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Realistic or Modern ⚘ ~The Summer Season ~ ⚘ [ Slice of Life / Romance/ Open & Accepting]

  • Clara Rose Addington


    Age: 21
    DOB: July 7th
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: She sure thinks she's straight
    Occupation/Social Class: "Third Class", Youngest Daughter
    Reputation: An ornamental and pretty young lady with a good disposition who is a lot of fun to be around, but that's about it.
    Other: Pinterest Board



    Face Claim: Elle Fanning
    Hair Color/Style: Light Brown/Dirty Blonde
    Eye Color: Hazel (Brown/Green)
    Height/Build: 5'3", Average build

    Clara possesses all the outward charms a young lady should. She has long wavy hair, delicate heart-shaped lips, and naturally rosy cheeks that frame her button nose. Despite these natural gifts, she quite often does not do them justice by appearing disheveled and unkempt. Occasionally she could even be described as a little dirty with mud on her boots and the hem of her dress. This is likely due to the large number of walks and wandering she likes to partake in whenever she can get the chance. Clara is exceedingly quick to smile, and sports a mischievous twinkle in her eye.



    - Outgoing -
    - Chatty -
    - Kind -
    - Whimsical -
    - Goofy -
    - Emotional -
    - Passionate -
    - Witty -

    If there is one thing Clara can be faulted for, it is that she wears her heart on her sleeve. She is rather transparent about her emotions and opinions in the most abrasive way, but it is her childish glow and plucky disposition which saves her from making enemies. For she is so harmless in appearance and behavior that most people find it amusing. She is pleasant to be around, but impossible to be taken seriously. Those of true wealth mostly pity the poor girl and keep her around for ornamental reasons, while those of lower-class find her unusually warm and enthusiastic. She is quite playful and an avid lover of the arts. Primarily she is known for being a poetry enthusiast and an excellent dancer.



    Clara is the joy of the Addington name, though not exactly the pride. The youngest of four she has had little pressure on her to be anything more than herself and certainly has all the affection of her family. Or what family still remains. Her older sister Allison has recently been married off to a tradesman in Scotland and her youngest brother Percy left months ago to become a member of the clergy. Her eldest brother, Simon, is little more than a stranger to her these days after he moved to London and has not been back home in some time. The only child left, Clara's father Mr Addington has sent her to live for the summer in the county of Summerset for the social life. She stays now at the
    home of her Uncle Sean Higby, a low-level land gentry.

    She stays currently with Mr Higby at his humble estate which features a small apple orchard as well as a nice little pond. A few swans call it home, of which Clara is awfully fond. While she has not been in the area long, she has already fallen in love with the region and hopes to make it her permanent home someday. This is, in no small part due to her love for gardening and the outdoors. She is particularly fond of wildflowers and is often seen going for long walks to observe the countryside. She never misses a social event and has already been acquainting herself rather quickly with everyone there is to know in the area. She is known for love of poetry and her endless amount of energy to dance all evening- and quite well at that.
    It is rather easy for Clara to make new friends, and she can talk for hours on a variety of topics.

    In the way of love, Clara is a hopeless romantic. She searches for The One in nearly any crowd and is fast to fall in love, but equally so to fall out of it. She is a rather fickle and impulsive creature. Guilty of romanticizing every little thing in life she views the world through "rose-colored glasses". Her primary motivation in life is passion and she follows her heart quickly and easily. Her family would love to see her married, but is in no rush to push her onto the wrong match giving her the privilege of finding her own way. This is not to say they would approve of just anyone, but she is free to choose out of the suitable bachelors she might fancy.

    [Under Construction. More to come soon.]

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    Age: 24
    DOB: 11 February
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Occupation/Social Class: Upper middle class, homemaker of sorts
    Reputation: Moira stands in relatively good stead amongst those of her class, though some find her distastefully unconventional and progressive.
    Other: Amongst close relatives, Moira is affectionately known as ‘Em’. Moira is also an avid fiction writer and scrawls her observations of the Somerset society in a small notebook for inspiration. She knows that she would not be successful in publishing under her name but hopes to be published under a male pseudonym Maurice Duval.

    Face Claim: Emille De Ravin
    Hair Color/Style: Deep auburn, almost brown, thick and usually formed into an elegant chignon.
    Eye Color: Pale sky blue
    Height/Build: 5”4, slender and dainty.

    Moira has a quiet elegance about her features, with thick dark brown hair, intelligent blue eyes and a kind openness to her features. She is a woman just below average height with a dainty figure just as was expected of a desirable young woman. Moira is pale with an almost porcelain complexion as she prefers to stay indoors and exercise her cerebral muscles than anything else. A smattering of freckles sit comfortably on her upper cheeks and the bridge of her nose, a personal favourite feature of hers.
    When it comes to dresses, Moira is torn between embracing the more modern fashions that her younger sisters follow and maintaining the modest, if somewhat restrictive style of tradition. She tends to take a middle ground, wearing modest dresses in pastel shades and corsets to accentuate her already enviably small waist. Truly Moira is not much interested in what she wears and far more interested in what she 'clads her mind' with.

