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Fantasy The Magic War - A Tale of Two Sides

Fortunate Son

Never stop creating your beautiful world.
Collin Sharpe, vassal to the Kingdom of Ostia, watched as his troops advanced. He was a young man, well muscled, and of a medium sized build. Before him lay a town, his target to lay siege too in the opening acts of the invasion. The town was lightly guarded, and his small advanced force would have the honor of launching the first strike of this war. It wasn't unexpected, but the enemy nation most certainly was not prepared. Even now, his army lay in wait at the forests edge. HIs troops of 40 cavalry at the front, backed by over a hundred infantry and another fifty archers. They would be the swords edge. Ostia had suffered from enemy attacks for long enough, magical assaults, murders, destruction and raids, and he would have no more of it. So, when the king had called for a secret attack, he and the other vassals had stepped forward. They would end the assault by uncontrolled magic, and they would end it swiftly and with purpose.

The mist of dawn was still heavy upon the ground, a good cover. His horse, Charger, snorted and pawed the ground, the air was charged with an electrical air. He turned to his men. "The village of Mondstadt lays unprepared for an assault men. Us in the cavalry shall charge first, our goal is to make it and prevent them from closing their gates. We desire a swift victory here. You are only to do combat with enemy soldiers and militia. Any magic wielders fighters are to be targeted first. Those who surrender are to be treated with honor. And let me make this clear men... I have trained you well and to fight with honor. If I catch any of you killing those who surrender, or those who are not soldiers, I'll run you through myself. We are not them! We will not bring atrocities to their land as they did to ours. Today, we liberate these people, for the freedom of Ostia, for the freedom of all from those who would use magic for their own power!" He barked.

The cheer of his soldiers would be the first alert the people in the village would get. Collin lowered his helmet onto his head, hiding his short trimmed copper hair, a short beard, and blazing green eyes like the forest. His armor and sword were cold steel, durable and well maintained. The tabard he wore over his armor was colored a four checkered pattern of Red and black, and on it was his house Emblem, that of a howling wolf. He raised his sword and looked to his men. "To arms! To war!" He shouted, and with his blade lowering, spurred his horse into a Charge.

The war would open with the cheer of men, and the thunder of horse hooves.

RavenMist RavenMist
For many of the nights hours, Elizabeth lay restless in her chambers, the sun had not even a chance to rise fully before she was sat upright as an uneasy feeling hit the pit of her stomach. It was only common for her to feel this way of late, the kingdom felt on edge constantly and whilst her parents worked hard to ensure their own people were at peace with one another, they couldn’t say the same for their neighbouring kingdom. After a few moments she builds the courage to get out of her bed, her nightgown fixing itself as she walks over to the window. Her platinum hair cascades down past her shoulders her curls messy from the lack of sleep. Her small frame looked even smaller against the large pane of glass of which she looked out at the sun that was just starting to rise, a silver mist covered the kingdom and her hazel eyes watched carefully. Everything lay still and quiet, nothing yet out of place but her face showed only concern for events that were yet to even begin.

A sudden knock at the door startled her and she twists round suddenly, her firsts clenched by her sides. “My lady?” A voice calls out before the door opens, “it’s important you dress and come with me. Your father has called for you in the drawing room.” The man says, bowing his head as she watches carefully. Elizabeth nods and forces a small smile, “I’ll be right there, fetch me Tricia to help me if you will.” She ordered, a moment later a small maid walked in, “My lady? You called?” She murmurs, curtsying and lowering her head.
“Yes, help me prepare to see my father.” A genuine smile this time appears, Tricia had always been good to the princess, helping even in the most unpleasant of hours. The feeling of unrest was pushed to one side for a moment as the maid pulls out two dresses for her to choose from. She changes into the deep turquoise dress, a simple but flattering dress that hugged at her small curves, “You look beautiful, my lady.” The maid gushes and Elizabeth’s cheeks warm, “I must see my father.” She states, “Thank you, Tricia.” She finishes before making her way find her father.

— —

The rest of the castle was suddenly much more busy that Elizabeth had even been prepared for. Servants were rushing from one place to another, ‘What is happening?’ She wondered finally finding her father, who also seemed to be in a rush, “Elizabeth! Dear! I have called for guards. There’s been word that Ostia have started an attack in one of our villages. It will not be long before they get here and whilst I prepare our troops, I want you moved to a safe location.” He states hastily, his tone stern and cold. His face was wrinkled and distressed, he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down at the map of the kingdoms. A war had been brewing for quite a few years and whilst Alyanth refuted all claims of attacks made toward Ostia, they were not believed. Magic was feared and so they fell to be scapegoats for dark magic and magic all the same.

