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Fantasy The Flux - Academy

The classroom had gotten a lot more lively after Taoshen told everyone to begin the exercise. He figured that the students would feel more energetic when they got a chance to spread their legs, but one of them was a lot more spirited than the others. The girl was the first person to stand up, shouting for everyone to hear as she pointed at the teacher. She used a few words he didn't understand, but based on what he was able to make sense of, she didn't seem happy about having to be a distraction. Roy didn't see why she'd have a problem with it, but it was a shame that she wasn't on board with the idea. After all, she was really good at it. She managed to gain a lot of attention from that sudden outburst. Was that part of her plan? Maybe all that yelling was just her practicing for Flux Wars. If so, he'd have to remember that technique. It was pretty effective.

While Roy was listening to the girl's rant, he noticed a few blue sparks in the corner of his eye. Shifting his gaze to focus on the lightshow, he saw the other guy in the class doing what the teacher said. It looked a bit different from what Taoshen showed them, but it was still interesting to look at. Unfortunately, the blue glow didn't last for long, as the boy returned to a state of exhaustion. Almost as soon as the azure disappeared, a new color caught his attention.

Watching the white-haired girl, he nodded to himself. The Strikers here seemed to have experience causing distractions. The first girl made a spectacle by yelling, and now the other one was putting on some kind of performance. Her way of talking reminded him of a character from a movie he had seen a while back. She even changed the color of her hair. He didn't even know Flux could do that. That was something else for him to remember in the future. Well, maybe just the acting part. He wasn't sure how to change his hair color like she did, and dyeing it didn't sound very appealing. Even if he knew how, it probably wouldn't change his appearance very much. The color of his Flux was already pretty close.

Roy raised his arm to get a better look at the aura covering his body, comparing it to the others he saw. The dark gray was nearly black, but not quite the same shade as the one that belonged to the girl across the room. He never really thought too hard about things like color before. It was just a natural thing for him, calling on it without thinking when Taoshen told them to start. His dad always told him to treat it just like breathing, but now he was starting to wonder. What determined the color of a person's Flux? His mom's was red, but he just thought that was because she was usually angry whenever she used it. Well, it probably didn't matter.

So far, things were going well. He still wasn't sure about the distraction part, but everything else was fine. Looking back and forth between his aura and Taoshen's, he didn't notice anything out of place. Although, he did realize that their outfits were kinda similar. Sure, the colors were different, but everything else was close enough. Jacket, a white shirt underneath, and black pants to match his upper half. He was dressed like a Striker, so maybe that meant he'd be able to act like one.

There was only one student left that hadn't started the exercise. It was the same redhead that answered the question from before. Unfortunately, she gave the wrong answer. Or did she? Taoshen made it sound like both. Well, it wasn't something to dwell on. For now, he just had to wait. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he watched for the moment the girl released her Flux. What color would it be?

Fluxbauble Fluxbauble _Line 213 _Line 213 Cosmos Cosmos Yennie Yennie Siren77 Siren77

Matthew "Mattie/Mattia" Ninome
: Interceptor Classroom
Tags: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
Mood: Scared/Determined

To say the least she was just as uncomfortable being in this situation as she expected to be. During the ceremony she was definitely paying close attention to all of the instructors with their respective promotional speeches intended to inform the students of each of the classes . However, why she was listening was to hopefully figure out eventually how to find the weaknesses of each weight class. After the end she had a pretty good idea of what she needed to do. What she said alligned perfectly with what her parents taught her about each of the utilizations of Flux, except theres was slightly more detailed. However, she knew a lot more about Interceptors because... Both her mother and father were interceptors during this career, and was definitely some of the greatest of their field. She hoped to make them proud eventually.
Their names were "Markuya Ninome" + "Ashiki Ninome" , two of the strongest Interceptors of their school year.

Mattie silently maneuvered through the hallways, being careful not to bump anyone on her way to her respective class and avoided eye contact to avoid being too overwhelmed by the amount of people in the vicinity . Yes all the meditations helped with her Social Anxiety, but being around everyone was still a challenge . The teacher's name , if she remembered correctly , was Mr.Arthur Ardent . He seemed to be a all around nice guy, and a pretty nice starting ramp for her. She would eventually hope to not be too much of a bother with her teamates, and work well with them in the future. She also hoped she could manifest her Flux well.

She finally made it to class. She made it debatably a few minutes before the teacher came through, and eventually found her seat a bit after he came into the room. She observed what he said and had a good idea of what he wanted. Construct a barrie while using the regulator to keep it up longer ? Well, to her keeping up a barrier is definitely extremely easy. It's the fatigue part she has to work up on. She didn't say that though... And kept that to herself. She didn't want to boast at all. However, she needed to erect a barrier.

"Thank you for letting me in"

"No... N... Not again" . She knew this was the same masculine voice that corrupted her, turning her into a powerful Flux wielder who fought her parents quite a long time ago, and held their own against them separately [but eventually lost hard when they decided to team up] due to despite the fact wielding a Interceptor Barrier Armor + Shield, which has never been combined together before , was utilizing the shield like a seasoned Striker, bashing her father's shields away like they were tissue paper . This scared her... After this voice entered her head, she held her head tightly as the flux she wielded started to act up , intensifying itself immensely to the point it was rather ridiculous how much flux was in around the area. However, once her eyes became blank and emotionless , her flux called down to a monochromatic color [black and grey] , vastly different from her previous rainbow colored flux she just used.

Using this aura, she shaped it into something a bit... more powerful looking. It was shaped into a Black Armor around her body, with an almost knightly look to it . Her hand held a Black Shield shapened by her flux. This was her 'barrier' of sorts, the same one that she fought her fathers against One would also notice that there were.... Sparks of red , intense, powerful flux around her own flux like electricity.

