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Fantasy The Flux - Academy

Yasumoto Haru
Location: Archer Classroom

Interaction: N/A
Mentioned: Alias Alias Computing Magus Computing Magus
The sound of pencil etching itself across paper paused for a brief moment, as Haru quietly looked up from his sketch. The young man meet looked over to Jeffery then at Gael, before looking back at Jeffery, shrugging a little as he did.

“My apologize...I did not mean to intrude upon your conversation..." Haru said, looking down to his notebook. "...I have not been here for long...I was simply passing by, when...well....” Haru closed his notebook, before looking back up at Jeffery and Gael. “...I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and it...gave me an idea..."

At this point Haru took a few steps into the room, though still looking at the two people also occupying the room. "...yes, I am a fellow archer...my name is Yasumoto Haru..." The young man stopped abruptly, putting his hands down to his side, before giving a bit of a bow. "...it is a pleasure to meet you both."
Individual Class: Day 1

Students begin to fill the room and take seats where they can find them. Each desk is designed very similar to the one inside of your rooms, but smaller to allow for space between each. A holo-screen hovers just slightly above the desk with the emblem of Gaea Academy at the center. At the front of the class hovering over the wall is a large holo-screen with the same image as the desks. Light pierces through the three large windows on the left hand side of the room. Your Yuru hovers into the socket in the center of the desk. "Syncing in progress. Please hold for one moment." Yuru blinks a few times before finally closing its eye. Just a few moments later a digital Yuru appears on screen. "Syncing complete. Classroom module downloaded. We're ready to learn master!"

  • 45544f957ec30c5124d6dbf4534d5880771cb72c_hq.jpg
    Prof. Rumin walked into the classroom with her signature smile while humming a chipper tune. Her launcher jostling every so slightly against her hip as she steps. Her Yuru or more precisely Yurus, shaped vastly different from your typical Yuru, float on either side of her. As she approaches her desk she unhooks her launcher from her hip before setting it down atop the desk. One of her Yurus floats over and locks itself into the socket of her desk and the large screen at the front of the room changes to show a video thumbnail with Kisala on it. Once the rest of the students took their seats and their Yurus docked in the video began playing. The video shows Kisala and her team in a Flux Wars match of King Slayer. The video shows them in the heat of battle. Their striker was distracting the enemy interceptor which gave Kisala an opening. Kisala put her goggle on and rose her launcher up to her hip. Her body began to emit a bluish-green aura. The launcher began to siphon this aura as the barrel started to glow. The team's weaver had tendrils grasp the interceptor's legs preventing them from moving. "The king is pinned. Take the shot!" The weaver shouted. The striker leaped away to handle the enemy archer and to avoid Kisala's shot. Kisala's launcher unleashed a beam of focused flux at the enemy king. A direct hit! The enemy king was incapacitated. Kisala's team won the match and the video stopped.

    Kisala walked up to the front of the class with her hands resting on her hips and smirk. "So what do you think? Pretty cool right? Well soon enough you all will be doing the same thing I just did in that video. Well not exactly what I did. I mean I don't even know how your flux will manifest. But I know a good way to find out!" She walked over to one of the weapons lockers in the room and began rummaging through it. When she was done she came out with a box. "What I have in this box is essential for all archers just starting out. Heck I still have mine from when I attended the academy." She spoke as she made her way back to her desk. Setting the box down next to her launcher she opens the box to reveal its contents. She pulls out an orb no bigger than her hand that looks like it's made of glass. Inside the orb floats a small crystal. "These are really cool and much safer than trying to have you guys just shooting out flux all willy-nilly. These are called Flux Baubles. They help determine what shape your flux will take. we used one similar in your entrance exam, but that one was designed to help determine if you had the potential to manipulate flux and determine what aptitude or class you were best suited for. These are much more nuanced."

    She begins handing them out one at a time to each student before returning to the front of the classroom. She then takes her own flux bauble to demonstrate. "Watch closely." Kisala's body began to glow with that same bluish-green aura once more. The aura was then being focused into the flux bauble and the crystal began changing shape. Within moments the crystal became a beam of flux that bounced around inside the orb. "Simply focus on the crystal and channel a little bit of your flux into it. The crystal will change shape and it will give you a clear image of what your flux manifestation will look like. In my case it's a beam of concentrated flux. Go on and give it shot everyone."
    Alias Alias Computing Magus Computing Magus Fear Fates Fear Fates CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Kaizo had woken up at around 4:45 to go to the gym again, but the laziness got the better of him and he wound up falling back asleep until 6:15 to the sound of Yuru yelling at him and butting at his head. “We need to get moving! You still need to shower and get dressed before getting to class!” The boy groaned and rolled around in the covers of his bed for a moment before sitting up and rubbing his cold blue eyes. After convincing his subconscious to get moving, he slipped out of bed and walked in ha boxer briefs to the bathroom of his dorm where he started up the shower with steaming hot water. “Haec, do you think you can play any music for me? Yknow in my head?” The Yuru beeped before nodding it’s eyeball of a head. “I can try, what would you like to hear?” “Surprise me.” Kaizo quickly shut the door before hopping into the shower as music with a heavy beat and strong guitar riffs. Whatever it was it sounded great in his head and he loved it. It’d been years since he had heard music, ever since he lost his hearing.

Once he’d scrubbed down his body and washed out his shaggy black mane, Kaizo shut down the water and stepped out where he dried himself off then exited the bathroom. “Shall I keep the music playing?” “Please do, this stuff his great. What’s the band, and what would you call this genre?” “Genre is known as Heavy Metal or just Metal. The band is a rather famous group in the genre known as Metallica. Similar artists would include MegaDeath, Iron Maiden, Disturbed, and Black Sabbath.” “Make me a playlist of these artists as well as any other popular Metal artists you can think of.” “Will do Master!” “What did I say about calling me that?” “Sorry! Force of habit!”

Kaizo quickly dressed up in a black t-shirt, dark blue pants, red/black converse, and a red jacket that he left unzipped and let hang from his shoulders. Looking himself over in the mirror, he ruffled up his hair before heading out the door. “You have fifteen minutes until class begins. Ms. Toashen is a real stickler when it comes to being tardy so I suggest you forgo breakfast for today.” Kaizo simply nodded his head before taking up a brisk jog and heading out of the dormitories and over to the classrooms. He managed to be on time, and decided to take a seat at the right side of the room in the middle sections. It wasn’t but long before Ms. Toashen walked in and began her lecture, to which Kaizo payed good attention.
F1443AB1-7152-4E4E-821F-753385972989.jpegEdward laid quietly in his bed, taking in his quite restful nap he had taken.. in his bed?! Wait how’d I get here? No way in hell did I walk all the way here from my napping spot outside! He did little besides thinking and enjoying the bed, it was surprisingly more softer and comforting than the grass, who knew? Almost like god decided to ruin Edward’s pleasure time, a little floating eye monster beeped to activation and began harassing Edward. “You have two hours until class starts, get up you stupid fucking idiot.” It’s unfortunate that that’s not what the little eye monster said, although it had a slight reminiscent feeling to it as it spoke it’s words. “You have two hours until class starts, you should get up and prepare!” What disgusting words! Like I should prepare! But his thoughts ceased as Edward happened upon a revelation. But wait! If I prepare now and head to class, I could just nap the rest of it off! Your such a genius Edward! Thank you me!

Edward’s shower was as energy-conserving as he could make it. All he did was stand there with the shower head spewing water onto his head like a sad kid standing in the middle of a rainstorm. He barely put together a well organized wardrobe as all he had with him was the same clothes he was already wearing, so instinctively he just changed and almost busted his leg trying to put on his pants. Edward was viciously tired out, it’s hadn’t been more than 30 minutes and he was already considering his plans to be a failure. But luckily, he made it out of his room with his blanket wrapped tightly around him and his pillow awkwardly sticking to the back of his head.

Edward still had an hour to spare as he arrived to the classroom, the walk was treacherous however as many other people had a similar plan as him. With all of the walking done and his life complete for the moment, he rested his pillow onto the desk and put his head against it. The last moments he could remember was of him closing his eyes as some more students came into the room.
Although the teacher had come in and was starting her lecture, Edward faithfully slept like a baby. It’s not that he didn’t care for what she was saying, it’s that he cared too much for his own sleeping patterns and had his priorities set as straight as possible. He didn’t snore, he wasn’t even moving, Edward was just kind of there.
Fluxbauble Fluxbauble

Yuki was half asleep as she stumbled into the classroom, white hair a tad messy as she mumbled something about eating too many cookies, expression childishly whining before slapping her cheeks and shaking her head, "I can do this! No evil cookies overwhelming sugary power to keep me up will thwat my day if I can help it!~" she then said seeming to almost instantly recover from the sleepiness, giggling, she'd still fallen asleep at a normal time for most, but the girl along with her appearance had quite child like sleeping habits, sleeping early and waking up so. To most who heard they'd probably assume just a weird schedule, but truly there were factors that meant she never had the best of nights sleep, cookies keeping her up an hour or two later or not.

