The New OOC and Hangout

Hot pockets! But to answer your question seriously, there are lots of powers that have not been taken - however, in this RP, we don't worry about duplicate powers, so we don't keep track of who has what power. That being said, I thiiiink we're missing plant manipulation, tactile hair... I don't think we have anyone who can talk to animals? We have people who can turn into animals, and I play a telepath, but he can't read animal minds so that's an untapped market. We have fire and water and air and metal and electrical manipulation, but the ice guy left the RP last year. I don't think we have plain super strength....
So where am I supposed to put my character sheet? Also how do I get it to look all cool and BBCoded like the others?
PM it to me! There's a BBcode skeleton tucked away somewhere, I forget where - if you're confident, you can copy it from a preexisting profile. If not, just send me plain text and Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun can do the BBcode for you afterward.
You guys think this is a good character?

  • Heroism Meter
    Ability Statistics

S Shabazz 'In' requires getting your character accepted first, but submission of a character is a good first step!

The next step to getting accepted is to solicit feedback from other players. Sometimes this takes a while because for most people the priorities list is basically

  1. Prompts
  2. Posts
  3. real life
  4. missions
  5. unruly freewheeling chat
  6. reading the blog
  7. fake life
  8. feedback
Some people actually put real life above posts if you can believe it, and there are a few miscreants who don't even read the blog OR write to the prompts! (Rude!).

There are however, a few who take feedback pretty seriously. Mainly ManicMuse ManicMuse Syrenrei Syrenrei and Lemon Boy Lemon Boy sometimes our fearless (or is it feckless?) leader welian welian will chime in also.

I have also been known to dabble in feedback when I am far enough down the list to have dealt with fake life.

Onward to feedback:

Generally looks like a simple, solid concept (As opposed to gas or liquid I guess?) We do have one other active 'cold' based character that Welian probably forgot about because Transparent Transparent has left Raymond and Lucas hanging for about a month now... (Just sayin')

Annnnyway, I would think about maybe dropping defense to 3? I see the logic of having four to represent the frost skin, but that won't always be on, and without it, he doesn't seem like he'd be super humanly tough. (though I can think of logical reasons for him having superhuman toughness, there is no reason to max your stats for the rank if you can fit your concept in on fewer stat points.)

By the same token, I could see dropping energy to six and rank to B maybe? Hard limit of sixty feet would seem plausible at six. Eight is kinda crazy. (Nine, famously, knocked down the Key bridge from two miles away in episode three.) The usual scale is 1-3 is human. 4-6 is standard issue superheroes, 7-8 is getting into godlike territory. (literally: I would put Thor at 7 strength... maybe) 9 is off the charts and can theoretically do anything you can imagine.

You'll also want to have some flaws on the skills/flaws tab.

I have a couple more things also regarding skills, and some clarifications on the limitations, but I have class to teach for the next several hours. Will try to get back to you when that is done.

Welcome to the RP!

Gus Gus I literally spent the past two days discussing how to make my character with welian welian and trying to get him to approve the character. He said everything looks good, and then you tell me I need to nerf the character even more? Seriously? Well, I went ahead and edited the sheet.... god you guys are picky...

We're the pickiest roleplay on the entire site! And we're proud of it. Don't worry though, two days isn't that long to work on a character.
Gus Gus I literally spent the past two days discussing how to make my character with welian welian and trying to get him to approve the character. He said everything looks good, and then you tell me I need to nerf the character even more? Seriously? Well, I went ahead and edited the sheet.... god you guys are picky...


You misunderstand I think. There is no hard line to cross for approval, it is a discussion we have about every character. I have six characters and two of them took over six months to approve (because they were seriously weird and needed the back and forth to make them fit in) All of my characters also went through a secondary revision process recently as well. This is necessary to the nature of the RP; the CS is meant to give guidelines both to other players to know what to expect and to you as a writer to know what is reasonable to write. That means anchoring everyone's vision of a character's capabilities is a process that takes time.

I am not saying you have to change it, I am making suggestions. If you want to keep him A rank with eight energy, I would support that, but I think you ought to increase the range and power of the ice in that case. If you are happy with the limitations as you wrote them, in my opinion 6 energy would cover that description just fine.

Other opinions may vary.

Be patient. We want new players to join. Just try to understand: this entire venture is a collaboration, not a competition. That sometimes means the revision process can be a little drawn out. I will beat the bushes and try to get some other eyes on your CS. I don't foresee any serious problems with approval. Like I said he seems like a perfectly fine character concept.
S Shabazz

Just checked the new CS! Like the flaws.

Had a question about 'crafty'... does that mean like improvised booby traps or what? A little clarification there would be good. Are we talking like woodcraft? Or is he good with soldering irons and monkey wrenching electronics?

On the limitations, am I crazy or was it sixty foot radius before? Because that sounded fine to me, given 6 energy. Might just fix it at 100,000 cubic feet, which ballparks a cylinder 1 foot deep and 60 foot radius to a nice round figure. To me that seems more clear, but YMMV. I think I have stirred up a couple more people to give him a look, but I was chatting with welian, and we're both inclined to accept him within the next day or two, pending other people weighing in.
S Shabazz

Just checked the new CS! Like the flaws.

Had a question about 'crafty'... does that mean like improvised booby traps or what? A little clarification there would be good. Are we talking like woodcraft? Or is he good with soldering irons and monkey wrenching electronics?

On the limitations, am I crazy or was it sixty foot radius before? Because that sounded fine to me, given 6 energy. Might just fix it at 100,000 cubic feet, which ballparks a cylinder 1 foot deep and 60 foot radius to a nice round figure. To me that seems more clear, but YMMV. I think I have stirred up a couple more people to give him a look, but I was chatting with welian, and we're both inclined to accept him within the next day or two, pending other people weighing in.

From Google: Crafty -> "clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods."
I think that's what they're going for. I was confused too at the start XD

I agree with Gus over range, 6 ft is too weak for 6 on energy. Just as a comparison Cecilia, my air manipulator is also a B rank at 6 energy and I put her range at 10 meters... That makes sense to me, given well, B rank! So yeah 60 ft was fine~

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