• This section is for roleplays only.
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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

Isn't that a requirement if your parents aren't genmuts and they still lived in Tempest Falls at the time of the bio weapon's release? >.> And...well...it's easier to keep track of one extra character than 2-3. >v>;;;;;;;;;
*lol* Not necessary - the gene isn't hereditary. Basically, a lot of people died, but not necessarily genetically related to the genmuts :) BUT... it's totally fine. We just Disney-fied the place is all.

Tempest Falls: Come here. Have babies. Die!
"IT NEVER SAID THAT IN THE AD'S" "It actually did. ...In microscopically fine print, that is~" is probably what should have happened. LOL

Reading through the apps now... there's quite a few, so gimme a little time to sort this all out! As far as starting goes - hopefully either tonight or tomorrow, but Hubby has to work tomorrow, so it's out only night to hang out this weekend... so.... >_> I love you all to pieces, but he's my favorite. xD

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Okay! Soooo Here's the deal. I've gone through the apps and basically, I'm super impressed. Honestly, to deny any of you would just be nitpicking, and that isn't something I'm willing to do. BUT there is quite a few of you, so what I'm going to do is split you into two groups.

Essentially, you'll play in your group with the players assigned there (I will play in BOTH groups, with a plethora of NPCs) - eventually, everyone will join up together, but to keep things from being super insanely crazy right off the bat, this was the best way I could think to do it.

So... without further ado -- Here are the groups.

If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll be happy to explain!


John Persson - Eden A @Tronethiel7

@Space Cowboy Ein -- As we discussed in PM, your Agent be a part of Group B :)

INTRO should be up shortly... Just finishing touches and tweaking! Because of the two groups, for at least the first post I'll be utilizing "scene objectives" - this is basically just a light GM tactic to nudge you in the right direction.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]*Hyperventilates* It's done... I just have to reread it 2160386026 times.

Im sure it's fien. No one would beat you for a slight spelling or grammatical error ^_^
Is it possible to make 2 separate role-play tabs? One for each group?

Just a suggestion so everyone isn't cramming all their posts in one place.
I'd rather not, only because it doesn't encourage folks to read the posts in the section they aren't in, and I wouldn't want anyone to miss anything. Just be sure to post your character's name and where they are when you post.

Also -- NOT a requirement, but if you want to BBCode your posts or add images/gifs, feel free to :)
Mhhh, if everyone reads their own stuff and there's not a huge distinction, does grouping make sense? Or will it be really distinctly different? I'm just wondering. But I guess we'll come together relatively quick anyways? (Don't know how long you plan on the groups to be a thing :P )
The grouping is essentially to prevent 15 people having to try and make posts all at once, in one big crapstorm of a scene. Essentially Group A is held in -one- part of Eden, Group B in another part. The groups will literally be separated, by location for the first part of the RP.
I don't see this as being a huge problem, but I can also see how tagging is going to be super-important, especially for people working to keep their own plot threads intact.

Personally I'll read everything everyone posts, just because I'm assuming you're all reading my work as well. You... are... reading my work, yes?
Oh, yes. Tagging is definitely gonna be important :) But I think if everyone does their best to remember what group they're in, it'll help, too - maybe just make a note of it, somewhere.

About to post the intro >_<
What I suggest is setting up a macro that's something like the following:

Esther Sewik




Hey, guys! So I wanted to let you guys understand Darren's telepathy mechanics for when I roleplay.

Essentially, he hears "monologue thoughts" like our stream of consciousness. This is so that I can avoid, as a player, overstepping my bounds with your characters. You guys decide what he hears and what he doesn't so that your character can keep the secrets you want them to keep.

An example of what Darren can hear:


, she thought as she passed by a trash can.

Waste management really needs to come by and clean that up!

An example of a thought that Darren can't hear:

She passed by a trash can and thought to herself about how waste management needs to come and clean up the park.

Italic thoughts are generally used as internal monologue. With your permission, I would like for my character to be able to hear these particular thoughts from your characters. If you absolutely do not want my character hearing your character's thoughts, let me know!

On the flip side, Darren can project his own internal monologue to others as a form of telepathic communication. These will be marked in bold italics from me, and I will tag who it is projected to at the end of the post.

An example of Darren's projected thought:

Hey, pass me a gram and keep it low

, he thought to Charlie.

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you're not game!

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