The rest of what happened felt like a daze, half a dozen guards escorted her away from her father, all with the same mission of keeping the princess safe. She at first tried to fight the decision and her screams were heard throughout the castle but it was no use. The decision was made and whilst bee magic was strong and she had trained her entire 21 years of life to fight and rule at her families side, she was unfortunately the only heir to the Alyanth throne with no other siblings alive to bear its brunt. She had to survive, even if the rest of the kingdom were to perish.
The assault was sudden. The guards, sleepy while waiting for the day watch, had only just started trying to close and secure the gates when they came racing through. Collin's sword cleaved down one of the guards, him barely having to add force thanks to the speed of his charge. A score of his men dismounted and set up a hasty guard around the gates, taking care of the remaining guards and securing them as planned. The town guards wore little better than leather armor and chainmail, they were not prepared for a charge by battle ready knights. Collin did not allow himself to slow as he lead the charge, the hooves of his other thirty cavalry clattering onto cobblestone as they rushed through the town, cutting down any resistance.

It didn't take long for his infantry and archers to enter the village. Where his cavalry could break up defensive groupings and put the enemy in disarray, his infantry hunted down and either defeated or forced the enemy militia to surrender. His cavalry meanwhile, had another goal. They pressed on, rushing the small manor which acted as the center of this village. His shouts, and the striking of horse hooves on stone, cleared any of the peasantry that might have been making for the castle, he was thankful they scattered, and that none were caught in the charge.

His men forced their way into the manor, the guards there were more prepared, but so were his men. Shield and sword at the ready, Collin lead his men in their assault. He caught the blade of another mans sword before returning the assault in kind, his own sword spilling more blood. As soon as an opening was made, he rushed through with what of his men could follow, and they pushed into the main hall. It was here that he caught a blast of magic. A streak of flame glanced off of his shield, and he could feel the heat of it. Without hesitation, he replied with his own 'magic'. The device fired with the sound of a loaded spring, and a small sized crossbow bolt shot from the device on his wrist, ending the mage. His troops were quick, and with the death of the village lord, the village quickly fell. At least their leader had had the honor to fight to the last, taking up the sword against Collin himself.

His orders were not complete though. As soon as his banner was raised over the village, he gathered his cavalry, and issued orders to his infantry and archers. Half would stay here and establish this village as a forward base for the influx of Ostian troops, the other half of his infantry would march to a designated point to block roads and slow the movement of the enemy army. HIs cavalry would be the forward scouting force, setting out to see what the enemies reaction would be, and to cause as much havoc as possible. With a nod, his cavalry unit started to advance farther inland.
For the first time in her entire life, Elizabeth felt utterly powerless as she was taken away from the castle and into a carriage. This carriage wasn’t like the usual royal carriages she would travel in, this one was old and more basic. She scrunches her nose but climbs into the carriage, “What if they’re watching the roads?” She asks out loud, watching her guards are the move around her without really acknowledging her. Her eyes grew angry and her face scrunched up, “Answer me! I am, Princess Elizabeth Oclias of Alyanth. I have a right to know the way you’re planning to protect me.” She seethes, her saddness still turning into fury.

All but one guard continues to prepare, a stumpy older guard comes to a stop and approaches the Princess cautiously, “Your Highness, we don’t mean to offend you. We have strict instructions to keep you safe and we can only do so by getting you out of this kingdom. We haven’t a large enough army prepared for a battle near the capital.” He explained, bowing his head low before holding out a bunch of clothing for her to take. She looked at them as she took them slowly, amongst the clothing is a plain commoner dress and a scarf to cover her hair and hide her status. She scrunched her nose again, “I will not wear this. I should be standing strong.” She cried, tears welling up this time, “My magic is stronger than any of their armies. If they want to be scared, we should make them scared.” She continued. The guard shakes his head, “Princess, we live on better morals than this. Your dear mother...” he trailed off, head still bowed.

