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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"HELLO HUMAN ALLYSON." Papyrus said returning her hug.

"Delta X 415" She said. "But everyone calls me Diana. They named me." She said.

Allyson smiled. "welcome back"

She would nod with a smile. "That's a nice designation, sounds pretty cool if you ask me. But yeah, Diana is better for an everyday life." she said and giggled at Papyrus' shouting, waving at him once more. "Hell-- HELLO MISTER PAPYRUS." she said with a giggle while trying to return the greetings on his same fashion.
She would nod with a smile. "That's a nice designation, sounds pretty cool if you ask me. But yeah, Diana is better for an everyday life." she said and giggled at Papyrus' shouting, waving at him once more. "Hell-- HELLO MISTER PAPYRUS." she said with a giggle while trying to return the greetings on his same fashion.
Papyrus stared at her for a second. "NYEHEHEH. I LIKE YOU." He said.

Sans walked up to her. "heya." He said holding out his skeletal hand to shake hers.
Papyrus stared at her for a second. "NYEHEHEH. I LIKE YOU." He said.

Sans walked up to her. "heya." He said holding out his skeletal hand to shake hers.

She would just giggle with a faint blush and nodded at him with a big smile. "THANK YOU."
She would nod with a smile. "That's a nice designation, sounds pretty cool if you ask me. But yeah, Diana is better for an everyday life." she said and giggled at Papyrus' shouting, waving at him once more. "Hell-- HELLO MISTER PAPYRUS." she said with a giggle while trying to return the greetings on his same fashion.

Papyrus stared at her for a second. "NYEHEHEH. I LIKE YOU." He said.

Sans walked up to her. "heya." He said holding out his skeletal hand to shake hers.
Allyson chuckled. " looks like you will be getting along well"

Diana shrugged. "Just what I was called after I was made. I like Diana better"
Allyson chuckled. " looks like you will be getting along well"

Diana shrugged. "Just what I was called after I was made. I like Diana better"

"don'tcha know how to greet a new pal. shake my hand." Sans said.

Jackson put his hands in his pockets and walked off

Ana would nod. "Yeah. Diana is easier to say with the mouth." she said before waving at Sans that seemed to be more awake now. "Hello mister Sans, hope you slept well." she said before happily approaching him with a gentle and delicate shake.
Ana would nod. "Yeah. Diana is easier to say with the mouth." she said before waving at Sans that seemed to be more awake now. "Hello mister Sans, hope you slept well." she said before happily approaching him with a gentle and delicate shake.
There was a loud farting noise as Sans gripped her hand. "heheheheheh." He laughed. "whoopee cushion in the hand." Sans said. "SANS! THAT'S COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE!" Papyrus scolded.
There was a loud farting noise as Sans gripped her hand. "heheheheheh." He laughed. "whoopee cushion in the hand." Sans said. "SANS! THAT'S COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE!" Papyrus scolded.

She would squeak and squirm onto the grip, almost backing off with a visible blush on her hand as she froze in there. She looked around before just giving a very nervous smile on the most awkward moment of her short life so far.
Ana would nod. "Yeah. Diana is easier to say with the mouth." she said before waving at Sans that seemed to be more awake now. "Hello mister Sans, hope you slept well." she said before happily approaching him with a gentle and delicate shake.

There was a loud farting noise as Sans gripped her hand. "heheheheheh." He laughed. "whoopee cushion in the hand." Sans said. "SANS! THAT'S COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE!" Papyrus scolded.
Diana laughed hearing the Whoopee cushion. "Hehe.good one" Allyson smiled and went to the kitchen.

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