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I’m fine with any pairings. I know Leigh and Dawnelise was suggested. That’s cool 👍🏼 Sorry, I hadn’t said anything earlier, on weekdays I’m not free until around 4 Pacific Standard time.
Ok so I've been doing some reading now that I got a chance x.x

Ayama Ayama I think Leigh and Crystal could pair pretty well with each other, they have similar attitude which could aid in their understanding with each other. Possibly kinda dangerous as they could be a kind of dynamic duo or something lol and they could clash with their own ideas.

koschei. koschei. Nico and Crystal could make an interesting pairing as he could possibly make her more humble while also understanding why she is the way she is in terms of personality as they are a little similar in some aspects but different enough to have some disagreements.

sox sox Rome and Crystal could also work, as I see them having conflicting opinions due to some of their similarities. But he's also seems to be alot kinder than she is, so she could potentially learn from him.

eyyliner eyyliner Do you have an updated profile for Odelia's personality? Unless for some reason it's not updating for me ;; I wouldn't be opposed to it though ^^

So those are my thoughts in terms of apprenticeship pairing stuff! ;u;

As for romance...I personally don't really dig it, hence the asexual thing for Crystal. I'd rather something blossom over time rather than just flat out making decisions.
Yeah, I agree with InTheSea InTheSea . I think for the romantic relationships, I’m just gonna see where the IC takes Victoria and who it seems she clicks with most instead of predetermining it
I haven’t looked over all the cs’s yet but given powers, maybe Nico and Aria?
I was also gonna say Nico ( koschei. koschei. ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ᵖᶦⁿᵍ) and Bell due to their powers. I feel like his enhanced senses and manipulation could help challenge the strength of her illusions, as well as enhance them.

Also because I don't think Bell would get along very well with Leigh and I feel like maybe Rome's powers could pair better with others!
eyyliner eyyliner @VasiliasMellow dendygar dendygar queanbean queanbean Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams rivers and oceans rivers and oceans @Nautical Twilight InTheSea InTheSea koschei. koschei. loveweaver loveweaver sox sox RedactedReject RedactedReject Noivian Noivian

Current cast list:

Nasir 'Black Crown' (black-crowned heron) [Shadow entrapment]
Milo 'The Crow' (crow) [Claircognizance & clairvoyance]
Varion 'Uncle' (black eagle) [Swarms of eagles & limited flight]
Alastair 'Snow' (snowy owl) [Summoning book & celestial weapon]

Nicolai 'Piper' (canary) [Attention Manipulation]
Romulo 'Skua' (great skua) [Blood & shadow magic]

Odelia 'White Wing' (egret) [Crystal enhancement]

Keiran 'Nighthawk' [Obstruction & abjuration]
Orlena 'Albatross' [Flight & finding lost things]
Campbell 'Paradise' (bird of paradise) [Illusions]
Crystal 'Ice' (emperor penguin) [Hydrokinesis & temperature control]
Aria 'Liar' (lyrebird) [Silvertongue & beast shape]

(1) Victoria 'White Tail' (ptarmigan) [Hiding & dimensional storage]
(1) Ryan 'Moon-Eye' (gray owl) [Lightshaping & night vision]
(2) Ausar 'Thoth' (ibis) [Heat absorption]
(2) Shun 'Fisher' (grey kingfisher) [Aerokinesis & teleportation]
(3) Leigh 'Harrier' (marsh harrier) [Mana concentration/enhanced reflexes]
(3) Dawnelise 'Mockingjay' (blue mockingbird) [Mimicry]

-Rome and Orlena/Crystal/Aria
-Odelia and Keiran/Crystal
-Nico and Crystal/Aria/Bell
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The offer still stands to bump Alastair down to an older member if we need to, which it seems like we do...
The offer still stands to bump Alastair down to an older member if we need to, which it seems like we do...
I don't think so- Ey's making a full member, and Rome is taking two Apprentices. But I guess it's not up to me xD
eyyliner eyyliner Would you like to have Alastair be Odelia's old mentor? I would offer him to be Rome's old mentor, since I think those two would get along well also, but Rome's already got my other character, oops.
Hi hi it's been 30 years but I've read through everyone's characters and composed some thoughts! Tried to get it out as fast as I can so might be a few errors in there? Grammar? Spelling? What's that? Hopefully this all makes sense! Also added a few hobbies, in case anyone's characters would be up for hanging out outside of the guild because boi Nico would love that. I'm one for letting romances develop naturally, so these are all platonic suggestions but lmk if you've any ideas?

