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Marisol didn’t sleep very well knowing Nora was in the bed across the room. For some reason just her presence made Marisol feel physical pain in her stomach. At first she thought it was hunger but eventually she used her brain and realized it was just nerves and emotion. After a long while she fell asleep but not for more than an hour or two.

“Christ woman...” Marisol grumbled and pulled her pillow over her face and let out a long sigh. “Right can’t suffocate myself already dead.” She threw the pillow to the floor and pushed herself to her feet before walking to the dresser. “Yeah pretty plain.” She answered Nora’s question plainly and without turning to look at her. She couldn’t.

After moving through her options she finally grabbed a grey hoodie and a pair of black leggings. She then threw the leggings on the bed and used her nails to rip holes in the knees before pulling the outfit on and finding a hair tie in a drawer. Good enough.

“Yeah yeah goody two shoes right behind you.” Marisol growled a bit, she wasn’t a morning person. Or a person person.

She followed Nora downstairs to find the two serpent males helping Delphina to her feet. Well... Everest was. “Wow now he’s even a bigger gentleman than you too? Not to say I’m surprised.” Marisol nudged Castor and gave him a wink before pushing past the group and searching the cabinets for the supplies to make coffee.

“Finally.” Marisol pulled out the grounds and filter and made a pot of coffee. Pouring herself a cup and taking a giant gulp. After a few moments she looked at the others and rolled her eyes, right. Better yourself. “Anyone want a cup?”

Yuu didn’t have a care in the world so sleep came easy, he was lazy by nature though so that made sense. When Nora knocked on the door he let out a sleepy growl and stretched his arms above his head. “Never in my life would I think I would wake up to a human.” Though he supposed he was dead so... either way. After a few moments he finally stood and moved to the closet. The clothes were completely strange looking to him but it was what he had he supposed. He found a pair of jeans and a white t shirt that were a little tight on him and found it to suffice. He then went to the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth and hair, pulling his shaggy silver locks into a tiny stub of a pony tail on the back of his head.

Once ready he grabbed his yarn and headed towards the commotion downstairs. “So noisy. And you all yelled at me for being loud.” He jumped up onto a counter, sitting with one foot on the counter and his chin resting on his knee. “Everest is already getting fresh with the mermaid I see. Bold in the first night.” He let out a smirk that showed a fang and tossed the yarn ball up and down.

Viola had woken early, it must have been a natural timing with sunrise. The others weren’t moving yet. She heard a stir downstairs but chose to ignore it and take a shower instead. The long hot shower calmed her anger and discontent and lot and prepared her for a better day ahead of her. This would be okay. It had to be okay. She had to take this chance ... she needed to go back to her life. While she didn’t know why the fact of the matter was something she felt so deeply it moved her to tears in the shower. Once she was calmed again Viola stepped out of the shower and got ready. To her delight she discovered she could use magic still and it worked to generate some wind to dry her hair while she brushed her teeth. She had found a lightweight white dress with no straps that she pulled quickly onto her body after finishing her hair. Today she looked much less intense than the day before. Her hair wasn’t slicked back, it was falling in waves down her back and her face was free of the dark makeup. It felt strange but it was her only option.

Downstairs Viola could hear the others and entered just as the fox made his stupid comments. “Oh will you stop.” She sighed and rubbed her forehead again before walking past them and heading straight to the door. “What are you all doing? It is 7:45. Eat if your feeble body makes you but do it quick. We can’t be late.” Her yarn was sitting on the table still and she grabbed it quickly before looking back to the others impatiently.

Raven woke when Yuu started moving around... he was a night person but all of his roommates were daytime creatures. It would simply be something he had to deal with. He didn’t care about his appearance much so he simply grabbed a pair of pants and shirt from the closet and got dressed. It ended up being a black sweater and denim pants, he didn’t even brush his hair before heading downstairs.

Already it seemed to be a cluster. It caused him to hold the bridge of his nose for a while before moving to the cupboards and searching through the various items.

