The New OOC and Hangout

Not wanting to be annoying but, don't we have a Lore Q&A thread? welian welian
I could swear you asked me to keep a backup of that one

Also, this came up in a chat between me and Bag: could Kendrick graduate from AEGIS if he's still 16?
Because I recall the whole shtick with Morgan is the fact that he wasn't 18 yet (excluding the high strain accidents), but Bag seemed certain that it was a possibility...

Not that it changes anything for me, just really curious
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The Mechanist The Mechanist
Hey so how busy are you going to be? Chaos is thinking about jumping in the Cat mission to interact with you, but I want to make sure you'll be ready to interact.
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun - My understanding is you can graduate from AEGIS at 16, but you have to be 18 before you can apply for a blue card and become an approved vigilante. This means characters in the RP that are 17 and graduate from AEGIS Facility 108 can still not become a blue card until their 18th birthday. No kid or teenage superheroes!

Episode 6 Note:
Welian has confirmed Facility 108 is CLOSED for Episode 6, which will take place a week after Episode 5. One teacher (Aaron) is ill, the facilities are still undergoing repair, and probably just about everyone is in therapy right now for the massacre. Additionally, it looks like Episode 6 will be taking place at night, so no students will be attending classes in Episode 6. =)
Not wanting to be annoying but, don't we have a Lore Q&A thread? welian welian
I could swear you asked me to keep a backup of that one

Also, this came up in a chat between me and Bag: could Kendrick graduate from AEGIS if he's still 16?
Because I recall the whole shtick with Morgan is the fact that he wasn't 18 yet (excluding the high strain accidents), but Bag seemed certain that it was a possibility...

Not that it changes anything for me, just really curious

A subject is no longer required to wear a limiter if certain conditions are met:
  • The subject is over the age of eighteen (18), and;
  • They have attended and received a certificate of completion from a government-authorized superpower training program, and;
  • The limiter has been worn for a full calendar year, and;
  • No high-strain incidents have been recorded during this period, which indicates sufficient control of powers over a long period of time, and;
  • The subject is not S Rank. S Ranks are the most powerful and dangerous of supers, and therefore cannot be left unsupervised.
Since I failed to actually answer the question:

A student at Aegis graduates when they pass all eight courses at the facility. To pass a course, they need a signed document from each teacher that states that they have either completed all the objectives and are competent at controlling their powers, or the course was irreverent to their powers and has been waived.

So, yes, you can graduate Aegis at 16.

Morgan hasn't, because FLOOFERSNOOF.
Welp, lost my chance. Y'all get a Italian parents/Cecilia double feature flashback post on the start of 6 now, because I'm stubborn : P
If only people did not need sleep... Ahaha~! At some point I just had to stop lol, was too tired~

Also, this might render my WIP exam collab with yoikes yoikes and Teh Frixz Teh Frixz a moot point now, oh well... ^^'

Should I simply, post what we actually got done on the OOC then?
Would be sad to let it go to waste...
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Any chance we can get the much hyped and alluded to new rules (for character and maybe otherwise?) posted sometime this weekend so we have guidance for Episode 6?

Hey I'm bored and just woke up in the middle of the night so here's something that pops to mind every now and then~
IDK I think they're interesting and entertaining >w<
There's a bunch more, I just got bored of writing that at some point and chose to leave it like that XD

--Some Character Parallels--
Between my own:
Cecilia and Juliana - Prominently Extroverted. Loving families. One where the parents are an uncanny perfect match, other where it didn't work out.
Positivity and Denial, one that assumes the world to be inherently kind and is constantly being thrown out by the reality of it, the other who has decided to embrace how flawed it is and paint it all, good things and bad things, with a coat of glitter and pink. Farm life vs Urban life. Material detachment vs Materialism. 'Being legitimately happy is very important' vs 'The world needs to know how happy I am, be it the truth or not and that is what will make me accomplished'

Both who won't be afraid to tell you their opinions on a subject.

Kendrick and Aiden - Suffered/still suffer some kind of psychological abuse by part of their families. Are filled with self-hate which culminates into different intensities of self-depreciation. Lacking people skills. Prominently Introverted. Pessimist and Realism, both know that the world is not a good place, but one has an inner struggle towards with the concept, whereas the other has grown slightly paranoid over time. Prize organization and order.

Kendrick and Juliana - Building a facade, one that did it in order to fill a role he was expected to fulfil, other that decided to hide her insecurities behind it, to never deal with them properly. Loneliness. Not that good as people and they know it. Decision making based on a self-gain centred system, one that uses Risk x Profit, the other who is constantly looking for what is the most enjoyable and prizes self-preservation over everything else. Both are bad at dealing with their emotions and conveying them.

Cecilia and Aiden - Different intensities of Selfless. Inherently kind. More of a casual person. One who protects herself under a layer of denial, the other who cracked under the pressure and became paranoid. True to themselves no matter what. Loving family members, one who has a relationship akin to a friendship with hers, other who has a normal parent-child relationship with his mom. Concerned about doing something, one about cultural differences, other that is a bit of a people-pleaser and doesn't like to let others down. In touch with their emotions.