She wiped her eyes and nods once, “Rise Sir Gustavo.” She murmurs, her hazel eyes gazing sadly, “I can only apologise for my outburst, my heart aches for my family, for my kingdom. I am selfish as I did not think of your sacrifice in this.” She says lightly. The guards shakes his head, “Do not apologise, we will serve your family for as long as we live. We will not surrender or run but we must conceal who you are. If we stop on the road at all in this journey, you must change into the plain clothing.” He urges, before looking away and pulling out something else, “Your father would like you to have this.” He states, presenting a dagger. It was just any dagger and the girl’s eyes go wide. The dagger held a deep blue sapphire on its hilt, engraved also lay her families crest, a golden eagle.

Finally the guard dismissed himself, and the group started to disperse. For safety reasons only two guards would travel with the carriage, not wanting to draw extra attention to themselves. Further back four more would travel on horse back, everyone dressed in plain armour to hide the royal crest. The royal guards were better trained than the normal guards, some even knew some basic magic. The journey began only shortly after, the carriage bumpy and Elizabeth felt lonely sat by herself. The two guards that remained with her sat out in the front. One to control the horses and another to keep an eyeful watch on their surroundings.

The kingdom border was not far but would take an hour or so to reach. Not even half way into the journey, the carriage came to a halt and Elizabeth was almost thrown forward out of the seat. The guards words echoed in her mind and she pulls herself up before beginning to change. She could hear some heated conversation and she sits painfully still after placing the comment dress over her undergarments. She places the dagger out of sight, hidden in her dress, “Dear Lord.” She murmured softly, clasping her hands together. Her hands were perfectly smooth and reflected that of her status, she hadn’t worked a day in her life and whilst she would tend to her horses and even the garden it was never treacherous work. She wrapped the scarf around her hair, covering the platinum blonde and most of her face.The voices became even more raised and she gulped.
They were practically eating up the miles as they rode through Alyanth's terrain, specifically into the capital area. They'd already laid ambush to another small contingent of enemy troops, likely a messenger group, but whatever the message had been, it was burned by the magic of the man who carried it before he died. Now, they had relocated to another section of woodland. Through messenger hawks, he learned that his infantry detachment had secured a bridge that would be utilized by the armies to advance further into Alyanth. It would at least allow them to advance on Alyanth's westernmost city, Ivalice. He and his men were farther to the north, closer to the capital.

"My Lord, we've spotted something advancing along the roads. Appears to be a carriage, two riders in escort." His Cavalry Captain, Marcus, informed him. "What actions would you have us take?"

Collin stepped away from the map he'd been studying and took in the short report, thinking quickly. "Do they appear to be militarily or governmentally involved?" He asked.

"No, my lord. The carriage is simplistic in design. No markings, no heavy baggage, only its own driver and the two horsemen, possibly escorts." He offered up.

"We'll check it out anyways. Gather six of your men my friend, we'll ride down. This is one of the primary roads for Alyanth, typically too well patrolled and traveled for bandits to appear, and a guard to be required. I would see that carriage, and its occupants, searched." He sad as he climbed back onto his horse, leaving his helmet off and secured to his armor. He began to ride down, seven men escorting him at a trot. The carriage would not be fast enough to outrun them, should it try.

"Hail the carriage, halt yourselves!" He called, his voice commanding as they neared. "What is your purpose?" He ordered, he could see the two escorts looking back and forth to one another, but could not hear that which they said.
The guards had been prepared with a story, a family of three siblings all looking to flee the toxicity of Alyanth. The older guard signalled for the other to stop the horse and as the carriage pulled to a halt he jumped down, his name was Johnathon by birthright and it was the name he intended to still use. He looked at the horses and instantly knew they were from Ostian, “We’re fleeing the toxicity of Alyanth. My brother, my sister and I. We saved for a carriage so we wouldn’t need to travel on foot.” He reasons, patting the nearest horse, “We hoped to look for refuge in another kingdom. My sister is tired so I joined Alex in the front earlier.” He finishes, glancing back.

Elizabeth’s heart remained pounding as she heard her guard speak to the man. She moved the curtain to one side to take a peak, once she saw the Ostian guards she internally groans. She moves the turquoise dress that was on the floor and stuffs it as-far back under the sit as it would go. She had no jewellery to remove, having left all other items at the castle. She waits for the next move, hoping that they would leave her be in the carriage and not investigate further.

She thinks back to her father and frowns, knowing that he would not leave his people behind, when thats exactly what she was doing. Her heart ached at the thought of so many who would lose their lives protecting the kingdom that the Oclias family had built up over generations. Even the dragons of the far land had began to trust their kingdom in more recent years but most had chosen to flee back after the war had been whispered about.

