abilities. For a moment, his heart skipped a beat at the extremely familiar sight. She was nowhere near him enough for him to overhear what she was saying so he could make sure it was indeed the woman he was thinking of, but-

His body was already moving towards her, almost on instinct- some desperate, yet relieved and hopeful instinct.

Hershey could feel a hand touching one of her shoulders- was she to turn around, she would see a man under a cloak with long hair with red bangs by the end of it, familiar yellow eyes and features from kingdoms beyond this land- and a small beard growing on his face. For a moment, he didn't say anything- but finally, the man spoke with emotion in his voice that was rare for anyone to see- herself included.

"...H-Hershey? Is that you...?"

Central District, Dragonsreach, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

Hershey's eyes watered, as she turned her head. After a year of roaming across the continent, she had finally found a familiar face.

"Lord Nox I-Sen..." she sniffled, embracing the tall swordsman tightly, like a child reunited with their parent, despite their ages.

"Hershey is elated to be in thy presence. Many seasons came to pass, but Hershey never once faltered. Hershey have many things to impart, but for now, let us rejoice." she said, smiling slightly despite her tears.

It did not take long for her stomach to growl again.

"... as much as Hershey is elated by thine august emergence, Hershey is on death's door. Spare a change for this unworthy dreamweaver, milord?" she remarked with a slightly depressed tone this time, as she cupped her hands in a beggar-like fashion.

Hershey's ears lowered beneath her horns.

Galious Meeples
interaction: open​
twisted metal and flames filled the landscape around a single figure. a dragon of blackened steel and sharp jagged blades. A figure rarely seen, if ever at all. but the impact of what this place once produced had been felt throughout the war. Vast legions of mechanical monsters constructed form the remains of those places that fell to the very same golems. Yet now the great dragon was cornered with only one choice. A clanking and a thunk rung out. The armor hitting the ground as the being inside disappeared. Thusly the legendary great dragon faded away... only thing anyone truly knew was he wore a dragon armored suit....

it had been a year since then. A year since the best time of Galious's life. and now he was back to where he started. Just a tiny reptilian man, a goofy smile permanently plastered on his face and googly eyes. this adorable huggle little astrian hiding a resentful inraged soul. For no longer was he the great dragon, now he was simply Sir Galious Meeples the tiny adorable guy everyone gave free handouts to because "aww look at the gecko".

Now perched upon the shoulder of a stone construct, a golem, but without Galious's usual style. Just a blank stone construct with a vaguely humanoid appearance. While it pained him to do so, the stone golems had served him well through the past year, as it turned out people would pay good money to a Golemancer and their expertise to produce heavy labor for construction and the like. it was kinda ironic that he a destroyer of cities was now building one. plus the free candy was pretty sweet too. currently, the little Gecko man was work on.. something. Galious didn't really care much as to what it was. kicking his feet back and forth as he munched on a sandwich. However one of the other works tossed a stone at Galious. "hey kid, what did you say your title was again" the worker yelled trying to hide his own giggling along with a few others that had gathered for some reason. standing up on the golem's shoulder and puffing out his chest just a little. "IV TOLD YOU THIS BEFORE I AM SIR GALIOUS MEEPLES THE GREAT DRAGON HARBINGER OF THE DEMON LORD" the little gecko man screamed only to be returned with boisterous laughter from the workers, and the grumping pouting look of Galious... No one ever respected him anymore. He wished he could just go kill them all... Maybe something would change soon? Galious didn't think so. For now, he would have to endure this torture.
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Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59


Hassan Nox I-Sen

Central District, Dragonsreach, Haven

Hassan's breath almost seemed to draw short once he saw Hershey reacting to her name in a positive light- his heart skipping a beat and filling itself in joy once her eyes seemed with the same recognition he had when he saw her mere moments ago. A laugh came from Hassan as the small girl hugged him- her speech pattern, her voice, everything else- it was very much her, he knew that. The small girl was older than him by at least a decade- but her personality was bright and gentle like a child as always. If Hassan's feelings could be described at this moment, it could only be immense joy, and that determination inside of him lifting itself up again.

"Hershey...! I knew you were alive- I just knew it! You and the others were simply too much- too...Too amazing to die!" There was a small hiccup on his voice as he wrapped his own arms around her as well- even if he had met her again just on sheer coincidence, without needing any rumors or leads, he'd be lying if the feeling that he had one step closer to finding Sertek washed over every orifice of his being. If Hershey was alive, this could only mean the others were too, right? They were there, doing somewhere- living despite 'his' orders!

--Yet he didn't have much time to dwell on that emotion or ask anything else to Hershey. Much like old friends from college, it seemed Hershey wanted to eat. Or rather- she needed to. A deep frown came over his face as he looked at her. Hershey was always one of the best of the Harbingers. Someone not necessarily as strong or as brutal as other members, but she didn't deserve this. He knew what being hungry was like. From his childhood to the present day. Cold nights without a roof- having to beg for scraps, simple, unhealthy food that barely makes your body grow...

...He didn't have much, but- from his pocket, the second in command, or at least the former second in command of the Demon Lord searched for something. "You don't even have to ask, Hershey. You don't deserve to be hungry." Honesty was on his voice, as he pulled a few coins from his pocket, enough for at least a proper, if not simple breakfast. "I don't have much, but...Here. Go grab something to eat. We have...A lot of catching up to do, huh?"

Bisila Nzo "White Wolf"

Some jail cell, Dragonsreach

"Hey, Oren! What time is it?"

The armoured man groaned as the woman asked the exact same question for the fifth time, prompting him to turn at the inmate and glare at the smiling woman. He knew as well as she did that it was just boredom that took over and that time didn't matter.

"If you don't shut up, I'll make sure your turn gets bumped up!"

It didn't matter because she was going to die anyways.

Being in prison for life was one thing, being in death row was the same. It ended in the ultimate gate to freedom, one she wasn't willing to go throught. Bisila had since lost count of the time she had been in this damp cage, simply because she was tired of counting the seconds she spent awake even if it was one of the few things that kept her sane even though the guards said otherwise. She couldn't say she had lost her mind when she's seen what this cage does to them. It was scary and a bit unsettling, being able to see men and women alike lose themselves before they get dragged to their execution. Some of them died crying, others laughing and others silently. No matter how they went, it always sent a chill down Bisila's spine. Sometimes her turn came but some prisioners budged the line to their deaths, just to help her out. It was funny and yet depressing. Just how quickly did these people want to die? They were kind of like soldiers, except less noble.

She missed the war.

The thrill, the excitement, the fun. She missed it a lot. Sometimes she would just play the memories in her head, smiling to herself at her success back then. She could do anything and everything on the battlefield. She missed the adrenaline of seeing her creations burst open the head of an unfortunate soldier, the sound of gunfire and the feeling of your life being on the line. H
How the mighty have fallen.
One moment she was shooting and exploding, the next she was in Mount Hornet fleeing. She had gone back to get her creations. There was no way she would let them take her weapons, just to use it against her later. The thought of her improved rifle in the hands of squarebacks was insulting to her. It hadn't been until her latest prank that she got caught. The casualties were a bit much and someone had recognized the mask, something the inventor never took mind of. Before she knew it, she was in court. She was smiling throught the whole trial, occasionally managing to make the people groan or even chuckle with her words. She saw no point on admitting guilty since in her eyes was the same as admitting defeat. THe least she could do was to enjoy herself before the judge gave the sentence.