“You three.” Raven sighed and looked over his shoulder at Everest, Castor and Delphina. “Here.” On the counter he had found three cups with lids. “I think that if we all must live together we need to be cautious of each other’s needs as well as ensuring we don’t cause problems.” He smiled gently at Delphina, “Not that it’s a problem, but just don’t want anyone to be uncomfortable you know?” He turned away and continued looking through the cupboards.

“And Viola, being rude because the humans are here with us is unbecoming. They can’t help their bodies just like you can’t help being short. So let’s all just take a moment to be considerate of the others in the space with us. We won’t be late.”

While Delphina waited to dry off she had fallen asleep. She had dreamed of swimming. She missed the ocean badly. There was something they'd never be able to erase from a mermaid and that was the need for the sea. "Hmm?" She felt someone poke her arm and she squirmed a little. No, just a little more. She wanted to dream longer. "Huh?" Her eyes bat open slowly when she noticed Everest was helping her to her feet. Feet. Feet! "Oh, I'm dry!" She giggled happily and looked back down at her legs. "Yeah I got wet and my fin appeared. I had to dry off." She looked around as everyone gathered around the kitchen. "Is it time to go already?" She looked up at the clock with curious eyes, lost in her own head space.

"Hm?" Delphina turned her attention back to the conversation when Raven chimed in. He noted the lid covered cups on the counter that he had found and she smiled brightly. "Oh, thank you Raven! You're the best." She filled the cup and sat on the counter top, sipping the water as she swung her legs slowly. "Oh, that's right. I forget humans consume food. You're certainly smart Raven." Delphina took another long drink of water while looking over at everyone. "Did no one sleep well? You all look so tired. Well, not Yuu. You look rather rested."

For some reason Marisol calling Nora a good two shoes upset her. Was she a goody two shoes? Nora was calm and smart. She enjoyed helping people. Maybe she was one. The thought was upsetting. "Oh, good morning everyone." Nora smiled gently at everyone as she picked an apple out of the basket on the counter and began to eat it. Everest helped Delphina off the floor and Nora tilted her head curiously. Why was she on the floor in the kitchen?

Her eyes followed Yuu as he entered the room. He sat up on the counter and made some sassy comment towards Everest and Delphina. "My you're an instigator aren't you?" Didn't someone to say that foxes were trouble makers? ...No. Nora wasn't judgmental. She wasn't going to judge him just because he was a fox. "I'm glad you slept well though." She gave Yuu a small smile before tossing her finished apple in the trash. She washed her hands quickly before grabbing her yarn once more. Time to go guys."

Nora walked into the room with five minutes to spare and sat in one of the chairs, awaiting their next task.

"Water? Go figure." Castor let out a loud sigh as he figured out what Everest meant. He didn't want to cause alarm to everyone if a large serpent appeared, it'd cause a panic. That would probably effect their Nirvana chances. "Right." People started to gather near them and he couldn't help but shoot Marisol a quick glare followed by an eye roll. "Yeah, some hero he is. What are you the girl that falls for the handsome hero? Didn't take you to be such a princess." He smirked, sure that comparing her to something prissy like a princess would piss her off.

"Thanks Raven! You will be handy to have, like a little bird of knowledge! Cheers." Castor filled his covered cup and raised it to Raven before taking a long drink. "Right, time to figure out what the hell this yarn is for." Castor followed after Nora. That girl seemed far more seriously than Marisol did. One would think that the two humans in the group would get along but it seemed like the two of them were avoiding each other like the plague. Was it like him and Everest?

Castor sat in the circle and tossed his ball of yarn from hand to hand as he waited for whatever was next.

Everest shown Delphina a gentle smile as she came to her senses. He ignored Yuu's heckling, it was in his nature. Foxes were tricky, sly, and only did what they want. His opinion meant nothing to him. "Thank you Raven." Everest filled his cup and took a long drink from it before glancing over at Viola. Though Raven scolded her she did have a point, they didn't want to be late. Especially not on the first day. "Right. Marisol you should have some of this fruit. I've heard fruit helps nourish the human body." Everest gave her a small smile before he grabbed his ball of yarn and heading into the room.