"Excellent..." . The masculine voice said in a almost muted whisper , smiling a bit . Note the venom seeping through what was just said, that declaration that her abilities have significantly improved. . Whispering in the same volume, the 'Dual Persona' stated "I will show them all the true way that a Interceptor should be utilized" . Mattia, the Dark Interceptor, said. However, she wasn't anywhere her full potential. This will be quite the amusing predicament. However, she had a question for this so called 'proffessor':
" Mister Ardent. Is it possible for you to push a forcefield around your opponent to force them to exhaust flux resources to finish them off once they break the shield you have ? Also, is it possible to make multi-layered flux shields ? " . If so, she was going to test this out eventually. I mean, putting a forcefield around your opponent for them to get out off ? Seeing them squirm, unable to be free... That would give her unprecedented joy.
Llewelyn ReichshundHe looked up from his notebook, and at the teacher. He hadn't heard him approach. He should have been more alert. As the teacher softly chided him on his solitude, Llewelyn could only sigh and rub his temples. Without trouble, he generated the Flux upon his palms again, and held it there, showing it to the teacher, in a display of just how simply he could execute it. It was far easier than actually using Flux to heal others, and it posed no issue for Llewelyn to grasp at the concept. Simple, easy. He didn't need to trouble others with it. So why, then, did this teacher take particular note of him?

“Far from it, sir.” He met the teacher’s eyes without a hint of hesitation. No weaknesses. Only strength. “I’ll not call myself a master, but I am confident in my skills for this one exercise. It is, after all, the most basic of basics. If I were unable to execute it, I wouldn't be attempting to even pass off as a healer.” He brushed a lock of hair back, and gazed about the class as they busied themselves learning. “If the others so desire to use my body as an experiment, so be it, but they should be forewarned that I don’t have any particular illnesses or injuries that would help in aiding in their learning experience. I would think it would serve to confuse them more.” He smiled wanly. “In any case, if they are so inclined to try out their Flux on me, then I’ll be here.” Llewelyn relaxed back on his chair and smoothed his hair down. “I will help those who seek my help and those who need the help. There are none yet who need nor desire any from me, specifically, so I’ll gladly remain here, until I’m needed. They have their own partners, now, no? I am not vital. My apologies, sir,” he said with a note of finality, and waited for the teacher to leave him be.

Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
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[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:3px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script] [div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently[/div][div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]Npc_sd_3030049000_01.png[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
Mentioned: Yennie Yennie Siren77 Siren77 _Line 213 _Line 213 Computing Magus Computing Magus Cosmos Cosmos Lucem Lucem
Located: Striker Classroom


The young woman had been sleeping for quite awhile, after staying up most of the night researching with the help of her new Yuru. She had even missed the entrance ceremony to begin writing down as many things as possible. She had speculated that she was close to another breakthrough, even though it was specifically for healer classes; for now. She huffed, sighing as she awoke.
Her Yuru was buzzing around her aggressively. " Master, Master! You are late! "
She began to tilt her head side to side, her neck popping. She nodded before beginning to equip her armor, which she wore everywhere without fail. She attached her leather scabbard around her waist, putting her sword calmly in it as her Yuru was still yelling at her. " Yuru, what class period is it? Map. "
" Right! You have your striker class now, here is a map for you. " The little bot made a holographic map appear in front of them. It only took a few minutes before she was off, walking to her class.
She had walked into the class abruptly, looking around at the colorful faces; then to the teacher. She bowed deeply before continuing. " My deepest apologies miss, I seem to have overslept. I can assure you it will not happen again. " She then turned on her heel, walking with an upright posture to a seat that didn't have students in the radius. As subtle as she tried to be, her armor seemed to clack a bit as she walked, each step she took was obvious to any onlooker.​

[/div] Code by @AgWordSmith
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52A42DE4-38AB-4441-841E-08EC6BAD0AC1.jpegEdward woke up as he felt something draw near, it was an odd but powerful feeling. A seasoned flux user, but.. oh.. Edward felt the flux move towards him but with little strength and his body being overly groggy, he was unable to move in time. He groaned as the mist gained form and he felt it grow tight, he realized who had casted the spell unto him. The teacher. She had started talking to him directly and Edward hated it, he doesn’t like attention and seldom will he ever embrace it. “This isn’t some naughty Teach, you should be careful about this stuff ya know?” Edward took a brief look around and figured out what he needed to do. Around him were students who we’re able to manifest their objects and present them. Oh.. we’re supposed to manifest.. I get it! With Edward facing his revelation, he had noticed something else. They’ve only manifested three or even 2 manifestations.

Edward without much thought made his manifestations, 4 in total but half their normal size. They were about as wide as Edward himself and half as tall. “There ya go Teach, now let me out of these things!” He took a deep breath in and out, and for the moment, he decided to ponder on things. Question, why do I sleep so much? Answer, because. Question, because why? Answer, why not. Wait why am I answering my own questions? Have I gone insane? Answer, mildly. Oh fuck!

Edward looked around before encountering a girl in his similar situation although seems to be a little bit more relaxed. Wonder what she did. Maybe I just missed something? Damn I’m stupid.
Fluxbauble Fluxbauble BunnyQueen BunnyQueen
  • cc1407f8f6959b63ac4c999e0db9d8fd--character-reference-character-concept.jpgProf. Taoshen watched as little Sarayuki began to manifest her flux. The dark aura emanating from her small body gave off a sense of malice. At least that's what anyone who hasn't seen it before would probably think. But Meiling was unfazed by the flux. Even the sudden change in her physical appearance and demeanor were within her expectations. What she wasn't expecting was girl to be yelling at her from across the room. If Meiling was hungover her grating voice would cause a splitting headache. Luckily that wasn't the case for if she was hung over she would've already pinned the little girl to the ground and gagged her. She looked down at this somewhat feral child, this Wolf, as she spoke. "Where's the part that I get to beat someone up?….."

    Meiling's eyes narrowed slightly. "Calm yourself child. You're not in the arena. Not yet anyways. I simply needed to see for myself if young Sarayuki was able to use the Enhancement technique. I should have known that you could do so through instinct. But now you must maintain this. Preferably without attacking any other students." She then, without diverting her attention from Sarayuki, spoke towards the little girl who had an outburst in her class. A heavy, annoyed sigh escaping her lips.

    "Tell me little girl, what right do you think you have to yell at me? What compels you to make an utter fool of yourself before me? What good is, as you put it, unlocking one's fullest capabilities if one does not even know the first thing about the very power they claim to wield? If you wish to know even a fraction of your capabilities you will do as you are told and learn skills steadily like intended. Otherwise..." Meiling turns her head to face the girl named Sylvila. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance, but otherwise her face is blank. "You are more than welcome to try your hand against me and see what you can learn. Though I doubt you'll even be able to see my moves yet alone learn anything. So be a good bunny and stay quiet."