During her time here, she had become rather well known. Of course, her reputation preceeded her for her pranks and her part in the war but here, in this cage where she was chained by both arms, she was known as a nuisance to the guards and a strange inmate to her fellow death-detainees. Some found her funny, others a waste of time. She couldn't care eitherway, never being one to take importance of what others thought of her. It was nice to prove them wrong in their theory that she would fall to despair. Bisila chuckled to herself and tried in vain to blow away the hair from her eye. She had grown thinner and paler, her hair grown a bit longer and untamed. Maybe she could ask her executioner to give her a haircut before she died.

"The prisoners bothering you again, Oren?"
"Yeah, especially this one. She won't shut up"

Bisila heard something knock on her cell but didn't divert her eyes from the wall, her smile growing bigger. The new voice was one guard she always liked to bother. Oren was the new guy that had been stationed there for a while now but Jeshua was always her favourite target

"Hey Jeshua, buddy! How's the wife? Oh yeah, you divorced. Sorry, forgot about that."

Bisila's dry laughter echoed in her cell and probably beyond that. Jeshua growled, exactly what she wanted

"Hey you! You better shut up in there! Sometimes I wish it were your turn already.."

And another thud of her cell. Bisila's smile turned into a grin

"If I'm going to die, the least I can do is make sure you won't get to enjoy it. Am I right lads or am I right lads?"

"You are right, lass"

Bisila laughed again as she heard Jesua facepalm and yell at the other prisioner. She wasn't going to let them enjoy her execution, not if she had anything to say about it.

Epirean District, Dragonsreach, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (interacted) ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool (mentioned)

Hershey counted the less-than-polished ryns in her hands, as she gave Hassan a courteous bow. She then ran off to the counter to order the Number Two combo that she had set her eyes on since she stepped in the place. By some mere luck, Hershey got off with a free meal. Even if she abided by the common ethics of paying for things, Hershey was less-than-conforming on the battlefield. Lawful, yet ardent in her cause, like Hassan, not all that followed the Daemon Lord's biddings were made entirely of chaos. Some were bound by their codes and principles in the little things.

The brunette lady at the counter gave Hershey a headpat, then cast her off with a free fizzled lemonade. Strangely enough, the lady was not in uniform nor was she burdened by the lines of customers. Only a confident smile and a swift attitude to go about it. Hershey concluded the charismatic lady to be a veteran employee, or simply too energetic to be bothered by the everyday charges. At that moment, Hershey staved off her urge to level Dragonsreach.

"A generous being amidst a sea of despicable monsters. Perhaps the exalted Daemon Lord could make use of her talents on Saarema..." Hershey mumbled, then waved at the lady.

Upon her return to Hassan, she gave him back his generous sums entrusted to her prior, then raised the paperbag that contained their meal. A double set of the combo, enough for the two to fill themselves for the day.

"It seems that the Aetherial Realm have smiled upon us, milord. Let us away from rowdy mouths and watchful eyes." Hershey said to Hassan, as they left the building.

The short aries quickly munched on her burger, consuming it whole within the minute. After months of bread crumbs and charity soups, this was a big change of diet. More importantly, she was not eating alone this time. She wiped her cheeks of mayo and barbecue sauce, as the two sat upon the riverside bridge, just across from acertain construction yard in the background. The brief silence that befell them were enough to catch themselves up to speed with their current lives. Based on their attires and displacements, a short glimpse was more than enough to decipher one another's journey. The only thing that the Companions have yet to take away from them was the undying bond among each other, so thought the melancholy Hershey.

Little chuckles and awkward smiles filled their solitary moment beneath an oak tree, as the two recounted their past travels, some more fortuitous than others.

"Lord Nox I-Sen, despite our fateful reunion, Hershey must profess her current mission. This dreamweaver is being sought after by certain denizens of the shadow realm. Their intentions are unclear to Hershey, but they are dedicated to their work without fail. It is best thou must impart thy trust with caution, for treachery lurks. Hershey have it under good authority that one of our companions is here in Dragonsreach. Specifically, the White Wolf." Hershey then handed Hassan a dossier that contained Bisila's current incarceration status within Nova Heights.

Next to it was a poorly-drawn layout of her plan to break Bisila out of prison, all done in different colors of crayons and small impressions of herself and Bisila.

"According to Hershey's field intelligence, there resides a construction site some five miles outside of Nova Heights. Hershey can puppeteer the local worker to commandeer a golem to do our bidding. Which will be to create a distraction and get us into Nova Heights. With your help, milord, we may have a chance of freeing the White Wolf. Hershey believes our fated encounter must be guided by the Creator above. Hershey owes our companions this much in the name of our exalted Daemon Lord Sertek. What say you, milord?" Hershey beckoned Hassan's response with a confident and poised voice.

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59


Hassan Nox I-Sen

Epirean District, Dragonsreach, Haven

Hassan didn't expect much in the way of quality when he handed Hershey over his ryns. Food was food at the end of the day- and while he did have enough to secure himself a proper meal, he didn't quite enjoy eating hotdogs and hamburgers as his only source of food for a whole year. Well, it wasn't the only think he ate. Sometimes someone was kind enough to offer him a free healthy meal, things like curry and the like and salad. Nothing grandiose, but he couldn't exactly cook, so at the end of the day, those meals filled with grease (that he, unfortunately, fell victim to its taste) was what he tasted the most in this city.

But, he sure didn't expect the girl to return not only with two combos for each of them but to also have his money intact! The Endless Swordsman blinked at that, holding his ryns in his hand once again with surprise, as he stared at the small girl explaining that sheer luck or some sort of divine interference (even though he doubted the gods liked them) allowed them to eat freely today. A small grin appeared on his face- no further explanation required, it seemed. "Yeah, let's. C'mon, I know a place..."

The time they spent in an almost knowing or sorrowful silence as they ate by the bridge wasn't awkward, all things considered. The simple silence that they shared as they ate was all that Hassan needed to smile. The sun's light and the sparkling water beneath them as the sound of the urban, massive city bustled ways behind them was...Almost calming. Never in his entire year by himself did he feel this calm. Whenever he walked by those locations, it always felt like he was walking across a deadly maze filled with creatures of all kinds trying to devour him. But with Hershey? With a friend? Even if he was 'higher ranking' than she was, the city finally felt like...A city with someone he knows around.

When he started talking and catching up to her, he went off instantly. Telling her of his travels, some jobs, and funny stories he had while in the city, how he simply knew a day like this would come-- as well his own sad state of being. Yet despite that, he brushed off any concern she had over his not as nourished or strong body with a small smile and a pat on the head. Everything was fine now, she didn't need to worry.

Once she finally told her own reasons for being here, Hassan listened carefully. His expression became more serious and attentive- something that was rare back in the day, but unfortunately more common with the sheer status of the Harbingers at hand. He was surprised once more to hear that another of their crew was here present- yet his frown deepened slightly as she said who. Bisila. Ah, right. Memories of their time together...Wasn't as sweet as his own with Hershey. Bisila was infuriating and annoying at times, with him considering cutting her in half and calling it a day due to his authority. But Sertek, of course, handpicked her as he did with all of them. He couldn't simply do that to his master's orders.