Done with her adorably determined nod and psyching up she went in further with a hand nervously grasping her satchels brown strap, the teddy bear still being able to be seen slightly through a looser lip at the edges, her yuru following behind without a word, it had taken the poor bot a month last term to convince Yuki they weren't scary, so had determined upon her permission to only interact when needed, though she still ended up making small talk that the robot had very little idea on how to respond to such as asking him if he wanted food or cuddling him at random.

As she took her seat and the little bot docked itself she gave a warm smile, the screen's school emblem disappearing, it'd been a while since she'd been in a classroom and everything still felt so new to her here, as it loaded and they synced to the new system she looked around curiously, not having even taken the satchel off in her distraction, she soon found herself spotting a few people she'd seen about, but no one she was confident enough to say hi to, a light blush crossing her cheeks before her heart skipped a beat at a familiar sight of bright red hair.

practically leaving out of her seat Yuki wrapped Aurelie in a hug with a wide smile, "Ah I'm so happy to see you! I was so scared here by myself, an Yuru never wants to chat anyway~" she let out the comment cheerfully, as though still unaware they would've been in the same class anyway as strikers.

She wore the same whimsical and fairytale style clothing as yesterday, a single red flower ornament in the side of her hair, a braided line separating the fringe from the rest though it wasn't as neat as she'd usual like the girl couldn't care less at the moment, after all she had her new friend! Well- she hoped they'd be friends.

Letting go she rushed back to her seat as the professor arrived, sitting down with only the slightest clumsy movement of almost falling over the chair, once down she waited patiently, seated in the middle zone of the classroom she watched as Meiling began to address the students, a small and awkward giggle silently escaping her lips with a slightly defeated face as she realised the professor was probably hung over a little again, being the only one in the room with a little experience here she'd actually met the boisterous and a little bit frightening lady previously, though grown to like her quickly, she tended to go unnoticed however, having joined so late last year and not competing, not to mention her condition, the prof would be instructed she was told, but even the thought made her a tad anxious, eyes softening to a small worry as toes came together in her shoes under the desk, she had rather terribly scores when it came to practical examples, but all the written work she was an A student, after all, she knew the tactics but it was 'that' who knew how to fight the battles.

Yasumoto Haru
Location: Archer Classroom

Interaction: N/A
Mentioned: Alias Alias Computing Magus Computing Magus Fear Fates Fear Fates CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
Haru sighed as the video ended, the young man was currently sitting on the secound row, leaning his head against his head. Haru thought it was a good play, but a very basic one at best, and a very boring one at worst. Haru had seen much more interesting and entertaining ways that an archer could take out his or her opponent then simply sitting back and camping for the entire match. But, they had to lay the foundation somewhere, and at least the video demonstrated the basic role of an archer idea fairly well. Although Haru would still argue against phrasing the video as "cool".

Not that Haru would vocally voice this concern, it would be rude after all, plus it would be pretty to get on the instructor's bad side on day one. However, if one was paying attention to him during the video, they would clearly see that Haru's facial expression was clearly indifferent(although some may argue indifference is his default expression).

Haru perked up a bit when the instructor mentioned that she was handing out the orbs, which sounded more interesting then what she had presented so far. As the instructor began passing the orbs about, Haru took this time to sneak a glance to Jeffery and Gael. This caused Haru to let out another sigh, as he thought back to yesterday: Right after Haru had introduced himself, he had received a phone call from his father and had to excuse himself from the room. By the time he was done speaking with them, it had already gone dark and everybody had most likely went back to their dorms...worst of all, he had missed dinner.

Still, despite that, he wondered if they would remember him, as he turned his attention to Instructor Rumin, who was now handing him a orb.

"Arigato Gozaimasu" Haru nodded as he took the orb with both his hands, and began examining it with a bit of awe, his indifferent expression was now replaced by somthing more akin to the curiosity of a child. When Instructor Rumin began explaining the process and demonstrating it, Haru's eyes went wide as he watched Instructor's Rumin's orb. Now this was instructing, his projectile?

Haru looked down to his orb now, which he still held with two hands, as he closed his eyes and concentrated his flux. A few moments later, Haru's body began to glow a yellowish-red, as his flux began to channel into the orb. When Haru did finally open his eyes, he was greeted by the form of his projectile: What looked to be a flaming rifle bullet the size of the crystal. Haru smiled, this looked almost exactly like the projectiles that he had designed in his notebook, now he was manifesting it with his flux. Another moment went by before Haru could feel the force from within his orb, as he observed his projectile ricocheting around in the orb with a quiet look of delight on his face.

Then somthing interesting happened.

As the bullet ricocheting off of the orb's interior surface, it split into two projectiles. Before Haru knew it, he now had two flaming bullet projectiles ricocheting around in his orb. A few more plinks later, one of the two projectiles split into two once more. A few more plinks, and another projectile split into two. This went on for a bit, each time a bullet split, the resulting projectiles were smaller then the original, yet the speed and force to which they bounced off the interior walls of the orb did not decrease. In fact, Haru had to actively clutch onto his orb to prevent it from flying out of his hand. Haru had no idea what was going on, his orb now looked like a combination of a light show and a fireworks display, the young man hadn't even channeled that much flux into his orb!

"くそー、何が起こっているの?私はひどく握ることができます" Haru cursed under his breath as he observed his orb, a teardrop rolling down his forehead as he gripped his orb tightly.

As the shaking became more manageable, Haru glanced up; first to the instructor, then to his fellow classmates to observe how they were controlling their orbs.

[IMG='width:236px;']https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Flegendofheroes%2Fimages%2F7%2F72%2FAsh_Carbide_CS3.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20170413064713&hash=86bc66c6b52dd23307a56b4649a526ee[/IMG]Anton Thomassen
Location: Interceptor Classroom

Interaction: N/A
Mentioned: Alias Alias YeetBooi YeetBooi Andrita Andrita Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
Why was he here? More specifically, why was he here this early?
Anton grumbled to himself as he stared ahead at the chalkboard ahead of him. Now to clarify, when Anton meant he was early, in actually on time, which was a rarity for Anton seeing that he was usually late to his classes. Although, it did help that this was the first day of what was essentially a freaking COMBAT SCHOOL, which was leagues more interesting then getting at 7 in the morning, trudging to class, then sitting(or sleeping) through a lecture on somthing like linear equations. Plus, having a robotic assistant to wake you up was more helpful then a static alarm clock.

So, here he was, sitting back in his chair with both his hands in his pockets, waiting for his teacher, who for once was later then Anton. What has this world come to?

After Anton got bored at staring at the chalk board, he took the remaining time to look at his fellow classmates. Anton had positioned himself near the back of the room, as he normally does so that he may be able to get away with falling asleep in class. Being where he was sitting, it gave him a relatively good view of most of his classmate. The first person that Anton looked at appeared to be a boy younger then he was, although not by much. Anton didn't why, but the boy seemed to have some form of creepy vibes to him. Anton couldn't say exactly what was ticking him off about the boy, but somthing was definitely off about him...like he was stright out of some sort of horror moving or somthing. Turning his attention away from the boy, Anton's eyes landed on a girl who appeared to be younger then him and the creepy boy. For whatever reason, she looked as if she was about to have a mental breakdown at a moments notice, but... maybe it was just Anton...after all, he woke up pretty early today. Anton was about to return to his staring at the chalkboard, when his eyes fell upon another student. This one seemed more Anton's age, and he looked relatively bored, which Anton could relate.

Finally, the Instructor arrived, and his cheerfulness was so bright that Anton almost covered his eyes. This was too early in the morning for Anton to be dealing with this, as he gave a loud yawn, before half-listening to what the instructor had to say.

By his looks, Anton had been tempted to yell "NEEERD" at the instructor at yesterday's assembly, but only after he remembered his parent's threats if he ever got kicked out of the academy. Truth be told, Anton was a little disappointed that he didn't get any of the more attractive Instructors, like Instructor Meiling or Instructor Rumin, but he suppose this one would do...could have been worst...this one seemed interesting enough, maybe even fun...at least he didn't get an Instructor with a broom rammed up their a-

The Instructor began to play a video, which caused Anton to raise an eyebrow. The video itself was entertaining enough, had to give the Instructor credit, he seemed to do pretty well...although he's still lost...an idea that Anton couldn't help but snort at.

