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Multiple Settings Tin's Search Thread 2.0 - Original/Fandom plots

tinfoil hat

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Currently Craving - TF2, DC comics, etc.


Hello and welcome!

Just to get straight to the point - I love playing as/against villains, anti-heroes, and morally grey characters.

Every character is a villain to some extent. Take Jekyll and Hyde for example - a hidden evil streak that the poor doctor unleashed onto the world. Everyone has the potential to be a villain if they allow themselves the freedom, and I think the duality of man offers a lot of valuable roleplay material. It would be a waste to ignore it! So, I'm on the hunt again. After some time to recover, I'm now searching for that one elusive roleplay partner who appreciates all things wicked!

Of course, villains aren't my only preference. I have several years of experience with roleplaying on various sites with all sorts of characters and stories, and while I have a massive craving for peculiar plot ideas and characters, I do enjoy dabbling in both original and fandom settings. Indeed, I adore brainstorming based on each other's preferences, but I'm not opposed to working with a pre-made idea! I'm also highly experienced with doubling up, so if there's something you've been desperate to write, then I'll attempt to fulfil that fantasy for you in exchange for a pairing of my own. Sound fair? I hope so!

When messaging me, please be as detailed as possible with your plot requests! If I don't respond, I'm probably not interested/taking a break, so please don't double message. I'll attempt to keep this search thread short and sweet, but we can always discuss more through messages if you need additional info/examples! c:

On with the show!


What I can offer:

I am 19, looking for people around my age or older
I consider myself literate
I'm in the British timezone
I roleplay through PMs or Discord
I can play both male and female characters
I can play multiple characters
I'm 'slow post' friendly
I do MxM, MxF and FxF
I can and will double up
300-700 words is my comfort zone (per character)
I mirror post lengths
I don't roleplay as straight-up animals
I'm fine with all mature themes


Original ideas:

These are very vague outlines of what I am/would be interested in. I'm totally open to brainstorming based on common interests (see the red words for themes I enjoy), or just having plot ideas thrown at me - either is great!