"Her, huh..." Hassan spoke, leaning slightly against the tree. "It's a good plan as any- that is, if she decides to comply and not make things more difficult...I wouldn't worry about using disguises, but it's probably best if we keep our identity hidden, and try and do this as quietly as possible, even better if we do it by night. If someone recognizes us by appearance or by our abilities...It'll be last year all over again. I'm principally more prone to that given my status, so..."

...Actually, that reminds him of something.

"...By the way, you don't need to call me 'lord.' I'm no lord anymore. I'm simply Hassan Nox I-Sen- you can call me by whatever name or nickname you wish, of course, but there's no need to be formal."
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A black trenchcoat waved against the ardent winds amidst the outskirts beyond Dragonsreach's mighty and imposing walls, around the city's soon-to-be expansions, it's wearer a tall man bearing weathered-black hair and a fittingly dark pair of glasses. Glasses which, as he stepped out of his transport, he raised along his nose with a gloved finger and fixated his gaze upon the brutalist compound of the high-security prison he now stood at the entrance of. Flanked by uniformed guards paid for by the imperial crown's own coffers, he made his way into the lobby of the complex, all the whilst ushered by an ever-changing team of guardsmen as he proceeded further and further into the prison's confines, from one checkpoint to another.

After a tedious journey which could've been made all the shorter had they just decided to implement more sensible and efficient security protocols, he emerged within the reception lobby for governmental affairs, and as he took his final step, landing himself stressingly close to the receptionist's desk, he submerged his right hand within one of his many coat-pockets, and threw a badge against the table. The Receptionist, who'd initially responded with a raised brow and engrained annoyance, quickly fixed his posture, moderately slouched against the chair, instead straightening himself out, and raising his hand against his forehead in salute as he raised his eyes to the tall official.

The trenchcoated man then said, after having spent far too long in silence as he looked the receptionist over, "Alister d'Orier, on the Crown's business." Proceeding to dismissively wave his hand at the officer, implying the man, and everyone around him, to return to ease. He didn't much enjoy the stiff nature which career opportunists tended to present to those with greater power. They're just leeching off of the roads paved by greater minds, after all. They won't be currying favour with him merely because they're polite. "I've a priority appointment, look it up," he finished, as he reached back for his badge, shoving it back into his pocket with a prolonged motion. His tone had been mellow and on the quieter spectrum all throughout, though the presence which he had produced with merely a few words of utterance had put the entire lobby in a heightened state of awareness, as if they were expecting him to find faults in their every drop of decorum.

"Of course! Mister d'Orier, appointed meeting with the Overseer, armed escort through the facility to the Overseer's office..." the receptionist responded, as he recollected the briefing he'd received in the morning, shuffling through his files as he attempted to relocate it, reading through the previously unorganized batch of all manner of papers, from prison files to staff instructions. Finally, he came up with the right documents, moved a stamp up against the desk, to which Alister simply pressed his palm against its overly elaborate design. Very royal, he thought as he retrieved his hand and lowered it into his pocket, having finalized the entry process with his arcane signature.

"All done! The guard's are right to your left, they've been waiting for your arrival!" the receptionist responded with a clearly maneufactured politeness. Though the Trenchcoated man thought little of it as he simply moved himself from the desk, into the right corridor. The armed guards, both bearing close-quarters armaments, nodded as he had presented himself to them around the corner of the corridor door, his badge in hand, not ceasing in his steps.

The escort had been just as tedious as the previous five, only that the minute stimulation that the difference of layout offered him was no longer a valid deterrent to brain-numbing tedium. Instead, the complex's prison block seemed to consist of a seemingly infinite layout of 'the same' pasted right next to- and on top of- eachother. He'd been told that the Overseer's office, and the Veteran Guard's Quarters were located centrally within the complex, so as to 'better respond to eventualities,' though for his purposes it mattered little. The only thing that mattered was One-Three-Seven, and any eventualities pertaining to them.

After what might have been ten minutes of seeminglessly walking between one block to another, all the whilst unsure where you were due to the strange layout of the prison, supposedly a deterrent to prison-breaks, he finally happened upon a red-oak door where an arbitrarily well-constructed sign hung, that of "Prison Director/Overseer." Alister huffed a sigh of relief, the walk had seemed like it had taken an eternity, certainly not something he'd want to do again if he had the ability to protest against his orders.

The guards knocked against the door, and on cue, the Overseer opened and offered his hand to his newly arrived visitor, something which Alister immediately responded to by grabbing hold of it, and giving it a soft upwards shake, before letting go, and moving past the Overseer and entering his office. It was a warm place, ladened with wood against every wall, perhaps to mimic whatever form of 'homeliness' one might expect from most Havenite upper-management offices. Behind the luxury-wood desk resided a single window, overlooking the interior courtyard, a seven-man guard team standing just beyond it along the second-floor battlements, overlooking a currently 'practicing' prison population below. Along the room's two flanks were two large bookcases ladened with all manner of literature, documentation, and whatever paraphernelia a former soldier-turned-overseer might find amusing.

All very unimportant, ultimately.

"So, Kyler of Alonia..." Alister opened, as he eased himself into the seat directly adjacent to the Overseer's own, likely explicitly prepared for this very visit, "Our business." Alister couldn't help but find the craftsmanship to be quite exceptional as he looked along his seat's armrests. Kyler, the Overseer of the Nova Heights high-security prison complex funded by the Imperial Crown, walked past him, and took his own seat in his Director's Chair, some form of 'more special chair' compared to others, clearly evident by its exceeding over-indulgence in over-elaborate material composition, Alister thought as he mentally shrugged. The Overseer, clearly a former veteran of some kind of war based on the presentation of not only himself, but also his office, grimaced and raised a stiff brow before responding.

"One-Three-Seven. Yes, I've been informed, you've got quite some authority behind you, Mister Alister, even though I've never heard of you before," he initiated. Alister, without a moment's respite, countered "We wouldn't have won the war if a Prison Overseer knew of the identities working in the Crown's Special Service, Kyler of Alonia," a statement obviously laced with enough poison to make Kyler think twice before questioning the Royal Authority and its operators. There is no need within the Empire for the middle-authorities to get aspirations and misguided ideas of power. The Overseer inhaled an extended breath of his newly re-engaged cigar, which he'd placed on the desk to open the door for his appointed visitor, before deciding not to walk over a bridge which he didn't know where it went, instead opting to divert the conversation into more pleasant waters. "Having run this place for a long while, I've hired some real work myself, I suppose. Anything from newly returned squarebacks to distinguished degrakes." he segued, taking another huff of his guilty-pleasure stick. "Prisoner transfer, right? Can't say I'm all that thrilled about it. She's a piece of work, you know."