He looked around and took his seat in one of the chairs and stared down at the ball of yarn. Maybe Nora had been right last night, maybe the yarn was their life. The knot must have been their sins or something. Everest had a bad habit of judging creatures but that was because it was his job. He was the guardian of the small village, he had to know what dangers he was up against. Maybe that's why the knots looked so tedious to untie.
Marisol sipped at her cup and sent a flare at Castor when he made his remark. She was FAR from prissy. “Who me?” She batted her eyelashes at him and moved fake flipped her hair despite it being tied in a bun on the top of her head. When she was done she made sure to show him the perfect manicure on her middle finger specifically. “Fuck you goat boy.” Her face turned into a scowl as she finished her coffee and set the cup in the sink. Everest mentioned her eating some fruit and she gave him an eyebrow raise. He spoke about things in a strange manner, like some sort of alien. “Yeah yeah dad I’ll grab an apple. Thanks.” She chuckled and rolled her eyes before grabbing an apple and her yarn and heading into the room.

The other three already sitting had spread out in the room and she gave a low growl. No way in hell would she sit anywhere near Nora and Castor was already on her shit list for the day. She didn’t want to end up with Viola next to her either. So Everest it was.

“Your yarn looks pretty spiffy there. Compared to this shit.” Marisol tried her best at idle conversation as she sat beside him and held up her ball of red yarn.

Once everyone was in the room the voice rang out and the room transformed. A scale and chart appeared as well as some tables and strange looking infographics. The voice rang out again and made Marisol slump back dramatically in her chair.

“Good morning souls! Welcome to your first day of rehabilitation. Hope everyone slept well. Today starts s your first challenge. The yarn you received yesterday is a symbol of your life and it’s trials. Some of you lived good lives with few moral or emotional dilemmas so your yarn is fairly tidy! Others well.... have fun. You’ll need to unravel and unknot your yarn for the next step of your rehabilitation. Another task for the day is to get your soul weighed! Information is provided in your group rooms. Have a great day!”

Marisol scoffed. Soul weighed? What the hell did that even mean. And how was she supposed to untie this fucking ball? And why?! With a bit of anger she pushed back from her chair and stood, tossing her yarn to the ground with a soft thud before walking to the scale.

“Over the three years we need to lower the weight of our soul to reincarnate or whatever.” How did they do that? “Right now we should be at 2 ounces on average...” Marisol didn’t know if she held stock in this whole thing, it was all really fucking weird. Not what she thought the afterlife would be. Maybe she was in a coma or something... “well... I’ll go I guess.”

Marisol stepped onto the scale and yawned, bored with the concept. At least until the damn thing dinged and her and her eyes went wide at the weight. “4.6 ounces?! That’s more than double!!” She stepped off the thing and stood for a moment staring at the floor. Was she a bad person? Was that what this meant? I mean sure her attitude was bad and she was kinda mean but... she didn’t feel bad or evil.... It caused her to actually shut up for once and sit back down.

Yuu took a seat and picked gently at the strands of his ball of yarn as the voice explained their assignments of sorts. It was interesting, it made sense. As they were told what to do he began to work on it and honestly it was going so quickly he would be don’t within an hour or two. It kind of surprised him, though he felt like an easy breezy person and this felt easy breezy...
“In theory it makes sense that souls have weight... I mean when you feel down you say you feel weighed down. It is a physical feeling I guess.” Yuu shrugged... this was boring. When they said they had to prove themselves worthy he expected something with a little more pizazz.

When Marisol stepped on the scale he barely paid attention, at least until she began to freak out. A smirk crossed his face. “Oh ho ho now this is interesting. I thought everyone here would be boring and normal but maybe today will prove different.” He stood from his chair and weighed himself next.

“Hah!” Yuu stretched out and flexed his arms with a cocky smile, “You all thought I was some sort of raging asshole but look! 1.8 ounces. BETTER than average!”

Raven was seated in the room next to Delphina, listening intently to the male voice that spoke around them. So he was right, these were a test that was based on their past lives. Interesting concept. It would tell them a lot about their lives without being too jarring or specific to cause trauma. The way this place worked was amazing to him. From the tests, the people and they way they considered those worthy it was all already amazing. It was a place that was impossible to study. When they reincarnated or reached Nirvana they would likely forget about this place, thus why no one ever spoke of it. It was all astounding....