    The clacking of armor could be heard just beyond the door as another of her students walked in. "My deepest apologies miss, I seem to have overslept. I can assure you it will not happen again." The student spoke before she made her way to her seat. Meiling followed the child with her eye before returning her gaze back to Sarayuki. "Yes, well so long as it doesn't become a habit then this incident can be forgiven Suits. Your assignment for today is to perform the Enhancement Technique and maintain it for as long as possible. If you don't know how to perform the technique then I can go over the concept once more with you."

    Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Siren77 Siren77 Yennie Yennie Lucem Lucem SoftSmile SoftSmile
Sylvila Liddell
Striker Classroom
Interacting with: Cosmos Cosmos , Siren77 Siren77 , Yennie Yennie , Lucem Lucem , Fluxbauble Fluxbauble , SoftSmile SoftSmile

The bow-headed girl's eyes widened, her mouth extending into a wide, crescent grin. "Only the crude would be intimidated by such an empty platitude!" she shot back, seemingly entirely willing to double down on the path she had taken, "you speak highly of yourself as one would expect, but my objection goes unquestioned! Unanswered! Unchallenged!" Her eyes may as well have been dinner-plates, yet they carried no air of nervousness; instead, she seemed as if she had locked onto her target with more single-minded attention than a heat-seeking missile. "If you purport to provide us with the path to power, then surely it is your job to merely provide us the tools, and not preach on just how to climb this lofty tower!"

Rather than sit down, as she was commanded to do, the rather short girl instead hopped atop her desk, grin spreading further as she crossed her arms. "And so I say again; what say you to one who declines to be regulated to nothing more than an idle fly, buzzing by and shifting the eye?" She leaned forward, seemingly a moment away from bursting out into laughter. "Will you back away from the challenge of instructing such a student? Will you fail to give me another look and go on teaching by your nifty little book? Or will your will crash against convention? I'll say so much as this--if you believe you can bottle me away and set me to a rail, then at the end of the day you might just expect to fail! Know, you bandage-clad banana, that this is no mere cry for attention! No! I wish to push the boundaries! The only question true, is whether you do, too."

With that, she spun around to face the rest of the class, raising a fist in the air, as if hoping to drum up some sort of populist support. "What sayeth the court?!"
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Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom
Mentions: Jeffrey (( Alias Alias )), Haru (( Elekta Kount Elekta Kount ))

Haru has approached near the two, another friendly person in the room. They suggest to help her if ever they come to build their own Launchers, and Gale was grateful for his support.

"Thanks a billion, Haru. Come on, Jeffrey, let's learn from the master." Gale jokingly adds, genuinely appreciative of his new friends efforts. She was quite lucky she managed to find some so early on in her new academic life. She was certain she wouldn't even manage to hang out with a person for the rest of the school year at the end of each and every class.

At the moment, the Professor has come to check in on the noise from early, given on what she commented about.

"Not a problem, Professor. I think. Jeffrey here seems good. Although, come on, Jeffrey, I'd like to see your Flux as well!" Gale said, but immediately remembered of his predicament.

"Oh, if you need a Bubble, I guess you can use mine." Gale said, and slightly shows her on, prepared to give it to the dude if his own bubble was still too sizzling hot to even touch and hold.



[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --bg-color: transparent; --fontFamily: 'Oswald'; --fontSize: 20px; --tab-hover-bg: #B0B0B0; --tab-select-bg: #808080; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab[/div]post[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab[/div]etc[/div] [/div][div class=tabContentHolder][div class="tabContent 1"]Before class started, Ilysse found herself sitting at the back row, beside a girl whose body was like that of a runner's. Once it did start, the redhead found it hard to stay put, switching positions on her chair every now and then. Reclined on her chair, her head was resting on her hand as the teacher blabbed on about whatever. Ilysse stirred in her seat, with a small smile on her face, as the teacher showed just what she could do. Her excitement faded away when the events didn't escalate.

Ilysse sighed, scanning the room as the others weaved their flux. Eventually, she conjured one. It was a thin tentacle, about the length of her index finger. It resembled the color and texture of blood, though sticky like glue. A sly smile was painted on her face as she played with the tentacle wriggling around her fingers. Soon enough, there were two more. They were as gooey as the small one, though thicker and with the length of her lower arm.

One found itself ever-so-slowly wrapping around the runner girl's leg, while the other one was on the floor, wiggling its way to the teacher.
[/div][div class="tabContent 2"]Interactions:
Fluxbauble Fluxbauble BunnyQueen BunnyQueen
Is around: (Weavers)
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Remembrance Remembrance
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1546422315193.png Heather "Star" Solas
Weaver Classroom
Interaction: labyrinthine labyrinthine
At Heather's request, the dark chains fell back into a mist slowly descending to the floor leaving heathers bright white smaller chain to land on the classroom floor with a clank, Heather started to pick up the chain holding it in her palm exploring it with her eyes. Heather could feel her power flowing through the links in the chain it was like an extension of her arm she would wiggle a finger and the chain would stutter in response. The teacher spoke to Heather telling her to keep off of her phone and to try and manifest more chains, Heather who completely forgot about her phone up until now leaned over to pick up her phone as she was standing back up straight she felt something slimy wrap itself around her ankle and start ascending her leg like a sloth climbing up a tree. Heather looked at the slimy blood-colored tentacle and followed it to the person who manifested it a girl who was probably shorter than Heather with red hair and bright amber eyes she was sitting in a desk next to Heather leaning back in her chair she was at the source of it all, Heather smiled turning around and taking a step closer to the girl's desk heather grabbed one end of the bright white chain and whipped it down onto the desk with an intimidating slam temporarily silencing the room before Heather smiled and leaned onto the girls desk, since heather was so tall she basically made a 90 degree angle out of herself while leaning on the desk after her classmates confirmed saw there wasn't a fight going on they slowly went back to their own devices.
"If that tentacle climbs any higher than my knee, not that I'm against it, you're going to find how lovely chains can be..." Heather said, the words hanging on her lips with a smile while walking her fingers across the desk closer to the girl.
"So red, What's your name," Heather said standing up a little bit straighter still smiling she ran her fingers up the girls arm and jumped to her chin caressing it waiting to hear the girls name.
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Loud. This classroom was loud. The teacher was loud, the students were loud, it was like having a constant, unrelenting swarm of bees buzzing about her eardrums. Deeply and slowly, Holly breathed. Unlike some of the luckier students in attendance, neither of her parents were able to manipulate Flux at all. She'd no mentorship, nor no natural talent to bridge the gap between herself and those hailing from Flux bearing lineages. She'd researched things quite deeply, of course, the famous names, the 'top ten tricks', and anything else that wasn't a waste of her time, but nothing could account for the benefits offered by proper, tactile teaching.