Alister responded initially with a strange twitch of the hand, as if attempting to realign his internal workings by a forceful jolt. Naturally, unsure how to respond, Overseer Kyler could only raise an even drier eyebrow at the strangeness of the Imperial Official's behaviour. Alister, of course, after a moment of deliberation, responded as if nothing was amiss. "You didn't bring her here on your own, you won't be taking her out either. So long as she's inside this prison you can manage, but after that it's all in my hands. It is, simply, work beyond the capability of Veteran Guardsmen," Alister, naturally, made sure to emphasize 'veteran' in as mocking a manner as possible, though making sure to remain on the right side of an admittedly dubious line of pride and responsibility. His words rang true, obviously. Whilst Nova Heights was a high-security prison, and amongst the better throughout the Empire, it's guards are not trained in prison transfer, or battlefield containment. They're trained in riot-management and control. "No ill-will, of course," Alister finished in a seemingly competitive dryness, challenging even the grizzled old Prison Director, using his previously berserking hand to reposition his glasses that one milimeter more perfect along his nose to accentuate his words.

"Well, about the procedure then," Overseer Kyler segued once more, clearly paying no heed to the political posturing which Alister had coated the conversation with. It was, after all, something so seemingly engrained in the nobility and anyone who operates under their banners that, should you ever gain a seat of authority with less-than-noble backing, you'd grow old before your time should you ever entertain the notion of competing against it. "Your Operations Planner sent us the directives, and I've obviously run my senior Guard-Commanders through the procedure. They've been drilling their teams for this mission for the last few weeks." Alister seemed to portray no sign of showing any kind of response to the Overseer as Kyler aligned his gaze with Alister's own, in fact Alister barely seemed to move, should the arythmnic breathing not betray his otherwise perfect stillness. "As your Operations Planner suggested, we'll be taking One-Three-Seven out of her cell at Oh-Five-Hundred tomorrow morning, at which point she'll be escorted by a full complement of veteran guardsmen specifically selected for this escort. She'll be moved along the deathrow promenade, before diverted once inside the injection complex to the secret transfer corridor."

Kyler continued to eye Alister with every opportunity he had, gauging his reponse to the procedure. Why, the Overseer couldn't say. Perhaps only because Alister d'Orier seemed like quite the eccentric identity, and he knew from experience that strange people hold strange power, if only because he'd served alongside some equally strange men during the first year of the Fourth Daemonic War. "As stated in our response, the prisoner will be escorted to the half-way point along the subterranean tunnel by our selected team. Once there, you and your staff will from there-on take her under your custody. She will be fully contained, though keep in mind that, as reported, she's quite vocal. Thankfully the injection complex is fully sound-proofed, so the likelihood of compromise is minimal."

The very instant that Kyler finished speaking, Alister responded in a seemingly entirely different persona when compared with the previously confrontational presence he'd adopted against the Overseer just prior. "Our contribution to this transfer mission will consist solely of myself," he initiated, the Overseer almost surprised at the sudden expression of implied competency which Alister portrayed, though he had no time to respond to the frankly absurd plausibility that a single man would be enough to escort a former Harbinger, even though contained, before Alister continued to drone on monotonously. "Have prison blocks four-through-nine on leisure in courtyards two and three during the period of the transfer. As you know, they are the ones furthest away from the corridor entrance. The Operations Planner advised on my way here that the potential for plausible sabotage of the procedure must remain at its lowest possible point throughout the entire day; wake them up early and do a thorough examination and disposal of all contraband and potentially compromising items and belongings an hour prior to the escort. Dispose of everything hazardous to the transfer process."

Kyler of Alonia quickly readied a blank sheet of paper and his favourite ink pencil as Alister continued without end, dotting up the directives in an organized bulletpoint list, forgoing to dot his 'i's in favour of quicker writing. The suddenly reasonable Alister, at least in the eyes of the Overseer, simply continued uninterrupted by the prison Overseer's frantic pencil-pushing.
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Construction Site, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
The Aries nodded slightly when Hassan mentioned Bisila. Surely, the two are not that close, let alone their distinctively contrasted methods of going about a mission. Hershey eyed the clouds above them briefly then back at Hassan.

"As you wish, milord. Hmm... the noble Hassan as you were then and as you are now." said Hershey when Hassan concluded.

"Let us off to the construction site, Hassan. We shall make way for a decisive blow with the moon above us, as you suggested." she remarked, brushing off her pajama-like robes, then made way alongside the swordsman eastwards.

The sheep was not so worried about the squareback garrisons and details. Having braved a long war, cutting through ranks of Havenites seem ordinary even without the backing of their minions and legionnaires. Hershey was confident in their ability, but not so much with their exit strategy, if there was any. By agreeing to use the concealment of darkness, it would definitely minimize their signature upon approach. But even so, they needed to secure a golem prior to the heist. While Hershey could use her abilities without mistakes, the logistics of piloting a golem is no small endeavor. After all, she was a dreamweaver, not a golemancer. Slowly but surely, their plan began to surface an array of holes and unaccounted expectations. As for identities, Hershey had it covered.

The two awaited the crowd of construction workers to disperse, as they surveyed the site attentively. Hershey turned to Hassan and withdrew a pair of Shadow Legionnaire helmets with its visors painted to deflect lights. She also made a quick chant, imprinting a small tattoo mark upon Hassan's wrist. The mark enabled them to telepathically talk with one another via Hershey's manipulation of enkephalin and a certain anprac device upon her lantern.

"Hershey will secure the golem... Please watch my back." she said to Hassan, before taking off.

Rather than sneaking about, the dreamweaver waved slightly at those that passed her, weaving their mind with her swinging lantern. Like a ghost, she walked right pass the group of workers that left the entrance without fault. Before long, she stumbled upon a certain Astrian, whose peculiarly small-profiled size was as strange as the look he gave her. The unmistakable eyes of someone who was expecting troubles. While the others were mostly Solarians with little affinities to resist her ability, this amphibian was different. The worst part was that the salamander donned a peculiar attire especially made for golem operators. Hershey knew she had to do something before he called for the alarm. Even if she was a dogged mage, she was willing to give the Astrian a chance to walk away, before she cast a spell on him.

"Displace yourself. Hershey won't ask again, salamander." she said, with her left hand upon her lantern, poised to strike.


Galious Meeples
interaction: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 (Hershey)​
getting laughed at for a while Galious was left incredibly pissed of and disgruntled. left perched atop his golem the little Astrian grumbled in annoyance, well it was less grumbling and more aggravated squeaking. with the dispersal of the previously gathered crowed. Galious would have gotten back to work if not for something that caught his eyes... Another Astrian... In a set of pajamas. His optimism was in short supply and while he was sure that he'd just saw Hershey one of his previous colleges while serving under Sertek. Galious felt like he'd probably make a huge fool of himself when it turned out the person he'd assumed was Hershey was actually the new project manager. Letting out a little Sigh Galious would proceed to pack his things.