Then the instructor began to...drone on a bit...which caused Anton to zone in and out of consciousness.
"Now I'm sure that...blah blah blah...barrier...blah blah blah...times of great stress...blah blah blah... couldn't hold that barrier up for long...blah blah blah...recoil effect. See Flux...blah blah blah...extension of ourselves....blah blah blah...erect barriers...blah blah blah...big deal...blah blah blah... we're not the ones getting injured cause our barriers are taking the hit. But that damage...blah blah blah...called Recoil Fatigue. We don't get physically hurt, but we...blah blah blah...exhausted more quickly...blah blah blah...take up a lot of energy and we generally maintain them for quite some time...blah blah blah... The device...blah blah blah...Flux Regulator. This device ...blah blah blah...barrier without immediately exhausting you."
Although to his credit, Anton was taking in more information then he usually taking did when an instructor was talking. As the instructor handed him a flux regulator, he began to drone on again...
"As your body gets used to the output of flux, you need to generate a barrier it should be easier for you to keep one up for longer. Eventually you'll no longer need...blah blah blah...safety precaution...blah blah blah...rookie interceptors knock themselves out...blah blah blah...practicing on erecting...blah...barriers...blah blah blah... start with a very simple one ....blah blah blah... Vanguard or Forward Guard is a technique...blah blah blah... forward facing shield so that it protects you from the front. It doesn't have to be big enough to cover your whole body. We're just focusing on manifesting and maintaining a barrier...blah blah blah"
Anton blinked a bit after the instructor finished talking(finally), but Anton didn't exactly know what was currently going on...which was quite typical for him. The instructor suddenly activated his flux, which would soon manifest into a shield. Now Anton got it, they were making a shield with their flux, he can do that. The instructor then said somthing about visualizing the shield, which prompted Anton to sit to the side of his chair, closing his eyes...his body would glow a dark pinkish-red color...

Anton started to think back to a time during his childhood. Yes, like most parents at the time, they would plop their kids in front of a screen to get them to stay put for long periods of time. But occasionally they'd kick 'em out of the house, going on about too much screen time or whatever. They were pretty old fashioned, at least compared to a lot of parents. So, Anton and his siblings would get together with the other kids in the neighborhood who's parents also kicked them out of the house to play a game called "Vikings". This game essentially entailed the lot of them fling any random piece of garbage they found on the ground at each other and beating each other up with tree branches. On occasion, the lads and lassies would take create "shields" for them to take into the next battle. Needless to say, that was what Anton was thinking about when he began to manifest his shield...as Anton opened his eyes and looked down...

The shield that Anton had apparently manifested was apparently just the Danish road sign for "no entry"

Anton just sat there, looking at his "shield" with an ear to ear grin. The young man didn't say a word as he looked up to the Instructor, and gave him a shrug that clearly convened the phrasing "Welp, I tried". Despite his calm and laxed appearance, Anton was fighting the urge to collapse onto the floor in a fit of laughter. Although a part of him had to admit, this was kinda lame. Still, Anton glanced about, with half the intention of seeing what the others h
ad manifested...and maybe see their reaction to his kinda lame "shield".
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1f958128c79513ef985f24e8362f2182.jpgTheia Kidman
Location: Healer Classroom
Interaction: Open

Mentioned: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble simj26 simj26 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Theia awoke to a gentle alarm that slowly increased in volume the longer she managed to ignore it. After about ten minutes, Yuru shut it off, and just deicded to wake Theia up herself. "Master! Please get up, it's 6:25!" The robot sang, "You don't want to be late for your first class. Get up, shower and get dressed." Theia raised her hand slightly, and began to sign an extended "No" sign. Yuru decided to do something drastic. Entangling itself in a corner of Theia's blanket hanging off her bed, the little robot pulled it off, seconds later falling to the floor with a small thud. "Oh no! Master, I'm trapped! Get out of bed and save me." Theia lifted her head up a bit, glaring ever so slightly at the little squirming lump, before she finally pulled herself up and out of bed.

After freeing Yuru, and tossing the blanket back on her bed, Theia finally began getting ready. She quickly showered, brushed her hair and teeth, and got dressed. An oversized pink sweater and black leggings. As far she knew, the school didn't have a uniform, so after slipping in her sneakers, and sprinting herself with a vanilla-carmel scented body spray she got a little while ago when the school have her some money to get new clothes. Since all of her was, well, drenched in gasoline and set in fire. Long story. Anyway, with Yuru following along beside her, she made her way to the Healer class room. She had to wonder who would be the teacher for today, since they mentioned they would switch off. When she entered the class room, she was a little when she saw there was no instructor, before she took a spot at one of the tables near the front of the room. Yuru docked beside her, and then the small wait began.

More students filled in, a random boy taking a spot beside her. He would make a little bit of small talk, a lighthearted shy joke at her expense, and an introduction. His name is Todd. And so far, Todd is fairly nice, though his little joke hurt her feeling a bit. Anyway, when Dr.Junpei entered, their attention turned to the front. She played attention to his explanation, but when he mentioned that they would be taking turns being examined and examining, she felt her nerves grow. She didn't like the idea of being touched by a boy she didn't know. Hell, she didn't like physical contact in general. Reagurdless, Todd seemed to pick up on this. "How about I go first as patient?" He said with a chuckle, earning a little nod from Theia. So, he hoped up in their table, Theia's Yuru commijng off her it's dock, and hovering across the table from Theia.

Once Todd gave her the go-ahead, Theia began to focus just like Dr.Junpei did, focusing on putting her Flux into her hands. After a few moments, a white, slightly purple aura surrounded her small frame, before moving to her hands. When she realized, she smiled proudly at Todd, who gave her thumbs up and smile of his own. Theia would run go about coping what Dr.Junpei did. And, fairly quickly came across something on his chest. Looking up to her Yuru, her left hand left his body, the aura surrounding it dissipating as well, but the aura surrounding her right hand increased slightly. Todd was confused about what she was doing, just moving her hand around amd making gang signs, before her Yuru seemed to nod, and grabbed his attention.

"You seemed to have a mild rash on your chest. She says it might be the beginning of some hives, or just some skin irritation, most likely because of your body soap or an allergy to some sort of material in your wardore." Todd looked between the flying assasint, then to Theia, impressed but still confused. Theia chuckled lightly, nodding to Yuru, who Todd quickly looked back to. "Theia is mute, and uses sign language to communicate." Yuru looked back to Theia, who once again signed something, then back to Todd. "She reccomends using calamine lotion, a cold compress, taking an allergy pill, or talking to Dr.Junpei." Yuru looked to Theia, "How do you know that?" Theia shrugged, making the sign for home, to which Yuru just replied with a slight bob to represent a nod.

After another few moments to make sure she didn't miss anything, it was her turn to sit in the table. Todd was careful, and would ask her if she was okay when she looked uncomfortable. He even tried to do the one handed thing, but failed, making Theia laugh. She earned a soft flick on the arm because of that, and a chuckle from Todd as he continued to see if there was anything wrong with her. "I think one or two of your ribs could be hurt, something is kind of weird about them.." he said, looking up at her as she signed to her Yuru.

"She said they're bruised." The robot responded, repositing itself so Theia could have a comfortable line of sight.

"You self diagnose yourself?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. She shook her head, making the sign for hospital. "Is that...doctor?" He guessed, earned a little shake of the head. "Hospital?" She nodded, clapping softly. "What happened?" Her little smile faltered, eye contact Dissappering as she put her hands down. "Don't wanna talk about it huh?" She nodded, shrugging a bit. "It's okay you don't have to. I've met a few other people who've had it pretty rough. How about we just see of there's anything you don't know about." She noddex, thankful he didn't pry and quickly changed the subject to something that she didn't really know much about, but it was better than all that depressing stuff.
Llewelyn ReichshundHis mind was entirely blank. His fists, bound by white wrappings, pounded against the red-and-black punching bag, each strike sending the bag swaying slightly away from him. Even as the sunlight crept up from his desk, he didn't see it. All his body was focused on was the repertoire it had begun an hour earlier- jab, jab, cross, uppercut, hook, jab, jab, cross, uppercut, hook, and repeat- and all his mind was on was...nothing.