Which was why, as it was, that the ruckus of the classroom caused bubbles of frustration to rise in her chest. Normally, it would have been one of those things that was a given. A natural, if not stupid, part of any classroom's pecking order. She supposed it'd been foolish of her to expect any better from her classmates here, Weavers or not.

Luckily, as with all things, there was a way to weaponize this. As a Weaver it was her job to bind. To pin down the enemy and construct her allies a surefire path to victory. Closing her eyes and steepling her fingers, she sought to do just that. Each noise, from this point on, was an enemy, and it was her job to stop them. Steadily, her fingers begun to part as a thin, soft white glow of Flux begun to seep from her fingertips. At first glance, it would've appeared she failed. But between her fingers, just barely visible in the early-morning light of the classroom, a thin thread had begun to unfurl.

Whispy and white, it would've been safe to assume that a thread of her shirt had come loose, but those of keener senses would've been able to detect the faint infusion of Flux in the thread. Then came a second and third, each unfurling a bit more slowly than the last, but steadily leaking from Holly's fingertips none the less. Before long, a small heap of thread had piled up upon her desk, lightly squirming as its owner tested her control over it. Then, just as the heap's growth seemed to begin to stabilize, it begun to shake and wither. In tandem with its growth, it slowly but surely begun to dim, before finally evaporating into the classroom's air.

Opening her eyes, Holly's usual expression of focus cracked for a moment, turning to a frown. Barely, she'd only just barely managed to meet the minimum that'd been asked of her, while at least one of her classmates flourished as if it was as natural to him as breathing. A sigh escaped her lips, and steeped her fingers once again.

Maybe she'd talk to him after class, she thought, as she begun to attempt another, more stable manifestation of her Flux.
location: Striker Classroom
mentions: Cosmos Cosmos Yennie Yennie Lucem Lucem Fluxbauble Fluxbauble SoftSmile SoftSmile
interactions: _Line 213 _Line 213
I’ve got a lot to learn
“I say that you are a total nut job.” Kaizo grunted as he looked on at the strange girl standing on her desk and making a compete fool of herself. There was a whole ‘nother colorful vocabulary of words he could’ve used but he preferred not to make a total ass of himself in this moment. However one thing was completely certain. This girl had a deathwish of some kind, and it was either going to be dealt by Ms. Taoshen or pissing off the wrong student at the wrong time. ‘Though I wouldn’t put it past someone like this to purely be doing this for attention. Hey I guess it’s working, but it’s the wrong kind of attention that she may very well pay the price for in the arena when the time comes.’ Another thing about her was her strange use of language. It was a diverse manner of speaking he’d give her that, but it was more annoying than anything as it was difficult to understand what she was saying. Mainly because reading lips wasn’t an easy task when some midget was speaking hundred miles an hour.

Moving right along though, Kaizo was surprised when the little girl with the bear from earlier seemed to transform at the use of her Flux. He never knew that using ones ability could cause physical changes in himself, though it must not be common considering nothing happened to him or any of the other students that had attempted the skill. The girls change was, startling to say the least. It was like some kind of monster had awakened within the girl. There was a plethora of questions he had bobbling in his mind but for now he’d keep them to himself considering he didn’t even know the girl.

A rather interesting looking woman clad in an impressive set of armor had arrived in the room late. It seemed a little redundant to wear such a getup, but then again as the saying goes. Don’t knock it until you try it, and Kaizo knew deep down in his heart that if he ever had his own set of armor to wear you wouldn’t be able to fuckin’ stop him from doing so. It was amusing it him to think about it, but impractical at best. Perhaps he might approach her later and inquire why she wears the armor, barring that she doesn’t turn out to be anything like the ranting brat from earlier.


"SHUT UP YOU INSOLENT BRAT!!" The previously timid now black haired girl yelled, clenching a fist and grinding teeth in a snarl, eyes slitting ever more to a vicious and animal like glare, "Does that bloody fancy talk get through your stupid skull or would you prefer laymen terms? You're a disgusting, filthy piece of work." she turned with a stiff footing to face her, fists still clenched, eyes glowing a brighter red as the black aura burst out a little as though reacting to her annoyance, wavering off her skin instead of remaining as a thin shield.

She wouldn't admit it, but over the last year Meiling was one of the few people the feisty and stubborn girl had an ounce of respect for, wether that had to do with commuting yuki when she was left behind in battles, or seeing her beat the crap out of people- well, that was up for the professor herself to decide, not that you'd be able to tell, after all to everyone else this girl was just as annoying as anyone, and nobody but Theia knew she'd been here for longer than these others.

So in her mind, it wasn't a risk to seem weak, well- mostly she just wanted to hit something, but surely the emotional part factored in somewhere she considered for a split second, emotions weren't really something this 'wolf' did after all, punch first, talk later if ya weren't knocked out that was, kinda her newest motto.

And go to punch is just what she did, she knew how to use her enhancement a few steps ahead than others, and boosting speed was one of them. As she pushed her left leg back to propel her a blur of black flashed towards the other, fist aimed for the others stomach, a devious smirk crossing her lips, this wasn't someone who cared about punishment, this wasn't a creature that hunted with a pack, this was worse than a lone wolf, this animal hunted for fun, and this leader wannabe was her rabbit.

