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The Neko

Sakura purred while Eric just looked uncomfortable. He looked like he was about to say something but just shook his head. Again, he was about speak until a defeated look came over his face. "Wh-what are they like? Can they speak?"
She smiled when she purred. "Oh yeah they can speak it just takes a moment are you getting one?" She asked. She looked down at Sakura.
Eric shook his head. "No, you know how I feel about it." He had gone on many rants about how cruel it was to experiment with life and to make intelligent beings just for other's amusement.

Sakura looked up at her Master and softly purred.
Once Sakura touched the ground, she expanded into a normal human height of 5'4. Eric looked shocked at the change. It definitely didn't seem normal or within nature's boundaries. But before he could speak, Sakura approached and began sniffing him. "Wooh," he muttered while what looked to be a normal human girl save for cat ears and a tail started whiffing his armpit and chest.
Cassie giggled. "Come Sakura I need to give you some things" she said quietly. "Bye Eric" she says quietly. She went back in and up the stairs in her room.
"You " she said smiling. She turned her the other way and put the necklace on her. She smiled and started brushed her hair a bit. Cassie yawned. She pit Sakura beside her and went up to curl up to the blanket.
Sakura snuggled up in the blankets, having shrank into a cat form. She curled up in a ball next to Cassie's head. She rumbled with contentment.
The small neko also fell asleep for a short while. After a few hours, however, Sakura found that she simply couldn't get back to sleep. She stirred, rising and jumping down from the bed. She couldn't help herself, Sakura simply had to explore.

She nudged past the door and traversed the large mansion. It was huge to her tiny form but still she padded on. Sniffing around, she eventually found her way to the kitchen. As it was the dead of night, it was deserted.

Shifting back into a human form, she reach into the cupboards, sniffing out for food.
Ben came up behind her. He saw her search for food. He made sushi and he had left overs in the fridge. He grabbed them and put them on the ground and watched her. He also got a bowl and filled it with water.
To Sakura, it seemed as though those items appeared on their own as she had not noticed Ben's presense. Instead, she thought it was simply a nifty human invention to make her life easier. In any case, she pounced on it and scarfed it down. The neko also took the bowl of water and tilted it back, draining it easily.

Burping, Sakura gave her stomach a contented pat. Once her belly was full, she was finally content and sleepy enough to return to bed. Not bothering to clean up any of the mess she left behind, she traveled back to the room and curled back up next to Cassie.
Ben chuckled. He cleaned up the sushie and the bowl.

Cassie turned over and snuggled Sakura. Her eyes closed tightly. She frowned and brought her even closer.

Cassie woke up in the morning. She got up and walked down stairs sleeepily. She got breakfast from the counter that Ben made witch was Bacon, eggs, and a biscut. There was another plate for Sakura. Cassie ate pretty slowly. She was tired and her head was hurting. She drank some water and put her head on the table.
Sakura, still in a cat form, stretched before her mouth stretched into a large yawn. Shifting into a small human form, she went into the kitchen. She smelled food which instantly caught her attention. That was until, of course, she saw her master's form slumping on the countertop. "Is everything alright?" Sakura asked, worried.
Cassie nodded and yawned. She got up and grabbed her plate and washed it. She pet Sakura then went upstairs to change. She changed into a black T-shirt and black pants with a little bit of white
Cassie smiled at her. "Well I'll tell you but first you have to eat" she said poking her nose. She grabbed her hand and led her downstairs to the kitchen we're her food was. Ben was there washing different plates and cups. Cassie lifted Sakura up and put hee on the stool.
Sakura wiggled her nose after Cassie poked it but followed her easily. She found that she didn't much liked being picked up but didn't hate it enough to speak out against it. "So what is there to eat?" Sakura was hungry again.

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