[div style="width:60vw;margin:auto;font-size:12px;"]Keiran - Nico would probably see him as cold at the start, would be very proactive in learning more about the applicant, and since he doesn't really understand the concept of respecting privacy (whoops).

Nasir - Nico has nothing but respect and admiration for the man who established the aviary, would probably try to do his best to emulate how kind and caring he is towards everyone, would look to him for a lot of advice!

Orlena - Orlena seems like the kind of person Nico would do his best to advise/guide, although he might subconsciously tread lightly around her because he wouldn't want to accidentally make her feel bad about anything.

Dawnelise - They have the same dedication to their work but Nico would honestly be shocked at how Dawnelise could embrace chaos so easily, might be a clash of personality there? I can definitely see Nico getting on the wrong side of Dawnelise' temper more than once.

Victoria - This could be interesting! Someone who is nice and dedicated to their job? She sounds like she'd get along with Nico initially but Nico likes to pry into everyone's business, which might be awkward if Vic is very shy.

Ryan - Would probably have a hard time understanding Ryan, but would try very hard to start a conversation with him, try and pull him to emote more often, which Ryan might not like?

Shun - While Shun is shy, Nico is very very outgoing and as well as supportive, but also kinda overbearing. He'd definitely be trying all the while to make sure Shun feels like part of the group whenever he can, although not sure whether she'd appreciate it or not?

Leigh - Nico probably knows to tread carefully around Leigh now, since they're both older members. He'd try his best to befriend Leigh, working around his temper, but it's likely Nico would be very wary of Leigh's sharp tongue, they might have worked together a few times?

Milo - While Nico is very respectful of all the Magisters he would be a little confused as to how to react to the capricious Milo, would probably prefer going to someone else to help interpret Milo's actions. Nico is very bad at reacting to sudden changes so it's likely to be a tenuous relationship.

Ausar - Nico appreciates Ausar's high standards for himself, very similar to Nico's strive to be his best, but wouldn't be completely at home with the harsher, more cynical aspects of his personality? Nico is someone who doles out praise easily and unstintingly, in stark contrast to Ausar's critical nature, and he would probably confront the other on his bluntness.

Rome - Rome sounds to be very polite and friendly on the outside and since they're both older members they've probably cooperated often, and yes omg that sounds incredibly interesting! Nico probably would have been quietly very concerned when he spotted the shadow the first few times, by now he probably says hi whenever he sees some suspicious shadows around.

Varion - Varion is very nice and friendly which Nico would appreciate and probably reciprocate on top of the natural respect he holds for most of his superiors.

Aria - Aria would probably be one to make Nico stress and worry, mostly because he'd have no idea how to keep track of her. He trusts people fairly easily however, but would probably learn to be wary of her if she acts up once or twice around him.

Alastair - 10/10 boss, Nico would really appreciate him paying attention to the little things even if he doesn't show it all the time.[/div]

Apprentice/Mentor pairs (i would like to say im capable of making occasional decisions but id' be lying, can i join the indecisive club?):

[div style="width:60vw;margin:auto;font-size:12px;"] InTheSea InTheSea [Crystal] Hard working, dedicated, Nico would be ecstatic at finding such a good worker if it wasn't for her tendency to say what was on her mind. He would probably like to gently steer her away from being so direct all the time, Nico generally being of a more milder personality, so definitely some potential for conflict there!
queanbean queanbean [Bell] Nico sees her as fairly chill, capable, competent, ideal apprentice in another world but Nico likes having someone to fuss over, their powers could definitely complement each other very well i think? Illusions + a little misdirection.[/div]
Hi hi it's been 30 years but I've read through everyone's characters and composed some thoughts! Tried to get it out as fast as I can so might be a few errors in there? Grammar? Spelling? What's that? Hopefully this all makes sense! Also added a few hobbies, in case anyone's characters would be up for hanging out outside of the guild because boi Nico would love that. I'm one for letting romances develop naturally, so these are all platonic suggestions but lmk if you've any ideas?

