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Fantasy The Five Kingdoms - The Fall of Sarthenfall - OOC

Should we timeskip...

  • The rest of the game and jump to the two month timeskip?

  • Skip over the next round and play the last round

  • Don’t skip at all, and play all rounds?

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I don’t suppose anyone wants to timeskip at least one of the rounds? At the pace we’re going, the characters will be playing capture the flag for a month or two.
I don’t suppose anyone wants to timeskip at least one of the rounds? At the pace we’re going, the characters will be playing capture the flag for a month or two.
I don't mind but I guess I feel bad because it doesn't really affect me much.... I guess if it's still going slow you could timeskip the middle game once this one is over...?
It seems it’s been decided. After Mia posts, I’ll wrap up the end of this round in my post, and timeskip skip over the middle round to the last. After that round, we’ll be doing the two month timeskip.
Well the end of this round relies solely on Azalea getting the flag from Angelo, not likely by brute force but probably through stealth or suprise. What do you think? explosiveKitten explosiveKitten

The middle round, we’ll all have to discuss. I’m thinking Azalea zoning off again/tireing out quickly will cause he to fail, and probably losing her temper or focusing her attention where it shouldn’t be.

The last round we’ll just have to see how it goes, already knowing who will win.
I want Cale to have get the flag, took advantage of Azalea not knowing Angelo and just sneaking up and taking it.
Well the end of this round relies solely on Azalea getting the flag from Angelo, not likely by brute force but probably through stealth or suprise. What do you think? explosiveKitten explosiveKitten

The middle round, we’ll all have to discuss. I’m thinking Azalea zoning off again/tireing out quickly will cause he to fail, and probably losing her temper or focusing her attention where it shouldn’t be.

The last round we’ll just have to see how it goes, already knowing who will win.
The first round, I figure Angie would get a tad distracted thinking about the first time she ever saw snow, given the lull in activity, and that gives enough distraction for whoever to steal the flag and get out of Angie’s immediate attack radius, allowing them to run off. And she won’t even try to chase them down, not in heavy armor and snow.

Second round, Angie beats the ever loving crap out anyone that comes near the flag in retaliation. If it’s Azalea, she’ll taunt the hot-headed princess with “oooohh, what’s the pretty little princess gonna do to me, *dodge* oh is she gonna hit me with her widdle fists? *dodge*”
Oh man, Azalea would get so pissed she’d forget about the flag entirely, she’d probably honestly just try to tackle Angie xD
Not targeting her girl-ness, not even speaking in a malicious tone, she’s just trying to piss her off and make her forget strategy. Angie has seen Azalea getting angry quite easily.

Angie: *moves head out of the way of Azalea’s fist* *speaking in the typical Angelo monotony* Careful there, your highness, you could hurt yourself.
Cale: *slowly moves in and snatches flag and gets out of range* Hey Angie! *Waves flag* guess who has the flag! And guess who's taking this game Harpy!
Cross: I now see this is the ancient art of capture the flag. Shame we had to ban it due to it consistently attracting monsters, also that hit was poorly done. *Kicks Cale hard enough to send him flying* now see that was a kick!
I’ll post tonight.
Also, considering our posting rate, I’ve decided to let someone else join. Me and an old friend have been talking, and I believe me may be getting some more plot twists and surprises down the road.

They’ll likely be joining after the two month timeskip, once her character his approved. (Also, seems like we’re getting another male character, ladies!)
Back from the realm of DnD nerdom, turns out my sorcerers Twinned spell metamagic can affect Chain lightning.

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