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Realistic or Modern This ain't no West Side Story

He left her a message asking her to give him a call back desperate to talk to her and clear things up with her then hung up and let Jonny take him back to his truck so he could drive home, going in and swing Magic cheered him up a little bit he was still scared that he may have lost Sage. She was the only thing he had that was good in his life.
Sage hears the beep, letting her know she had a voicemail. She shakes her head and curls up in a ball. She closes her eyes and tries to fall back asleep. She didn’t want to get up and face the world. She didn’t want to do anything.
Jason spent the rest of the morning in bed leaving her another voicemail at lunch and then again around 2pm and at 4 and then another at 6pm until he eventually left his last one at 8pm then sat by his phone all night hoping she would call.
Sage kept getting the voicemails, ignoring them every time. He really wasn't going to give up. She finally listens to them all around 9 that night and then sits there another two hours debating what to do. She sighs softly and finally calls him around midnight, half hoping he'd be asleep and wouldn't even answer. She bites her lip and watches the clock.
He grabbed his phone and answered frowning. “Sage. Oh babe I’m so sorry about last night please come over or I can come to you so we can talk about it. Please I’m befging you. I don’t wanna lose you.” He told her a little panicked.
Sage frowns as she listens to him and looks down. She sighs softly and thinks about it. "I'll come over there." She murmurs. A part of her was afraid those people might be following him and she didn't want them to know where she lived. Though they might already. "I'll be there soon." SHe tells him and hangs up, grabbing her shoes and keys and heading to his place.
He frowned sighing heavily and trying not to worry so much but he couldn’t quite help it. He loved her with everything he had and he might lose her if he didn’t work this properly
Jason watched her and took her to the couch getting her some water and sat down opposite her. He’d planned everything he was going to say but when she was there... there weren’t the words available to say I’m sorry to her. “Our second date... I was planning to tell you everything... I was going to confess it all and then let you make your decision before things got so far along... but you were sitting with magic by that tree and I’d never seen someone so happy and I just... the words wouldn’t come out. Please don’t leave Sage. I love you and I swear to you to protect you always but I can’t lose you.” He begged.
Sage watches him and frowns a little. “Jason what kind of life are we going to have with you in a gang? I don’t want to bring kids into this. I want to leave this town eventually. God you made me want to go back to school. I applied and got in, but the schools in California. You can’t leave here.” She shakes her head. “We aren’t gonna last.”
He shook his head watching her. “Please... just give it one more chance. I could go to California. I can’t lose you though.” He told her quietly begging her and watching her. “Please Sage.” He murmured
Jason frowned shaking his head. “Sage please. Please I can’t lose you. You mean far too much to me.” He murmured. “I promise to keep you safe and of course if we had kids things would change but I... safe you are the only good thing I’ve ever had in my life and I’m not ready to let you go.” He said quietly. “Magic would really miss you as well.”
Sage stands up and shakes her head. “Jason this isn’t going to work out. I’m sorry. I love you but this is too much.” She murmurs soflty. She kisses his cheek softly. “Stay sage okay.”
Sage frowns. “Get out of the gang life.” She mutter and sighs. “But I can’t really ask you to do that. This is your family.” She murmurs softly.
“Sage please... one more chance.” He begged again. “I can’t do this without you.” He told her quietly “Please I’m begging you. One more shot before we throw this away.” He couldn’t leave it behind. Not with the information he had. He would be shot and killed just to stop it from leaking out.
Sage sighs softly and looks down. She would break down if she looked at him right now. She would give in in a second. She couldn’t though.
Jason frowned and gently cupped her face, leaning down and pressing his lips to the top of her head. “I love you. More than anything. But go then. You’ve made your mind up. I’m not here to force your hand. If you change your mind though... you know where I live.” He murmured turning around feeling defeated and walked through to his bedroom.
Sage frowns and watches him. She stands there a minute before bolting after him. She wraps her arm around him from behind and buries her face in his back. She breaks down crying and tightens her grip.
He turned around and sat down on the edge of his bed pulling her into his arms tightly, burying his face into her hair. “Sage... Sage baby please. If you’re goif to go don’t make this harder on either of us.” He whispered but he wasn’t making any motion to let go of her. “You know I can’t leave them.” He murmured kissing her head again and shutting his eyes tightly.
Sage crawls into his lap and clings to him. She buries her face in his chest and makes no move to leave. She wasn’t going to. She couldn’t. She needed him as much as he needed her. She loved him more than anything.
He frowned hoping it meant she wasn’t going anywhere just keeping her close and held her protectively. “I love you.” He murmured lifting her chin so she was looking st him and kissed her softly. “I love you so much.”
Sage kisses him back softly and tangled her fingers in his hair. “I love you too.” She murmurs softly. She lays her head in his shoulder and curls into him. “I’ll give it a shot.” She murmurs softly.

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