“Marisol maybe you should wait and let ...” Raven was cut short when the girl stepped on the scale. The non humans would handle the concept better and judging by her reaction he was right. She wasn’t handling it well. He had only been around the girl less than a day and he could tell she wasn’t one to not talk... Yuu went next. It caused Ravens eyes to go wide.

“Oh stop being cocky Fox.” Raven stood and moved to the scale. As he stepped on it he remembered the giant knot in the middle of his yarn.... what was that about? A number flashed on the scale and he was lost for a moment. 3.7oz. That seemed high. But what was more interesting is that this seemed less about ones individual personality than he thought. Traditionally Raven was a better person in personality than Yuu... he wasn’t obnoxious and selfish. He was fair and logical. This must be more about complex life events and their effect on the overall outlook on life...

“Interesting...” Raven walked away and sat back down, staring mindlessly as he turned the ball of yarn over and over again in his hands. What happened to him?

Viola started working on her yarn the moment she heard what to do with it. It was a bit tangled but not much. If she focused it was a job to be finished before lunch time for the little humans. The others began weighing themselves and she paid it little mind... she was still unsure of why they were doing these things in a group setting. Honestly she felt like these people would ultimately slow her down, she had to be here three years but in those three years she could accomplish so much more on her own.

The words on her own resonated with her in a strange way. One that made Viola catch her breath in her throat. Alone logically felt like a good idea but when she actually thought about it, her stomach grumbled and hurt. How was she hungry? Faeries didn’t need to eat for days and it was embarrassing after she had just scolded the humans. Quickly she cleared her throat to disguise the noise and stood with speed that made the chair legs squeak against the floors.

“Ah sorry.” Viola flushed and set down her yarn gently on the chair, making her way to the scale. “2.3.” Slightly heavy. But not too bad she supposed. Though Yuu being ahead of the game made her slightly angry.

The voice explained what was happening. Yarn that symbolized their life, weight to weigh the soul. Everyone started to step on the scale and some of the weights surprised her. Yuu out of all people was light. Marisol was nearly double the weight, and even Raven weight was over the top. It made her nervous. Quickly she took her turn and stepped on the scale. "3.2 ounces? Oh no..." She sinned in the past didn't she? She had to of. Her soul was heavy and her yarn was knotted. Not as bad as Marisol's or Castor's, though. She could do it. "Who would have thought?" She giggled nervously before hurrying back to her seat.

Quickly her fingers went to work on unraveling the yarn. Each knot was tied three or four times so it was extremely tedious. She wanted to get to the next step. "I wonder what we'll get for untying this thing..." Quietly she thought out loud, her fingers mindlessly untying the yarn.

For some reason Nora wasn't nervous. She was confident that she was a good person, that she wouldn't weigh much. But the more people went the more she was unsure. Marisol's weight was more than double. Yuu's weight was under the recommendation weight. What were they being judged on exactly? Even poor Delphina was overweight.

Nora stood and stepped on the scale, holding her breath as it calculated her weight. Finally the scale beeped. "1.3." It took a minute to process before she smiled brightly. "Yay." She giggled quietly before returning to her seat. She could untie it now, right? Pale fingers took hold of one of the strings and pulled slightly to release the only knot in the ball. "I uh, I did it."

"Congratulations to the first person to unravel their yarn! Nora Magnolia, please accept this memory capsule." A glowing orb appeared in front of her as the voice spoke once more. "In this capsule contains a memory from your past. Swallow the capsule and you'll gain your memory back. This is your reward for untying your yarn." Nora nervously grabbed the capsule from mid air. She had to swallow this? Slowly she popped the small capsule into her mouth and closed her eyes as she swallowed it.

Something took over her vision. A small girl with chocolate brown curls sat in the corner of a classroom crying while all the kids laughed at her. Was that her? Who would make fun of a girl so small? Her heart ached as she watched the scene unfold. Was this the reason Nora was so focused on making others happy and taken care of? Because no one made sure she was?