[div style="width:60vw;margin:auto;font-size:12px;"]Keiran - Nico would probably see him as cold at the start, would be very proactive in learning more about the applicant, and since he doesn't really understand the concept of respecting privacy (whoops).

Nasir - Nico has nothing but respect and admiration for the man who established the aviary, would probably try to do his best to emulate how kind and caring he is towards everyone, would look to him for a lot of advice!

Orlena - Orlena seems like the kind of person Nico would do his best to advise/guide, although he might subconsciously tread lightly around her because he wouldn't want to accidentally make her feel bad about anything.

Dawnelise - They have the same dedication to their work but Nico would honestly be shocked at how Dawnelise could embrace chaos so easily, might be a clash of personality there? I can definitely see Nico getting on the wrong side of Dawnelise' temper more than once.

Victoria - This could be interesting! Someone who is nice and dedicated to their job? She sounds like she'd get along with Nico initially but Nico likes to pry into everyone's business, which might be awkward if Vic is very shy.

Ryan - Would probably have a hard time understanding Ryan, but would try very hard to start a conversation with him, try and pull him to emote more often, which Ryan might not like?

Shun - While Shun is shy, Nico is very very outgoing and as well as supportive, but also kinda overbearing. He'd definitely be trying all the while to make sure Shun feels like part of the group whenever he can, although not sure whether she'd appreciate it or not?

Leigh - Nico probably knows to tread carefully around Leigh now, since they're both older members. He'd try his best to befriend Leigh, working around his temper, but it's likely Nico would be very wary of Leigh's sharp tongue, they might have worked together a few times?

Milo - While Nico is very respectful of all the Magisters he would be a little confused as to how to react to the capricious Milo, would probably prefer going to someone else to help interpret Milo's actions. Nico is very bad at reacting to sudden changes so it's likely to be a tenuous relationship.

Ausar - Nico appreciates Ausar's high standards for himself, very similar to Nico's strive to be his best, but wouldn't be completely at home with the harsher, more cynical aspects of his personality? Nico is someone who doles out praise easily and unstintingly, in stark contrast to Ausar's critical nature, and he would probably confront the other on his bluntness.

Rome - Rome sounds to be very polite and friendly on the outside and since they're both older members they've probably cooperated often, and yes omg that sounds incredibly interesting! Nico probably would have been quietly very concerned when he spotted the shadow the first few times, by now he probably says hi whenever he sees some suspicious shadows around.

Varion - Varion is very nice and friendly which Nico would appreciate and probably reciprocate on top of the natural respect he holds for most of his superiors.

Aria - Aria would probably be one to make Nico stress and worry, mostly because he'd have no idea how to keep track of her. He trusts people fairly easily however, but would probably learn to be wary of her if she acts up once or twice around him.

Alastair - 10/10 boss, Nico would really appreciate him paying attention to the little things even if he doesn't show it all the time.[/div]

Apprentice/Mentor pairs (i would like to say im capable of making occasional decisions but id' be lying, can i join the indecisive club?):

[div style="width:60vw;margin:auto;font-size:12px;"] InTheSea InTheSea [Crystal] Hard working, dedicated, Nico would be ecstatic at finding such a good worker if it wasn't for her tendency to say what was on her mind. He would probably like to gently steer her away from being so direct all the time, Nico generally being of a more milder personality, so definitely some potential for conflict there!
queanbean queanbean [Bell] Nico sees her as fairly chill, capable, competent, ideal apprentice in another world but Nico likes having someone to fuss over, their powers could definitely complement each other very well i think? Illusions + a little misdirection.[/div]

I'm down if you are :)

Edit: Finished backstory. I don't like it but my brain is just not working for it lately.
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Hi hi it's been 30 years but I've read through everyone's characters and composed some thoughts! Tried to get it out as fast as I can so might be a few errors in there? Grammar? Spelling? What's that? Hopefully this all makes sense! Also added a few hobbies, in case anyone's characters would be up for hanging out outside of the guild because boi Nico would love that. I'm one for letting romances develop naturally, so these are all platonic suggestions but lmk if you've any ideas?

