Tales of the RDF - OOC

Guten nacht und schlafen Sie gut!  ("Good night and sleep well!")
This story is about to get into an area that I feel that I need to make a quick statement.  The human adversaries you are about to go up against are fanatics of a religion that is under fire from many directions in our country right now.  I am in no way trying to politicize the game we have here, or to single out anyone's beliefs and bash them.  Much of the material that this current story arc is coming straight out of the 1e book New World Order, and is not my effort to call out anyone's personal relation with God.  Personally, since the time that Dannigan and I were good friends in high school, I have come to my own awakening of belief, and to this day I can understand how it can be upsetting to see one's church under attack from people with absolutely no clue as to what they are really talking about.

So, let this be my effort to apologize to any player that is Muslim, has family that is Muslim, or has any positive connection to that religion that may be offended by this.  At its core, I do know that, like most others, the Muslim belief is one built on love and acceptance, not hate. 

This Public Service Announcement has been approved by Sherwood.
The definition of "fanatic" (according to Google) is: "a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause."

Well, if our characters are going up against religious fanatics (and if it doesn't break any of RpN's rules, which I don't believe it does) then I don't have a problem with it.  As long as they are being portrayed as fanatics, that is.  I have no issues with fans; I have serious issues with fanatics...

Put another way, if our enemies were suddenly all typical believers of the Muslim (or Hindu, Buddhist, etc.) religion, then yes, I would seriously have a problem with this and I would most certainly say so.

However, (as Sherwood stated) since these are fanatics (meaning, off-the-deep-end, extremist, psychotic weirdos who think their "faith" is an excuse to kill, terrorize, and otherwise just take what they want from people), then I say "No problem."  Why?  Because I have no problem killing in-game assholes.  Still, I can't say I feel good if the baddies start screaming "Allahu Akbar!" (glory to God) during battle...  =)

This is all just my personal take, though.  I also have a problem with this scenario if anyone else in our group happens to have a problem with it.  My reasoning is simple - if you're not having fun, neither am I.  And, by the way, if that does turn out to be the case, how about we scrap the whole Muslim thing and just go with calling them "religious fanatics" without any specific mention of faith?

But perhaps we might take this in another direction?  In fact...  @Sherwood Is that feasible?  Can we just classify these baddies as "religious fanatics" and leave it at that or is it imperative to the story that they be Muslim?  Put another way, can we just take "Muslim" out entirely?  Or perhaps replace Muslim with something made up (create a cult like they've done countless times in Dungeons and Dragons)?  "Oh noes!  Dis part of Africa haz been taken over by da evil cult of HeeBeeJeeBees and their insane god, Masta Funkadelic!  HALP!  Whateva will we do?"  /silly off (but never for long!)
Good thinking, my friend.  Despite the game's reference to the Islamic African People's Republic, I'll just drop the 'I' part of the name and just call the group the APR and not define what religion they are.  I have no problem doing that in order to protect the good will of the game.
Oh good!  That makes me happy.  

Thanks, Sherwood! =)
Thank you.  As I said before, I am not wanting to make this a game where anyone is not 110% comfortable.  Not to be confused with the anxiety of wondering if your character should cut the red wire or the blue one, or if you have enough ammo to survive the next firefight.  That kind of on-the-edge gaming I will strive for always.
Heya folks!  Kaerri and I are preparing for Hurricane Matthew.  If we disappear for a time, that's why!  If you're the praying kind, please do pray for all folks affected.  =)

Honor and fun,

Us.  =)
Thanks Beo!  We've done two out of three, but I can't help but ask - what's a "nope field?"  Do you mean "hope?"  =)
It's where you stick up your middle fingers, and say "nope." The louder the yell and how intensely you hold the middle finger determines the strength of the nope field. The nope field is the strongest thing in the multiverse if supplied with enough power.

Then again, I'm making half that stuff up as I go along so take it with a pinch of salt. Or the whole shaker. Whatever works.
Ha ha!  That's something else!  It reminds me of a similar way of thinking: 

Titled: "The last great act of defiance."  I've always wondered who won this fight.  By choking the bird, the frog has cut off the bird's air supply.  If the frog is able to maintain its grip, it's the bird that dies and not the frog in his mouth.  Since the bird is fighting for his dinner, and the frog is fighting for his life, my money is on the frog.  =)


(Image credit:  freerepublic.com )
If the bird bites down hard enough, it will cut the arms off of the frog and it can then swallow the rest of its dinner whole. My money is on the bird.
On a completely unrelated note, I am starting to talk to a possible new recruit that might be joining in the game.  More details will follow as they come available.
Take it easy there, Dann.  Being so verbose in a single text might just crash the server!
I'm... beat.  =)  I did a great amount of work today and while I'm glad I did it, sometimes duty has a price.  =)
I can only guess at all the work needed to prep for a massive hurricane like the one barreling down at you guys.
Well, it's done now and I'm really, really looking forward to having tomorrow off.  =)
Tonight is my night off.  My 3 year old niece that lives with us is now spending her night with her mom and I won't be picking her up until tomorrow night, so until then, I don't have to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, no telling her to be quiet and get to sleep, and I can watch some of my crime shows that I don't like to expose her to.  Win for me!

The worst has passed us, now we're just waiting for the outer bands to follow. No power (I'm on my tablet, we do have cell coverage still), and the yard's a mess, but we're otherwise fine.

(Some of you may get this multiple times as I copy/paste to different RPs.)
We have power back!  Power is a wonderful thing.  =)

Thanks for all of the warm wishes and sunshine, everyone!  May you be at least as fortunate when hard times come your way.  =)

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