Until a voice spoke directly to him about handing over his golem turning. Without turning to see who he was Galious would let out a cute little groan. "IV TOLD YOU LOT A THOUSAND TIMES IM NOT HANDLING OVER ANY MORE GOLEMS YOU ALL CAN'T TAKE CARE OF THe..wait.." Galious's angry squeaking quickly faded out with the realization hitting him. those speaking mannerisms it had to be her. Had to be Hershey, oh and she did say her name too so that helped. Turning around to look at Hershey Galious had a huge goofy looking grin on his face. hopping down from the golem Galious would stare upwards at Hershey. "seriously? you don't recognize me Galious? THE GREAT DRAGON" Galious announced proudly towards Hershey hoping she'd actually recognize him without his battle armor. "look whatever your plan is I'm in. need a golem for it? I'm your Astrian" Galious squeaked proudly his hands against his hips only to look adorable and not cool at all.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 | Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3


Hassan Nox I-Sen

Construction Site, Haven

Hassan, much like his companion, was also confident in his abilities- not even giving a second thought, and only offering her a nod as he followed her towards the construction site as night slowly started to rise up over the city. With a newfound determination and strength to him, he followed quietly and without issue, allowing Hershey to silently use her powers to manipulate the guards or any workers present in the Construction Site out of their way. Her powers were nothing new to him, having fought alongside her and the other Harbingers, he knew well what to expect from all his companions when it came to powers. Admittedly...He was a bit afraid that his skill could have gotten rusty or even deteriorated during this year he spent here- but walking with Hershey, with his hands over the hilts of his blades, he knew he still got that ancient skill he honed to perfection.

It's alright, he thought to himself, breathing in as he looked at Hershey's back. Discomfort and a mild nervousness befell him- the thought of the girl and bloodied and drawing her last breath like good men he fought alongside with coming to his mind. A failure to protect someone he cared about. It's alright. I'm not weak. I have power. Everyone is still alive. I'll be able to protect her. I'll be able to protect everyone.

The mark that was placed on his wrist by the same girl suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts- the figure placed on him being one of a great, snake-like dragon wrapping itself around his wrist and arm. He instantly knew what it was for, a telepathic communication spell- it really was amazing...Hassan wasn't exactly the most versatile when it came to spells and such, and while he did have one extremely useful ability, most of his raw and sheer skill came from his swordsmanship. Some normal foot soldiers claimed they would only be able to reach his level of skill if they had a 'thousand arms...' Hence his title. He has no idea if that is true or not, but it really is amazing what Hershey can do...

"Got it." He eventually replied, his tone understanding, and his posture suddenly more rigid. "Send me a mental message if anything goes wrong."

With that, staying a good distance away, with his eyes analyzing the site, Hassan quickly climbed up a tall wall to get more of a vantage point when it came to viewing anyone suspicious coming over. From what he could see- the only one left was some sort of small Astrian Salamander. Hassan's eyes suddenly narrowed when he saw that the being seemed to be talking and squeaking towards Hershey- maybe he was threatening to scream? The eyes of the swordsman narrowed, as he clutched his blades carefully- muscles bending and air going into his lungs, ready to jump towards Hershey's rescue if she so needs to- before sending a telepathic message to her.

Hershey, is everything alright? Do you need help?

Outside of Nova Heights, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Hershey gave the amphibian a blank stare briefly. Clearly, he knew her prior to their current standoff, which begged a serious affirmation. Especially when Hershey had Hassan checking in on her telepathically. It was not long, albeit with great effort to jog her memories, before the dreamweaver recognize the salamander's claims.

"Galius... Sir Galius Meeples... Hershey's impressions of that name to be... taller in stature." she finally said.

When Galius mentioned the golem, of which would be instrumental in their plan to relief the White Wolf from prison, Hershey's hand lowered from her lantern. While there were questions, Hershey kept those to herself. Perhaps desperate for Galius's offer, or maybe she had faith in his words. She always pictured Galius in his draconic armor, but like the Harbingers, never once have they actually cast their eyes on the man underneath the rolls of adamantite plates. Alas, she had to give into the possibility that Galius was indeed before her. Often times, looks can be deceiving. Even in her case, to say the least.

"Perhaps there may be a sound explanation. Very well." she adhered to the salamander's offer.

"But know this... should your claims be false, Hershey will not hesitate to drown you in the wools of a thousand sheep." she continued, before waving Hassan at the distance.

(It seems we have an unexpected ally. Sir Meeples, the Golem Master. Or so claimed this salamander.) Hershey relayed telepathically to Hassan.

With time, the three rallied at the golem, as Hershey studied her plans once again. Luckily for Hershey and Hassan, Galius's sudden appearance complemented their needs for a golem operator.

"Sir Meeples will create a distraction with this golem, smashing through this breach in the outer walls, while Hassan and Hershey shall scale the walls into the main tower here." Hershey went over the plan again.

She led the two through the wooded areas just outside of Nova Heights. Hershey helped gathered the branches to cover their recently-acquired golem. There, in the cover of shrubs and oaks, the three abided by their time, awaiting the cover of darkness to kick off their prisoner heist.

Galious Meeples
interaction: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Galious was taken aback for a moment. His smug attitude dropping when Hershey had pointed out he would probably be taller. "well err... yes... I had to abandon my personal armor.." Galious squeaked awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head trying to cringe. But instead, he'd end up just looking adorable. "but you really didn't think id just go and die did you? but seriously Hershey if I wasn't me id not be taking you threat with brazen abandon for my own health" Galious replied with a slightly smug grin on his face.

Galious was rather happy to see that another one of his previous companions was alive that being Hassan. Galious grinned greatly at the thousand armed swordsmen. "Tis good to see you managed to survive to Hassan intimidating as always" Galious commented in a cheerful way. looking over at the plan that Hershey, glad to at least get some of the crew back together. maybe things could get back to the way they were before. the first thing he'd do if that happened would be to kill Carl. Galious hated that guy stuck up jerk of a golem operator totally deserved to have his head twisted off. yet he'd have to put his personal musing of revenge with the plan at hand. his job to be the big scary hammer to the pair's more stealthy approach. "easy then I shall provide you a great distraction THE BEST DISTRACTION YOU SHALL EVER SEE" Galious announced with squeaking excitement.

now that the plan was in action Galious awaited the right time his golem hidden rather well looking sorta like a bolder with plants growing off it, they would just need to wait till dark.. and then the fun part would begin though it did come to him that he'd never asked the reason as to why they were breaking into Nova Heights. No matter anyway.

EPISODE IA: Homemaker​

Harb IA Summary
Hershey arrived in Dragonsreach and reunited with Hassan at DiConti's Burgerhouse. The two recounted their past travels, before Hassan learned of Bisila's incarceration at Nova Heights via Hershey's accumulated intel in her travels. As they attempt to secure a golem for their prison heist, Hershey and Hassan ran into a salamander that claimed to be Sir Galius, another member of the Harbinger during the war. Galius has recently been employed as a construction site golem operator.

Meanwhile at Nova Heights, Bisila counted her final moments after she inadvertently bumped up her execution date. However, a mysterious figure named "Alister d'Orier", acting on the crown's authority, frequents Nova Heights with a prisoner-transfer detail. They were given until the next day for Bisila to be in their custody. Coincidentally, Hershey, Hassan and Galius made ready for their approach on Nova Heights that very evening. Using the concealment of darkness, they abided by their time to finalize their planned prison break.

Location: Nova Heights, Epirean Outskirts, Dragonsreach
Objective: Break into Nova Heights and rescue Bisila.

