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Yumi had her hands inserted into her pockets, humming as she strolled along to the cafe. She knew she wanted to get hot cocoa, but she also wanted a pastry. Though she wasn't quite what it was she wanted. A doughnut maybe, or perhaps a muffin. Both sounded good really, so maybe she would end up getting both of them. Her thoughts were halted at the sound of her name, Yumi freezing amiss the crowd with a confused expression on her face. Who in the world was calling her out? Considering she had been gone for most of the school year, there was no way anyone would know her name, much less know of her. There was only a few people that could possibly know her name and she hadn't seen either of them since she came back. It would be nice though, to catch up with her friends from before she left. Yumi just had to find them first, wherever they were. She was sure if she wandered the halls aimlessly, she would be able to find them eventually. Perhaps she would run into them at the cafe she was headed towards, or at least, she hoped she did.

Upon turning around, Yumi was surprised to see Elliot a couple feet away from her, a friend she had made at the beginning of the school year. "Elliot?" He was one of her first friends, if she remembered correctly. She use to hang out with him from time to time and had even gotten a mechanical robot kitten as a gift if she remembered correctly. Unfortunately, she didn't have it with her as the cat was back in the guest bedroom at her grandmothers house. Yumi would have to ask her to mail it back to her so she could have it back or else she'd forget about it. She actually really liked the cat Elliot had given her, so she didn't want to forget it.

Yumi hadn't seen him in so long that she almost forgot what he had looked like. Well, not really. It was a bit of an exaggeration more than anything. Aside from his height that it. Elliot seemed to had gotten a lot taller than the last time she saw him. She remembered when they were sort of the same height, though Elliot was probably still a little taller than her back then too. Just not as much before as he was now. At the very least, it would be easier to spot him in a crowd. Nevertheless, she was still happy to see him. The surprised looked fizzled into genuine happiness, Yumi maneuvering her way through the crowd to get to him. A smile lit up the feature of her face, her eyes glistening with excitement. "Hey! I guess it's been awhile." Yumi laughed lightly, her hands being removed from the comfort of her pockets and coming up to cover her mouth to conceal the sound. "Maybe a little longer than a while, but I'm sure you get what I mean. How have you been?"

Considering the crowd of students was still moving and they were stopped right in the middle of the hallway, Yumi figured they should probably move. It had to be a little bit of an annoyance to have people stop right in the middle of the hallway as your trying to get somewhere. She knew she wasn't the biggest fan of people that, as it was more of an inconvenience than anything. Having to work your way around people and get bumped into while doing so wasn't exactly something she would call fun. "We can talk about it over drinks if you want." Yumi put her hands back inside her pocket to keep them warm and tilted her head towards the direction she had been in before being stopped. "I was just headed to the cafe if you wanna tag along. Unless you have somewhere to be, then I totally get it if you say no." She hadn't really taken into account if he really needed to go somewhere, but kind of offered anyways. Though considering he was the one who had stopped her (not like she could have stopped him since she didn't even see him), Yumi didn't think he did.

Extra Info



Talking to Elliot

Catch up

Interacting with:

Nona Nona


[div class=infopfpbg][div class=infopfp]

[div class=infotitle]Location:[/div] School Grounds

[div class=infotitle]Mood:[/div] Happy

[div class=infotitle]Objective:[/div] Catch Up

[div class=infotitle]Interacting with:[/div] Yumi

[div class=infotitle]Tags:[/div] @WeirdPrincess

Oh no. This wasn't her was it? It was just some random girl he called towards in the middle of the hallway and now she would think he was weird...or the people around them would think he was weird...maybe he should just turn around and walk off to avoid the awkward conversation of explaining how he mistook her for his old friend. He was actually about to turn on his heel and get out of there when the girl had turned and called his name back to him, causing him to freeze.

It really was her, well thank goodness for that then. Watching her make her way in his direction he felt a small sense of relief and a smile making its way onto his face. As she made her way through the crowd of students he also stepped forward to make it a bit easier. He supposed he hadn't noticed this knew height different himself until she was now in front of him, he didn't ever remember having to look down to talk until this point. He had known he head gotten taller though, mostly because Elaena could no longer blather on about being the taller twin anymore. Not that being a half an inch taller than him was much of an achievement but she knew it pulled his chain a little and for the sake of a bit of fun she was going to do it.