[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:3px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script] [div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently[/div][div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]Npc_sd_3030049000_01.png[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting:Open
Mentioned: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Lucem Lucem
Located: Striker Classroom


She nodded as the professor restated the assignment. " I understand the concept, Miss, thank you for the guidance. "

With all the ruckus going on in the room, it was hard to concentrate. Though, she had began to convince herself that on the battlefield it would be much worse. With that in mind, she crossed her left leg over her right, looking at the scene before her. Such disrespect. Not just from the one yelling, but any of her classmates that dare give her the time of day. Every person should know at this age that the only way to treat a child like that is to ignore it's outbursts.

Seika began concentrating more on her flux manifestation than the brats, not wanting to give them any more space in her thoughts. She focused most of it to her core, rather than having it act as a second skin. She found that the method was great for defense and overall heightening abilities, but she liked to have absolute balance over her body. Especially in this situation. Whatever works, she supposed.

With that in mind, the calm demeanor striker began resonating a subtle gold aura around her. Her aura, demeanor and posture practically resonated dignity in it's finest. Something she could be proud of.​

[/div] Code by @AgWordSmith
Sylvila Liddell
Striker Classroom
Interacting with: Cosmos Cosmos , Siren77 Siren77 , Yennie Yennie , Lucem Lucem , Fluxbauble Fluxbauble , SoftSmile SoftSmile

"Indeed indeed, 'tis the marker of a brute to grow ever more enraged at what they do not understand!" Sylvila said, seeming to dismiss the criticism of the other student as she pointed to the supposed wolf in the room, showing little fear despite her rabbit-esque status. After all, the other girl had gone about her dissent far more loudly than the boy had. "Yell yell yell, scream scream scream, like a caveman, afraid to approach the fire even when shivering amongst a frost most dire." She flicked her wrists to the side as she shrugged, as if the case were out of her control, large round glasses glinting in the light and grin refusing to waver. "But if you've resigned to blissful ignorance, then I've no interest in--"

Her sentence went unfinished as her air forcefully left her, eyes shooting wide upon a single fist making contact with her diaphragm. The rabbit practically took flight, her arc only interrupted once her back made contact with the far wall, her glasses sliding into the center of the room as they fell from her face and failed to match the distance.

For a moment, there was nothing but silence. The girl soundlessly shook and shuddered from her slumped over position, eventually beginning to wheeze. Initially, her utterances seemed to be pained, discomforting sounds, yet as her breath returned, it became clear that such things were in fact the kernels of laughter, practically erupting once the girl could feel her lungs once again. She threw herself forward in the throes of some mocking, twisted enjoyment, one hand slapping against her forehead in what could only be read as disbelief.

"The wolf is a lapdog!" she exclaimed in the midst of her laughter, the realization only seeming to drive her reaction to an even greater extreme! "Unexpected! Unbelievable! The only other one here with so much as the slightest claim to chaos is nothing if not collared! What a cardinal sin." Her tone turned on a dime with the utterance of her final word, blue eyes glaring through blonde hair as her laughter ceased immediately. "I've a demand, deeeeaaaar teacher." Her words now switched targets, addressed to their instructor despite declining to turn her attention in the same direction, "laboratory tests are all well in good, but how about I invite myself to a live fire exercise." She shakily rose to her feet, nearly appearing drunk as she found her footing. "My argument remains unaddressed all the while, but I'd be a card in the breeze not to offer my own response to such clear and present bile."
  • cc1407f8f6959b63ac4c999e0db9d8fd--character-reference-character-concept.jpgMeiling let out yet another annoyed sigh. How she wished she had a bottle of rice wine right now. Damn school policy. I have to deal with yet another upstart striker. She thought as she still maintained her Enhancement. A part of her wanted to beat the child until she couldn't speak like the last upstart she dealt with. Yet another part of her was somewhat impressed by how uninspired she was in her pursuit of 'pushing the boundaries' as she put it. "You just don't get it in the slightest do you little bunny? I'm actually somewhat disappointed in you."

    She walks up to Sarayuki. With no wasted movements she immobilizes the feral child by swiftly applying pressure to key points on her shoulders and lower back. This would cause the child to simply fall to their knees unable to move. "I told you to remain calm Sarayuki. Yet you went and attacked another student again. Sit down and reflect on your actions." Meiling simply continues to speak as she makes her approach to Sylvila. "I was kinda hoping you were different and yet the more you speak the more I realize you're just like all the rest. You speak of pushing boundaries yet you don't even know where those boundaries are. Crash against conventions? You assume there are conventions to crash. I'm simply teaching you the basics. If you think that's beneath you you're more than welcome to think so. You wouldn't be the first and you'll hardly be the last."

    Meiling rolled her shoulders. A slight popping sound can be heard with each roll. Her shoulders must have been stiff with frustration. "Do you honestly think every striker is nothing more than a distraction based solely on what I've said? If you were paying at the assembly yesterday, which judging by your actions you weren't, I clearly said that if you're good at your job you'll not only help you're team win but you'll be able to take out just about any foe you face before your team has to worry about it. Or did that slip past your big ears?" Meiling was clearly tired of the girl's blustering. Just another blowhard student with little to no substance. She's seen her fair share of such students in the past. Both as classmates and as a teacher. This one was no different in her mind. Why do they all have to be so loud though? She thought.

    Meiling continues to lecture the girl. "You consider yourself a challenge to teach, but I hardly see what makes you worthy of such a claim. I will teach you the same way I teach all strikers who come my way. What you do with my teachings afterwards I could care less about. But you're making a lot of noise and that's somewhat of a nuisance." Meiling lifted her heel barely an inch before lightly tapping it on the ground once. This action caused an unseen shock wave to be sent throughout the class. This shock wave was just big enough to cause the students in the class who were standing to lose their balance and fall. To Meiling this was a simple trick thanks to the very technique she was demonstrating. Meiling had concentrated Enhancement flux at her heel upon impact to increase the force of the tap. Being a master of flux manipulation, Meiling's Enhancement hardly looked like it had moved to the untrained eye.

    "Allow me to instruct you on something important bunny." She crouches down and rapidly applies pressure at key points on Sylvila's legs to keep her from rising once again. "It's not my job to do anything. I could just as easily not teach you at all and you can go around stumbling in the dark with your life one foot in death's door every time you enter the arena. You still refuse to do the technique I taught you and now look where it got you. On the floor unable to stand. I suggest you take these words to heart child. You may challenge me anytime you wish. The only condition I have is you can only do so once you manage to get the basics down. I don't fight those who don't know how. It's boring and boring fights irritate me more than upstart kids who talk a big game but refuse to improve when given the opportunity."

