• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
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Basil Hawkins // Location: At Home // With: Olivia Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 // Mood: Mourning but trying to be strong

Part of Basil wished Dawson was here, his best friend and brother in so many respects, someone he had confided so many things into especially his conflicting feelings regarding that..."rat" bastard. Dawson and Basil knew each other for decades, they two and Basil's older brother had all been good friends for what seemed like forever. And to hear that his brother by blood was dead and gone...God it tore him apart inside. He prayed to God that Dawson was alive and well, he couldn't afford to lose anyone else. And thank God Olivia somehow managed to get here safely. Did she truly travel here alone or did someone drop her off?

"We do." He murmured and pulled back just enough to look at his niece with a soft smile, eyes glistening with tears. "It's going to be alright, Olivia. I'm going to give you your best life here in Hermosa. I'll tell you all about this town, and I'll tell you who you can speak to safely and those you need to avoid. The mayor here, well...she's not a very good person. She likes to play favorites with those in her favor and she treats the rest of us like rubbish beneath her feet. There's also a barrier around this town, it's invisible and you cannot see it, but if you try to leave it could seriously hurt you and knock you out for days. I've tried it, trust me, and I was out cold for quite a while. And, everything is contained in this town, that means, well...all this time I've been trying to contact your father and Dr. Dawson but haven't been able to. Many of the residents here are blocked when it comes to communicating with others outside of Hermosa, so I had no way of getting in touch with anyone, and you all have been blocked from me too, as I believe one of the mean mayor's friends in town has been taking my letters especially. That's why I never got any of Dawson's letters...someone's taken them. And I must find out who, and where those letters could be hidden if they're not already destroyed."

He patted her head softly, "But it's going to be alright, Olivia. We're going to get through this together. I'll get your room ready for tonight and get you new toys and things, and I'll homeschool you as well. I'm not letting you go to public school here, the mayor does not allow things like art and music to be taught there. It's absolutely dismal and no fun in those schools. And if the mayor finds out you're here, she could force me to make you attend, or worse, she could take you from me. So, please stay inside this house and remain unseen. I will protect you, don't worry." He paused, "You must be hungry, dear, do you want something to eat? Also, Olivia: who brought you out here? Surely you didn't come all this way alone?"

Olivia Hawkins//Location: Basil's House//With: Basil Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes //Mood: mourning, but thankful to not be alone
She listened to Basil and the horrors Hermosa actually held, remaining calm despite her eyes widening, wiping at her eyes as she glanced up to Basil giving a nod of understanding. "She sounds evil." she scowls softly, stomach growling a little to answer Basil's question about being hungry. "Are you gonna stop her, Uncle Basil? She shouldn't lead if she picks favourites."

"No, I didn't come alone. Actually, Mr Dawson brought me here. Said that he wanted me to settle in before coming up to see you later." she admitted eyes bright. "Is that all black girl I saw earlier safe to talk to? She seemed nice." she smiled.

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Basil Hawkins // Location: At Home // With: Olivia Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 // Mood: Surprised and worried

"Dawson is here too?!" Basil's eyes widened in genuine surprise, "Good Heavens, that means you both could be trapped here. And I don't want to test that, it's too risky, you both could be knocked out cold by that energy barrier around the town." He looked very concerned about that, he couldn't risk them trying to leave town if it meant they would suffer and get blanked, as Jayde put it. "When Dawson gets here, I'll tell him everything. For now, let's get you a late lunch in you, shall we?" He smiled softly to her and picked her up, carrying her over into the kitchen. Damn, so many people from his past were suddenly showing up...it was only a matter of time before that rat found his way here too, but that meant he would be trapped here too possibly.

By observation, Basil noted that certain people were able to pass through that barrier, but a majority here couldn't. Why that was, he hadn't the foggiest, it seemed that barrier discriminated on who could come and go as they pleased and who couldn't.

What did it all mean? It bothered the detective greatly, surely it couldn't truly be a supernatural cause...right?

He set Olivia down on one of the kitchen chairs, then made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cut into triangles with no crust, and gave her some chocolate milk to drink and some chips on the side as well. He put the plate in front of her as well as her drink, "Here you are, dear. Do your hamsters have food as well? I can buy them a big cage for them both to play in. That woman you must have seen was Jayde, she's a friend, don't worry. I'll tell you who to trust and who not to, and Jayde is someone we can certainly trust."

