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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

x.x guys I start work today. Super nervous. Sorry I haven't been posting much also x.x I'll try to see if I can do something when I get off.
@ApfelSeineon a mobile and sorry but i dont have the time anymore and someone can take libra but im out

Couldnt erase the tag 

I'm sorry to see you go :( Good luck with all the stuff you have to do though. I wish you all the best ^_^

x.x guys I start work today. Super nervous. Sorry I haven't been posting much also x.x I'll try to see if I can do something when I get off.

Starting a new job is always a big change, so it's understandable. Good luck at work :)
Someone should take Libra. Because I kind of want him, but taking him may end up starting a trend of me hoarding characters :P  

But really, if someone wants to play him, then they should step up ^_^  And if no one does then I actually would want to play him if that's acceptable (I am usually not a hoarder, I swear lol). I'm sure anyone else who'd like to play him would probably do him justice anyways though, since you're all skilled players.
I actually got a message from someone wanting to join so I guess I will tell them to take up Libra. x.x The one rp I actually have a character limit on and more people want to join that I have room for xD  lols. 
Lol no problem. I guess that means they'll create a new character then huh? That should be fine since the only person Libra interacted with so far is Capricorn (and I'm pumped to see another cool character).
I thought he was leading aries away from the others o-o anywho I will give them the choice if they still are interested.
I thought he was leading aries away from the others o-o anywho I will give them the choice if they still are interested.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. If you're responding to me, I was referring to the fact that Libra met with Capricorn first, then headed to the museum.

Also, if they're interested, let me know who they are/refer them to me and I'll give them an update on what is going down.
Besides the flashback, I'm unsure how Noel will get back into this, unless a direct attack on the princess happens, and he senses it and comes running. >.>

But in any case, I might not post much today. I have homework to do and I don't have school today.
Besides the flashback, I'm unsure how Noel will get back into this, unless a direct attack on the princess happens, and he senses it and comes running. >.>

But in any case, I might not post much today. I have homework to do and I don't have school today.

Hmmm maybe he can meet with Capricorn? Vijay is pretty much just heading to the princess' house, and Noel would have a reason to go talk to him since Vijay did tell them all to seek him out if they ever needed him. Perhaps he'd like Vijay's advice or maybe not since he's sketchy af  or perhaps he has something to talk to Vijay about.

Good luck with your homework by the way :) That's what I'm currently up to as well. I was worried since I though I'd have to get my research introduction done by tomorrow, but I got an email that says it's due Thursday. So if anyone needs me I should be around fairly consistently today (except later when I go out grocery shopping for more pasta). Less so tomorrow and Wednesday.
Hmmm maybe he can meet with Capricorn? Vijay is pretty much just heading to the princess' house, and Noel would have a reason to go talk to him since Vijay did tell them all to seek him out if they ever needed him. Perhaps he'd like Vijay's advice or maybe not since he's sketchy af  or perhaps he has something to talk to Vijay about.

Good luck with your homework by the way :) That's what I'm currently up to as well. I was worried since I though I'd have to get my research introduction done by tomorrow, but I got an email that says it's due Thursday. So if anyone needs me I should be around fairly consistently today (except later when I go out grocery shopping for more pasta). Less so tomorrow and Wednesday.

Thanks! I'm hoping to start getting into a better rhythm homework-wise so I won't be scrambling around trying to rush it like always. Plus that'll give me more time to respond to all my roleplays. ^^
Thanks! I'm hoping to start getting into a better rhythm homework-wise so I won't be scrambling around trying to rush it like always. Plus that'll give me more time to respond to all my roleplays. ^^

Yeah, getting into the habit of getting stuff done right away is a great way to be more efficient and have more free time (says the person who's put off all my homework until today but shhhh it was the weekend and technically nothing is due tomorrow :P  I'm a bad example, don't be like me lol)

I was sick an then in the hospital, and.I'm still not feeling well. I'll be caught up on everything soon! I'm sorry :(  

I was sick an then in the hospital, and.I'm still not feeling well. I'll be caught up on everything soon! I'm sorry :(  

I hope you feel better soon :) Focus on recovering. Buffasaur has been busy over the past few days anyways, so as Kairikudo said you haven't missed much. Still, if you need any help getting caught up, let me know and I'll do my best to help ^_^

I was sick an then in the hospital, and.I'm still not feeling well. I'll be caught up on everything soon! I'm sorry :(  


It's completely fine. Your health comes first, as Kairi said. 

Oh also guys can I just say that Cheese Toast is not a good breakfast when you have to be on your feet for 7 hours straight. I found that out Monday. I was super dizzy and when i ate lunch i was still dizzy cause it took so long for it to kick in xD. Wasn't the brightest idea on my part. 
It's completely fine. Your health comes first, as Kairi said. 

Oh also guys can I just say that Cheese Toast is not a good breakfast when you have to be on your feet for 7 hours straight. I found that out Monday. I was super dizzy and when i ate lunch i was still dizzy cause it took so long for it to kick in xD. Wasn't the brightest idea on my part. 

You learn something new everyday
It's completely fine. Your health comes first, as Kairi said. 

Oh also guys can I just say that Cheese Toast is not a good breakfast when you have to be on your feet for 7 hours straight. I found that out Monday. I was super dizzy and when i ate lunch i was still dizzy cause it took so long for it to kick in xD. Wasn't the brightest idea on my part. 

Eggs are great if you like those :) You can boil them in an electric kettle so hard boiled eggs are super easy. Carbohydrates usually gives you a quick burst, but then you crash soon afterwards, and at the point where you're already dizzy it won't help much. Conversely, eggs have more nutrients and so they're digested in a way that gives you a longer time where you feel energized. So that's good to eat before a long day, or in the middle of the day if you don't have much time to eat.
Eggs are great if you like those :) You can boil them in an electric kettle so hard boiled eggs are super easy. Carbohydrates usually gives you a quick burst, but then you crash soon afterwards, and at the point where you're already dizzy it won't help much. Conversely, eggs have more nutrients and so they're digested in a way that gives you a longer time where you feel energized. So that's good to eat before a long day, or in the middle of the day if you don't have much time to eat.

That's great since I work at a diner. I can just ask the cook to make me an egg. ^^

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