He just gave a knowing nod when Yumi had laughed, commenting on it being more than a while "Ah... to be honest I thought that I had accidentally called on someone else for a moment, so definitely longer than a while" he commented with a sheepish grin "I've been okay, just mourning my summer break being over" he added as he readjusted his bag strap on his back.

Upon Yumi's invite to join her at the cafe, Elliot took a glance down both directions of the hallway. He had gotten better with crowds than he used to be now as he was getting older and used to school life. Of course he still had his moments but he was fine for the most part. Even at that the bustling hallway wasn't really the best place to catch up and this was Yumi. Someone he definitely was wishing to catch up with if he ever got to see her again. The cafe worked out perfect with his plans too. A pretty nice coincidence really.

"No!" He blurted before realising how it sounded. "Ah- I mean yes! I'll tag along. I meant no that I'm not busy." his hand waved a little "I was actually about to go grab some breakfast anyway. It's uh...probably a bit on the late side but I kind of forgot to eat on the drive here this morning." He admitted as the two headed towards the exit. "What about yourself? How are you keeping? Is it weird being back here?" He asked as he looked towards her. Oh dear, did he sound overexcited? his hand subconsciously moved to hover in front of his mouth. Maybe he should cut down on the questions all at once... He couldn't deny that catching up with someone that helped him settle into the school when he first arrived was something to be happy about though.
[class=infotitle] color: #774c1f; font-weight: Bold; [/class] [class=imgpost] width: auto; height: auto; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #774c1f; border: 5px solid #774c1f; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=infopfp] width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: white; background: url('https://i.pinimg.com/474x/0a/3b/6a/0a3b6ad40c715db5282018b8eabd0898.jpg'); background-size: 120%; background-position: center center; border-radius: 50%; border: 5px solid #774c1f; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=infopfpbg] width: 100%; height: 300px; background-color: white; background: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/40/fc/75/40fc75a21bb27d1ba2f34f708cb7f908.jpg') no-repeat; background-size: 70%; background-position: center center; display: inline-block; border-radius: 50%;​




This was the last situation Kaori ever wanted to find herself in. Even after all this time, she had no idea how to handle her feelings regarding the man in front of her. Events had… happened between them, she had nearly given her life to save him (and by extension, Roman as well), he made sure she didn’t die, and then just… left as if none of it had happened in the first place. Why did it have to happen this way? Why couldn’t he have just stayed?

There was something he was hiding from her. Putting her feelings aside and looking at it logically, he probably had his reasons other than “I hate you.” Given what happened between him and Roman when they were children, he wasn’t the type to just leave someone behind if he could help it. There was something that had to have been pushing him away. She didn’t know what it was and figured she never would know. And maybe that was part of the problem.

Because at the moment, she couldn’t put her feelings aside and look at the situation logically. There were too many things that had happened for her to be able to do that. Too many things that happened between them. Too many moments and feelings shared for feelings to not be involved. She was angry. Upset. Hurt. Confused. Longing. So many emotions twisted up in her head and made it hard to think. She knew her words weren’t coming out the way she wanted them, and not being able to express herself was something she absolutely loathed. This whole situation sucked. For both of them.

"I know, this is not at all what either of us intended, but it's what we got,"

His words sat like hot coals at the bottom of her stomach. Kaori wanted literally anything but for them to be true, but she knew that he was right. After everything that happened back at Roman’s house, she didn’t have anywhere to go. If he hadn’t grabbed her and brought her here, who knows where she would have been. She grit her teeth, not wanting to admit he was right. Her gaze fell to her stomach, noticing that she had subconsciously held her abdomen as well.

"I understand if you hate me, but now I'm all you have. Regret it, despise it, hate it. I don't care. But at least use my resources to ensure you make it out of this okay."

Kaori’s head whipped up to face his gaze, noticing that he was also averting his eyes. A spark of anger blazed hearing his words. “Of course you don’t care. That’s been the problem this whole time, I’ve been the only one who ever ca—”

Her words were cut short as a pang of pain shot through her lower abdomen, and she nearly doubled over from the sheer shock of it. She clutched at her stomach, her instincts exploding like fireworks as the pangs of pain continued to shoot across her body. Kaori’s gaze shot up to Masahi, her expression a mixture of a grimace and a cry for help.

“I… I think I’m—” Kaori managed out before the contractions hit again and she doubled over in pain.

Extra Info

Masahi's apartment

Angry and surprised

Going into labor


Interacting with: Masahi

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