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Olivia Hawkins//Location: Basil's House//With Basil Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes //Mood: Relaxed
Olivia nodded, suppressing a giggle when Basil picked her up, hugging onto his neck as they went to the kitchen. "Yes, Dawson picked some up at the pet store in town on our way in." she smiled, taking a seat and turning to watch Basil, humming quietly. "Why does that mean mayor lady hate music?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Does it give her headaches?"

She smiled, turning to face the table as soon as lunch was sat in front of her. "Thank you, Uncle Basil." she smiled, taking a drink as she swung her legs. "I saw a couple of girls out back when I knocked." she explained, taking a bite of sandwich. "Do you know them? One carried a knife! But she seemed nice enough."

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Basil Hawkins // Location: At Home // With: Olivia Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 // Mood: Mixed emotions

"You're welcome, dear. Well, the mayor hates music because she hates fun, dear. Well, she and her friends are allowed to have fun, but the rest of us aren't. She also only allows certain movies to be played at the movie theater in town, and they're all dull and dismal movies. She's very selfish and greedy, and your Uncle Basil here has been investigating her and her friends trying to dig up dirt on them. I believe they've all been up to shady and horrible things behind the scenes, Olivia, and I aim to solve this personal case in order to save this town. In fact," he leaned forward and whispered to her, "I'm starting a rebellion against the mayor, I've made some friends that can help, we're going to get the mayor out of office and punish her friends accordingly, and we're going to make Hermosa a far less controlling and proper town, Olivia. But you musn't mention that in public or we'll all of us be in very big trouble, okay? We only talk about the rebellion in secret. I must also look into a way to bring down that barrier that's keeping the majority of us all in here, and then we could go back to London if we wanted."

He smiled to her and leaned back up again, reaching out to the fridge to open its door and taking a can of clear soda out of it. He popped the can open at the top and took a sip, looking back at his niece. "Ah, those girls you saw were most likely Molly and Jayde, we can trust them, don't worry. Jayde is the one with the knife, she only carries it to protect herself. Jayde is the leader of an underground group here called The Gypsies, and they live in a secret place called The Court of Miracles. And we musn't mention the Gypsies or the Court in public either, Olivia. We must be careful what we say out there, the mayor has people around town that can listen in for her. All of my windows and doors here as you can see are closed and locked, and my curtains are closed at all times, so we are safe. And I shall fill Dawson in as well when he comes back here."

Molly Tackman / Location: On the way to 7-11 / With: Jayde Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 / Mood: Perplexed

Molly sighed as she shook her head. "Damn, that's all so crazy. I can't believe so much has happened since I've been gone." Her eyes reverted to the ground as she spoke. "Well, with my parents, things have been interesting. You already know about the nagging, but there's been some strange things going on. I was reviewing the account balances the other day, and there's been over 50,000 thousand removed for unknown reasons, but it was a business transaction with the local government." She took a deep breath. "And, I've been sort of.. seeing things, you could say. Call me a lunatic." The last part dripped with sarcasm. Then she puffed her chest triumphantly. "I'm determined to find out what's going on. Because these sort of things have been happening multiple times, like clockwork."

She shrugged. "I guess what I'm saying is, a lot of people are struggling nowadays and I wish there was something I could do."

Olivia Hawkins//Location: Basil's house//With Basil Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes //Mood: thoughtful
"Jade..." she hummed swinging her legs still. "Like her eyes." she contemplated. "She lives underground?" she makes a small face. "Her Mommy must not like having to clean up all that dirt." she mused. "Alright, no rebellion talk outside the house." she nodded making a face when she thought back to the Mayor.

"She definitely sounds like a butt. How can someone hate fun?" she asked, eating a chip. "Besides, music is probably one of the greater things the world can offer...right?" she asked innocently.


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Jayde Moore//Location: Heading to 7-11//With Molly ctrinity866 ctrinity866 //Mood: contemplative
"Holy shit Mayor Fuckwit's ripped money off you too?" she asked fuming as her eyes narrow. "Bet you caught the flack for that." she admitted, raising an eyebrow. "Hey, at least you're not having nightmares about being engulfed in flames. So no, you're no lunatic. At least compared to some asshats in this town." she muttered.