    Meiling stands up and walks over to her desk. She grabs a earpiece and tells Yuru to call Dr. Ryoma. "Hey doc it's me... I've got a few patients that need looking into. Why don't you and I have a little joint class session? I'll buy you a drink afterwords.... I didn't do anything this time. I just figured it would be fun is all... Yeah yeah I'll see you in a bit." The call ended and she put her earpiece away." Alright class looks like we're gonna have an impromptu joint lesson today. Dr. Ryoma and the rookie healers are gonna come over and practice their techniques with us. Continue to maintain you enhancement as best you can."

    Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Siren77 Siren77 Yennie Yennie Lucem Lucem
location: Striker Classroom
mentions: Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Yennie Yennie Lucem Lucem Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
interactions: FireMaiden FireMaiden
I haven’t used ASL in years...
Everything seemed to have happened in an instant. First came the threat from the now dark haired and almost evil sounding student that growled and shouted at the annoyance still standing on her desk. Next in the blink of an eye, a punch was thrown knocking the girl backwards and into the wall. Yet still, she persisted talking and refused to shut her mouth. Even after being launched like she was nothing, her superiority complex persisted. You’d figure she would’ve learned her lesson but then again he wasn’t all that surprised.

The instructor shook the room with a stamp of her foot which caused the whole room to shake, and Kaizo just about lost his balance because of it. Ms. Taoshen then quickly pinned down both students with what appeared to be pressure points, although Kaizo had to wonder if her Flux was used to aid in pinning down and almost paralyzing the students or of it was pure knowledge of nerve clusters on the human body. That would perhaps be something to inquire of later, if he had the chance to. After the confrontation was taken care of Ms. Taoshen made an announcement of the healers joining them soon, prompting Kaizo to give off a disgruntled sigh.

He didn’t see a point in bringing them, although then again he wasn’t sure if they’d need medical attention after what Ms. Taoshen had done. The Russian tried to focus on the positives and looked at it as a chance to meet other students, just so he’d perhaps have someone to hag around and so his Yuru would finally cram it about being sociable.

Sure enough all of the healer students and the teacher filed in, so Kaizo gave them all a half attempt of a wave. There was one girl in particular looking to be on the shorter side that caught his attention. “Ah, the other students that knows ASL!” Haec said with a small chirp in Kaizo’s head. “Wait, she knows it too? And how do you know I know it?” Haec gave the boy an annoyed look. “Right, you supposedly know everything about me.” “I do know everything about you.” “Whatever.” “C’mon this is your chance to make a friend! Just say hi to her! She’s a mute so you can try and get her attention before signing to her.” “Agh, I’m not sure about it.” His Yuru looked about ready to explode with frustration. “But if it’ll shut you up fine!”

Taking a short deep breath, Kaizo worked up the courage at what he was going to do and did his best to quickly go over the signing in his head before looking back up at the girl. Clearing his throat rather loudly to get her attention, he then started moving his hands. “Hello there,” He signed followed by an awkward smile.“my little friend here tells me you speak using ASL. I think it’s great that I’m not the only one!” Kaizo recognized that he was getting ahead of himself.“My names Kaizo, what’s yours?”

Sylvila Liddell
Striker Classroom
Interacting with: Cosmos Cosmos , Siren77 Siren77 , Yennie Yennie , Lucem Lucem , Fluxbauble Fluxbauble , SoftSmile SoftSmile

Sylvila practically writhed and spat despite her now immobile state, her mind far from pacified, in fact likely racing faster. "Oh I listened very well with these ears of mine, and as I recall, you offered mere possibility! YOU placed the possibility out of YOUR hands, COWARD! And to boot, YOU offered NO words today on it either! And then you purport to know all there is about me?"

She practically growled, giving up on her thrashing even as she continued to speak with increased vitriol. "Strange and suspicious indeed that these so-called basics are fated beyond fate to coincide with your convenience! If you were truly what you purport to be, then you would simply shift these structures! You'd change your methods, amend your curriculum, take chances, embrace ability! You would find a way! You'd make us more than what you are and have been! And if you won't do that, then I'll go beyond your idiocy in my off-hours! Better yet, if you can't, then I accept your unvoiced defeat!" Her breath now came in heaving snarls, wild eyes contrasting with her forced immobility. "Whether or not you care to assist me, I'll be a revolutionary. Your better! And that won't come from simply following everything to the letter."

She barely even seemed to register the arrival of the other class, her eyes instead locked directly upon Meiling. Even cornered, beaten down, and seemingly humiliated, she remained entirely dedicated to the path she had chosen--for better or for worse. "So keep running from your responsibilities. Erect your excuses, and dole out your abuses! We shall see how things turn out in the end!"
Last edited:
1f958128c79513ef985f24e8362f2182.jpgTheia Kidman
Location: Striker Classroom

Mentioned: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble simj26 simj26 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213

Todd wasn't done for a while, since she was covered in small scratches and bruises, and she had to explain where each came from. He looked a little worried, especially with how she had a reason for each injury, but she just casually brushed it off. When he was done, Dr.Junpei was in a call with one of his fellow teachers, making Todd and Theia looked at each other eye cocked eyebrows. However, their wondering wasn't plaguing then for too long as their instructor told them that the rest of their lesson would be a combined class. That peaked both of their interest, Theia smiling a bit. She liked the idea of practicing on other people other than her class mates, but as they walked through the hall, she stuck close to Todd. While the other people looked nice enough, she didn't want to get to know anyone while they were walking.

When they entered the Striker classroom, she almost immdeiatly was crushed by the tension in the air. The teacher looked angry, the students were all in various states of, well, Theia just wasn't a big fan of whatever was going on. She looked at Todd, who just kinda shrugged, before looking to their instructor as he told them the second way to diagnose people. She had never seen someone focus flux into their eyes, but it made sense. Archers probably did it as well, but Theia didn't realize that Healers did as well. Anyway, when the group went about finding patients, a boy actually approached her.

And he was signing.

