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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Chroma soon changed elemental to ice then activates vex armor and elemental armor together as she held up her guard.
Jackson stopped. At this point he was getting an idea what that armor did. He stopped the attacked and went to the floor. He put his hands on the ground and turned the ground under her into quicksand.
Jackson stopped. At this point he was getting an idea what that armor did. He stopped the attacked and went to the floor. He put his hands on the ground and turned the ground under her into quicksand.
She soon exhale her icy breath on the quicksand to freezing it quickly as she soon got onto a tree.
She soon exhale her icy breath on the quicksand to freezing it quickly as she soon got onto a tree.
Jackson went over to Alex. He put two fingers to his head and locked onto Sans' energy. He used instant transmission taking them to the house instantly.
Jackson went over to Alex. He put two fingers to his head and locked onto Sans' energy. He used instant transmission taking them to the house instantly.
Chroma smiled under the mask as she changed her elemental to fire and begins exhale fire around to start a large forest fire.
Diana turned. "Jackson! Alex! What happened?"
"No time to talk be back soon." Jackson said using instant transmission.

Chroma smiled under the mask as she changed her elemental to fire and begins exhale fire around to start a large forest fire.
He returned to Chroma. He inhaled deeply a blew out the fire. "We need to take this somewhere else." He said. He held out his hand. "Let's find another place."
"No time to talk be back soon." Jackson said using instant transmission.

He returned to Chroma. He inhaled deeply a blew out the fire. "We need to take this somewhere else." He said. He held out his hand. "Let's find another place."
Allyson heard them enter as soon as she finished making the grilled cheese. She glanced at Alex. "I'll get my tool box"
"No time to talk be back soon." Jackson said using instant transmission.

He returned to Chroma. He inhaled deeply a blew out the fire. "We need to take this somewhere else." He said. He held out his hand. "Let's find another place."
Chroma glared at Jackson as she held her deagle.
Jackson and Alex had teleported into the house. Jackson had left right away leaving Alex who was unconscious. Allyson had finished the grilled cheese and saw them. "I'm getting my tool box."
Ana waited patiently with a big smile before looking at Alex, gasping with a worried face: "W-what happened to him?!"

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