[div style="width:60vw;margin:auto;font-size:12px;"]Keiran - Nico would probably see him as cold at the start, would be very proactive in learning more about the applicant, and since he doesn't really understand the concept of respecting privacy (whoops).

Nasir - Nico has nothing but respect and admiration for the man who established the aviary, would probably try to do his best to emulate how kind and caring he is towards everyone, would look to him for a lot of advice!

Orlena - Orlena seems like the kind of person Nico would do his best to advise/guide, although he might subconsciously tread lightly around her because he wouldn't want to accidentally make her feel bad about anything.

Dawnelise - They have the same dedication to their work but Nico would honestly be shocked at how Dawnelise could embrace chaos so easily, might be a clash of personality there? I can definitely see Nico getting on the wrong side of Dawnelise' temper more than once.

Victoria - This could be interesting! Someone who is nice and dedicated to their job? She sounds like she'd get along with Nico initially but Nico likes to pry into everyone's business, which might be awkward if Vic is very shy.

Ryan - Would probably have a hard time understanding Ryan, but would try very hard to start a conversation with him, try and pull him to emote more often, which Ryan might not like?

Shun - While Shun is shy, Nico is very very outgoing and as well as supportive, but also kinda overbearing. He'd definitely be trying all the while to make sure Shun feels like part of the group whenever he can, although not sure whether she'd appreciate it or not?

Leigh - Nico probably knows to tread carefully around Leigh now, since they're both older members. He'd try his best to befriend Leigh, working around his temper, but it's likely Nico would be very wary of Leigh's sharp tongue, they might have worked together a few times?

Milo - While Nico is very respectful of all the Magisters he would be a little confused as to how to react to the capricious Milo, would probably prefer going to someone else to help interpret Milo's actions. Nico is very bad at reacting to sudden changes so it's likely to be a tenuous relationship.

Ausar - Nico appreciates Ausar's high standards for himself, very similar to Nico's strive to be his best, but wouldn't be completely at home with the harsher, more cynical aspects of his personality? Nico is someone who doles out praise easily and unstintingly, in stark contrast to Ausar's critical nature, and he would probably confront the other on his bluntness.

Rome - Rome sounds to be very polite and friendly on the outside and since they're both older members they've probably cooperated often, and yes omg that sounds incredibly interesting! Nico probably would have been quietly very concerned when he spotted the shadow the first few times, by now he probably says hi whenever he sees some suspicious shadows around.

Varion - Varion is very nice and friendly which Nico would appreciate and probably reciprocate on top of the natural respect he holds for most of his superiors.

Aria - Aria would probably be one to make Nico stress and worry, mostly because he'd have no idea how to keep track of her. He trusts people fairly easily however, but would probably learn to be wary of her if she acts up once or twice around him.

Alastair - 10/10 boss, Nico would really appreciate him paying attention to the little things even if he doesn't show it all the time.[/div]

Apprentice/Mentor pairs (i would like to say im capable of making occasional decisions but id' be lying, can i join the indecisive club?):

[div style="width:60vw;margin:auto;font-size:12px;"] InTheSea InTheSea [Crystal] Hard working, dedicated, Nico would be ecstatic at finding such a good worker if it wasn't for her tendency to say what was on her mind. He would probably like to gently steer her away from being so direct all the time, Nico generally being of a more milder personality, so definitely some potential for conflict there!
queanbean queanbean [Bell] Nico sees her as fairly chill, capable, competent, ideal apprentice in another world but Nico likes having someone to fuss over, their powers could definitely complement each other very well i think? Illusions + a little misdirection.[/div]
Would he be alright taking on two? panicpanicpanicidksorry

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