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"Did you guy's see that new girl that jyst waltzed in here with out taking the test" She says lowering her voice and finding the girl in the sea of girls
Darkron hugs back gently. * can we get. Eat now I'm kinda hungery * darkroom asks not particly paying attention to the new girl. Because of the rumbling in his tummy
"Yeah come on guys let's all just try not to make trouble and get ready to eat with our new house mates!" She squeals a little and then sits at the table
"I think after dinner we get our new robes with our colors on it and also im not causing problems im just saying its not fair she did not get in her fairly" she says sitting at the new table sitting next to rain and trailing the girl with her eyes
"Oh my God there are no problem I just want her to get in as fairly as we did" She says turning her head over her shoulder watching the girl progress in the line moving to the front were they were sorted. "What do you think darkron"
Ariana Cepori was in line. A couple girls tried to talk to her, and she nodded. “U-Um...of course..” she whispered. Since most of her hearing was gone, she was sure she’d get bullied. Like, major bullied. She was next after a few people.

”Your a mudblood, right?” One girl asked. She nodded. “N...None of my parents...are magical..”
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"Hey Ingrid the new girl looks scared" Rain stands up since the girl still had a while in line "Hi there are you ok?"
Ariana looked back. “I-I’m okay“ she mumbled quietly. Another girl snickered at a comment a girl made. “She’s deaf! Did you know that?” they said.

”And she‘s a mudblood, so she isn’t magical!”
Rain smiles gently at the girl and signs "hi I'm Rain and I'm a mudblood too" she snap to the girl behind her "do you want to be dead then stop making fun of her! She can't help it"
The girl rolled her eyes.

Ariana looked down. “...I..It’s fine..i’m used to it..”
“...I..” she stuttered. She didn’t know what to do. She fixed her round glasses and whispered “I’m sorry..”
Rain smiles and hugs her feeling bad and just connecting with her on a completely different level she lets go then back up a bit "I'm gonna go back and sit down I'll see you around"
“..See you...” she whispered. After a few moments, after Rain left, a girl grabbed her wrist. Ariana looked back. The girl sneered. “You really think your going to make friends, you freak?” And Ariana nodded. “..I will.” And the girl tightened her grip. Ariana winced. “Well, your wrong.” the girl said.
Rain taps Ingrid "Ingrid you scare people a little bit here can you go tell that girl to knock it off I tried but she didn't"
Ariana tries to pull away. “..Please..” And another girl trips her while they step back a bit, laughing, letting her go.

Ariana tries to get up. She looks like she’s about to cry. She looks around, and the girls snicker. They step on her glasses, and they break. In half. She gasped at the break. It revealed her white and blue eyes. The girl snickered at her gasp.

Ariana covers her white eye, pretending to rub it, and got up, picking up her glasses pieces.
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Ariana stopped rubbing her eye and closed it. “Again, she’s not magical. See?“ she said, taking Ariana over. Ariana let herself be pulled, not really caring anymore. She mainly cared for her glasses.
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She watched as the girls harras the other girl and tease her and grab her and she really wanted to do something bad but she did not want to get hurt herself. "Rain there is nothing I can do they are stronger them me im really sorry" she stops watching them girl and looks at the table feeling like a horrible person for not helping .
Ariana pulled away, girls going away, pointing at something. She sighed as they called her name.

”Ariana Cepori?”

she stepped up, some eyes on her. “Ariana Cepori..Lets see...We want you to be in Phoenixeye, but we changed our minds. It’s nice to have another ‘muggle‘ here.“ she said the last part sarcastically. Ariana nodded, and from where she was pulled, her glasses were near their table.

”PHOENIXEY!” the man yelled.
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Ariana smiled and mumbled “Thank you.” And sighed. She got up, looking at her table. A few girls were there, and she looked around frantically for her glasses. “O-Oh, my glasses..”
Ingrid stands up and walks up to the girl from behind before she gets to her table and notices shes looking at the ground she taps her on the shoulder and says "what are you doing" and then waits for a reply.
Ariana looked up. “W-Walking,” she said. Ariana turns around, seeing Ingrid.
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