He had woken up early, and peered into the darkness of his room for a long time. A stray thought or three chided him, and he clutched at the back of his neck, hoping the compression against the sides would help the thoughts decide to leave him alone. When that did not work, he pushed himself off his bed, ignoring the automated personal assistant’s request that he got more sleep, and that he hadn't achieved 7 hours of uninterrupted rest. Instead, he picked up his phone, and tweaked a few settings on his timer, and got to work on four sets of exercises. He couldn't depend on the gym all the time. Besides, it was detrimental to just hit the weights twenty four seven. He had to train his core as well. He didn't count his reps. There was no need for counting. There was only the maximum he could do for the allotted time. Eight exercises, four sets- simple, but effective. It took only 16 minutes to complete the exercises, and even with just that amount of time, sweat drenched his body, and his muscles ached ever so slightly. The exercise kept the nagging off his mind, and once it was done, it began to return. Wiping himself down with a towelette, he approached his punching bag. Clenching his fists, he began to work on his conditioning, pounding away at the bag.

It took the automaton three tries to finally get his attention, reminding him that he had class in half an hour. Pulling away from the punching bag, Llewelyn picked up her phone and affirmed that the automaton was indeed telling the truth. He gave the machine a pat on the head and a smile, and moved to exit the room, then halted, and gazed down at the white cloth wrapped around his chest.

He had almost forgot. He backed away from the door, back towards his desk, and turned his attention outside the window. The sun was peeking through the horizon now. He swept his hair back from his face, and closed his eyes. Today was another day to face. He would be alone again. He would never be loved. He would never be anyone in their eyes. At the very least, his name would be on the boards if he succeeded. That was all he needed to do. Succeed. He let go of his hair, and picked up his towelette once more. He didn't have time for a shower any more. Or at least, that was the excuse he gave to himself, as he loosed the bindings around his chest that were now moist with his sweat. He dug out a fresh set from his bag, and began to work it around his chest, and, once he was satisfied with it, drew a shirt over his head, and a pair of trousers over his legs.

Just another day that would go by without event. Maybe this time he could avoid everyone altogether.

It was Dr. Ryoma who headed the class today. Llewelyn wondered if they took turns as he opened up his notebook. Dr. Ryoma carried himself well enough, he supposed, and seemed to understand what it meant to be a Healer. At least the teachers were competent. Well, his teachers were. He hoped the other teachers possessed such nobility and heart and Dr. Ryoma did. He watched with close concentration as the teacher explained, and promptly executed the Diagnosis procedure on a random student. Llewelyn furrowed his brows, and jotted something else down on his notebook, then closed it. He would have to ask him about it later if he didn't cover it in today’s lesson.

When the teacher broke the class up to practice the newly learned technique, Llewelyn’s face fell. Partnering. Of course that would be the first hurdle of the day. Why did he have to do this? He opened his notebook weakly, as if he could dive into his meagre scribblings and rereading them over and over could help the time pass faster. He chanced a look up around, and with a simple glance, noted that most of the other students had found their respective partners. He turned his attention back to the book, his body slumping forwards ever so slightly.

It was just herself again. The endless noise around her faded into dull static as she brought her hands together and focused the Flux onto her palms. If she executed just as the teacher had taught, it would be a simple matter. With little effort, she managed to reproduce the same effect that the teacher had created just a few seconds ago. Slowly, she brought one palm over to her bicep, and she just barely made out a slight tingling in her senses. This was probably the ‘disturbance’ that the teacher was talking about. Her arm was still slightly aching from that morning’s training.

She did fine. The technique worked. That was all that mattered. She gazed back down on her book, and did nothing else.
Haggle Sim
Location: Classroom

Before the start of class, a very young golden blond kid walked took a seat at the very back end of the class room. Some would see the kid Haggle and wonder what in the world is this boy doing is this class. Some students would think it's some joke, some would think it's the teacher's kid, and a small few suspect that this kid is a fellow student like them. Whatever may be the case Haggle shrugged off any question about him and merely payed attention to what has unfolded.

A video showing Prof. Rumin's days in her own flux war. This intrigues Haggle as he watches to the very end, in which the teacher started to give her students the details and the contents of the clip she has shown. Then she presented the class with an orb that makes one get a glimpse of their flux's manifestation. Passing it similar crystal orbs around and started the next demonstration which was to apply you flux into the orb to see what has yet to be seen. The Professor showed the class her own flux's manifestation and then let everyone else see their own flux take shape.

A golden shimmering aura started to emit from Haggle but not to much. But enough for if one would see Haggle, they see a golden outline surrounding his youthful figure. With that Haggle focuses his aura into the crystal orb, which started to change it's color similar to his.

A curious display the orb appeared in the orb, bolts of golden energy bounced to every direction. Though these weren't some thin measly electric display, rather the bolts were thick and split every so often into to more of it's own kind while being symmetrical from the original. With a little more flux added to the sphere, the chaotic activity of these streaks of flux ceased and started to gather into the center and became a flare of pure power. To Haggle it was his manifestation but this sorta confused the child with the matured mind. He's doesn't know the extend of what this does but is eager to find out.
Theodore Montblanc
Location: Gaea Academy, Interceptor Classroom

Sitting at the back of the class, Theodore stared at the professor blankly as he explained the jobs of an interceptor after showing them footage from a match they lost from. Even though his parents used to own a large company dedicated to arming participants of the flux wars, the flux wars never really piqued his interest. He thought the sport was an utter mess and the idea of using the flux to beat someone into submission or to throw a ball to the opposite side doesn't really sound like fun and instead sounds like a waste of flux. It was ironic that, despite these feelings towards the sport, he ended up at a school dedicated to training the youth to participate in it. Now here he was, taking a class about a role he isn't even interested in.
So my job's to be a walking wall? Awesome, he covered his mouth as he yawned and hoped nobody would hear it.

Theodore had no choice.

It was either this or another foster home. Theodore didn't like foster homes. They keep trying to take mama and papa from him. 'What are those things?' , he heard a student in front of him whisper to his seatmate as he pointed at the two figures behind Theodore. The shorter figure had long black hair and feminine characteristics. The taller figure has short red hair with older and masculine facial features. Both of them had their eyes closed and had a gentle, but permanent, smile on their faces. Both of them also had their heads lowered, which hid the word STANDBY that was written on their forehead and glowed yellow. 'Probably training dummies', the seatmate of the student in front of him replied. Theodore ignored them and looked at his puppets. Knowing that they were there gave him peace.

I won't let anyone take mama and papa from me ever again.

He focused his attention back to Professor Ardent as he began giving away flux regulators. The professor told them to create a simple shield first and maintain it. He looked around at his classmates and noticed how creative they were. One of them even had a stop sign as a shield. He closed his eyes and imagined a large buckler; the same one he saw at their manor's study room.

He heard a slight fizzing sound and when he opened his eyes, a violet buckler was already attached on his right arm. Manipulating the flux to form a shield, especially with a regulator, was a simple task. Theodore's been using the flux to send small precise signals to his puppets for a long time now, using the flux to form a circle was child's play. The only problem he has is the shield's durability. He probably doesn't have enough flux to keep the shield from shattering after one attack. He looked at his puppets and remembered they're made of wood. They probably won't last after a single flux strike. But even with a regulator, the puppets can't use their flux reserves in a complicated manner.
I'll have to somehow interface a regulator to the puppet so that it will constantly generate some sort of flux coating on its own, he thought. He, then, remembered that performing such tasks would drain the capacitor faster than normal. I'll figure that out later, but for now...
Theodore raised his left hand to call the professors attention. "P-professor?", he stammered. It's been long since he initiated some kind of interaction with someone on his own. "C-can I borrow two more um... regulators f-for an...
indefinite amount of time?"

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount YeetBooi YeetBooi Andrita Andrita Fluxbauble Fluxbauble

Jeffrey Kane
Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom

"Oh right, um...", Jeffrey stammered as Haru suddenly bowed at them. Unsure of how to greet back, he stood up and bowed the same way he did. "I'm Jeffrey and her name is Gale. It's a pleasure to meet you too!". But as quickly as he came, Haru had to leave the room to answer a phone call. "Oh, okay. See you around?", he said but Haru didn't hear and has already left the room. "Hmm. Must've been an important call", he wondered out loud. After a few minutes, Jeffrey began pacing around the room. It's already seven and no one's showing up. Finally, an old man carrying a mop walked into the room. "What're you doing here, kids?", he asked. "Classes ain't gonna start 'till tomorrow".

"Whaaat?", Jeffrey sighed. "I should've just slept in. Oh well". He got up and turned to Gale. "I'll see you tomorrow?", Jeffrey smiled at her before leaving and returned to the dormitory to catch up on sleep.