The men on the carriage awaited to see the decision, the first man climbing back up, “If you will. Our journey will be a long one and we’d like to continue.” Johnathon states.
Collin listened to the story, and, it was believable. "I am sorry, but the carriage must be searched." He said. "I am Lord Sharpe, of Ostia, and a commander of their military. Ostia has determined to liberate the people of Alyanth from the rule of its magic wielders, and to protect ourselves from further magical attacks of which evidence has been found tying the Alyanth King to them." He said, and it seemed he believed those words himself. "As such, any possibility of troop movements, orders, or escape by persons of interest must be prevented." He explained.

When Collin noticed a slight movement in the drapes hiding the cart, he turned to look in that direction. "I would advise you submit to our search. If everything is to my satisfaction, you may continue on your way." He said. He noted that the two mean appeared to wear some form of armor, although it was not adorned noticeably. At the minimum, they were at least of some wealth to have afforded it alone.

On some level, he would be known by other nobles. He was young, surprisingly young for his status as a lord, not much older than her. By all accounts, he was an honorable person, if a bit brash at times, a risk taker.. He'd ascended to his position after the death of his parents when he was in his teens, and had managed to maintain a successful holding onto his lands, even growing them, despite his youth. If no one intervened, he would dismount from his horse, and start towards the carriage door.
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Elizabeth listened and frowned once more, she waited for her guards to say something first. Johnathon nods to the man and looks at Alex, “El, dear, will you come out and address Lord Sharpe.” He asks, feeling awkward not addressing her as Princess for the first time. Elizabeth, too was taken aback and takes a moment to compose herself before opening the carriage door, “Yes brother, what ever is the problem.” She asks, adjusting the scarf on her hair. The dagger was tightly attached to her leg under the dress. She kept her hands tightly by her side as she stepped forward away from the carriage door, “Lord Sharpe,” she greets bowing her head, “I hope we haven’t caused you any trouble as we look for somewhere safer to call home. Alyanth is corrupt and we cannot take the torment from the rulers no longer.” She murmurs, hating the words leaving her mouth but knowing her life would depend on it.

Her magic was often only boosted by her emotions, and internally she was fighting it hard. Her hazel eyes look innocently over to the man sat so high up on the horse. She took note of his title, meaning hewas important and not just a general guard in this war. She worked hard to hide the hatred that she had for him and the army of Ostia. She wanted to share her own pain but for now she simply wished that she could pass to fight another day.
Collin would help the young woman down, offering a smile to her and, maybe admiring some of her simple beauty. "No trouble at all, dear miss. I must only do my duty." He explained. As he helped her down, he noticed her plain clothes of dress, the appearance of a commoner, but, her hands had no callouses, no damage or unevenness from a life of work, they were well maintained. As he helped her down, one of his men began to search the cart, and quickly removed the dress, revealing it. It was regal. Collin raised an eyebrow at that, and looked to his men. "Ah... what a fine piece of clothing... my lady, could you and your brothers explain this to me." He asked, expectantly.

"It's a piece fit for a noble, and yet it was stuffed into the bottom of this carriage." He said, looking to them expectantly. Slowly, his suspicions rose. Possibly that this was a group of nobles seeking to escape from the coming battle. "You say that you wish to escape the dangers of this country? Correct good sir?"
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Elizabeth takes a moment to gulp, looking back at her brothers nervously. She looks at the ground and takes a deep breath before gazing back up at the man who had helped her down, “I can explain sir..” she trails off slowly. Johnathon and Alex look back and forth between each other before watching her, “I was a maid for the princess, she was cruel and horrid to me. I took the dress to spite her and cause her grief. She was spoilt and often thought she deserved the best and that I was nothing but a slave there to wash and dress her,” she mumbled sadly. Creating lies about herself was nothing that she couldn’t handle, even if they stung.

She looks back at her brothers and offer a weak smile, “I didn’t want to get us in trouble and so I hid the dress. I was scared.” She murmurs before looking back at Lord Sharpe. She would continue to play the timid and weak female until she no longer could. Her eyes welled slightly, “I hope I’ve not caused you trouble, my Lord.” She whimpered, bowing her head again. She thought about her dress and with her eyes on the floor they glistened slightly and for a slight moment, not even a second they flickered the lightest shade of blue. She blinks and tries to calm herself, wiping away the tears with her hands.

