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The Neko

Cassie had already left when she asked. "Eggs, Bacon, and a biscuit eat up" he said with a smile. Cassie had went into the other room talking on the phone and doing papers. She was very busy and she had to do some stuff today. She sighed and yawned looking outside. It was a warm sunny day so she decided she could just walk everywhere.
Sakura nibbled on the biscuit given to her, tilting her head at the other female. She pouted when she found that Cassie had other things to do, so the cat girl guessed that she couldn't really complain. Too much.
Cassie got everything under control. She went to the countertop and grabbed a brush that she left there. She started brushing her hair. "Your going to be coming with me alright?" She asked smiling.
Sakura shoveled down the rest of breakfast eagerly. Tapping the plate down, she cried, "Finished!" while jumping down. Doing so, she shifted into her full human form. "Let's go!"
"Some paper work but it won't take long I promise " she said smiling. They came to a building. She went inside and sat Sakura down in a chair then went to the front desk.
The neko bounced in the chair that she was left in. She had a lot of excess energy that she wanted to release and she had nothing but herself now to entertain herself. Which only meant one thing when it came to pets and children of which she was technically both: Trouble.

When Cassie would return, she would find a mess all over the place. Scattered papers all over the floor. The magazines were drawn in with the pens she found and the chair was overturned, of which she was currently playing with the wheel of.
"So we have a deal then?" Cassie said as she walked with a man. They both looked at the mess. T he man shook his head and took the paper back and left. Cassie frowned. "Sakura.." she said in a disappointed voice and frowning.
She sighed. She grabbed her hand and pulled her up and walked out not talking to her or nothing. Maybe she was wrong? Maybe she shouldn't have her should she give her away? Lots of thoughts ran through her head.

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