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Multiple Settings The Great Search for Adventure || FxF and MxF


The Void Prophetess
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic week and staying safe. If you like what you see here and want to discuss roleplaying please either Private Message me or post here!

A little about me and what I want:
You can call me Eve or Soli and as you can surmise from the title I am looking for a partner. I’m female, from Canada, and just turned twenty-four! I am a big ol’ nerd for video games, Dungeons and Dragons, fiction books and the occult in my spare time. I run on the Eastern Standard Time and I work retail pretty much full time even during these hectic times. Stories with darker themes or elements are my favorite and I also enjoy adventure, mystery and romance. Looking to play something akin to a medieval fantasy but can be persuaded to play a modern setting too!

What I am looking for in you:
I am hoping to find someone who enjoys coming up with plots alongside me and is not afraid to take initiative. I only say this because I know how tiring it can be when only one person is putting in the effort. Someone preferably over the age of 18 just for my own comfort. Comfortable posting three times a week and writing at least three paragraphs per post. Quality over quantity as the saying goes, but I will never complain if someone goes above and beyond as I often do too! At the moment, I want to play a female but willing to do FxF and MxF pairings. Also, I am willing to double and I enjoy bringing in NPC's into my roleplays often anyways.

Bold is the role I’d prefer to play and ** is current craving
Cleric x Paladin **
Queen/ King x Advisor
Vampire x Necromancer
Monster Hunter x Monster Hunter **
Witch x Witch (FxF)
Necromancer x Monster Hunter
Holy Person x Demon **

Now, those are just the pairings that are in my mind at this moment. If you are interested in roleplaying with me but none of the above suit your tastes I am open to other ideas! Below in spoilers, I will have a list of themes, motifs, settings and general ideas I like. If you have an idea that fits any of those then please let me know!

High Fantasy | Low Fantasy | Gothic | Grimdark | Horror | Occult | Mystery | Slice of Life (With a magical twist) | Superheroes | Yanderes | Exploring themes of Corruption | Grey Morality | Faith vs Hopelessness | Love vs Evil | Light does not always equal good | Secret Society | Classic D&D style adventure | Romance
I'm interested in any of these, if you have a preference I'm all ears.
Queen/ King x Adviser
Vampire x Necromancer
Witch x Witch (FxF)
Hey I'm interested in any of these and I'd be happy to do any of the ones that you have a particular craving for, preferably fxf if that's okay!

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