"It's admirable that you want to help everyone, but trust me, you can't. Otherwise you'd have saved me a long time ago." she muttered, glancing to the wall of the tunnel. "Either way, a slushee definitely will help calm shit down. Being normal." she playfully elbowed Molly in the side, tugging her sleeve down again before the pale marks on her skin were exposed.

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Basil Hawkins // Location: At Home // With: Olivia Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 // Mood: At ease

While Basil was still shaken by what he heard, the loss of his own brother tearing apart his heart and soul, he kept it all back for now to be calm in from of Olivia. It would do no good breaking down in front of her, she needed a strong and responsible adult right now and he was it. He would support his niece and they would both move forward in life together along with Dawson. God above, please let Dawson get back here safely! He kept praying for his best friend silently, awaiting his return so he could hug his brother figure and cry on him a little. Basil could only stay strong for so long but he was still human with so many emotions.

He nodded, "Yes, like her eyes. She does live underground, her and her friends all do." He glanced away sadly, "Jayde has no parents, Olivia. She was an orphan, raised through the Foster System. In fact, she's had a very rough life, I can tell by her mannerisms and the look in her eyes." He didn't know the details but he could piece some things together just by observing her. And it broke his heart deep inside.

He looked to Olivia with a soft smile, "But don't worry, we're her friends, we'll help keep her safe." He leaned back in his chair and sipped his soda once more. "Well, she and her friends are allowed to have all the good things, we beneath her cannot. I think she likes music, she just doesn't want to share music outside of herself and her friends. She's a very selfish person, you see. Hoards all of the great art, music and movies for herself and leaves us with practically nothing."

He then smiled to her, "And you're right, little one, music truly is one of the greatest things the world can offer. You're very intelligent at such a young age, and that fills me with pride and joy."

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Olivia Hawkins//Location: Basil's House//With Basil Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes //Mood: Calm
No Mommy or Daddy? Olivia was quiet for a moment at the thought of the girl growing up alone with strangers, but brightened up a bit at the consolation. "She could use it." she agreed nodding with a small smile. "She sounds wretched!" she crossed her arms at mention of the Mayor taking another drink of milk. "But we're going to take her down, aren't we, Uncle Basil?" she asked hopefully and giving a giggle at the comment. "So everyone can share in what she's keeping to herself?"

"I learned from the best!" she beamed, crossing her legs.

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Basil Hawkins // Location: At Home // With: Olivia Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 // Mood: Familial and Heartfelt

Basil smiled to Olivia and nodded, "Oh, yes, we're bring that Mayor LeTwa--er...Mayor LeTwit down if it's the last thing I do." Whew, almost said a slur in front of a child, dodged a bullet there. "Her name is Mayor Sybille Leblanc, but we've taken to calling her LeTwit." A small white lie but only to save this child's innocence. "And yes, as soon as we have all the information we need on that woman and her friends, we're going to publicly expose them and bring them to justice. And from there, we'll vote another mayor into office who can run this town properly." He chuckled and reached over to ruffle her hair, "Well, can't deny that, I truly am the best. But I am happy you've learned a lot from me, and you'll learn a lot more since I'll be properly homeschooling you. I won't let the mayor get near your or Dawson, I promise."

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Olivia Hawkins//Location: Basil's House//With: Basil Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes //Mood: Cheeky
Olivia cocked her head to the side stifling a giggle at the slip up. "Watch your profanity, Uncle Basil, you aren't a sailor." she scolded playfully. "The sooner the better, it'll be nice to see this place a little more fun! I saw a police officer on my way in and he looked really scary...everyone was trying to avoid him. Did he have a bee in his bonnet?" she asked, finishing her sandwich and continuing to eat her chips contently.

marley stoneheart| location: dougs pet grooming service| with: doug .@Combatmebro| mood: mildly happy

Marley smiled a bit. "so.....do you think you could help me name him?" she asked​
Bill Frederickson/Annoyed / Having a Conversation/Interacting with: Eliza Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes Hugo First Rose First Rose

Mr. Fredricksen didn't smile back, but nodded along with Eliza's. He then cleared his throat and said in a gruff, gravely voice,
"I am doing fine Eliza. I am also trying to find me some lunch and decided to get some food here."

He frowned as he saw Hugo approach. He hated that hoodlum with a passion,mostly due to him driving his cars up and down the street at night. When he said hello to him, Bill didn't say anything, just grunted in reply.