Time: The next day
Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom

Wide-eyed and grinning from ear to ear, Jeffrey was left speechless after watching his first king slayer match. Admittedly, a lot of glowing things (flux, right?) were flying across the screen and he couldn't really figure out what was going on half of the time, but he did catch that bit of team play at the end with the tentacle-thingy and the striker-archer combo. It was almost as if they already knew what the other was going to do before they did it. Team play like that always gives me chills, he thought as he tried his best to hide his excitement and failing to do so as he let out strange-sounding chuckles.

After showing the footage, Professor Rumin began handing out these glass spheres with some kind of glowing crystal inside. "A flux bubble?", he muttered as he inspected the orb from different angles. It's almost the size of a baseball, he thought. He looked around to see how the other students are doing. He noticed a golden haired kid as his bauble filled with bolts of golden energy. He aslo noticed Haru's flux bauble making clinking sounds from the bullet (or bullets?) bouncing around inside. "Dude, that's so cool!", he commented. Jeffrey focused his attention back at his flux bauble. Now, how do I do this? He stared at the crystal and willed it to change shape. He failed to notice how his aura started glowing bright green. It took a while before the crystal changed color and started moving. It compressed itself then grew larger and larger until it covered the entire flux bauble. "Oh wow! Oh... wow, that's it?", Jeffrey looked at his flux bauble and began shaking it near his ear. The ball that formed inside definitely has some weight and he can hear it shift around inside the bauble.

"That's kinda disap-"

Before he could finish the sentence, he heard the ball explode inside the bauble while it was on Jeffrey's ear. Thankfully, the bauble muffled the explosion so the damage to his ears wasn't too severe. But the ringing in his ears made him drop the bauble. "Jesus fuck!", he began cursing out loud as he touched his ears to see if it's bleeding. The bauble rolled on the floor and the crystal has returned to its original form. It still seems to be functioning but is somehow smoking and hot to touch.

Computing Magus Computing Magus Fear Fates Fear Fates CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
1546204370382.png Heather "Star" Solas
Location: Weaver Classroom
Interaction: Open
Mentioned: Remembrance Remembrance Fluxbauble Fluxbauble The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

Heather took in a deep breath as she groggily opened her eyes and moved her hair out of her eyes while laying in her dorm bed, she held her hand up towards the ceiling observing the tone in her arms she made a mental note to work out more she then put her hand back down resting it on her head. Heather rolled out of bed and took a quick shower, she then started combing her fingers through her hair and put it up in a ponytail keeping it out of her face. on her way out of her dorm Heather grabbed her new phone that was given to her thanks to the academy it was weird and almost seemed sentient but she ignored the phone mostly using it as a tool instead of a friend to talk to.
Heather arrived at the class roughly around five minutes before the teacher would walk in and start the class, she decided to take her seat in the back of the class as Heather was a really tall girl she didn't want to block anyone's view of the teacher. Soon the teacher arrived and started her lecture and at first Heather kinda half-heartedly listened to the lecture she never really had to study in normal school and was thinking that the skills would transfer but when the screen popped up showing the Flux wars Heather audibly sat up in her chair almost leaning on her desk to get a better view this was something that brought her great interest. Heather watched with stars in her eyes as the two teams pushed against one another strikers fighting one another like titans clashing while archers would fire from great distances, different projectiles would be struck out of the air by interceptors while weavers would control the tides of war. The professor kept explaining the logic behind their actions and how each of the weavers was almost multitasking over ten things and soon the feed was ended, Heather's attention was cut back to the professor as she gave out the first assignment to the small number of students in the room. Heather didn't really understand the whole manifestation bit as she was still relatively new to flux but she knew that she had the aptitude for it so she sat back down in her chair and looked around the classroom she saw that there really wasn't any weaver students it might have been because the role was to difficult? Heather didn't know but she saw another student sleeping at his desk which caused her to smile at him the only other person in the room beside Heather and sleeping beauty was another beauty, a girl with long white hair Heather would probably become friends with her, she pulled out the phone that was given to her by the school and started idly messing around with looking up what other weavers use to trap people with it seemed the most common was vines so Heather figured she would try and start using that one first when she could just to start off with. Heather also was thinking of other traps to use chains and nets were what came to mind mostly.
Last edited:
Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom
Mentions: Jeffrey (( Alias Alias )), Haru (( Elekta Kount Elekta Kount )), Haggle (( Fear Fates Fear Fates ))

At the front of the class, in it's first row, Gale sits by on the first day of classes. She arrived as early as she did yesterday, seeing most of her classmates one by one as they enter the room by the minute. This included Jeffrey and Haru from yesterday, who were some parts back in the room for the former and the latter was nearer. Yesterday was an awkward revelation when a staff has managed to spill the beans that yesterday wasn't a class day, firmly misunderstanding their schedule, so they kind of split up to their dorms. Well, Gale at least hid in her room for the rest of the day; she was not aware of what the others did. Anyhow, her Yuru accompanied her today to class as it explains that they need to be their for their classes, and was surprised to see that it seems everyone she passed had macabre droids tailing them as well. Some with slight customization, mostly the passing staff.

Their class started once the teacher from yesterday, Miss something, Gale forgot, entered with her own Yuru and started up a clip of an action sequence, once so many have seen the in the Flux Wars. As their Prof. was the archer she did an amazing spectacle of a barrage on the opposing king and wiped them out. If anyone was clapping as the video ended, Gale would join. The already explained Flux Bubbles have been passed for each aspiring Archer.

At first, she wasn't sure what it means to make her Flux work on the Bubble, but as she saw Haru impressively make a very active Flux Bubble and turn her head sharply to see Jeffrey's Bubble seemingly explode, she definitely wanted to see what hers acted like. For some reason, she simply watched the others play with the Bubble on their seat, watching as a really shorter student produce golden Flux. She snapped out of it, knowing she had to try it before the Bubbles were to be handed back. She looks at the thing fervently and with utmost focus. As she did so, a verdant aura emanated from the young girl, and entered the orb, modifying and altering the crystal within. After a few moments, it simply looked like green smoke. Was this the thing she was supposed to shoot? It was still moving, but as everyone else had cool forms to their Flux, Gale watched as simply something immobile appeared in hers.

She focused a bit more, and the smoke inside swirls into something more solid... something that looked like a stick, tipped with an arrow point. It's an arrow, but small enough to fit inside the bubble and it looks ghostly, like an ethereal arrow that glows green. It then proceeded to slowly whiz inside it's cage, getting faster and faster to which it now looks like a fly. Gale wills it to stop as it was kind of difficult to hold onto, and now it returns to the verdant smoke it used to be. As she was about to tell the others of her own unique projectile, she noticed she could control the glowing green smoke inside as easily as the arrow formed Flux. Weird. She approached Jeffrey, hoping he wasn't too busy. It seemed everyone else was huddling together in their desks anyway.

"Morning, Jeffrey. How did yours come along? It looked like a ball from where I stood, so I bet you could do the Launcher glove you were talking about yesterday!" Gale said, talking about the Flux Bubble the boy held. She was slightly eager to tell about her own discovery, but it was courteous to ask someone else about their day first.

Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Siren77 Siren77 Lucem Lucem - tagging all the striker elites :)

Aurelie yawned as she walked into the classroom. She'd had trouble falling asleep the previous night, much too excited about starting the first day. Truth be told she was looking forward to what Professor Taoshen had to teach them. The woman's reputation proceeded her and as far as strikers went she was definitely one of the best in recent memory. With that in mind Aurelie had arrived early but was glad to see she wasn't the only one. Her Yuru floated quietly beside her as she made her way to a seat in the center. Once seated she took a look around the room to take in the faces of her fellow strikers. She hadn't had a chance to meet many people aside from Theia, Yuki and... Holly. Just the thought of the white haired female had Aurelie frowning. That girls attitude was ugly and Aurelie could not wait to beat it out of her. First chance she got against her in a game she'd show the uppity girl what her place truly was.

Distracted by her thoughts she did not see the blur of white coming to assault her before it was too late. "What the-" She stiffened at the hug but quickly relaxed when she realized it was just Yuki. She awkwardly patted the girls hair until she was released from her grip, rolling her eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Hahah hi Yuki. I did tell you we'd be classmates didn't I?"Though there was a level of immaturity to Yuki her positivity was welcome. Aurelie hoped they would bond over the year. After exchanging greetings Yuki was back in her seat just as Professor Taoshen entered the room. She too yawned before taking her seat at the front and immediately beginning the presentation. Aurelie straightened up in her seats but didn't bother with a notebook or anything as she'd already instructed Yuru to record the lesson for her. The words 'what is a striker?' appeared on the screen. She assumed they would have to give their opinions about what being a striker meant to them. To her the striker was the most important role on the team. They took out priority targets and made victory possible for their team. No other role came close. She sat back in her seat as Prof. Taoshen went on into some lengthy explanation about a strikers duty, stuff everyone should already know really. The woman then scanned around the room before settling her gaze on Aurelie. The redhead teen considered the question for a moment before giving her answer.
"I would continue to my target, that's my priority as a striker. Impeding the enemy striker would keep me from doing that."
Location: Healer Classroom
Mentions: simj26 simj26 FireMaiden FireMaiden Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
Interactions: Open
Best Quote: "You're pregnant..."