  1. (Historical) Muse A is an old west bounty hunter, and has been on Muse B's trail for a long time. They meet in a Saloon one day and drunkenly talk with one other, realizing too late that Muse B is the outlaw Muse A has been hunting this entire time.
  2. (Historical/Fantasy) Muse A is a Viking, cast out by their people and left to fend for themselves in a strange environment. Muse B, a Norse God in disguise, takes them in. Muse A realises that something isn't right, and takes it upon themselves to uncover the truth.
  3. (Historical/Sci-Fi) Muse A is from the future, a time-traveller, and Muse B is the first one to find them in the past. The strange clothes, the strange accent, it's all enough to convince Muse B that something is really weird about them.
  4. (Historical/Crime) It's 1930, and Muse A is a hotshot detective who thinks they've seen it all. Muse B is a criminal mastermind they've been chasing for years. One day, they receive a letter. Muse B asks them to meet up in an enclosed area, no weapons, away from any public eyes or ears.
  5. (Superhero/Villain) Muse A is a villain, Muse B is a villain - they agree to work together to take over the world together.
  6. (Superhero/Villain) The CEO of a successful company is secretly an underground Kingpin, and another villain/villainess is intent on destroying their reputation through blackmail.
  7. (Superhero/Villain) After being defeated by a local superhero, a retired supervillain decides to nurse the young, beaten villain back to health whilst hiding them from the police.
  8. (Superhero/Villain) Having finally defeated their arch nemesis, the superhero decides to hide them from the police rather than hand them in, having grown attached to their evil counterpart.
  9. (Sci-Fi) Maybe a plot based on 'Interstellar' where Muse A comes back to earth after going on a mission, only to find that all their family died a long time ago whilst they're still the same age. Muse B is Muse A's therapist, or maybe a scientist working for NASA who's concerned about how Muse A is coping with the 'future'.
  10. (Sci-Fi/Apocalypse) The world is being invaded by aliens, and Muse A has been prepping this entire time. Muse B knows this and turns up at Muse A's house uninvited, much to their dismay, and they end up having to work together in order to survive
  11. (Sci-Fi/Apocalypse) Muse A is a tyrant during the apocalypse, forcing people to exchange all sorts of goods for simple resources such as food and water. Muse B is the Wasteland equivalent to an Outlaw, threatening Muse A in order to get their own resources, taking advantage of Muse A's inexperience with survival.
  12. (Sci-Fi/Apocalypse) A zombie apocalypse. Muse A
  13. (Sci-Fi/Fantasy) The zombie apocalypse has begun, and the two idiots who are responsible for starting it are stuck in a bunker together.
  14. (Fantasy) Muse A is the Devil's right-hand man - they've been in hell for centuries, sorting through documents and files to make sure everyone gets their own special eternal torment. But they've always worked alone. One day, Muse B shows up in their office - they're new and oddly enthusiastic about working for the Devil, but also competitive, and they fall into a tense equilibrium as a result.
  15. (Fantasy) Muse A is a magician/sorcerer, Muse B is an unenthusiastic apprentice who can't seem to get any spells right. Despite the difficulties they seem to have with making progress, they continue their witching shenanigans anyway, since practice makes perfect.
  16. (Fantasy) Muse A is death, and Muse B is their new apprentice. Other than travelling across the land to guide spirits into purgatory, the pair get up to all sorts of mischief together.
  17. (Paranormal/Horror) Muse A is a modern-day Frankenstein, and since they're always so busy with their scientific escapades, they never have any time to properly take care of themselves. Muse A hires Muse B to look after the house whilst they're buried in studies, but trying to hide their project from Muse B proves more difficult than they originally thought.
  18. (Paranormal/Crime) Muse A is a detective, and they just got back from a weird cultist crime scene with Muse B, their partner. Muse A doesn't believe in ghosts or demons, but Muse B starts acting strangely, talking about people they've never met and events that never happened. Muse A suspects - against their better judgment - that something isn't right.
  19. (Paranormal/Historical) Muse A is a plague doctor, and Muse B is the horseman/woman of the apocalypse - Pestilence! Muse A has found a cure for the bubonic plague, but their plans get turned upside down when Muse B arrives, demanding that they stop and start rubbing chickens on people instead.
  20. (Horror/Crime) A forensics specialist discovers hidden messages directed at them at multiple crime scenes, and ends up joining forces with the criminal.
  21. (Crime) Muse A works as a singer/performer in a local bar, owned by the city's mafia and used as a front for all sorts of illegal business. Muse B is one of the newest members of the group, and other than being extremely enthusiastic about their new life of crime, is also deeply in love with Muse A.
  22. (Crime) Muse A is a detective, and Muse B is a private investigator. Bitter rivals, they're forced to work together after a client decides to 'double' their chances of catching a criminal.
  23. (Misc) Two actors are supposed to play enemies in a new film (maybe a classic superhero/villain dynamic), but as they get to know each other better, they also begin to fall in love.
  24. (Misc.) Two psychiatrists are pitted against each other for whatever reason - maybe they're jealous? Maybe they're undercover villains?


Fandom list:

I tend to avoid adding pre-made plots for fandoms, because I know that people have varying interests regarding pairings, settings, characters - blah blah - and I'd rather not scare people away with my own personal preferences. I'm an avid 'doubler', and I pride myself on being able to play any character within any plot you suggest (I'm even willing to do research if I'm unfamiliar with them, although this is dealt with on a case-by-case basis).

I have an extensive list of fandoms, so there's bound to be something that interests you! They are in order of preference/interest level, so please bear in mind that I'll probably need doubling up the lower down you go. Otherwise, I'd love to hear what fandoms you enjoy, because adding to my growing collection is always a fun adventure!

Arkham games
Team Fortress 2
DC Comics (or an AU)
Fallen Order
Peaky Blinders
Red Dead Redemption 2
Star Wars
Telltale's Batman
Portal 1/2
Invader Zim
The Evil Within
Telltale's The Wolf Among Us
Resident Evil
The Last of Us
Detroit: Become Human
God of War
Star Trek
Gravity Falls
The Hobbit
The Hunger Games
Teen Titans

And more! Just suggest!


I'm always open to other suggestions as well if you have anything you think I might be interested in! I adore DC villains in particular, whether they're from the comics, Arkham games, films etc. - and Star Wars and TF2 are absolute favourites as well, so I'd probably be more flexible with those.

Thank you for reading!



Note - If we roleplayed before - great! Feel free to message me again if you'd like to start again/continue - my waiting list is a mess right now and my brain can't deal with it.
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