Andrew Worthingham/ Content/ Ordering Food, Interacting With: Mayor Leblanc: Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes
Andrew nodded at Mayor Leblanc and said,
"Thank you for your compliment Mayor Leblanc, this new addiction does call for a celebration indeed. Well, don't let me keep you from your meeting now. I am sure you young ladies need at lot of privacy to discus what you are discussing."

As Andrew turned back to order, a man in a suit rushed in and placed a envelope at the Mayor's table. On the envelope was the logo for the Harris Conglomerate.

Suburban Neighborhood -> Starway Diner
Mentions: Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes

Stressful day? Because... of him? Frank gulped hard, unable to retain his usual poker face. It pained him to learn that he hurt her. What kind of scumbag hurts someone who is as pure and lovely as this woman? Lynette was just an innocent, courageous woman who had a hard enough time under Mayor LeTwat, but Frank made it all the worse with his terrorist ways. How could he? How could he think he was in love with her when-

Nope. Nope. This is a job, Frank told himself. Just a mission, nothing more. Recruit Lynette Darling. Seduce her to get her guard down, sure, but the two of you are here for business.

"Oh, I'm no angel, babe," Frank said with practiced suavity, "But I'll be here as long as you want me."

Luckily, the Starway Diner was only a block away. How convenient. Frank, arm in arm with the lovely Lynette, approached the diner and opened the door. Inside was about as regular a diner as you could imagine. The seats were lined with red leather, the tables made of that prismatic steel that the 60's were constructed from, and there was even a (broken) jukebox in the corner. The whole experience was very retro. One thing separated it from the rest - the smooth jazz that was softly playing over the speakers.

"After you," he said with a flirty smirk.

Once inside, Frank gestured for Lynette to sit at a booth. "I'm sorry, I need to talk to the manager one second. She's a friend of mine, and I just want to make sure we get the best treatment."

Frank nodded apologetically, then walked to the back.

"Peggy?" Frank hissed, "Peggy!"

Peggy stepped out of the back, holding a coffee pot. She was wearing the diner waitress classic - a cheap dress, apron, and high socks with flats. Upon recognizing Frank, her expression turned rather sour.

"The Tramp himself," Peggy sighed, "What, you need a place to hide or something?"

"Jayde stole my wallet," Frank explained, "And I have something important to talk about with that woman over there."

Peggy scoffed with a smirk, then leaned over the counter. "You could do better than him, miss!"

Frank hissed at her to shush. "Come on, Peg."

"Real rich of you to ask an ex for help on wooing another one-nighter."

"It's not a one-nighter."

"Oh!" Peggy said with a bitter, mocking smile, "Are you in looooove?"

"What? No!" Frank hissed, "No. No! No. Just... please. I'll pay you back once I get my wallet from Jayde. It's important."

Peggy rolled her eyes heavily, then sighed. Frank clasped his hands together in plea.

"Please, Peggy. It's just coffee."

Peggy stared at him hard. "Fine. Never could say no to you. But you're paying me back."

Frank sighed in relief. "Thank you, Peggy. I'll never forget it."

"Uh huh."

Frank grinned at her and returned to the table with Lynette.

"Sorry about that. So... where were we?"

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Lynette Darling // Location: Just arrived at the Starway Diner // With: Frank Wondertainment Wondertainment // Mood: Excited

Lynette gave a soft laugh, "Well, saying it like that, what if I would want you around forever? Forever is an awfully long time." She commented, walking arm in arm with Frank to their destination, her cheeks illuminated with blush and her heart racing the whole time. They way this man talked, it reminded her of the vague dreams she had of a smooth talker next to her, in front of a house or at the zoo, or in a park staring out at the far horizon as the sun rose over the land. Bits and pieces of her dreams she could remember, as if looking at random photos in a personal album she could not recall taking ever in her entire life, leaving her to wonder whose photos they actually were and why were they in her album at all.

Upon arriving at the diner, Lynette beamed at Frank when he opened the door for her, such a gentleman! "Why, thank you, kind sir~." She giggled a bit and headed in, the entire time she felt like she was walking on cloud nine, she wanted to savor their time together and perhaps if this went well there could be a second date in their near future? Goodness, she hoped so! She nodded to him when he said he needed to get the manager, "Alright." She took a seat in the booth, and looked out the window at the street outside, and became a bit lost in thought. She didn't hear what Peggy had shouted to her, having so much on her mind from what happened today as well as figuring out her already strong feelings for this Frank gentleman. Perhaps...love at first sight truly did exist?