"The one who tells the stories rules the world."
- Marethian Proverb

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool
Nessi Nessi
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
EldridSmith EldridSmith
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Hershey's unexpected response of yet another of their allies apparently being here present was met with a small mental, 'huh?' coming from Hassan. With eyes as perceptive as a hawk's, the First Harbinger stared at the location where Hershey found the salamander that claimed to be a Harbinger. Hassan could remember Meeples as well as he could remember any of the other Harbingers. Crude and impatient, but respectful enough to him and the Demon Lord, with a bit of an...Unhinged side that worked well in battle. His ability to create bizarre yet effective golems had proved him a valuable companion on Sertek's side.

...Yet this salamander was claiming to be him? Granted, none ever saw him outside of his suit of armor, but still...

...Right. Are you sure he isn't just a chuuni?

It was a term from Hassan's homeland before he abandoned it. It was basically short for 'crazies thinking he's someone he's not.' Soon, however, he noticed that Hershey had already...Given, and accepted the suspicious salamander in their group without a second thought. Hassan sighed and rubbed his nose, before dropping from the wall he positioned himself in. Maybe he really should start giving orders as the First Harbinger...

A tall fall like that would have hurt many people or caused them to roll- Hassan simply slightly bent his knees and used the momentum to immediately move forward.

...Right, nevermind. Keep an eye on him. If he tries anything...Tell me.

As Hershey walked them towards the area they needed to be for the plan to work, Hassan's eyes landed on Meeples- the self-proclaimed dragon could undoubtedly see a lot changed from the fearless and powerful First Harbinger and the second hand of the Demon Lord. His muscles disappeared quite a bit, a small beard was forming on his face, and his hair was long, with hints of red growing from it for some reason. Yet- his presence and character were strong as always. It was clear that was the same man who served the Demon Lord side-by-side in the past, and who could cut boulders when focusing at his max.

"So you claim you're Galious Meeples..." Hassan said, scratching his chin. "...I do hope you're capable of proving such claim to us soon. We wouldn't want our reunion with Sertek to have a stranger on it."

Soon, once hiding, Hassan simply waited. With patience, he awaited until night fell, but not before suggesting to Hershey to climb on his back when they attempted to climb the tower, given his innate ability to climb any surface. If she didn't accept it, it was fine for him- less work on his side, but it could make so they climb it much more quickly.

Bisila Nzo "White Wolf"

Nova Heights, Dragonsreach

Bisila was more than happy to enjoy her moning-probably-evening..Now that she thought about it, she had no idea what the time was. Didn't really matter much but it made the gurds annoyed so it made do.

"Hey Oren!"

The guard groaned and glanced back, clearly not excited to deal with her again, and rubbed his temples

"I swear, if this is about the time again.."

"Actually, no. Just wanted to see if you could go check whether it's night time or not"

"That does have to do with time, you-"

"I didn't ask what time it was though so it doesn't count..Unless you do want to tell me the time so you can be spared the oh-so-long walk from here to the window. Besides, I get some alone time with Jesua"

Both guards groaned, Oren due to annoyance and Jeshua due to how terrible it would be to spend 'alone time' with her. The older man shook his head and stared at the ceiling, trying his best to ignore the Harbringer's chershire grin.

"Oren, take a little bit of advice from me yeah? Just ignore her. Seems hard but it's the best you can do until she gets turned, trust me."

"Don't need to tell me twice. I can't wait for that to happen"

Bisila simply closed her eyes, her grin never leaving her face as she shifted slightly to get more comfortable, as comfortable as one could get in a prision cell anyways, and let the boys take a breather even if it was just a way of giving them false hope that she was done with them. It was fun, almost like a cat that played with the rats before gobbling them whole. Most people that knew how she 'worked' with people mostly didn't agree and sometimes kept that fact to themselves and tried to wriggle free of her web without knowing that they were just entangling themselves more.

She had decided that the boys's break had lasted too long and quickly thought of another thing to make fun of. A certain thought came to mind that made her open her eyes and giggle, getting a raised eyebrow from Oren, who was not doing a good job at ignoring her.

"Hey Oren"

"What is it?"

"You have a girlfriend, right?"

That question came out of nowhere for both of the guards since none of them knew how or where she got that information.

"What makes you think that?"

Bisila simply smiled and gave a light shrug

"Oh, nothing. Just a random thought. Although from your what you said, you're single because you don't have one or..Because you broke up, considering it's Jeshua you're hanging with"

That got the wrong kind of attention from the older guard, a growl and a glare specifically, by indirectly mentioning his divorce again. She decided to keep it up

"But if I'm right and you do have a girlfriend then looking at Jeshua here for advice isn't really the best idea. Sure, he'll help you on getting married and probably be your best man but then he'll teach you how to cheat the marriage system..Just like he cheated on his wife"

That got gasps from around the room and Oren kept on glancing from a now redfaced Jeshua to a grinning Bisila and back. Everybody knew that Jeshua Covsend god divorced but he never really stated why. His reaction was just confirming that fact. Oren tried to dissolve the situation by channeling his inner guard.

"Alright, that's about enough from you. Keep it shut if you don't want your turn bumped up"

That didn't stop the White Wolf though, since her small smile simply grew and kept on speaking as if he hadn't said anything

"Honestly, why do you think he asked for 'some space' anyways? Because she was taking up all of his!"

Some mutters were heard between the cells and Oren yelled at them to shut up before turning back to the raven

"Seriously, if you don't keep quiet I'll-"

"You'll what, Oren? Forward my death? I'm going to die anyways so why not make the best of it? You're stuck with me until they take me away afterall. Isn't that true, Jesua?"

The big guy had been silent until then and that realization only seemed to push his mood to the limit. He abruptly stood up, walked to the cell and stared at her in held-back fury to which the Harbringer didn't even flinch at. Please, he called that a glare? She had recieved worse looks by Hassan, some of them that particularly meant that the swordsman was seconds away from turning her into mincemeat. Strangely, he didn't say anything.

"What's wrong Jeshua? Not happy about being called out? Oren, best advice is; don't be like Jeshua. You'll be a failure of a husband and unable to satisfy your wife both in and out or either the house or the room"

More gasps, a few laughs, some "Oooh"s and an Oren that was lapsing between embarrased, flustered and panicked. Bisila's wolfish grin went back to being a seemingly innocent smile as she waited patiently for Jeshua to react. And it was a pretty great reaction too. The man snapped; screaming, cursing, shouting and basically stomped out of there

"She is yours to deal with, Oren! I will not come back there until that abomination is dead!"

"Abomination? You flatter me with your words, Jeshua! You sure you're not looking at me for a wife? I'd be a great one, you know?"

Bisila shouted, earning an irritated and angry shout from Jeshua. She laughed so hard, it was a while until she recovered, listening to Jeshua's loud, angry steps seem farther and farther until they were gone. It looked like that was going to be another possible complaint, not that she minded. She took pride on the amount of guards she managed to annoy until they got transfered to other cells. The rest of the death-row inmates's excitement had died down and Oren's compusture by then was back to normal, albeit a bit shaken.

"You really want to die soon, don't you?"

The question from one of the inmates made Bisila smile. She wasn't suicidal but near death experiences were exciting but in this situation, actual death experience.

