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Realistic or Modern This ain't no West Side Story

Sage closes her eyes and starts to fall asleep. She had barely slept the night before and she finally felt safe and whole again. She sniffles softly and nuzzles her face in his neck.
He lay back keeping her close carefully and fell asleep shortly after, keeping her in his arms protectively. Magic eventually joined them in the room and lay at the foot of the bed watching them
Sage sleeps and holds onto him tightly all night. She curls up agaisnt him. She wakes up at some point to takes off her shoes and pants. She curls back up with him and sleeps.
He woke up early in the morning to go get them coffee, taking Magic with him then got back and went to give her her cup. “Sage... babe I got coffee.” He told her gently nudging her to wake her up.
Sage groans softly and slowly opens her eyes. She looks up at him and smiles a little. “Morning.” She murmurs soflty and kisses his cheek. She takes the cup and sips it, enjoying the warmth.
He smiled and nodded kissing her head and sitting next to her again. Kicking his shoes off and pulling his phone out to go through the news see what was going on in the area.
He nodded and kissed her head going to get sweatpants on and a loose tshirt then went to sit with her again keeping her close protectively. He pulled a book out and began reading with her snuggled in close.
Sage smiles and relaxes agaisnt him. She glances around at his room and finishes her coffee. She puts it down and curls up agaisnt him.
He rest his head against hers happily and kept her close pulling. The duvet over them. “What are you thinking about?” He asked her quietly, kissing her cheek.
Sage looks at him and shakes her head “nothing.” She murmurs and lays her head on his chest. She closes her eyes and wraps an arm around his waist.
He put his book down laying back some and kissed her head. “Do you have any questions?” He asked her quietly trailing patterns on her back.
Sage bites her lip and shrugs a little. “Not really.” She murmurs softly and plays with his shirt a little. “I don’t think I really wanna know anymore.”
He just nodded and kissed her head again. “That’s Okay. It keeps you safer anyway.” He murmured keeping her close. “You wanna tent a movie and make popcorn?” He asked quietly.
“If you can find s place that sells pizza at 10 in the morning.” He chuckled showing her the time on his phone. “What kinda movie do you wanna watch?” He asked her and got up to go into the lounge making sure Magic has enough water for now
Sage giggles a little and shrugs. “There might be.” She murmurs and sits up. She watches him and thinks. “What about the newest avengers?” She asks and runs a hand through her hair. She gets up and goes over to his drawer, pulling out one of his shirts and changing into it.
He smiled watching her some then went to get it sorted for her, coming back to her once he’d found a 24hr pizza place to deliver to them now and sat down to rent the movie off PPV
Sage smiles and crawls onto the bed behind him. She wraps her arms around him and rests her chin on his shoulder. “I love that you indulge my weird food cravings.” She giggles.
He grinned turning his head to kiss her cheek. “Mmm you put up with my clumsiness though so I think that makes us even.” He teased keeping her close. “I’m gonna squish you if you stay there.” He murmured though he wasn’t complaining.
Sage giggles softly and shakes her head. "You wouldn't squish me. You love me too much." She teases and kisses his cheek. She nuzzles her face in his neck and smiles.
“But as I told you I’m very clumsy. And you’re accident prone.” He pointed out smiling some and just tried not to put all his weight on her tiny frame.

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