Johnathon speaks now, “It’s okay, El. We’re looking for a better life now, isn’t that right?” He asks, watching as she nods multiple times. All three of them were anxiously waiting to be let go, preparing internally for any chance that they may need to fight. They should have had 4 guards on horse back only a mile back but they most likely stopped when they noticed the carriage stop too.
Collin took in the story, it... did seem possible. He had to admit. However, something did not seem to set right with him. Something about this ordeal. He had a way to see though. He smiled, "It is quite alright. I understand fully the fear that powerful magic can cause." He said, calmly. "If it is safety that you all seek... then I assure you, nowhere is as safe as Ostia is currently, and we are not far from the advancing forces. If I may, to ensure you safely out of the country, I insist that you all come with my men and I, and we shall give you escort safely out of the country." He said. "My lands are those which border Alyanth, and my men are honorable. Let me show you that I am kind and fair, for in exchange, as a worker of the castle, I would ask that you tell me all you can of its abilities. It's defenses. Anything that would save lives and make an assault short and with limited bloodshed." He explained, returning the dress to her.

"I will...forget about your removal of this dress." He added, smiling some. "If I may, I would enquire your names."
Her head snapped up suddenly, watching the man carefully. Her mouth dry at his request that they offer information to help their attack. Her lips had part slightly and she looks back at her men, “I’m but a maid, I’m not burdened with the ability to perform magic. My knowledge is small and the things I know can’t possibly assist you, can they?” She queried, biting her tongue for a moment, “I can offer you what I know of entrances and such, but I’m tired and wish to rest first.” She murmured, thinking hard on what to say and not to say.

As the dress is handed back she looks at each of the guards that were with Lord Sharpe, assessing the situation, “My brothers names are Johnathon and Alexander. I’m El. Short for Elise.” She lied easily. Not wishing to give her given birth name. With a push she tried to offer a smile, holding the dress in her hands once more, “If it’s no trouble then we would be glad for your help escorting us. I’m sure that Ostia will be a happier home for me and my brothers.” She stated, hoping that she wasn’t over stepping in place but not being able to help but take over in speaking for her men.

Johnathon and Alex both simply nodded in agreement over the things the princess was saying, “Little sister, please return to resting. He urged, glancing at Lord Sharpe and offering a smile, “Thank you for your kindness.” He states simply.
He chuckled, "You could be of far more help than you realize... maids learn a many thing about the castles they keep." He said. He noted more still, these two brothers were quite willing to let her speak for them. He nodded then when she stated her tiredness, and would even help her back into the cart. "Rest well then, and soon you shall find yourself in safety." He told her. He motioned for his men to come down from the forest. And soon, his full cavalry troop had surrounded them. 40 Riders surrounded them, but instead of making any move to attack they fell into a formation. "Men, we're returning to our lines... we need to report in on what we've seen, and we're in no position to get caught by a larger force at night. We shall dine with our Ostian brothers soon!" He called, and a cheer went up. "We're to escort this troop of people back with us, for they wish to seek Ostian protection!" Another cheer.

The men fell into line, and Collin took up his position at the lead. He nodded to his captain. "Marcus... have two men remain close to the cart. Listen in for any conversation... something about this doesn't sit well with me. Have fifteen of our men take up the rear, just to be sure." He added, and would motion for their small convoy to set off, his orders carried out.
As he helped her back into she breathed a sigh of relief. She closed the door and the curtain before sitting back and closing her eyes for a moment. She contained her anger well but she was no longer angry at everyone else, she was angry with herself. She hated playing the roll of damsel, she hated feeling weak and useless. She looks down at her hands, holding her palm out and concentrating until a small orb of fire danced. Her fingers move in a rhyming way and the fire danced with them. She puts the fire out and stifles a long sigh, “Real scary,” she mutters. Her eyes closed once again and she hoped for the journey to be quick.

Johnathon looked at Alex as they started to move again, “Let’s hope we’ve made the right decision.” He mutters, gazing around at the troops around them, “For our sake and our sisters.” He states, with extra emphasis on ‘sisters’.

Alex nods once, “We made an oath, let’s continue to fulfil it.” He states calmly, he rubs the nape of his neck and control the reins to the horse with the other, “She’ll be fine. With or without us.” He adds.
The ride would be a somewhat lengthy one, taking multiple hours for them to return. Soon however, they neared what had become the front of a warzone. Camps were being established, they ran into advancing troops. At one point they would encounter the rest of Collin's troops, which he would collect and make towards returning into the initial village that Collin had captured. More troops from the rest of the Ostian army were advancing inland now. It was clear this was a full blown invasion. The first thing that those towards the center and back of the column would hear, was that of the shouts of Collin as they entered the village.