Adellum Sunday

"Two teachers...that sucks." Ever since that first day, it was bothering him. Sure, the reason for it seemed practical enough, but it is hard for two people to agree on anything. Moreover, people have different styles of teaching not to mention expectations. Adellum wasn't particularly fond of having to constantly adjust to a new teacher throughout his time at Gaea, but in another light he would be receiving two times the education when compared to the other classes. He knew that math was faulty, but he didn't care either way; he would believe in whatever could help him get through the day. He wasn't totally sure what teacher he was getting today, so he arrived early. It wasn't as if he was eager or anything, but he wanted to establish a seat in the farthest corner of the classroom. "Round desks...*sigh*"

Adellum took his seat and placed on his head phones while he waited for everyone to trickle in. (Classmates, competition....fodder?) He didn't know what to appropriately classify them. He passed the time by arbitraly assigning each student who walked in a premature pass, or fail grade. Those who were here before him he assigned a grade of 'needs to get a life'. When he discovered that it was Dr. Ryoma who was teaching he opened his notebook and wrote down a few words.

Carefree, kind, but a bit of an idiot who can't keep track of time. Probably messy too.

Skipped slides=HIGH EXPECTATIONS, will fail you with a smile.

These notes continued throughout the lecture since Adellum found this more sueful and entertaining than the actual contents of the lecture which were fairly easy to remember. When he performed a live demonstration of diagnosis, Adellum raised his eyebrow and closed his notebook.

"Wow that looks lame. Our enemies are going to have a field day...," he muttered to himself. Despite his attitude toward everything, Adellum did learn a few things today. Looks like today wouldn't be so bad.

"Take turns being the patient so that you get in as much practice as possible."


Right on cue, a girl who appeared to be auditioning for the Ms. Bubbly beauty pagent found Adellum's not so hidden corner of the classroom. Adellum, who was already wayyyy ahead of her, already had his headphones placed over his ears with his favorite playlist already in action. The girl held her hand out and uttered a few words that did not breach Adellum's musical barrier; however, one could easily ascertain what was going on here. Plus Adellum could more or less read her lips.

"...Oh hey, I'm Adellum Sunday....nice to meet you too. Looking forward to working with you, good luck and you know the rest..." Adellum responded

The bubbly girl started to really ramble now. Not even Adellum could catch all of the words if he tried. He picked up on a few here and there and politely engaged with a few Ah's, Mmm hmm's, and Is that so's. When she finally reached the end, Adellum concluded her monologue with an "Interesting" and then suggested they get started on the assigned task. Adellum took off his headphones since he was going first. "Keep still and quiet please...I don't want to do this longer than I have to."

Adellum moved into the prayer stance which he still thought was ridiculous and then began to diagnose her. ".....Well it can be one of two things." After hearing this the girl seemed to tense up and brace herself for Adellum's unofficial diagnosis. After all, something like this could get very personal. He supposed it was good training since they would have to get used to it anyway. "...Yep, I think its the former," Adellum began, not including her into his internal conversation. "You're preganant…." Her jaw simply dropped as she glanced down to her stomach and then back to the dry faced expression held by Adellum. Just as she was about to respond, Adellum cut in dryly, "I'm just pulling your chain. Your feet are swollen. Your shoes are probably too tight...should biy some new ones."

"..I-I was practicing walking in heels because I never liked them and I just fell asleep with them on."

"...Yeah, don't do that. It's bad."

"..Heh heh....whew don't scare me like that."

"Ditto, thought I had two partners..."

"Haha, very funny."

"Almost as funny as falling asleep in heels..."

Without warning, Adellum plopped lifelessly on the table as he waited for his partner to take the role of doctor. He took this time to survey the classroom. The bubbly girl's ramblings soon became background noise to his internal monolgue, but it was actually a bit comforting. As he continued to check everyone's progress a couple of people stood out to him right away. The first was a silver haired girl...boy. Probably a boy, but then again...Anyway, some people had all the luck. Not only was he ridiculously handsome, but he had to privledge of being alone while Adellum had to be tortured by the torrent of hope and optimism of his partner. He briefly thought about inviting him over if not only to take the girl off of Adellum's hands, but decided against it. He seemed to be wrapped up in his own little world and he didn't think he had enough resources, or willpower, to successfully mount an invasion on such a world.

The second person to catch his eye was the robot. He didn't know that robots could took classes as well. Must have been part of new bill made into law. He nodded his head as he reasoned that he was down for equal rights for machines before quickly realizing that it simply spoke for the mute girl. The disability didn't seem to be slowing her down any, and she seemed competent enough. (Why couldn't she be my partner instead...)

"A-Are you listening," the girl asked as kindly as someone who was being ignored could ask.

"...No, I was busy admiring the contours of your face," Adellum replied as he spared a glance in her direction. It wasn't a total lie. He was impressed that someone could hold a ridiculous smile for that long.

As the young girl blushed and continued to practice, Adellum sighed as he bought himself another 5 minutes of peace. Playlist re-activated...
Jeffrey Kane
Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom

"WHAT?", Jeffrey yelled to signal Gale to speak up. The ringing in his ears was slowly subsiding, but it was still difficult to hear a few words. Thankfully, he caught the phrases like 'How did yours...?', '...looked like a ball...', and '...launcher from yesterday!'. "Oh, you mean the bauble?!", he said. He was slowly recovering his hearing and his voice was now a little softer than earlier, but it was still loud by normal standards. "Yeah, somehow mine looked like a ball. I just hope the damn thing doesn't explode while I'm holding it. Wanna see? Here, lemme just-", he went to reach for his bauble on the floor but as his hand flew back upon touching the bauble. It was still too hot for him to hold on to. Instead, he just used his feet and dragged the thing closer to him.

"I'll just show it later. Anyway, how did yours go?"

Computing Magus Computing Magus Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Fluxbauble Fluxbauble Fear Fates Fear Fates
Reaching into the small container on his desk, Roy removed another sweet treat as he looked around the classroom. His gaze lingered on the floating screens, each of them positioned above a desk. He poked at the one in front of him, not sure if doing so would cause it to break, or result in him getting zapped. His old school didn't have any stuff like this, so he couldn't help but be curious about the all the fancy resources that Gaea Academy had to offer, including the device that was docked on his desk.

He had spent quite a bit of time messing around with the thing that called itself Yuru when he was unpacking yesterday. He still wasn't completely sure about how he was supposed to use it, but it was neat to have a little buddy hanging around his room. It resembled a floating eye, but there were a few parts that kinda made it look like a cat. Although, it was missing whiskers, so he fixed that with a few strokes from a marker. That little addition didn't seem to carry over when Yuru suddenly showed up on the holo screen. He was just poking at empty space where the black lines should've been.

Aside from having more advanced equipment than his old classroom, the room itself was much larger. However, the amount of students filling that space was a lot smaller. So far, there were only five of them, including himself. Most of the roster seemed to be made of girls, but he didn't find that very surprising. After all, he grew up with a pretty tough mom.

A few students seemed tired, but Roy was wide awake. While that was partly because he was a morning person and was used to waking up early for a quick jog, he also had his breakfast to thank for being so alert. Desserts were unhealthy in large amounts, but getting some sugar in your system was a good way to get ready for the day. There was no time to make anything while he was busy getting settled, but he still had a few small snacks tucked away in his boxes. They weren't fresh out the oven, but they still tasted just as good. The texture and flavor were preserved, and the frosting hadn't chipped away. Even now, the creamy white and pink made the small cookies look like rabbits.

Roy continued chewing as he watched the sudden commotion from the other side of the room. He thought it might've been the teacher, but it was just two of the girls hugging. One of them was the white-haired girl that looked tired just a moment ago, but she seemed pretty energetic as she kept clinging to the redhead. They must've been good friends. Friends were good. Roy nodded to himself as he fished another cookie out of the container.

Not long after the hugging session began, the teacher finally arrived. With a loud yawn, she made it clear to everyone that she was still just as exhausted as she looked during yesterday's assembly. It seemed like a lot of people didn't get a lot of sleep. Well, that didn't slow her down, as she was quick to start a lecture. Roy took that as his cue to swallow his food and set his container to the side.