Slowly Nora blinked a few times and returned to her normal vision. She was back in the room with the others. For some reason she couldn't shake the sad, lonely feeling she had. Her pale fingers fiddled with the red yarn once more. Was that why her yarn was so perfect? She only did one thing wrong in her life?

A soul weight? Unraveling the yarn? This was all so idiotic! Yuu and Nora weighed so little compared to the others. The yellow haired girl must have did some pretty shitty things in the past to get the weight she did. Honestly, Castor felt a little nervous doing this. He had a bad feeling about it. "My turn, eh?" Castor stood to his tall lanky figure and stepped onto the scale.

When the number 5.2 flashed across the screen he went pale. Not possible. What exactly did Castor do in his past life to deserve this? His heart felt heavy in hi chest as he went to sit back in his seat. "Big deal. It's just one of their dumb tests. We have three years to lose the weight, right? I'm not worried." He was a good person, he had to be. Right? If he wasn't he wouldn't have been chosen to be in the rehab.

He was spending so much time trying to convince himself of his innocence he didn't even notice Nora finish her yarn. It was the voice that drew him out of his trance, the voice rewarding Nora with a memory capsule. "No way." That was it. He needed memory capsules to see his past life and what he did wrong. Goody two shoes Nora should have been thrilled after the capsule!

He stared at her until she came back to her senses. She didn't look thrilled, though. She looked upset, sad. Almost like she was going to cry. "Nora did you see anything good?"

Everyone's weight seemed to shock them, Everest was no exception. He was the last to step onto the scale. When it beeped he glanced at the reading, giving a small relieved sigh when he seen 1.6 ounces. He knew he was good. "1.6. I'm an underweight soul." That was good. He glanced back at Marisol and Castor. That weight had to be acceptable, right? After all they were allowed to join this rehabilitation facility. They had to be savable.

"It's alright guys. If you do well in group and do helpful things your weight will go down." Everest tried to reassure everyone as he fiddled with his yarn. He hoped they'd do more than fiddle with yarn but he wasn't the one making the curriculum. "Oh?" The voice started to talk and congratulated Nora. He couldn't help but smile over at her and watch as she consumed the memory capsule.

Her face read something other than joy. Whatever was in that memory capsule took her smile from her face and replaced it with a sad, heartbroken expression. He didn't have the heart to say anything...thankfully Castor spoke up. "I hate to admit it but I'm curious, too. Was it indeed a memory?"
-One week later-

It had been a full week since they were given their first task, each day had been small little lessons of how to lose weight on their soul and move towards a better life. They were also given the task of the handling a booth for a festival that would celebrate the people moving onto their reincarnation or nirvana this year. They had to come up with and work at the booth they made. The group had decided on a grilling station of some form but honestly Marisol didn’t know much about it... Castor and herself had been kind of outcasts on the planning due to their own issues with their yarn. They were the only ones without a completion yet and they had to be done with this by the day of the festival. Which was the next day.

“Do you even want to see your memories...?” It was late. Marisol was tired and while she would typically curse at Castor or make fun of him she was sucked into her own thoughts and it just kind of came out. The others were working on finishing touches for the booth while the two of them were sitting in the living room trying to finish their yarn balls. “I mean Nora said hers was bittersweet and you saw how clean her yarn was. Ours are like this... maybe I don’t want to know what I was like.” Her head fell and rested against the back of the couch as she closed her eyes. She only had about a foot left of yarn but she was scared. Her soul was so heavy. The yarn so bad. None of the others would get the fear... maybe Castor but he was so head strong about becoming a dragon she doubted he would show any fear. Not that the two of them could have a normal conversation anyways.

“Ah fuck. Forget I said anything.” Marisol sat up suddenly and went back to working on the yarn, knot by knot until she was on the last tangle.

Yuu had finished his yarn minutes after Nora did. His memory was of a teenage him, sitting around at a small village with a group of other kitsune tribe members with smiles on their faces and laughing, passing around a bottle. He had thought about it a lot the past week. That vision was his dreams in a single moment. He already had that life. He was already happy once. He had friends and good times. What happened to end that so early in his life?