"What is the meaning of this!" He bellowed. Watching as men that were not his own gathered up the towns valuables, food stocks, and all else, leaving next to nothing for the townspeople. He looked to the sergeant that seemed to be overseeing the gathering operation. "You, Sergeant, who has ordered this?" He didn't need for the man to answer as he saw the crest on the sergeants uniform, that of a golden boar on a solid black field. He turned towards the Manor, which sat before them. "Count Devlain! Show yourself!" He barked.

Slowly, a man appeared on horseback from the manor walls. He was large, very large, a mix of muscle and fat that looked like he could rip logs in two. Graying hair was slicked back with oil on his head, and he had a smile that was better described as a sneer on his face. "Why, Lord Shrape, what seems to be the issue, I had thought you would be out in the field, leading the gallant charge!" He proclaimed.

"I was, and when I return to my newest quarters, I see naught but you, pillaging from those under my protection. Or is that not my banner which flies over this village. By right of conquest, this village is mine, as are its lands." He proclaimed. "You will not be leaving here with these items."

The older man sent him a glare. "Lord Sharpe, by right of war, I am to access enemy supplies to better feed my men, as was permitted by High King Harlaus himself. My men are assigned with the goal of capturing the first city. Do not forget that I outrank you boy... you may hold some sway thanks to your fathers memory... but you are not him. And you have no right to issue orders unto me." He warned, dangerously.

"Maybe so, but these are now my lands. This fief is my claim." Collin knew his hands were tied, but he would not fully back down. "You may take half - half of the food. The rest will be left so that the villagers will have stock for winter, and you will not leave with any of these valuables. THey are of no value to your war goals. My efforts will not line your purse." He said.

The man sneered again. "Fair enough, but I would watch that tongue of yours Lord Sharpe... one day you will overstep your bounds... and you will get what you deserve." He said. With that, his men loaded half of the gathered food. Colling had his own men establish a guard around the rest and the pile of valuables, ensuring that not one bit extra was taken. It was clear that there was an anger in his eyes. He had no desire to see the peasantry overly suffer from the war games of him and his fellow nobles.
As the carriage came to a halt, Elizabeth could here shouting and noise. She hated being confined to the carriage, with a huff her pushed open the door and stepped out. The hours of travelling had worn on her more and her angry was ripe. When everntually her eyes landed on the village and the things happening around her she looked distraught. She tried to hide her anger and her upset, clenching her fists by her side. Her men had climbed down with her, standing behind her, “Calm down, my lady,” one whispered, “Not here.” The other mumbled into her ear.

The scene in front of the princess would have been amusing if it were not for the circumstances. She quite enjoyed nobles butting heads, a common occurrence under usual circumstances. Under the alias of a maid she could not talk and challenge authority like she usually would, yet she ached to do something about the things they were taking from her people. She pulled the scarf tighter over her head, unsure if any of the village people left would recognise her. She looks at Alex and Johnathon, “Now what?” She asks them, “How do we trust that all Ostian’s are as friendly as the ones we stumbled on.” She mutters, “Not all seem as gracious or kind to the people really suffering.” She murmurs, glaring toward the larger man who had been named to be Count Devlain.

Lucky for Elizabeth, the only encounters she’d faced of Ostian nobles were the ones sent to visit Alyanth when she was a child. Back then, the kingdoms were at peace and everyone thrived. Ostia had a strong alliance with Alyanth back then, they’d even discussed marriage unity’s with the heirs to both thrones. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the ground, not wanting to draw any further attention that they already would.
Collin spat as he saw them gone, "Dastard." He muttered, before turning to the quietly watching villagers, some of whom had come back out at the commotion. "I implore you! Who is the village leader here!?" He questioned. Eventually, an older man stepped forward, wide eyed and a bit afraid.

"I... I am mylord. W...what is it you desire?" He asked.

Collin took a breath, putting on a much calmer face. "With what they took, will your people make it through the coming winter? Will they have enough food and supplies?" He requested again. If he truely planned to take these people and the land as his serfs... then he had to begin to uphold his part of the bargain.

