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Fandom The Lobby (OOC)

Hang on. What if it went like this? The winners of the Turf War had a potential chance to be picked too alongside the winners of the music competition?
Maybe we can use a random generator to decide on who wins the music competition? But yeah, they’re going to have to learn how to cooperate first if they want to win the tournament
It just sounded like you didn't want any chance for the Turf War winners but it's fine. I understand. I ain't trying to make you feel bad.
No one’s ideas are bad. Everyone gets to put in their thoughts and we come up with something we agree on. Please don’t shoot down ideas because we can work it out into something we’re all happy with
I reappear after a small anxiety episode and oh god Liam's dying
I know it sounds like a bad idea to have the gang split up again, but don’t worry, it wont be for long

and maybe Liam and the others can get to know each other more now that there’s not as much tension lol

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