"I'd rather die because I do stupidities on purpose than die because it's the day they wanted me to die. If that was the case, I would've been dead on arrival. Am I right lads or am I right lads?"

Bisila's cheshire grin returned at the chorus of "You are right, lass" coming from the inmates, before Oren yelled at them to shut up, followed by banging on the cell. Quite fun in her opinion.​

Nova Heights, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool (Mentioned)

After spending their afternoon watching the walls from the woods, Hershey made ready for their operation. She placed her hand over her lantern, uttering a few chants, making it glow briefly a few times. As she double checked her gears, Hassan's words caught her attention.

(...Right. Are you sure he isn't just a chuuni?)

(Mayhaps. Alas, his steering skills with a golem is undeniable. Perhaps there might be some truths?)

(Nevermind. Keep an eye on him. If he tries anything...Tell me.)

(As you wish, Hassan.)

Hershey's eyes veered towards the salamander, before closing in. She then cast the same spell on him as she did Hassan, granting Galius to their short-length telepathic communications. At the same time, she slotted another grozium into her lantern, prompting it to glow briefly. Her fingers felt the bottom of her pouch, she had a couple of grozium to spare, but barely enough to get them in. But as a Harbinger, a prison break should be a cakewalk, she contemplated.

With their minds settled, the aries stood forth upon Hassan's behest. Gently lifted, but firm in her grips, Hershey rode on his back. Even she was still surprised at the man's ability to grasp the wall without the equipment she procured. Perhaps she could save the grappling hooks and ropes for another detail when they successfully made their infiltration. When Hassan started climbing, the aries then signaled Galius to commence. With every few steps, Hershey timed Hassan's approach, as the guards passed one another. As Hassan neared the wall's edge, Hershey leapt from his back, before landing atop one of the guard's back. Her hands grasped tightly onto the squareback's apex, robbing him of consciousness with a swirl of red energy. As the second guard turned around, Hershey lifted her lantern and shot a burst of energy that passed right through them.

"Sweet dreams." she said softly.

In the distance, a tower flashed their lantern, as the rest of the wall sections followed suit. Weaving her hands about in quick succession, Hershey manipulated the second guard to relay the signal with their lantern. She remained in the shadows for a brief moment, eyeing the tower in the distance for a while. She then dropped the second guard against the palisade. When all was calm, Hershey checked the guard's webbings and pouches for intelligence and extra groziums. Known for their subtle approaches, dreamweavers oftentimes make excellent infiltrators when they are not busy creating psychological chaos.

Stripping the guards of their gears, Hershey handed Hassan a set of uniform, while she donned hers. The outfit seemed larger than she was, with her immaculate white socks showing. But the iconic enclosed helmet should do the trick, she resolved.

"Hmm. They should at least add some ventilation freckles. It's rather difficult to breathe in this bucket." Hershey turned to Hassan, with a squareback helmet donned, despite the rest of her body still dressed in her white robes.

"You should make haste towards the Records Chamber to procure the White Wolf's exact location. Hershey will provide cover from the walls and track your movements." she continued, tugging at Hassan's hand, then pointing in a general direction, beckoning him to move on.

Hassan Nox I-Sen

Nova Heights, Haven

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 | Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 | ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool

Hassan's grip and skill were still great, was the first thing his two companions could note when the plan truly started. When Hershey beckoned him to move, it almost felt as if she had flipped a switch on him that was getting rusty due to not being flipped for a long, long time. Memories seemed to flood back to him- experiences, training, battles won, infiltrations- the First Harbinger and second hand of Sertek never quite forgot as the Demon Lord did, but he hadn't experienced things like this- to this level, for a very, very long time. A small grin had appeared on his face as he held onto Hershey, and she knocked down two guards already. It was both a smile of appreciation of the skill of his companion and a smile that told her a quiet thanks, almost. It was good to be back.

Adjusting both swords on the sides of his hips, Hassan quietly pulled a bag of Grozium and quickly counted how many he had. Six...This allows for three uses if he's using both styles at the same time...But Hassan quickly put it away. If he was lucky, he wouldn't need to use his swords in the slightest. If he was lucky.

Quickly picking up the helmet and uniform, Hassan put his own. Thankfully, he didn't need to physically and awkwardly change his clothes- simply placing the uniform over his own clothes and a helmet over his face, Hassan found himself feeling a little steamy with that many clothes over him, but he's been through worse. It made his movements a bit heavier, though- but nothing that would get in his way. At least not in a way that matters.

"Of course," Hassan breathed, his voice a little muffled due to the helmet, but otherwise recognizable. "If possible, mentally tell me in case you see someone approaching that I don't. Be my eyes." Despite his face being hidden, a large smile was present on his features. With a small pat on Hershey's shoulder, Hassan gave his companion a thankful look that she couldn't see. "And...Hershey? Thank you, you managed to do something I couldn't in an entire year. Stay safe out there- once Sertek comes back to us, you'll definitely be getting a lot of praise and rewards." A final pat on her head told her that he was being genuine. He really was thankful for her helping him.

With a quick wave, Hassan turned his body around and began a sprint-walk towards the direction Hershey told him to go. Hassan, despite being the Harbinger with arguably the smallest amount of magical diversity and spells, was among one of the physically most impressive. Trained by Sertek ever since he was extremely young, with his limits broken early on, this allowed his body to move and do feats of strength that while not impossible, were certainly hard to achieve by normal means.

While his disguise did work, Hassan seemed to prefer to avoid any sort of encounter with other guards for the most part- either to avoid questions or interactions or simply because he didn't see it as necessary. Using his dexterity and his surface climbing abilities, he quickly and quietly made his way towards the Records Chambers- Hershey's help proving itself to be immeasurably helpful, with her warnings and cover of any guards coming his away allowing him to avoid encounters and go by unnoticed. His hands occasionally went to grasp his blades at particularly tight situations, but soon, with all of the reunited Harbingers working together, it soon was clear that they never lost any sort of skill.

...Still, the thought of meeting Bisi still annoyed him to no end. Blergh, he hopes she at least treats him with proper respect like Hershey...

It didn't take long, but soon, he was in the Records Room. An open room with various metal cabinets- no doubt with various papers relating to various prisoners on each of them. The Thousand Armed Swordsman tsked, at the very least, they were in alphabetical order. His gaze was focused, and he didn't allow anything else to grab his attention unless it very clearly related to him and his companions by proxy or directly. But his focus was there- the White Wolf, or Bisi. A Harbinger and hardened psychopath- certainly, something as major and as important as someone like her would be relatively quick to find, right?

interaction: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59

Galious was still fairly annoyed that the other Harbingers had not truly recognized him. Simply just taking him because he was useful for their plan. It didn't really matter now the tiny Astrian was ready to begin his part of the plan. Hassan with Heresy upon his back scaling up the wall with no need for equipment. Thusly the signal for him to begin his rampage was given.