“Hey hey hey! Just because those two can’t uknot some string they don’t have to help?! It’s the last night! Theyll have to work tomorrow at the booth right? I’m don’t covering their slack.” Yuu whined as they worked on the menu sign and schedule for their booth. They were doing a food booth with grilled meat kabobs and such. While a lot of the creatures didn’t NEED food, they could still eat for enjoyment so it seemed a good plan.

Yuu flopped down onto his back on the work room floor and let out a moody huff. “I’m so sleepy!” He made a dramatic yawn and rolled onto his side and closed his eyes. After a few moments he reached out an arm and let out a sly smirk, “Someone cuddle with me. Preferably a woman but I don’t discriminate. Viola, Delphina, Nora?” He waggled his eyebrows at the last name before opening his eyes and giving a wink.

Viola’s memory was bittersweet as Nora had explained hers. It was her as a young girl, sword in hand and training alone with a dummy. There was a brightness about watching her, she was talented, brilliant even but she had no friends, no one was with her. Was that why being around these people felt so warm? And the thought of being alone was so jarring?

It was a week later and they were onto the next test. Well most of them. “Yuu don’t act like a petulant child.” She brushed her hair from her face and scowled at the kitsune as he reached out his arms, “If you want to be lewd go hide in the bathroom you vile thing.” Her nose practically upturned at the man as she turned her back to his whining and worked on writing out the menu board.

“Of course they’ll help but let’s just be considerate of them not finishing the first task yet.” Viola was trying her best to be... nicer? Well at least accommodating. “I don’t get why you’re complaining anyways. All the work has been everyone but you. Hell I think even Castor has helped more.”

Ravens memory was of himself as a young boy with other children running around as he sat at a desk and read with a smile on his face. It seemed nice, it seemed like him and it felt right. Honestly it proves further that he was meant to be studious.

Over the past week he spent his time studying, it had taken him up until two days ago to finish the giant knitted mass of yarn. He also spent time doing his part with the booth. It felt childish and strange and in all honesty he couldn’t figure out a reason for this stupid thing beyond entertainment. “Viola ignore him.” That had almost become his catchphrase at this point. His dear roommate was a giant pain in the ass. “For Christ’s sake Yuu must you be like this?” He held the bridge of his nose and sighed before turning to the other two girls and handing them some paintbrushes. “Were almost done then we can be away from him for the rest of the evening.”

It had been a week already? It took Delphina two days before she could untie the never ending yarn. Finally she got a piece of her memory back! It was just as beautiful as she imagined. She was only a few years old but she was swimming with whales, dolphins, more fish than you could possibly count. Then she saw a boat.

That was it. That was all the memory she got. What was that? She knew it was a boat but that was her first time ever seeing one. Who was driving it? What were they doing all the way out there for? Delphina tried to bury those thoughts. To be honest, though, they were quite distracting. That's why when Nora asked for help with a secret project she was more than elated to help. Nora had been worried about their booth not doing well standing out among the others. She had came up with the idea of a maids and butlers. Everyone in their class was attractive, plenty of people would show up to see them dressed like that.

So after they spent the day working on the grilled kabob booth idea Nora and Delphina spent most of the night making outfits to incorporate into the whole idea. Hopefully the others would go for it. "Yuu, be nice. Not everyone's ball of yarn was as easy as yours or Nora's." Delphina finished laminating their menus and gave a small glance at the clock. "Nora, since Castor and Marisol aren't here yet it's a perfect time to get everyone's vote!" Those two would obviously vote no. Everyone here though? Surely they could convince them. It was best for the group as a whole.

"Yuu I know this has been rough, thank you for hanging in there." Nora gave a small yawn as she finished up the last of the decorations. The late nights had finally started to take its toll on her, she was having trouble focusing and couldn't go more than an hour without yawning. "Tell you what, if you can make it through this with being as helpful as you can then you can have my memory capsule." She certainly didn't want hers. Her memory was dark and painful, she didn't want to see anymore. Did she kill herself? No, her knot would have been bigger...she didn't need to think about this. Nora refused to see any more of her memories, it didn't matter what happened.

All that mattered now was she was confident in everything she did. The most awkward thing about it? The people from other groups that gathered around her. She didn't know who they were or what they wanted. Usually she made an excuse to get away from them.