Kendrick and Cecilia - Parents are still together. High class vs Common rural folk. One that grew up in an environment filled with twisted values, other that grew up in one that valued said values as the virtues they are. Complain about everything that is even slightly displeasing vs. Value that which you've got and learn to be satisfied with it. One whose family doesn't love him and instead of support keeps shooting his ideas and actions down, one who has an incredibly loving and supportive family, sometimes maybe too much.
Helicopter parents, in one side ones who are manipulative, controlling and narcissistic, in the other ones who love their daughter so much that they would love to spend time together 24/7 also still see her and treat her as a child occasionally. Both families that were distant from their children at some point (one that still remains so, ofc).
Not that tech savvy. The more practical something is, the better.

Juliana and Aiden - Too much energy, not enough to do vs. Not enough motivation, too much he'd like to accomplish. Both families who have divorced, one that just didn't work out and other that was dysfunctional. Both that have a large passion for their interests and hobbies. Excessive Positivism vs. Excessive Pessimism. No shame at all vs. All of the shame possible and more. Ignoring the consequences of their actions vs. Dreading said consequences on an unhealthy level. One who doesn't get complex and subjective subjects, one who loves and geeks over them.
'I don't do feelings at all' vs. 'I want to hear exactly how you feel'. Both are searching for a purpose, one that struggles with boredom on a daily basis, the other who's been searching for his life's purpose and worth all along.
Knows and dabbles in the toxic side of the internet community vs. Sticks to the understanding and acceptive part of it, skips over the rest. Hates silence and being by themselves vs. Loves silence and being by themselves.
Know their devices and appliances very well. Both need social acceptance to constantly re-affirm their lost sense of self-worth. Intellectual work isn't worth the effort and time vs. Intellectual work is highly enjoyable and they'll spend hours upon hours on it.

Have some kind of organization system in place, one who uses Color-coding and Type based organization for her clothes and self-care products (make-up, nail polish, etc...), the other who uses Habit-based organization, preferring to put things where he'd definitely remember they are/see them. Both have an artistic expression/appreciation thing going (Fashion and Photography vs. Art in general)

Between Kendrick and someone else:
Kendrick and Manami - Child-like wonder, one that had his robbed from him too soon due to the environment he's grown up into, the other who remains their innocent and bubbly self to this day. Both get a level of understanding from each other that they can't/couldn't get from their families, they connect to each other with a sense of equality, similarity and mutual respect that the other aspects of their lives sometimes lack and fail to give them.

Kendrick and Samantha - Abusive families that treated/treat them as a thing more than as people. Both hide their insecure, self-depreciative selves under a carefully crafted facade, one by taking in the role he has been given and acting along with it, the other who paints herself as fearless, badass and a bit of a trickster. Both that'd have a hard time coming to terms with the truth when presented to them. A verbally abusive friendship, both get a surge of delight in being the most annoying as they can to the other and love seeing how they react to that fact.
Both very strongly opinionated, however, also too closed in inside their own convictions to understand the other, which just makes discussions and misunderstandings all the more likely and common.
Both are fun-loving to an extent, they just haven't realized so about each other yet.

Kendrick and Morgan - Both suffer from having terrible, helicopter parents, which also seem to love making plans for them without their consent or taking their wishes into account. Both of the said set of parents also seem to underestimate and shoot their kids' efforts and self-esteem down on a daily basis. Both ultimately want out of their situations.

Kendrick and Marianne - Both have something classy about them, one who has literally being raised into a wealthy environment and has his own moral code to abide by, the other who dresses fashionably, acts with a certain air of grace to it and also has her own (different and less intense) moral code to abide by.
Both who are not what they seem at a first glance, one who is actually fun-loving, caring and principled underneath all of the wealthy 'posse', the other who is a prankster until a certain level and enjoys starting rumours for her own amusement.
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Hey I'm bored and just woke up in the middle of the night so here's something that pops to mind every now and then~
IDK I think they're interesting and entertaining >w<
There's a bunch more, I just got bored of writing that at some point and chose to leave it like that XD

--Some Character Parallels--
Between my own:
Cecilia and Juliana - Prominently Extroverted. Loving families. One where the parents are an uncanny perfect match, other where it didn't work out.
Positivity and Denial, one that assumes the world to be inherently kind and is constantly being thrown out by the reality of it, the other who has decided to embrace how flawed it is and paint it all, good things and bad things, with a coat of glitter and pink. Farm life vs Urban life. Material detachment vs Materialism. 'Being legitimately happy is very important' vs 'The world needs to know how happy I am, be it the truth or not and that is what will make me accomplished'

Both who won't be afraid to tell you their opinions on a subject.