Theia's eyes would light up, a shine of excitement greeting Kiazo. "I'm Theia, it's nice to meet you Kiazo!" She signed back happily, "I'm surprised someone else uses ASL!" And she was, nobody she had met so far seemed to know any of the signs she had thrown out, and odd just had a lucky guess. Anyway, she took a few seconds to scan the class room, landing on Yuki and then a girl stick in the ground. She pointed to them, then looked back to Kaizo, "Are they okay? What happened?"
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:3px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script] [div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently[/div][div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]Npc_sd_3030049000_01.png[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting:Open
Mentioned: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Lucem Lucem
Located: Striker Classroom


She watched the scene silently, only her head turned slightly to view it out of her peripheral vision. She'd never admit to herself that she would sink as low as to watching low brow entertainment like the rest of the population. Though; she was impressed of what proper use of flux could do. She'd let out a long huff through her nose and closed her eyes, she hated being a student.

That salty young lady was still yelling even while immobilized, as if she couldn't properly fathom how this would lead to possible expulsion. The pure hatred of being someone in lesser power weighs on herself all the time, it's obvious it does for some others too. If she used that brain of hers to think of how to climb the ranks with efficiency and not speaking the tongue of the olden ones maybe she would get somewhere. Seika's fists clenched around her arms, her teeth grinding.

Then the room filled with small chatter again, she opened her eyes to find another group of students in the class. Who were these people? She cursed herself for not listening. Her face scrunched up into one of self-hatred, she looked down to the palms of her armored hands. She was still emitting small golden rays of light from around herself. Something she could be proud of; she repeated to herself. With that in mind, her face relaxed, and her posture stiffened. Again, she was back at square one--looking dignified and unapproachable.​

[/div] Code by @AgWordSmith

Yuki stayed on the floor for a moment, gritting teeth and panting a little form the sudden increase in flux usage, eyes still glowing before fading a little as the girl coughed and spluttered against the wall, feeling proud for a moment, the enjoyable high of combat coursing over her body before that annoyingly granting voice once again emerged into the air and the spark briefly returned to her eyes, fist clenching as she went to rise back up to her feet, pacing a few steps forwards ready to strike again, after all that was what strikers did, her smirk returning, a somewhat crazed and bloodthirsty look in her eyes, this girl wasn't redeemable to this wolf, this rabbit was weak and overly confident, wanting to feast upon the open field rather than safely in its hutch, a lone rabbit with no holes to hide in, the perfect target to pounce upon, and devour in combat.

However her thoughts were abruptly cut to a stop as she felt a sudden wave of power overwhelm her, forcing the hardy girl to her knees straining and writhing for a few moments in struggle before giving in, she'd felt this before though the words barely seemed to bother her, looking back and glaring, eyes flared with longing desire to fight, to finish what she started and knock that girl into tomorrow, however very well she could do little, a wolf is nothing if not smart, such a stupid act as resisting a punishment was well learnt to this girls form, so for now she waited, merciless hunting intent leaking from her face back to a more bored and placid position, making a similar 'tchk' noise and when she'd first transformed but evidently not complaining too much.

Though the same couldn't be said for the other girl as she continued to yell and struggle, even after the slam of the professors foot, a move that quietened the rest of the class to small murmurs it seemed, however as time went on the girl could feel the flux weakening, having used it so out of the blue and without warmup she felt it flicker and begin to spark out, desperate to hold on briefly before simply letting out a slow chuckle and shrug of defeat.

The form of the black haired girl fading with the black aura, the midnight hair once again fading away like water washing away paint from a page, leaving it blank as her crimson eyes settled back to the multicoloured sunset orangey purple hues of the original girls appearance, her eye lids flickering shut as though a sudden grasp was released, the girls form falling slightly down onto the floor before she slowly opening her eyes in recovery, blinking in a slightly confused manner.

Once again suited to the clothes and appearance given, the soft girl seemed to panic, sitting up slightly only to find her knees stuck as she vaguely recalled memories, eyes tearing up as she panicked a little, looking around desperately for comfort only to see her bag was on the other side of the room, though a sight did catch her eyes, Theia.

"Wh-…. I hurt someone again, d-didn't I?~…." she looked back over at the professor with worry yet innocence, as though a totally different soul inhabited the girl now, "I don't know how many cookies I'm gonna have to bake to make up for this time~" she whinged, seeming to go from fear to an almost comedic whine with an expression as though already exhausted at the thought, looking over in the girls direction.

"I-I'm so, sooooo sorry!" she called, bowing her head in apology, "I-I promise I'll make it up to you somehow just- m-maybe don't- um…. uh, please could you if- if you don't mind…. well-…. uh n-not yell at….. th-the teacher?…." she stuttered, blushing a little and eyes glancing away rapdily as she shrunk into herself, hands in small balls on her lap as she let out a nervous giggle with a small exasperated breath, she wasn't good at confrontations, but you shouldn't be mean to Ms Taoshen, she was a really nice person! And amazing at being a striker at that, Yuki really looked up to her, especially since she seemed to be able to control what happened whenever she could use her flux.

The timid girl continued to flail and ramble a little in a confused manner to herself, rubbing the back of her head apologetically to seemingly everyone including herself as she tried to go over what happened in her head, raising once brow curiously before letting out yet another sigh, this was all too much for the first day back at class, yeesh, even the joyful girl had to admit.

Her eyes suddenly caught something unexpected however, staring blankly over at a girl with armour before a wie smile formed and she raised an arm up, waving eagerly, "Hiya!~ Are you new, I haven't seen you before?~" she called out with a giggle, seeming to have completely moved on from what just happened.

"My names Yuki, I'm 17, A striker and I really like cookies!~" she smiled widely doing a celebratory fist pump, she finally got a greeting down without messing it up, maybe this day was looking up after all this chaos.


location: Striker Classroom
mentions: _Line 213 _Line 213 Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Cosmos Cosmos SoftSmile SoftSmile
interactions: FireMaiden FireMaiden
Well... so far so good.
Kaizo’s face grew less awkward and more friendly after Theia wasn’t entirely repulsed by him talking to her. It seems his fear of approaching people and talking to them was in fact quite irrational. Then again maybe he’d just gotten lucky, or Theia was just being nice. Either way he didn’t care, he’d finally gotten himself to talk (we’ll sign but same thing) to someone which was a step in the right direction despite being somewhat forced by Haec. This time with a genuine grin Kaizo nodded his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Theia.” He gave a small shrug. “I’ve known it since I was just a kid when I lost my hearing. I haven’t used it in a while seeing as I’ve gotten used to just reading lips but it’s nice to use it again for once!”