She only snapped out of her reverie when Frank appeared before her to sit across from her, and the smile almost instantly returned to her face. "Oh, it's alright. As for where we were, well...how about you tell me a little bit about yourself, Frank? Are you local to Hermosa or are you from somewhere else?"

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Basil Hawkins // Location: At Home // With: Olivia Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 // Mood: Sheepish

The private detective gulped a bit, smiling sheepishly to his niece, "Er, sorry there, dear. Almost got carried away there, we'll call that wicked witch LeTwit to keep things rated G." He chuckled a bit, it felt good to have his family here, truth be told not being in London made him feel homesick for the past few years since he's been here. Hell, he even missed the thrill of the chase with the rat bastard back home, too bad said rat up and left without so much as a word. Basil shouldn't have been so hurt by it, and yet...well, it was what it was. He did his best to focus on what was going on in the present, especially with this rebellion he was forming, which was coming along slowly but steadily.

"A police officer? Might have been Officer Wolfe or one of the other ones. The police are also under the mayor's rule, Olivia, and sadly they aren't of help at all. There is only ONE good cop among them, Deputy Howard is his name. He's the only decent human being in that whole place and is quite compassionate. If we somehow overthrow the current leader of that police station, that brute Sheriff Yu, we could have Deputy Howard in control instead. But we must do this quietly, and we need to finish building our superhero team first, as it were." He smiled softly to Olivia.

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Adelaide "Addy" Bloom

Location: The web With: Mikey Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes // Mood: Stressed
Adelaide stopped in her tracks when she noticed a young kid talking to her. Dory’s voice had also trailed off behind her, and she felt really bad for just leaving, but the chances of being distracted and forgetting the time was too big. The redhead in front of her seemed like a nice kid. He seemed polite and good hearted, and Addy felt great worry over the fact that he, and probably other kids, lived in a place like this.

“Thank you so much for your offer, kid, but I already know the way to the entrance I used to get here. I won’t tell anyone, I promise, but I’m in a bit of a hurry,” She answered him, bending down a bit to be at his eye level. She hoped rejecting his offer wouldn’t hurt his feelings; it was in no way meant badly, there was just no point in taking the time to be blindfolded and walk through as a secret tunnel she already knew.

Suddenly his talking trailed off into a rant about the mayor, and it was all new to her. She had met the mayor before, and she didn’t seem like such a bad person. It was all a bit confusing, if her mom was good friends with the mayor and the mayor truly was evil; would that make her mother bad too? Or maybe her mother was just trying to help her friend become better, after all her mother was a person that just wanted others to be safe.

“As I said, I really won’t tell anyone, but I got to run now. If I ever come back you can escort me then?” Adelaide said, trying to get out of the situation quickly without making him sad or offended. She was unsure if she would ever come back; she didn’t want to be an extra risk for them, but at the same time it was her only chance to met the guy again. The guy she didn’t even know the name of.

Starway Diner
Mentions: Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes

Stay with him forever? Frank felt his heart flutter - again, a new experience. But it's fine. Frank knew how to respond to things like this. You just kinda distance yourself a bit to keep them from clinging too hard. Something like:

Forever's a long time. Let's just focus on us, and tonight.

"Forever doesn't sound that bad if it's with you," Frank said instead.

What the hell was that?

It's okay, Frank told himself. That still works. It was still a corny line. Also, maybe it's better to have her fall all the way for him. He was just trying to take advantage of her naivete. Same old playboy Frank.


Frank flashed his charming smile. He knew how to answer the question "Tell me about yourself". The same old tired and deceitful line, which again seemed like it shouldn't work in this day and age. But it always did. It was all in the delivery, Frank supposed.

Where I'm from isn't that important. I'm a bit of a wanderer, but by trade I'm an artist. I don't know, I guess I'm just looking for a muse.

"I was born in Brooklyn," Frank said, "But I moved here when I was really little to stay with my uncle Tony. I've been here ever since, because... you know."

Okay, why's this keep happening?

Frank kept himself from scowling. Whoever this lady was, she was really fucking with his head somehow. His pulse was erratic, ears were ringing, eyes on the verge of crying, like seeing a lover for the first time after a lifetime of pining. Shouldn't there be spaghetti here?

...wait what the fuck does THAT mean?