Roy wasn't very familiar with all the fine details that pertained to Flux Wars and the classes, so all of this was new to him. After hearing the word 'Striker', he assumed it would just involve hitting what needed to be hit. He was pretty good at that, having done it for most of his life with great success. Although, he wasn't too sure about the distraction stuff. He never really thought about that part before, but he was sure that he could manage somehow. He often got people's attention for some reason, so it would probably work out.

When one of the hugging girls from earlier was called on to answer a question, he listened to her response while thinking of what he'd do in that situation. Taoshen just said that fighting another Striker was bad, so picking a fight probably wasn't the answer she was looking for. Either way, he'd end up punching something, so it was better to use that time hitting what he was told to hit.
Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom
Mentions: Jeffrey (( Alias Alias ))

"It exploded?" Gale said ponderingly, knowing Jeffrey won't hear her anyway given his startlingly loud voice. He even jerks his hand away as he touched the bubble's surface. However, their bubble was intact. Strange. Must then be the explosion amongst the noise from prior, but it was pointless to discern each person's noise from each other at this point as each and every second Gale's classmates realize how their Flux manifests. She decides his Flux was at least something compatible with what he predicted with his desired Launcher. How convenient.

"Well, about mine, it might not be as small and simple as I would have liked it to be. It's, a... uh... something green? Here, look." Gale said and held up her own Flux Bubble, knowing showing it was easier than explaining. She emanates verdant green gales once more into her Bubble, and at first the crystal inside dissipates into smoke of green, then turning into a small glowing arrow of the same shade within a few seconds, whizzing inside its cage like a fly before dematerializing once more wilfully into smoke. "Apparently, I guess I have to accomodate my Flux for my Launcher given what my bubble-thingy shows, and assembling stringed weapons don't sound easy. A bit dissapointed to be honest, but I guess its unique and cool." Gale meekly smiles as she finishes saying so. It's a lapse of a split second, but one can hear her pronounce bauble as bubble. Apparently, bauble wasn't in her vocabulary.

"Anyway, that's kinda what I came for really, to talk to ya about how our projectiles looks and differs, but I guess we found cool manifestations of our Flux! I wonder what our teacher would have us do next?" Gale says all a bit louder to match Jeffrey's volume to ensure he can hear her.
Yasumoto Haru
Location: Archer Classroom

Interaction: N/A
Mentioned: Alias Alias Computing Magus Computing Magus
"Dude, that's so cool!"

Haru looked over to Jeffery with a smile, before looking at his bauble. Haru had to admit himself, this was quite a nice surprise to see that his projectile had manifested itself as somthing that was quite unique and intre-


The bauble literally leaped out of Haru's hands, as Haru recoiled slightly from the sound of a mini-explosion. Haru's bauble hit the floor with a thud, before it began violently rolling about the floor in various directions thanks to the projectiles plinking about inside.

Haru looked back over at Jeffery's direction, where the explosive noise came from, and saw him holding his ear. Fascinating, an explosive projectile, now that was interesting and had some more utility, perhaps as a more of an artillery role? Or perhaps to get the enemy team's attention? Haru smiled at the thought of Jeffery's potential. As much as inspiring as his own Flux projectile had been, it always made Haru a bid giddy on the inside thinking about the potentials of each Flux users and their composition in the team. Certainly between the number of his projectiles that Haru can produce from his flux and Jeffery's explosive baseball, there were already some interesting things that their team could be capable of...if they worked well with one another.

Haru then looked down to see that his bauble had rolled to a stop somewhere to the side, as it appeared that the projectiles inside the bauble had stopped plinking about, and had now reformed back into one solid mass. Haru reached over to pick it up, but as he did a bright light caught his attention. Looking up, he was looking at a student who seemed quite young, compared to the rest. Haru squinted his eyes a little, and saw what was going on in his bauble.

"That's a pretty cool projectile you have there." Haru said with a smile and a nod, before sitting back into his seat and looking back to his own bauble.

"Apparently, I guess I have to accommodate my Flux for my Launcher given what my bubble-thingy shows, and assembling stringed weapons don't sound easy. A bit disappointing to be honest, but I guess its unique and cool."

Haru's attention had now turned back to Jeffery. It was Gael talking about her projectile...

"Hmm, so we have a true archer on our team..." Haru said quietly, turning himself to sit sideways in his chair to face both Jeffery and Gael. The young man was now looking at the Gael's bauble with the same focus as he did when he was sketching yesterday. It was pretty clear to most people that there were now cogs running through his brain, as he examined Gael's projectile. "It is indeed quite unique compared to what the rest of us have...I wonder what other functions it may have...but I'd hardly say it's a disappointment, considering your options for launchers."

Haru looked up to Gael, a smile on his face.

"There are many potential launcher you could create around an arrow, as many famous Flux users also have projectiles that are arrow like..." Haru said, as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I dare say that you have quite the customization when it comes to your launcher, depending on role you wish to fulfill on the team. After all, a launcher is just as much of a manifestation of an archer as it's flux projectile...except you have much more control over it's appearance then your projectile."

At this point, Haru had a full on smile. Talking about such matters always seemed to make Haru feel bubbly inside. "I've done archery in the past, if you wish...perhaps I could be of an assistance in the creation of your launcher."
Jeffrey Kane
Location: Gaea Academy, Archer Classroom

"Woah", Jeffrey watched in awe as the crystal changed its shape into a pile of green smoke. The smoke, then, turned itself into an arrow which proceeded to whiz around the bauble as if it had a mind of its own. Unlike Haru's projectile, this one just moved around the bauble without hitting the edges. "How are you making it fly so smoothly? That's so cool!", he exclaimed as the green arrow returned to smoke.

Wait, green?

Jeffrey reached down to his bauble. It was still a little warm, but it was manageable at least. He focused on the crystal again, changing its shape into a baseball. It had the same color as Gale's projectile, only his was a lighter shade. "Oh look at that!", he laughed. "We're color buddies!". He turned around and noticed how Haru was staring intently at Gale's bauble. He was so focused at it, Jeffrey swore he almost made the crystal move. He was also amazed by how much he knows about launchers. "Hey man, if you're gonna- oh, sorry. Hold on", he stopped as he gingerly placed the bauble on top of his desk. As he let go, the projectile returned to its original crystalline shape. "Okay anyway, if you two are gonna make a launcher can I come with? I have zero clues about this launcher business and you seem to know a lot about it"

Computing Magus Computing Magus Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
location: Striker Classroom
mentions: Yennie Yennie Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Lucem Lucem
interactions: None
So, when do I get to start hitting people?
Once the lesson had started Kaizo couldn’t help but look around at the other strikers in the room. How Ironic that thrown in here with him would most likely be the ones he’d do battle with later on during his time at this academy. There was a girl with Snow White hair clutching a rather ragged looking stuffed bear, a young girl looking to be about fifteen, a guy looking to be about the same age as Kaizo, and finally the redhead that hard just gotten called out by Ms. Taoshen to ask a question. The young Russian figured it for the best not to try and make friends out of the group, it was only for the best seeing as they were already as good as rivals.

When the redhead answered Ms. Taoshen’s question, Kaizo furrowed his brows at her response. ‘You’d figure that you would want to take care of the other strike as opposed to leaving your team to handle the problem. The other classes aren’t built for taking on a heavy hitter like that. There is good reasoning in trying to continue to the target, but unless you’re faster and stronger you might not get there in time. Beating them out cold would be the best course of action in my eyes, but I suppose we’ll have to see what Taoshen says.’ He thought to himself before scribbling down a small note about it in his notebook labeled Striker Primary Objective.

  • cc1407f8f6959b63ac4c999e0db9d8fd--character-reference-character-concept.jpgMeiling planted her hands on her desk before pushing herself up to a standing position. "Well you're not exactly wrong..." She makes her way to the front of the class, rubbing her neck as she approaches. "I'll give you credit red head for staying true to your role. But if I saw the enemy striker first, I would attack them. Logically speaking you're right. We should continue to our target. After all we have a job to distract the enemy while our team gets into position. But by that same logic by letting the enemy striker go you've let them delay your team. Now both you and the enemy striker are stuck dealing with four other enemies simultaneously. Even professionals aren't that confident in their abilities. Instead, though somewhat counter-intuitive, it would serve you better to attack an unaware striker and keep them from advancing. In the best case scenario you'll incapacitate the enemy striker thus giving your team an advantage. Does that make sense everyone?" She looks back to her Yuru and the screen changes behind her. The screen reads "Striker Technique: Enhancement."

