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Realistic or Modern This ain't no West Side Story

Sage glances down at her hands and seees they were bleeding a little. She noticed her knees where too. She didn’t really care right now though. She was worried about him. She moves closer to him and holds his free hand, rubbing his knuckles and stills fahking a little. She watches him until the man got there and she stands up to help get Jason.
“Sage Jonny... Jonny, Sage.... Jonny it was Kyle and his brother. So I wanna know who the hell said they were dealt with.” He muttered letting them help him into the back of the van and take off with him watching Sage carefully the whole ride worrying about her. “You dong okay babe?”
Sage had been quite since Johnny arrived. She was in complete shock now, espivally when listening to him. This was meant for him? He knew the people that did it? What the hell was doing that made people want to shoot him?! She looks down and bites her lip when she hears Jason. She shrugs a little and curls up.
He frowned and watched her starting to worry. “Sage... once I’m okay I promise to explain everything.” He assured her and squeezed her hand tightly.
Sage pulls away from him and wraps her arms around her knees. She buries her face in her knees and stays like that the rest of the drive.
“I’m so sorry babe. I’m so sorry.” He whispered starting to get lightheaded from the bleeding but they arrived just in time and Jonny had to force sage to help him inside to a room where a guy was waiting with an array of tools to take care of Jason.
Sage gets up and helps them into the room. She frowns and quickly leaves once they had Jason. She goes to sit in the hallway and curls up again.
He sighed heavily and watched her go feeling sick to his stomach with worry about her and for their relationship. “If they’d been dealtwithas told then I wouldn’t be explaining to my girlfriend that I’m part of a large drug cartels errand boy gang.” He muttered.
Johnny looks at him and shrugs. "If she can't handle it maybe she shouldn't be your girlfriend. you were gonna have to tell her eventually." He points out. "This is one secret you couldn't keep forever."
“Really not helpful right now.” He grunted as they were finishing pulling out the bullet and got to work on stitching him up and not long after he was getting up carefully and he hobbled our to see her leaning on the walls. “Sage... come with me.... we better talk.” He mumbled trying to take her to a quiet room.
Sage looks up at him and bites her lip. She gets up and follows after him, keeping an eye on him. She wraps her arms around herself and watches him. She wasn't sure what to say or do.
He frowned sitting down on the edge of s bed in the room. They leave kept a couple spare bedrooms atthe back here in case of emergency and now Jason was just glad of a quiet place to talk to Sage. “Those men were after me.... I’m so sorry you got caught up in it there was no reason for them to pick now and I’ve worked so hard to separate you from that side of my life to keep you safe.... Sage I don’t run a bar downtown.” He mumbled running a hand through his hair
Sage looks at him. "I kinda gathered. You're in one of the gangs here aren't you?" She asks and looks down. "I can't believe I was so naive." She mutters and shakes her head. She frowns and curls up again on the bed.
He frowned and nodded. “I was never taken into the foster system as a kid. I was on the streets and the gangs were the ones who took me in and raised me. It’s the only life I’ve ever know... Sage please I’m so sorry about what happened tonight but you have to believe me I love you more than anything. You make me happier than I thought possible and I promise to do my best to keep you safe. I know I should have told you but please don’t leave.”
Sage looks at him. "Your whole life isn't safe. I don't want to get caught up with a gang. Call me a spoiled princess or snotty rich kid but I didn't sign up for this. I love you James, but I can't." She tells him and looks at him finally. "I'm not sitting up at night wondering if you've been shot to death or god knows overdosed. This isn't the life I want for myself."
He watched her as she spoke and shook his head reaching over for her. “I don’t take drugs.... I just run them.” He mumbled and tried to pull her in closer but got slapped for it. “Sage please. You as the best thing to ever happen to me please don’t leave.” He begged
Sage shakes her head and stands back up. "I can't." She whispers and wraps her arms around herself. "Bye Jason." She murmurs softly and quickly leaves the room, making her way out of the house. She sniffles softly and calls her brother Sean to come to pick her up. She wipes at her eyes and looks around for something to give her a barring of where she was.
“Sage!” He called after her trying to get up to follow but took three steps and the blood loss hit him, causing him to pass out and hit the deck so his friends got him back to the spare bedroom and into the bed. Jonny stepped outside for him though and walked over towards the girl. “Sage right? It’s alright I’m just gonna help you get somewhere safe or wait with you to be picked up. Tell whoever it is you’re outside the scrap metal yard downtown.” He told her
Sage jumps when she hears the voice behind her and frowns. "Thanks, but I'll be fine." She mutters and quickly tells Sean where she was. She didn't trust this guy. She didn't even know him, she just knew he had to be a gang member too and she wasn't sure how to feel about that. She crosses her arms and shivers a little from the cold.
“Sage. Jason wants you to be safe. I’m waiting with you. All he ever talks about is you. The man is in love with you and I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to you just because you’ve decided that what he does is too much for you.”
Sage looks over at him and frowns. "You don't have to put it like I'm some bitch. I can say no to this. I don't have to like it." She mutters and crosses her arms. She looks down and kicks at the dirt. She loved Jason, more than anything, but she couldn't do this. She couldn't live on the edge every day.
He raised an eyebrow at her. “No one said you’re a bitch. We all get it. We’ve all been there but I’m just telling you the facts. ... and let’s face it. Does he not look after you well? Saved your life first time he met you and two months before you even knew this side existed... he’s done a good job keeping those two sides of his life separated.” He mused.
Sage looks at him. "But they're both his life, two sides of the same coin. He can't keep them completely separate forever. Tonight proved that." She murmurs and watches him."I love him, I do. I thought we'd make a life together, but how could I subject kids into this? Maybe he doesn't want any but I do. Also, want to get out of this town eventually. I'm sure he can't. It just wouldn't work.
Jason woke up early in the morning and groaned a bit. He was starting to remember how he’d got to the bar and sat up slowly checking how his side was doing, cleaned up then went to his phone and sat down calling Sage worried about her and worried that he’d lost her but he was holding on tightly to hope.
Sage looks over at her phone and sees Jason’s name on the screen. She bites her lip and hits the ignore button. She turns back over and pulls the blanket over her head.

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