"I..." The main thought for a second. "I believe so mylord. I do. It will be hard, a scarce winter, but, it can be done." He said, still a bit wary.

Collin nodded, "I am Lord Collin Sharp, Vassal to Ostia and owner of the lands just across the border. You will be under my protection... as was promised when I agreed to have at the first assault." He said. "Marcus, have a messenger sent back to Castle Sharpe. Inform them to have a supply convoy, three carts of dried meats and grain delivered to..." He looked to the village head.

"Ah... Springvale mylord... y...you are most generous!" The man said, bowing.

"Have the supplies delivered to Springvale." He said. "These are my people now, and are to be under my protection. They will pay taxes unto the house of Sharpe, and shall be ensured safety in exchange." He said.

It was then that he looked. "We shall make for the Manor... I will bed there for tonight." He said. After the final details were settled, he turned and looked to Elise, seeing her reactions. There was something more to her. He walked over. "You three may join us." He said, offering a brief smile.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure? We can stay with the villagers, I’m sure we can find somewhere to stay. We wouldn’t want to be a hindrance,” she states, gazing at him. Johnathon nudges her and Alex chuckles, “Calm down sister, you needn’t fret now. We’re safe.” He whispers. Elizabeth nods slowly, “You’re right Alex. I’m sure my Lord, I don’t mean to seem unappreciative of your offer. I’m just not used to such kindness.” She admits, bowing her head again.

She glances back up and tries to mirror the smile, wishing for nothing more than to wipe the smile from his face. She holds Johnathon’s arm as they walk toward the manner. The village they’d taken belong to a close family friend, “What happened to the Lord of this manor? The warlock?” She asks gently, trying to seem genuinely curious, “What will you do with all the nobles?”
He raised an eyebrow, he somewhat felt like she was more used to it than not. "It will be no trouble at all." He said as they made for the Manor. "We assaulted the village quickly, and did as wars do." He stated simply. "They chose to fight, and we fought." He said as though that were that. "The Lord stood to the last against me, the mage fell trying to deliver his hellfire upon me." He stated. "The noblemen and women of this country will be given their chance to surrender, to swear fealty to a stronger king than the one of Alyanth." He explained. "Any who are magically empowered will be given a chance to leave or swear fealty and be marked so all know they bear magical power... to be closely monitored by the kingdom to ensure they can do no harm to others." He said. "We are tired of the continued attacks upon our nation by Alyanthian backed insurrectionists. It was one of these attacks which took my parents... so I'll personally see this task done." He said as they made it into the lords keep.

Now he probed some, testing the waters of his suspicions. "The royal family shall be the ones to pay. They'll face trial for their crimes against us. The King of Alyanth, and his magic, will never harm someone again." He said, sure of himself.
Elizabeth listened and nodded slowly, gazing away now. Her jaw was tight and her face blank, Johnathon had a hand on her shoulder now. She looks at the manor and then at her men, “Where should me and my brothers settle?” She asks, wanting to be alone for a while now.

At the mention of her father her head snaps up to look at the man. Her eyes for a split second showed her real fury, flashing blue. She blinked and then turned to her brothers, “And he’d deserve it. I cannot fathom when they did to your kingdom.” She murmurs. She clasps her hands together, inhaling slowly. Johnathon looks down at her and frowns, he urges her to breath though he couldn’t talk out loud. He felt for her, it can’t be nice to hear so many horrid things about her own family.

Elizabeth looks down at her hands, “What of Alyanth after you finish? It all becomes Ostia?” She questions, “The surrendered nobles become normal commoners?” She queries.
Collin caught the flash, now he had his proof, this was no commoner. A simple motion of his hand was all that was needed, and some extra troops entered the main hall from side doors. He took on a far more serious tone. "That depends, 'Elise'. Where should I place a common maid with hands immaculately cared for? Hands not damaged from scrubbing, washing, and preparing food." He said calmly. "And it's quite interesting that both of your brothers are well armed and show clear signs of being prepared. Saving for the carriage I could believe... but to have such capable arms and armor as well?" He sighed. "What finally gave you away though has been your reactions, m'lady. Your eyes can tell volumes." He said, turning to her now in full.