    "Now then let's try a simple exercise. Enhancement. A very basic technique that every Striker must know before entering the field. The Enhancement technique, as it sounds, enhances our body using our flux. With this technique our bodies become stronger and move faster. Our iconic speed stems from this technique. Now everybody stand up follow my lead." Prof. Taoshen stood perfectly still. Within moments her yellow flux flares up around her like an explosive. It quickly dies down before settling as a thin layer surrounding her. The undulations of the flux almost cease with only small flare ups occasionally happening at random. "It may not be a very flashy technique, but this skill will save your life more than often than any Interceptor's shield. Now it's your turn. Begin by calling upon your flux. Then I want you to focus it down till it's like a second skin around your body. Once you've got that down I want you to maintain it for as long as possible. When your flux breaks sit down so I know you've reached your limit. I don't expect you all to hold it for very long since you're all rookies, but try and push yourselves as far as you can."

    She maintains her enhancement as she makes her way through the room observing each student individually as they attempt the technique. Steadily she makes her way over to Sarayuki. She leans down so that she is at eye level with the child before speaking softly. "Do not fear Sarayuki. I will be watching you. So perform the technique just like I taught."

    Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213 Siren77 Siren77 Yennie Yennie Lucem Lucem
Sylvila Liddell
Striker Classroom
Interacting with: Cosmos Cosmos , Siren77 Siren77 , Yennie Yennie , Lucem Lucem , Fluxbauble Fluxbauble

Skritch skritch.

Ever since yesterday's scene in the yard, Sylvila had been in one hell of a bad mood. Maybe coming to this school was a mistake after all, seeing as it was filled with nothing but misfits and malevolent meddlers. Even for a madman, it was a tester of patience, truly.

She could barely bring herself to focus in class, even, especially with the voice of the one who ruined it all for her in the first place grating against her ears for the first of what would be hundreds, maybe even thousands, of times. And, not only that, what she had to say was absolutely the last thing that the girl wanted to hear. And she thought that she could just keep talking and shift into demonstration mode right after that? There was no way.

"Hold your tongue, you rambling recitator, and stow your exercise, to boot!" she shouted, springing to her feet--though the fact that such happened to occur just after the teacher had prompted it came across as more of a coincidence than the obeying of any particular command--and shoving her finger in the woman's direction. "If you think I'm going to simply sit there and serve as a 'distraction,' then you've completely lost it!" Her glare was piercing, eyes sharpened like daggers as she unquestioningly questioned the teacher's very authority. "I don't know about your usual ilk, but I strive for more! And otherwise, this game of yours will be nothing if not a bore! Only a fool would see it more fit to pigeon us into rules as opposed to truly unlock the fullest of our capabilities!"

Whether or not there was any real truth to what she had to say would depend entirely on one's actual knowledge, but that certainly wasn't going to stop Sylvila Liddell, not in the slightest. As far as she was concerned, there was far more at stake than simple formality. The real question, of course, was whether or not she knew what other cards might be on the table, just out of her sight.
location: Striker Classroom
mentions: Yennie Yennie Lucem Lucem Cosmos Cosmos _Line 213 _Line 213
interactions: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble _Line 213 _Line 213
A Spark of a Flux...
‘Yes! I knew that was the correct answer!’ Kaizo thought triumphantly as he scribbled down that Strikers were better of taking off the opponent’s striker down before moving on to the objective. Once finished, he realized that he couldn’t be looking down all the time otherwise he’d have no idea what Ms. Taoshen was saying. Looking to his now digitized Yuru, he scrawled down a note for the bot that read, Hey Haec! Can you display subtitles on the screen so I can glance at them while I write?” The little droid nodded it’s eyeball of a head before beeping and allowing a display of Ms. Taoshen’s lesson to properly show on the desktop. “Thanks” He mouthed before finalizing his notes.

Eventually when it came time for all of the students to give their best shot at the Striker Enhancement, Kaizo practically jumped out of his seat to give it a go, although temporarily he was stopped at the sound of the young girl spouting off about lord knows what, causing him to look over at her with an estranged look. ‘What in the hell is her problem?’ He thought to himself before shaking his head. ‘She’s only making herself a bigger target, especially with how annoying she’s acting.’ Kaizo found it best to say nothing to the brat though as it would just make things worse in the end.

Taking a deep breath, Kaizo focused all of his energy into his core before letting it fester. This was one of the first times he’d experimented with his Flux, so it was a new sensation and feeling for him. As the energy swelled within him, light blue sparks looking to be like electricity erupted from his energy at a rapid and sparratic rate that only picked up in intensity before dying out all together. Suddenly a light blue aura arose around the Russian, prompting him to grin but only momentarily. The stress on his body was great. The glow managed to persist around him, but had an occasional snap of the same electric pulse as before. Kaizo was too stubborn to let himself give up just yet and continued on with the Enhancement for as long as he could before finally releasing it and finding himself winded. “That was.... amazing!” Kaizo said with a grin “I dunno what she’s getting so riled up about, if we can barely handle something like this then I’m all for it!” He said gesturing to the girl slightly with a fascinated look in his eyes. As usual his mouth was probably gonna get him in trouble, but he didn’t care.

1546308106732.png Heather "Star" Solas
Weaver Classroom
Interaction: Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
As Heather was exploring on her phone what some famous weavers of the past and present would use their flux for a dark mist covered her arm and manifested as a black large chain with a snakehead causing Heather to drop her phone in fear, well drop would be a nice term as she basically yelped and threw her phone straight up in the air with it smacking onto the ground with a loud thud. The teacher from the front of the room spoke up asking if heather was playing on her phone but all of this went in one ear and out the other of Heather's head as she was more focused on the snake. Heather in a mix of fear and of having another person's flux coil around her arm caused a bright white chain roughly half the size of the one wrapped around her shot out of her hand and the brighter chain wrapped around and down the darker chain slowly inching itself closer and closer to the teacher which was the source of the dark chain.

"You mind moving the snake away?" Heather asked in a shaky voice yanking at the chain attempting the pull herself free to no avail Heather didn't really not like snakes but she didn't want to have a reason to hate them. Heather twisted her hand around which caused her chain to react accordingly the grip her chain had on the darker one would find itself loosening and then tightening back as Heather was having difficulties holding the manifestation and controlling her flux.

Yuki continued to watch nervously, giving Aurelie a warm smile at her answer ad an eager thumbs up, even once the teacher technically corrected her on it, she knew that question was always tricky, after all it depending on so many factors, the individuals thoughts, adrenaline, in the moment movements, the situation of the opposing team, she could go on in her own head but remembered to remind herself to snap out of it before she completely dazed out of the lesson, having relaxed a little more in this state, or at least till Meiling continued with the next exercise.

In that moment she froze a little, letting out a panicked breath as she stared at her give an example, it was something simple, something strikers had to do often, she shouldn't have given a second thought about it if she was anyone else, but she was herself. the confusing statement echoed in her mind as she closed her eyes, zoning out though briefly hearing a girl yell something dramatic about not wanting to be a distraction, it brought a sad and nervous smile to her face, her hand tightly hugging fu chan under the desk, at least until the professor came by and whispered to her, eyes opening in shock she looked up with a wary blush, eyes glancing away as she lightly bit her lip, before standing slowly with a semi determined nod in response.

In the background she heard a guy counter with over excited words, it reminded her of her own tone a little, she sighed internally at the though, her own, something that she was about- no, she shook her head to get out of it, giving Fu chan one last tight hug before placing him safely in her bag and taking a deep breath.


Slowly a black, sparking energy surrounded off her as she summoned her flux, a colour one may not expect from such a bright and cheerful girl. As it continued the girls snow white hair seeped to a darkening pure black, the movement spreading like ink, her light and hopeful eyes turning a cold and unwavering crimson in response.

Soon who stood in the middle of the class looked unfitted for the childish clothes and braided hair, her body language immediately changing into that of a muscle tense, the black energy near perfectly settling around her body in a thin layer, as she let loose her focus and relaxed into her form, her lips slowly turning to a smirk, an uncharacteristic cruelness in the girls expression as she looked around with a chuckle,
"pathetic~….. weaklings." she muttered in an assessment of the room, giving a stretch with one arm over her head and the other bending to grasp it, looking at Meiling with a bored expression and eyebrow raise, "Where's the part that I get to beat someone up?….." her smirk faded to a grimace, a small 'tchk' coming out from her lips, this didn't look like a small lost child anymore, arms settling with slightly grasped fists, the words she spoke almost sounded in of disappointment, the flux being held perfectly, her eyes slit to a glare, the females form commanded power, and something about it was unnerving, a predatory sense like that of a creature hunting, like a room full of sheep and…. A wolf.


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