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Fantasy The Godtier tournament (A martial arts sci fi fantasy)


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Subject to change))

For hundreds of years humans have fought. It is in their very nature to fight!
In fact humans fight so much that many made combat into a art. Specifically called Martial arts...
Fighting hand to hand has evolved over decades. Boxing, judo, karate and wrestling are some common examples.
But some humans have gone beyond what most consider possible. There are fifty humans on Earth who hold the title and rank of Godtier.
A indvidual who has reached GT is required by law to give a verbal warning before fighting as it's common knowledge any who challenge after hearing the warning are insane or have their own Godtier style. A tournament is held every five years to decide which fifty are worthy, however in the year 2355 the Godtier tournament attracted alien competition. The two aliens to enter lost terribly... but it was all caught on film which propelled humanity into the galactic spotlight. The humans technique and fighting strength was highly enjoyable to watch for most sentient races of aliens.
Technology improved dramatically with outside help. But Earth and it's population were easy to manipulate and control. Aliens soon ruled the planet and slowly began making humans a second class in their own home. Allowing intergalactic criminals to target human law enforcement, trafficking of humans...
Only the richest of humanity survive unscathed. The rest deal with oppression, humiliation, exploitation, put simple aliens are bullying humans. A human life is considered less then a alien, the police from beyond the skies remind us daily.

How can one live comfortably in the new world?
How can one oppose the aliens?

The Godtier tournament of course
The original Godtier tournament has changed. No longer is it a event to showcase skill and determine who are the most deadly fighters on the planet...

The tournament now is a special event is held every three years treated as a galaxy wide sporting event with companies across the stars trying to buy ad space for marketing. With the tournament not being needed to establish new styles and forms for up and coming masters.

The big kicker was the prizes.
alien fruit.jpg
Alien Fruits. It seems trival, but for a mere mortal human these fruits are made of dreams...
You could unlock hidden potential and powers in yourself,
You could find love and build a unstoppable family,
You could auction it to the highest bidder and have enough money to buy and sell whole countries....

(Only three humans have won a AF. That is why we wrote down the examples.
1st winner ate his alien apple and flew off into space. By himself, no rocket.
2nd winner was a woman who shared the fruit with her loved ones, all became successful in life the next day.
3rd winner sold his fruit and bought Australia, he turned 40% of the land into a salt water theme park.)

But how do you enter the tournament? To become Godtier one must master a fighting form or style.
For example here is three.

Vanishing Sky Style
Precise movements so swift and deadly it cripples people, leaving them unable to look up at the sky due to hemotoma and worse.

Kêjâ Fu
A style of fighting that allows it's user to strike before the opponent realised what happened.
Often resulting in a sudden feeling of "Have I been kicked in the head like this before?"

Scuttle claw,
A style so brutal a master can destroy victims. Leaving them forever walking sideways like a crab...
(Pictured below is the current master of Scut Claw and a victim who will forever walk sideways)

Once you have mastered a style you should join a Faction/school
(solo entrants are grouped together into a makeshift team)
And enter that faction/school name at any government funded GTaccessor building near you
A group rp that focuses on a team/faction/school of different styled masters fighting against aliens and other humans.
A tournament is coming up and everyone wants to win a fruit.

To join you need a fictional fighting style, spitball here or let me know if your interested
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Info and bump))

With the Godtier tournament becoming a sporting event instead of trial to determine rank and titles, applicants now needed to register beforehand instead of arriving on the day and fighting whoever. Applicant tournaments are held all over the world and is where new fighting styles are discovered or showcased.

Aliens are free to enter these tournaments provided they are not harmful to combatants/audience/staff members.
As in breathing toxic fumes, spitting chemicals fire etc etc

While there is potentially any number of Godtier fighters it is commonly known that there is around 50 fighters who are so dangerous/awesome/amazing that the name is recognized worldwide.

For real world equivalent... Think Bruce Lee, Mario or
(I hate to say it but he is what most people think of when it comes to old school wrestling) Hulk Hogan

You can ask 10 random people anywhere "you heard of __________" and 9 out of 10 people answer "yea I know that person"
*less gunshots*
Let's hope for three or four more aha
*Singular gunshot*
Be nice if more people were aha
Whats a suggestion for a better title you reckon?
I got nothing, it's great I'm just i personally would overlook it since I'm not a big sci-fi person
The two I'm thinking of currently are a diehard traditionalist who uses literally just a bunch of classic asian martial arts like karate and taekwondo, or maybe a rebound style that's meant to reflect the power of the opponent's attack back at them.
Huh interesting I'm thinking of either going a classic duck and weave boxer style or something that started out as dancing that either my character or someone turned into a fighting style

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