"So... which noblewoman of Alyanth are you? I'd tell your men to stand down, you will be treated with fairness." He said, hand calmly resting on the pommel of his own sword.
Johnathon and Alex at once grasped at their own swords, “We fight for our kingdom.” One calls out, face cold and stern, “We serve you and only you my Lady.” Johnathon states, moving to block the view of Elizabeth, Alex turning to watch the troops around them at the same time. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, “Stupid plan.” She mutters to herself, watching the man in front of her. She appreciated the men willing to risk their lives for her but she hated that they had to. She didn’t want anyone to just injured for her, never mind possibly die.

Elizabeth reaches down and grabs at her dagger, holding it defensively, “You haven’t even courted me yet, my title is something you must earn, m’Lord.” She says, imitating the way he had addressed her as ‘m’lady’. She watched the men and she glares unsure if this was a battle she even wanted to start. Her eyes glow for a moment but she stops herself, “We can dance if you’d like, play with fire and you’re sure to be burnt.” She taunts, smirking slightly now. She was confident and showing a side to herself now that didn’t seem scared. Truth be told they were in a dangerous situation and she was anylasing the room carefully. She wasn’t the type to just give up and call defeat, or surrender,though sheassumed it safer to not tell him of her title right now, they would surely need to force her.

The thought of surrendering and being branded flickered in her mind and she recoils internally at the thought. She hated being made out to be the evil one, she might have been trained but she was no killer. Nevertheless, these soldiers didn’t know that.
He watched there reactions and sighed, "See sense in your actions. There are three of you. My men in this village alone number some 200 strong. The rest of the Ostian Army is passing by right now on the main road. Do you really believe you will make it out of this and escape?" He asked. "I am not here to harm you, or your men." He drew his sword. "You have my word that you nor your men will be harmed. I will not have you three separated either... unless it is required. You will not be sent to some dungeon or jail cell. And... as I am free to do with prisoners as I see fit... I will not turn you over to my liege or to any of my fellow vassals." He shook his head.

"Let's parlay... what will it take to have you stand down?" He asked.
Elizabeth shook her head and laughed, “You don’t understand. You won’t have a choice when they know who I am,” she muttered, she gazes at the man. Her eyes filled with hatred as she watches him, “Alyanth deserves to stand, it deserves to be ruled by the Oclias family.” She states coldly. She looks at each of the soldiers surrounding them, she tosses her dagger onto the floor beside the Lord.

“I will stand down, but I can’t promise that I won’t try to leave.” She states, she listened as her men refused to stand down and shakes her head, “You’ve been good to me, but I cannot let you give your lives for mine.” She says sadly.

Johnathon shakes his head again, “No!” He roars, pulling his sword and attacking the nearest guard, “We promised to keep you safe, I don’t trust this man.” He growls, lunging at the nearest soldier, swinging his sword. The soldier defends himself and swung his own sword back before plunging it into Johnathon’s in the chest. Elizabeth cries out, her eyes icy blue, “No!,” she screams, she lifts her arm and the soldier lifts into the air. She launches him across the room and the soldier hits the wall before slumping to the floor. Elizabeth turns back, her eyes were still blue and she gazes at the Lord, “He’s alive but he’ll need some medical attention.” She sneers, she doesn’t look down at the man dead next to her, her face cold and angry.

Alex had already dropped his sword, holding his hands up. It’s not often that any of them saw the Princess use magic in a way that she just had. She was strong but she never used it to harm others, “Your move m’Lord. I’d suggest asking your men to leave.” She snaps. Her eyes return hazel and she kneels beside Johnathon finally, a single tear falls from her face and she shakes her head.
Collin watched it all happen, faster than even he could react. He looked to his troops. "None of you are to speak of what you saw. I will handle this!" He said. "Take that man and get him medical attention." He ordered.

"M'lord... are you sure?" One soldier asked.

"I am... leave... I will take care of the goings on here." he said. With some reluctance, the other soldiers left. Collin removed his hand from his sword, picking up the dagger she had tossed to him, he slipped it into a pouch after seeing the royal crest of Alyanth. He shook his head again. "The Oclias family has only taken from me." He said. "It was the patriarch of the Oclias family, the king, who sent the mage that took my family from me. Mage fire engulfed an entire banquet hall, and only I survived because my father shielded me." He said, voice colder than ice, eyes distant. "Why should they stand and rule?" He questioned, almost more to himself before refocusing on them.

"You. Your name and position." He said, looking to her knight. It wasn't a question. "My offer shall still stand. I will not split you... but you will be under continued guard and will not be permitted a chance of escape." He said, shaking his head. He looked to the body before him. "He will be given a proper burial, with honors."

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