Upon being asked about the confrontation that had occurred in the classroom, Kaizo shook his head. He’d spotted Theia and the girl with the changing hair talking the previous day so he figured they must be friends. “Well, your friend over there activated her Flux which caused her hair and her personality to do a complete 180. Then that bigmouth over there,” He gestured over to the girl with the abnormal ears who was still shouting. “wouldn’t stop talking and eventually aggravated her enough to lash out. I can’t say she didn’t deserve it though, the girl was acting like a major brat.” Kaizo had to collect his thoughts for a brief moment before continuing. It was unbelievable how rusty he was with ASL. “Luckly before things could get any worse, Ms. Taoshen stepped in and did something with the pairs pressure points. Now they’re kinda just stuck there.” Kaizo shifted his stance a bit causing him to wince. His foot was still sensitive ever since last night when he ended up dropping one of the dumbbells on it because of his sweaty hands. He could only blame himself for being careless though.

Eventully, the one named Yuki got up after her hair had changed and everything. It seemed she couldn’t remember the events, but could take a good guess as to what had happened meaning this kind of thing had happened before. The girls sympathy and apologetic attitude was of course to be wasted on such a snide brat, in his opinion anyway. She wouldn’t shut her mouth and suffered the consequences because of it, no harm there. But Yuki moved on quickly and began conversing with the armored woman about... ‘Cookies?’ He could feel his stomach grumble just at the mention of food. Perhaps skipping breakfast was not the best idea, but at this point it can’t be helped. He’d just have to wait until Lunch, whenever the hell that would be.


Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Siren77 Siren77 Lucem Lucem SoftSmile SoftSmile - actually interacting with Yuki and Seika

Aurelie shrugged. Professor Taoshen was right but in her mind dealing with the enemy Striker should be left to the Weaver and Interceptor. What else would they have to do if she did all the work for them? She didn't press this issue though, respecting the opinion. She'd still do what she thought was best in any given situation as trusting her intuition had always served her well.

The lesson moved right along with Professor Taoshen asking them to show off their use of the Enhancement technique. Aurelie was well versed in using this technique and easily let her flux begin to flow. It spread out around her, the warm red aura crackling and flickering like a flame. One could almost feel the warmth radiating from her if they got close enough. Knowing she could hold this for a solid ten minutes or so, Aurelie took a moment to look at the other students. There was a variety of colors and the way each person's flux manifested was different. There was a guy who's flux crackled like lightning, a girl with a radiant golden glow that seemed almost serene in nature. And then there was Yuki- her flux was black, a color not very often seen at all, and along with that her entire demeanor changed. Gone was the childlike girl she had become friends with, replaced with something akin to an animal. Aurelie quirked an eyebrow at the girl, "Uh Yuki?"

There was another personality vying for everyone's attention. A blonde girl with a large bunny ear shaped bow was ranting and raving, using words that'd you'd only find in a olde english dictionary. Annoying brat. Aurelie was quickly becoming irritated by everything going on in the classroom. It was distracting them from learning anything and was only wasting time. She didn't pay much attention to what the blonde was saying and was only mildly concerned when the now raven-haired Yuki punched her. The violence was certainly unexpected but it wasn't long before Professor Taoshen ended it. She deftly disabled the two of them though Aurelie wished the blonde's tongue had been disabled as well. "Jeez just shut up already." She grumbled in a nasty tone before getting up from her seat to check on Yuki. It seemed her personality shift was triggered and she was her normal self again. Aurelie guessed it came about whenever she had to use her flux. "That persona change is wicked. What's that all about?" The girl with the golden aura was there and Aurelie introduced herself after Yuki had.
Then the healer class along with their professors had arrived. Aurelie recognized Theia and waved a greeting at her.​
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:3px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script] [div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently[/div][div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]Npc_sd_3030049000_01.png[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: Yennie Yennie Cosmos Cosmos
Mentioned: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble _Line 213 _Line 213 Lucem Lucem Siren77 Siren77 and healers I guess oof
Located: Striker Classroom


The young woman raised an eyebrow as someone seemed to be speaking to her. She looked over to find one of the girls who recently was punished. She had to admit, while the girl's intent didn't seem malicious; she had caused more disruption. It took a moment of looking the girl up and down until a red-headed striker walked over and also introduced herself. She'd huff through her nose again, hoping she wouldn't attract more people.

" Greetings, allies. I am Seikakuna Kichigai. It is a pleasure to meet you both. " She had gotten up, and bowed. As soon as she arose from her seat, her aura dissipated. Even without the golden light around her she still beamed a sense of regality. " I also must add, as much as it pains me to speak these harsh words to an ally. I believe your behavior was unnecessary. " She'd eye the smaller, more enthusiastic girl.

Her expression seemed to relax a bit after her small lecture. " Leaving that fact aside, I am indeed not new-- I assume I've been here the same time as most. I simply am reserved. I do not speak who do not wish to be spoken to. " She'd look over to the healers once more, her expression softening even further to one of sadness.​

[/div] Code by @AgWordSmith
1f958128c79513ef985f24e8362f2182.jpgTheia Kidman
Location: Striker Classroom
Interaction: Siren77 Siren77

Mentioned: Cosmos Cosmos

She looked between Yuki and the other girl, the to Kaizo. "Really? That doesn't seem like Yuki," she replied, taking a moment to crack her knuckles, wiggling then a bit as she watched her friend. It was odd, and honestly she didn't believe it, but based on the few moments she witnessed, maybe Kaizo was telling the truth. Anyway, her attention quickly turned back to him as he winced, Theia cocking her head to side a bit, before giving him a small smile. "Mind being my patient?" She asked with a small chuckle, "I am a healer." She needed the practice anyway, but didn't want to jump on him. But once again, someone in the Striker classroom grabbed her attention. The redhead from yesterday! She smiled at her, giving her a wave. If Aurelie wanted too, Theia could practice on her as well. However, for now, she looked back to Kaizo waiting for his response.

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