"What? Delphina I don't think now is the time." As much as she hated to admit it though she was right, now was the time. "I've been scoping out the other booths and crunching some numbers and I honestly don't think we'll win. Our booth doesn't stand out." Nora reached into a box and pulled out a butler outfit and a cute maid costume. "I think it would be fun. Dress up, be cute, win and get some capsules." She gave a small nervous smile. "The only reason so many of the people are coming to our booth is because of the people in our class. Why not cater to our customers to get more of them?"

Who would have thought that a ball of yarn would be what beat Castor down? Of course Nora was the first one to get hers undone. Of course the dirty fox would be the second, sly bastard. Day after day person after person they untied their yarn. It ended up just being Marisol and Castor left on the couch to mindlessly work on these things. All for a stupid memory capsule. "The memory capsule they gave gives us insight on the type of life we lived, what kind of thing shaped us into the people we were. If we spent a week working on this bullshit then we deserve to at least see ours." Castor went back to working on his yarn with a loud sigh. He just wanted to use scissors but he knew that would be cheating. He wanted to work for this stupid capsule.

Castor had the whole ball of yarn untied save for a large ball at the end. What did he do at the end of his life that was so bad? He could say the same for Marisol. Hers was just as large and knotted as his was. "Maybe we should ask for help. We can go ask that guy that's in all black? He's like a supervisor or counselor of some sort, he should be able to help us. Or at least give us some advice to undo this."

He stood and gave a small smirk over at Marisol. "Or we could ask miss goody two shoes Nora. She's skilled with everything she does, she should be able to help us." That would get her. Marisol would rather die five times over than ask for help from Nora.

Everest quietly worked at the grill to make another test kabob. He wanted to get the recipe that they came up with was just right. He had never eaten human food but apparently it was quite delicious. That should help draw in customers? "Yuu I'm sure if anyone goes over there to you it certainly wouldn't be to cuddle." His eyes widened slightly when Nora offered her memory capsule to him. Was hers that bad? Everest got his yarn untied within the day and he got his. It was him running around a small village with a bright smile on his face helping out the villagers. It reassured him that he was a helpful, worthy serpent. Worthy enough to become a dragon? He was sure he was.

"Nora do not go babying the lazy fox. You deserve your reward, he does not deserve double just because he is lazy." Everest took the kabob off of the grill and divided it among the six of them on small plates. His attention turned to Nora as she proposed her idea. Dress up? His cheeks heated at the outfit. He quietly cleared his throat and smoothed out his long white hair. "I uh, I think it's a great idea. We'd win for sure."

The yellow haired female went red at the idea of speaking to Nora for help, the idea absolutely terrified her for some reason... and embarrassed her a bit. "Listen here goat boy!" Mairsol yelped and reached out quickly, yanking him back down onto the couch and yanking his yarn from his hands. There was no way she would be going to Nora for help. The girl made her feel so uncomfortable and honestly Marisol's pride was too strong to ask for help from a mousy girl like that.

"You are so infuriating." Marisol grumbled and began picking away at the knots in his yarn. Was this allowed? Who knew. Nothing struck her down or yelled at her in some scary voice about it so she assumed it was fine. "We have less that two hours to finish these before it hits midnight and you're ready to go to some tiny human for help?" The way she spat the words almost made herself sound like she wasn't human herself. Her face and ears turned red as she worked and before she knew it, there was only one knot left. One tiny little twist. The large knot that was left was gone in a matter of anger driven seconds. Why couldn't hers be that easy?! "I don't know what you were so whiny about anyways. Look, it's almost done." She threw the ball at him and turned with a huff back to her own, staring at the damn thing like it was her arch nemesis.

Despite Castor's words she still wasn't sure if she wanted to see her past... Maybe Marisol wasn't the person she wanted to be. Since being here she could tell that her attitude and superiority complex weren't the greatest but she still felt like she wanted to support others in some way... she just couldn't lay her finger on the exact desire. In her heart she felt broken, maybe that's what it was... she wanted to fix people like her. "Well if those capsules show us what shaped us into who we are, yours is going to be filled with farmlands goatboy. Don't get your hopes up."

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