What if... what if this was one of LeTwat's tricks? Was LeTwat ACTUALLY a witch? Can she do this? Can she lure Frank into a date, make him feel all these weird feelings, and then magic him into telling the truth? The thought terrified Frank. What if... What if Lynette Darling was a mole for the mayor?

One must forgive him. Frank Tarantino had never fallen in love before.

Okay. Don't show your hand. Don't let on that you figured her out. You're the suavest motherfucker this side of the Rocky Mountains.

"How about you?" he managed to say, "Whence do you hail?"

Who says "hail" anymore? Wait, who the fuck says "whence" anymore?

Location: Laurel’s
Interaction: Eliza, Frederickson, & Noah. Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes L Larstral Killerclown Killerclown
Mood: Arrogant

With the stride of an elegant idle, and the bod of a heavyweight champion. He looked like a 10-year-old after receiving an allowance of 5 bucks for cleaning up their room. His massive arms swayed as he walked, and a small bounce came from his slight skip. Eventually, Hugo made his way over the fine lady and the old man as if he was a king himself; perhaps he even thought he was.

"Indeed I am Eliza Landon. And You're Hugo Martin, correct? I tho-

"Why yes I am the one and only Hugo Martin. Oh I'm sure you know many things about me my dear." The arrogant jock interrupted as he swiftly enveloped one of her hands within his, and lightly kissed the back of her palm. Only then did he let her continue with her speech.
"Yes, in fact about to catch a meal at Laurel's. Perhaps you can join me Ms. Landon, and I can tell you all the wonderful the stories behind the numerous trophies I've won." That should get the damsel, usually woman would beg him to tell the stories of his gruesome fights in the ring, and his close calls in his races. Even perhaps the mighty struggles of being an actor, he was the only reason these boring films were gaining views after all.

That's when he heard Mr. Frederickson make apparent that he too was coming here for lunch. He wouldn't have minded being in the same building of the old man, however, his little gruff of a reply did set him a bit off. He would grabbed anyone else by the collar if they practiced such disrespect. but no, that was shameful of him to do that to this poor helpless man. "Oh cheer up old man! It's a lovely day, not to mention. I could have walked up to anyone in this town, and today it just so happened to you two. How lucky is that?" Hugo stated with a friendly smile. It seemed like he didn't even know how arrogant he sounded.

Hugo turned back to Ms. Landon with the same signature grin. "So, what do you sa-..."

‘Just a minute there, sir!’ It seemed he was being addressed, and in acknowledgment, the famed young man stepped a bit to the side to see none other than Officor Wolfe. Hugo had lived in Hermosa for at least 8 months, and he already knew at least half of the police force personally. One could say, he wasn't a very law-abiding kind of person. He saw no point in going 45 on a car deserted freeway, especially if his car could get up to 70 in nearly half a minute. Not to mention, he had never once had a crash amidst all his stunts, never had, never will. Many called it lucky.

"Of course I knew how fast I was going my good man." Hugo scoffed, what was this, elementary? Always keep your eye on the speedometer, driving 101. Pfft. "Only about 85-90. Me and a good friend of mine decided to have a friendly race before lunch." He shrugged as if that was an everyday thing for him. "Now, officer, let's not get hasty on the tickets and such, no harm no foul." It wasn't like he couldn't pay the bill, he just didn't like markson his spotless record. Yes indeed, somehow, despite all his stunts, races, occasional street fights, and whatnot, Hugo still held a perfect record. A mystery. "How about I invite you to lunch Officer? On me! In fact. Me and Ms. Landon-" The luminary explains as he puts a friendly arm around Eliza. "-were just about to go in for a bite to eat. Perhaps there we could discuss more matters upon this speeding stuff. What do you say?"

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Olivia Hawkins//Location: Basil's House//With Basil Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes //Mood: content
Olivia giggled taking one last sip from her glass before pulling her bear into her lap to hug it. "Superheros? Like the Avengers?" she asked innocently, swinging her legs back and forth before settling down and tucking them under her. "Alright, so you and that Jayde girl and that Molly girl?" she asked looking up innocently.

"Are they coming here?" she asked innocently. "Can I listen in?" she asked hopefully. "Are they gonna know about me?"