    Moira Tennyson is an enigma even to her siblings and parents, with many facets to her personality that some people may never see. On the surface she is a pragmatic and slightly aloof woman, not usually involving herself in disputes, however this is not all there is to this young woman. Moira is incredibly intelligent and is unapologetic about it. Passionate and occasionally ruthless, Moira will use her favourite mental weaponry to fight her corner when needed.
    To acquaintances, Moira interacts with a civility and palpable respect. Though she is not friendly with anyone particularly she certainly has an affection for the people she grew up with.
    Amongst family she is more warm and her sharp and dry sense of humour surfaces more often. She will discuss her latest reads with those siblings that will listen and has a special affection toward her father whom she greatly admires. Unfortunately, Moira is very aware that she is ahead of her time and her erudition is not entirely welcome. She does not care and though she respects tradition, she also understands when it is inhibiting.

    Moira is the first of five daughters born to Edward Tennyson, a respected and unusually wealthy merchant and his wife Mary. The family are members of the landed gentry. The family of seven live comfortably in a modest country estate in the county of Somerset called Everton Abbey, which the Tennyson children have always known.

    As the eldest child, Moira naturally adopted a maternal role to her younger sisters Harriet, Margaret, Charlotte and Elizabeth. Their childhood was spent learning all of the most important pursuits for young women, such as sewing, piano, reading the most up to date works of literature, etiquette and other such things. Although Moira enjoyed learning such things, she had always been most fascinated by her father’s work as a merchant. As a young girl she would badger him about it many a time, much to the dismay of her mother.

    “Moira your fascination with your father’s work is not becoming for a young lady.” Her mother would say, though her father encouraged her inquisitive mind. Moira’s younger sister were always held in higher regards by Mrs Tennyson. The girls seemed naturally inclined toward perfect grace and feminine virtue, whilst Moira’s interest in such things was clearly diminished in comparison. Rather than fashion, gossip and learning to impress wealthy potential suitors, Moira was always far more interested in cultivating her mind through devouring books on all subjects.

    As the firstborn of the Tennyson children, Moira would have been eligible to inherit her family estate, however for legal reasons known as entailment, the estate must be handed to the next male heir. To that end, Moira and her sisters now must be married to suitable gentlemen in order to survive. Though she would rather not meet her husband in such a way, keeping her family afloat is far more important to Moira than her own personal happiness.

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    Age: 25
    DOB: December 12
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Occupation/Social Class: Baron of Somerset
    Reputation: Amongst the vast majority of society, Henry is considered a charming and respectable enough young man, though being a second son, none paid too much attention to his personal affairs despite knowing of his less savoury gallivants. Amongst the female circles, he is admired mostly for his charming manner and impeccable good-looks if nothing else.
    Other: Henry is known for hosting lavish and beautiful balls at his country home Ellington Hall. They are very much the talk of the town and only the creme de la creme are invited.

    Face Claim: Ben Barnes
    Hair Color/Style: Dark brown, shoulder length and luxuriantly wavy.
    Eye Color: Deep brown
    Height/Build: 5'10, Average build and fitness.

    Young Henry Cavendish could very well be described as an eligible bachelor. Unlike his elder brother, Henry was blessed with extraordinarily good looks. The young man has a well kept mane of dark brown hair reaching to his shoulders and parted perfectly down the middle. His deep brown eyes are framed by long thick lashes and a defined brow, and overall his facial features are well defined. Although his own opinion is not required, Henry is keen to speak of how fond he is of his cupid bow mouth. The young bachelor stands at 5"10 and is always impeccably dressed for every occasion. Henry takes great pride in his personal appearance and opts for a classic and timeless style. He dislikes overly restrictive Eton collars and things to that effect, and if he could he would loosen his cravat far more than is socially acceptable.

    Henry is a charismatic and highly intelligent young man. Despite his intellect, Henry has always opted for less cerebral pursuits and more, well...carnal ones. He has always been absorbed in the things he can experience with his five senses, resulting in a very well hidden hedonism. Henry is eloquent and skilled at reading the social 'temperature' of a room. He is a social chameleon and finds himself able to float between various social groups with relative ease.

    Due to his charisma and good looks, young Henry is incurably vain and can be rather manipulative if his target is suggestible enough. Unfortunately, Henry dislikes applying his intellect to a work ethic and desires the power and prestige of being the heir of his father's estate without the responsibilities. He is cavalier and complacent, a trait that greatly irks his father. Unsurprisingly, Henry is a flirtatious young man, and entirely too sensual. He enjoys pursuing attractive people, but has never had the slightest inclination to settle down with one woman for life.

    Henry Arthur Cavendish was born as the second and final child of the Baron of Somerset named William and his dearly departed wife Evangeline. The family estates in the Somerset territory of Bristol were vast and sprawling and Henry and his brother Thomas grew up in luxury and comfort. The siblings grew up with a built in rivalry, primarily because of their father's overt favour for Thomas. As a young boy Henry was surprisingly shy and withdrawn, spending most of his time at his mother's side all the way up until her untimely death by small pox when Henry was nine. The death of Evangeline changed the young boy forever, however instead of becoming more insular, he came out of his shell and determined to be his own person no matter what his father said.

    As Henry grew older, he grew wearisome of vying for his father's attention and realised that his father's dismissal of him meant that he had far more freedom to do as he pleased in comparison to Thomas. He was even allowed to befriend a boy much lower on the societal rank than himself, by the name of Richard Hamilton, for which the repercussions were minor. The young man attended the prestigious school of Eton far off in London as a boy and then (somewhat reluctantly) finished his education at Harrow and Cambridge University. Upon his return from the hallowed halls of Cambridge, he continued life as a member of the barony in Somerset, earning somewhat of a keep from odd jobs that he had no need to do. Most of the time he avoids his brother and hosts opulent parties for the creme de la creme of society along with less scrupulous endeavours...

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