(NOW you shall bear witness to me GALIOUS MEEPLES)

The little Gecko man announced through the telepathic connection that he'd had bestowed upon him. Suddenly the previously dormant golem burst to life the shrubs and foilage covering its stony form made it appear as if the landscape had come to life. But what was truly ominous was the hollow grumbling howl. This noise was what had once heralded the Legion of the Lost. Galious was rather proud of this noise it had taken him a long time to get it just right. The sound caused a fair few of the guards upon the wall to turn their attention away from their assigned posts, in the confusion they'd not reacted in time to stop the golem form slamming its body into the wall of the prison debris sent flying Breaking through with a howl drowning out the evil but adorable cackling of Galious who was still hiding in the bushes with a small leaf hat on his head, enjoying the carnage the golem was causing.

Retalion by the guards were unfournatly ineffective, not expecting a Golem attack the wall guards didn't have any anti-golem weaponry directly on hand, as the stone behemoth tossed around objects and people like they where nothing much to the joy of Galious NOW HE'D PROVE HE WAS INFACT THE GREAT DRAGON.

Nova Heights, Haven
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool (Mentioned)
"Hershey would not be able to forward this plan without your help, Hassan. Despite our wariness towards the salamander, he has proven himself well thus far."

Hershey made her way towards the relay observatory, where a few squarebacks were posted. It did not take them long to notice the discrepancies of her attire, let alone the huge helmet that covered her face.

"Who are you?"

"Hershey is your relief. We need all hands on the east side. There's a scary giant golem running amok!"

"What-... Hey, where's your identification badge?" the guard responded with a suspicious tone.

Hershey then punched the soldier's thigh with all her might, to no avail.

"Oi, what was that for, shrimp? I asked for your badge!"

"Shrimp...?" Hershey muttered softly, as a dark aura surrounds her.

Raising her lantern, she cast forth four apparitions of murderous lambs with blazing eyes. The lambs leapt into action with speed, knocking the soldiers off the walls.

"Disguise was never Hershey's forte anyways. Curses upon the Havenites and their security measures." Hershey huffed, throwing her helmet off.

She then commanded her lambs to smash through the door, pacing herself slowly towards the main console, as her lambs tore apart the remaining personnel inside. Hershey then tugged apart a severed hand from one of the corpses and pressed it against the runed stone.

The cyan projection opened up around her, giving Hershey insight into every personnel's lifelines on the map screen. She tracked the responding guards via the grozite health monitors on the console, then telepathically communicated with Hassan.

(Hershey to Hassan. You have five guards passing the corridor. Stay in concealment and let them pass or fight your way through. Your choice.)

As Hershey said, five guards made their way past Hassan. Two of them lingered for a bit, while the other three secured the other rooms.

She then turned to the eastern side of the facility and reached out to Galius.

(Hershey to Sir Meeples, you have a PIAG team headed to your position. Your construction golem is not equipped to deal with them. Proceed with caution.)

Hassan's Details ( Celestial Speck Celestial Speck ): Let the guards pass, or kill them (choose one). Then head to Lower Bay, Cell Block H
I. Hassan managed to find Bisila's dossier on the front-most position of the fifth cabinet - almost as if her files have been opened recently. The dossier was marked in red and deemed "extremely dangerous". Upon closer inspection, Hassan found an attached note to file for an affidavit. It seems that Bisila's execution date has been postponed for another detail.
II. Secondary objective is determined by Hassan's decision to let the soldiers past or kill them.

Galius's Details ( Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ): Deal with PIAG team OR Collide against supporting columns to create obstacles (choose one)
I. Galius managed to keep the guards at bay with his golem.
II. Hershey warns Galius of the incoming Projector-Infantry-Anti-Golem weapons team. He can either deal with them directly, or crash the golem. Consequences will follow Galius's decision.

interaction: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59

Galious still reveled in the violence and destruction his golem was causing it was good to be back in business. of course, the Golemancer dare not show his face still hiding within the bush's just outside. While he'd gladly go in and pronounce his victory... Galious still wanted to hold down that job he got.. he would just blame Carl, yes Carl would take the fall. the little salamander Cackled evilly but it came out as an adorable squeaking. the telepathic message from Hershey warning him of the PIAG team had him swearing under his breath

(thank you for the information Hershey now, YOU SHALL SEE WHAT A TRUE GOLEMANCER CAN DO)

Galious announced back incredibly proudly over the telepathic connection. He'd have a little time to get ready. But despite his boasting, he knew any good shot form the PIAG team would bring his rampage to a disappointing end. However, he had a plan... THE PERFECT PLAN. Galious could see the various support columns for his position, knocking them over would cause enough problems to give himself time to work out a solution. Thusly that was exactly what he'd do. the Golem swinging its limbs at the column to the screaming and shouting of the guards only now realizing what the rouge construct was doing only too late as column and whatever it was supporting came crashing down.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 | Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 | ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool | Zariel Zariel


Hassan Nox I-Sen

Lower Bay, Cell Block H

Hershey's warning to Hassan about approaching enemies wasn't replied with any mental words but simply a quiet nod. He definitely got the message, that much was certain, but he didn't reply to hide away the possible tone his voice would have alongside the sheer excited and almost wicked smile present on his face.

Hassan didn't consider himself someone who enjoyed killing. While he was used to it through and through and didn't feel anything when he cut down the limbs of his enemies in the grand battles he led with his fellow Harbingers, a whole year of simply waiting in shame, living out of faint hope and determination that his lord and companions were still alive somewhere in the world, while the world laughed and move on. It frustrated him. That feeling was like a swollen ball of meat around his heart, growing more and more, pumping venom through his veins. It was a deep hatred. A hatred that he never let out for the sake of surviving, but now-?

The hurried footsteps of the guards came to his ears as he quickly hid next to a wall, full view of them. His eyes, that faint glimmer of amber slowly dilated themselves in anticipation. The wish for revenge, that 'venom' coursing through him, it was almost as if it was leaking out to his hands. Urging him to pick up his blades already. Let all of that pain, all of that loneliness, all of that hate that built itself up for nearly an entire year let out and dance alongside his determination! For his honor! His justice! His lord--!

Yet when he placed his hands on his blades, he couldn't quite take them out to swing them, either, as memories washed over him.

'Live your own lives, live peacefully, and never speak of your past with me....that is my final request...'

'You'll live with your sins until they either swallow you whole, or you repay all the things you've done...'

'What do you think it feels like, people having families?'

The images of three people he's met in his life, important or not, seemingly stabbed themselves into his brain, and for a moment, Hassan was simply frozen in place in his hiding spot. Memories and a rush of confusion and emotion came to his being as he found himself unable to move. No matter how much he tried, no matter how much he used his immense willpower and strength- his muscles were seemingly locked in place, and his mind remembering those words and images...

It wasn't an enchantment, was it? N-no, there was no way it could be, then what is this? Why freeze now? He has to- he has to kill those guards now! He has to kill them because...



"Ah." Hassan blinked as the sound of footsteps once more took him by surprise, as barking orders, the guardsmen of Nova Heights passed by him without taking note of his presence, while all he could do is stare with a gap on his mouth, and sweat running down his cheeks, his forehead- as that swollen sensation around his heart seemed to ease up a bit. That hate was still there, all that pent up anger and grief frustration, but...For a single moment, it was gone.

"...Damn it...!!"

Shaking his head in frustration, the first Harbinger quickly ran, trying his best to already burn his memories of what happened from his mind. He had a damn annoying sister-in-arms to save.

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