Molly Tackman / Location: Going to 7-11 / With: Jayde Writer_Princess53284 Writer_Princess53284 /Mood: Relaxed

"I mean, that's very fair. And, I'm sorry I wasn't around much." She took a deep breath, and her shoulders relaxed. She gave Jayde a wry grin as she elbowed her. "Yeah, it'll be nice to take the edge off." Molly snorted at her own comment. Her eyes followed Jayde's sleeve as she tugged it, but she didn't think anything of it. A draft of wind blew by, and Molly grimaced. It was an odd thing; cold weather did not settle well with Molly. Even after living in Hermosa for all this time, her body never truly acclimated to the different seasons. Where she felt at home was in the sun. It left her with a distant, empty feeling, though. Almost as if when she turned away, she was turning away from an important opportunity.

Molly shook off her thoughts, and turned to Jayde with a grin. "So, what's your favorite slushie flavor?" She asked curiously.

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Jayde Moore//Location: Headed to 7-11//With Moll ctrinity866 ctrinity866 //Mood: Cheeky
"Hey, I'm not blaming you for living up to your parents expectations." Jayde grinned, drawing her leather jacket closer to herself as the draft came through. Someone was coming through the tunnels. But it had to be an agent coming back to grab some dinner before going back out for post curfew recon. "You should be glad to have them." She couldn't be angry at someone else for having what she never did, but it didn't sting her any less.

"Honestly? Anything that can give me a brain freeze is amazing." Jayde laughed. After she stopped cutting and burning herself, giving herself a headache was the best not-suspicious thing she could do to really feel something to her numb frame. "But honestly, flavor-wise, I love blue-raspberry." she grinned. "Don't ask why, I just...there's a sort of comfort..." that was the same flavor she first used to try and freeze her brain, get out of some bad shit and try to feel something .

"What about you?" she asked softly, turning to face her companion.



Doug Carlson / / Location: Doug's pet grooming service / / With: Marley BellePotter_Stormcloud BellePotter_Stormcloud / / Mood: Excited

Doug had never been very creative when it came to naming things. He did want to try his best and help Marley so he put on his thinking cap and started pondering the question. It was a rather nice looking dog since he had gotten all cleaned up... maybe Prince? or Handsome?
Doug stared intently at the dog, not that he had been looking at him for almost the last hour or anything. His thoughts whirled with a million different options until he finally decided on his name suggestion and turned his gaze up to Marley, "Walter. I am thinking that Walter would be a good name for your dog!" Doug smiled and wiped his hands on his messy apron, very satisfied with the name he had come up with. Intently he waited for Marley's response.

(Dug from Up)
Happy Dug.png
marley stoneheart| location: dougs pet grooming service| with: doug .@Combatmebro| mood: mildly happy

Marley grinned. "yeah, walter's a good name, i think." she pet the dog's ears. "do you like the name walter? yeah? aww, who's a good boy?" she giggled, petting him. "you're a handsome boy too! yes you are! all nice and cleean? yeah, so pretty." she laughed as walter licked her face​
Name: Somhlth Bhais Bearraidh (Bear) / / Location: Outside Laurel's Place / / With: No one he cares enough about to notice them / / Mood: Indifferent

Somhlth let out a sigh as he drove the Mayor's car back around to the front of Laurel's Place. There were too many people inside, so he had been instructed to stay by the car and wait. Now, there seemed to be too many people outside the Cafe as well and Somhlth was done waiting in this cramped car. He pulled up to the curb and slammed open the door, turning heads from all the way down the street. If there way anything Somhlth didn't care about more than other people he was still waiting to figure it out. With one swift and easy movment he swung himself out of the car and stood up, stretching his arms, which when extended all the way up above his head made him easily over 8ft (243.84cm) tall.
After taking a moment to release the tension in his tight muscles he went around to the sidewalk and stood next to the car ignoring all the other people around him who whispered to each other things like, "It's Bear" "omg, I've never seen Bear so close before he's even bigger in person!" "Oh no, Bear's here, lets go". Half the town adored him, apparently he had a secret fan club, but everyone with a brain was scared witless of him.
From his spot he could see in the window directly to the mayor. He wasn't just another pawn for her to send off on pointless missions to keep her citizens in check, Somhlth was the mayors own bodyguard. At first he had been sent on a few house calls, but those didn't end well for anyone who actually cared what happened so now he just went with the Mayor wherever she so happened to go which right now was Laurel's Place for lunch with her friends.

(Mor'du from Brave)
Mor'du scary.jpg

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