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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Chroma soon appeared above Alex as she unleashed a very serious cold ice breath that can cause freezer burn on alex as he soon began to feel slower than before.
Jackson grabbed flew up to Alex and used his nanites to help him warm up.

She would squeak and squirm onto the grip, almost backing off with a visible blush on her hand as she froze in there. She looked around before just giving a very nervous smile on the most awkward moment of her short life so far.
Sans chcukled.
Diana laughed hearing the Whoopee cushion. "Hehe.good one" Allyson smiled and went to the kitchen.

Jackson grabbed flew up to Alex and used his nanites to help him warm up.

Sans chcukled.
She would just back off a little bit and looked around at everyone giggling and smiling a little bit despite the awkwardness on it's own, just trying to smile with them. "That was... interesting." she said still with a faint blush.
She would just back off a little bit and looked around at everyone giggling and smiling a little bit despite the awkwardness on it's own, just trying to smile with them. "That was... interesting." she said still with a faint blush.
"Don't mind Sans jokes". Allyson said. " hungry Ana?"
As Jackson grabs alex, Chroma unleashed a lightning exhale on alex causing electricity to travel to Jackson as the electricity electrocutes him.
Jackson used his nanites and insulated himself keeping him from being electrocuted. He flew alex to the ground and went back to Chroma. "Get... Lost."
Jackson used his nanites and insulated himself keeping him from being electrocuted. He flew alex to the ground and went back to Chroma. "Get... Lost."
She soon pulled out her deagle as she reactivate her vex armor and points her gun at Jackson.
She would blink and seemed a little lost at first before holding her stomach a little bit, nodding with a faint blush. "Yes."
"I'M MAKING SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus said. "uh pappy maybe... tomorrow." Sans said. He didn't think she would want to taste Papyrus' cooking. "what's your name?" He asked.
" does grilled cheese sound good?" She asked.

"I'M MAKING SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus said. "uh pappy maybe... tomorrow." Sans said. He didn't think she would want to taste Papyrus' cooking. "what's your name?" He asked.

She would nod a little naively. "Yes please, grilled cheese sounds good." she said with a smile at Allyson before turning to Sans. "My name is Anastasia, but Ana works."
She would nod a little naively. "Yes please, grilled cheese sounds good." she said with a smile at Allyson before turning to Sans. "My name is Anastasia, but Ana works."
Allyson smiled. " I'm on it." She started gathering everything to make grilled cheese. Anyone else want on?" Diana raised her hand. "Me!"
Jackson put his finger on the barrel and covered it with steel making it impossible to shoot.
She soon grabbed Jackson with her free hand and hit Jackson right in the face with the gun repeatly as her grip on Jackson was tight.
She soon grabbed Jackson with her free hand and hit Jackson right in the face with the gun repeatly as her grip on Jackson was tight.
Jackson's nanites made his skin hard as steel and gave him super strength allowing him to tear from her grasp. He grabbed her arm and threw her down at the ground.
Jackson's nanites made his skin hard as steel and gave him super strength allowing him to tear from her grasp. He grabbed her arm and threw her down at the ground.
She soon stabilize herself and landed on her feet as she changed her element to poison and casted her elemental ward. She soon starts to regen her energy.

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