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Fandom Supernatural RP OOC

I must have missed that part..  She doesn't know the scent of a werewolf. I mean, she's come across them, but not since she was turned, and in my post, she's under the assumption that he's a vampire, like using a method of blocking his scent from other vampire, for example a hex-bag like the one she needs to remake, but I can change it. She also has no weapons right now and was trying to get him away. I should have put that in the post.........

Well since they are a little bigger than your average wolves if she has seen Werewolves before she might be able to pick up on the fact that these are some. But that's obviously up to you.

I can wait for you to edit your post to change whatever you'd like since it's a wolf biting wolf. :3
So I'm going to remove Chase and Joe temporarily, or at least just not posting with them for now. Unless someone exits the colony and spots them for interaction or something haha.

I'm not sure what time of the day it's meant to be but I guessed they might return late at night or the next day depending on how long it takes the roleplay to reach one of them. ;]

Also, with the truck that nearly ran down Chase. I left it open to be just random people or hunters returning to the colony in case it could be used. I.E. Hunters returning report what they believe to have been two Werewolves on one of the back roads to Vitae or something. But that's only if you guys want to use that for anything.
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@Crono Thanks for letting us know, likely will use the truck later if no one else picks it up.

@Safton poor william, so confused.
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@Haus Of Alaska

Just a heads up Haus, currently the characters you mentioned are not in a public setting, they're in private home.  If you wouldn't mind editing your post please.
I lied, sort of. haha

Decided to do a filler post at least. But now I won't be posting til nightfall or the next day. ;p
Hmm..... well it would be a fun little blend of both lol. They would each start in their own dream and as it progressed they would end up running into one another and have some bonding time dealing with the nightmares.

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