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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Ana would giggle at Papyrus' exclamation and gave him quite an energetic wave before giving Diana a small regal curtsy. "Thank you!" she said as her hair looked spongy no matter what.
Diana sat up, her white hair covered her face messily as she fixed it. "Whats your name"
"You could have hurt someone." Alex said.

"Spo you're here to invade out privacy?" He asked.[/QUOTE]
She soon to hand sign back to them "I'm a villain, A villain who is highly adaptable. So I study the heroes abilities before I attack them."
"Spo you're here to invade out privacy?" He asked.
She soon to hand sign back to them "I'm a villain, A villain who is highly adaptable. So I study the heroes abilities before I attack them."[/QUOTE]
"Then I guess you do want a fight." Alex changed his arm into a cannon.
When she said stop the room went back to what it was in the training room Snow bring dropped to the floor. with silver walking up to her and looking down at snow.
The snow lepoard kept on crying and looked up at Silver. She scratched his face before running out. Don got up. "That was cruel."
The snow lepoard kept on crying and looked up at Silver. She scratched his face before running out. Don got up. "That was cruel."
Silver took the scratch the side of his face bleeding from it "it would have been even crueler if that would have happen for real, i did it for her own good " Silver said looking at Snow run off
Silver took the scratch the side of his face bleeding from it "it would have been even crueler if that would have happen for real, i did it for her own good " Silver said looking at Snow run off
"If you say so." Don said walking over to him. "You know in a way she still is a child."

Snow ran to Maya still crying. Maya hugs her. "It's okay.."
"Okay, if you don't thats fine too." Diana smiled.

She would nod and smile big. "Rainier mentioned that a couple of times, but I'm not so sure. I think he wanted me to be a little more longer lasting and slightly more resistant than the average human, he never mentioned me about a power in specific. As in, a cool superpower some of his friends he mentioned while doing his stuff." she said.
She would nod and smile big. "Rainier mentioned that a couple of times, but I'm not so sure. I think he wanted me to be a little more longer lasting and slightly more resistant than the average human, he never mentioned me about a power in specific. As in, a cool superpower some of his friends he mentioned while doing his stuff." she said.
She tilted her head. "What do you mean? He wanted you to be more resistant? I'm confused."
She soon to hand sign back to them "I'm a villain, A villain who is highly adaptable. So I study the heroes abilities before I attack them."
"Then I guess you do want a fight." Alex changed his arm into a cannon.[/QUOTE]
She soon change her elemental to ice and uses both vex armor and elemental ward as she soon to have a white aura around her.
Diana still looked confused. "Did he make you?" Allyson turned to her. "Ana is a clone like you." She smiled. "Oh."

She giggles with a very deep blush and nodded quite eagerly now. "Oh yes, I'm a Prime Clone or something like that. But yes! Allyson did mentioned me you were a clone too." she smiled big.
Diana slid off the chair and looked up at her, still being upsidedown. Her crayons were now on the ground. "Ooo pretty hair. " Allyson heard Papyrus and smiled. "Paps!" She ran over and gave him a hug.
"HELLO HUMAN ALLYSON." Papyrus said returning her hug.

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