Kendrick and Aiden - Suffered/still suffer some kind of psychological abuse by part of their families. Are filled with self-hate which culminates into different intensities of self-depreciation. Lacking people skills. Prominently Introverted. Pessimist and Realism, both know that the world is not a good place, but one has an inner struggle towards with the concept, whereas the other has grown slightly paranoid over time. Prize organization and order.

Kendrick and Juliana - Building a facade, one that did it in order to fill a role he was expected to fulfil, other that decided to hide her insecurities behind it, to never deal with them properly. Loneliness. Not that good as people and they know it. Decision making based on a self-gain centred system, one that uses Risk x Profit, the other who is constantly looking for what is the most enjoyable and prizes self-preservation over everything else. Both are bad at dealing with their emotions and conveying them.

Cecilia and Aiden - Different intensities of Selfless. Inherently kind. More of a casual person. One who protects herself under a layer of denial, the other who cracked under the pressure and became paranoid. True to themselves no matter what. Loving family members, one who has a relationship akin to a friendship with hers, other who has a normal parent-child relationship with his mom. Concerned about doing something, one about cultural differences, other that is a bit of a people-pleaser and doesn't like to let others down. In touch with their emotions.

Kendrick and Cecilia - Parents are still together. High class vs Common rural folk. One that grew up in an environment filled with twisted values, other that grew up in one that valued said values as the virtues they are. Complain about everything that is even slightly displeasing vs. Value that which you've got and learn to be satisfied with it. One whose family doesn't love him and instead of support keeps shooting his ideas and actions down, one who has an incredibly loving and supportive family, sometimes maybe too much.
Helicopter parents, in one side ones who are manipulative, controlling and narcissistic, in the other ones who love their daughter so much that they would love to spend time together 24/7 also still see her and treat her as a child occasionally. Both families that were distant from their children at some point (one that still remains so, ofc).
Not that tech savvy. The more practical something is, the better.

Juliana and Aiden - Too much energy, not enough to do vs. Not enough motivation, too much he'd like to accomplish. Both families who have divorced, one that just didn't work out and other that was dysfunctional. Both that have a large passion for their interests and hobbies. Excessive Positivism vs. Excessive Pessimism. No shame at all vs. All of the shame possible and more. Ignoring the consequences of their actions vs. Dreading said consequences on an unhealthy level. One who doesn't get complex and subjective subjects, one who loves and geeks over them.
'I don't do feelings at all' vs. 'I want to hear exactly how you feel'. Both are searching for a purpose, one that struggles with boredom on a daily basis, the other who's been searching for his life's purpose and worth all along.
Knows and dabbles in the toxic side of the internet community vs. Sticks to the understanding and acceptive part of it, skips over the rest. Hates silence and being by themselves vs. Loves silence and being by themselves.
Know their devices and appliances very well. Both need social acceptance to constantly re-affirm their lost sense of self-worth. Intellectual work isn't worth the effort and time vs. Intellectual work is highly enjoyable and they'll spend hours upon hours on it.

Have some kind of organization system in place, one who uses Color-coding and Type based organization for her clothes and self-care products (make-up, nail polish, etc...), the other who uses Habit-based organization, preferring to put things where he'd definitely remember they are/see them. Both have an artistic expression/appreciation thing going (Fashion and Photography vs. Art in general)

Between Kendrick and someone else:
Kendrick and Manami - Child-like wonder, one that had his robbed from him too soon due to the environment he's grown up into, the other who remains their innocent and bubbly self to this day. Both get a level of understanding from each other that they can't/couldn't get from their families, they connect to each other with a sense of equality, similarity and mutual respect that the other aspects of their lives sometimes lack and fail to give them.

Kendrick and Samantha - Abusive families that treated/treat them as a thing more than as people. Both hide their insecure, self-depreciative selves under a carefully crafted facade, one by taking in the role he has been given and acting along with it, the other who paints herself as fearless, badass and a bit of trickster. Both that'd have a hard time coming to terms with the truth when presented to them. A verbally abusive friendship, both get a surge of delight in being the most annoying as they can to the other and love seeing how they react to that fact.
Both very strongly opinionated, however, also too closed in inside their own convictions to understand the other, which just makes discussions and misunderstandings all the more likely and common.
Both are fun-loving to an extent, they just haven't realized so about each other yet.

Kendrick and Morgan - Both suffer from having terrible, helicopter parents, which also seem to love making plans for them without their consent or taking their wishes into account. Both of the said set of parents also seem underestimate and shoot their kids' efforts and self-esteem down on a daily basis. Both ultimately want out of their situations.

Kendrick and Marianne - Both have something classy about them, one who has literally being raised into a wealthy environment and has his own moral code to abide by, the other who dresses fashionably and acts with a certain grace and also has her own (different and less intense) moral code to abide by.
Both who are not what they seem at a first glance, one who is actually fun-loving, caring and principled underneath all of the wealthy 'posse', the other who is a prankster until a certain level and enjoys starting rumours for her own amusement.
I still want Kendrick and Sam to one day become actual friends and be able to understand one another. They’re more alike than either realizes. :3

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