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Fantasy success full villians

Harold was speechless, "Wow... that's... good!" he was reapeating things in his head along the lines of 'remember that he is a guy', 'how are they so hot', 'holy shit' and other things.
Amber sat on a bench somewhere in the middle of Onyx City. She felt cold as the wind blew against her arms and neck. Her legs were tightened beneath her shirt in attempts to stay warm. She was wondering when or if she was going to eat her next meal. She had no idea where she even was and wondered how she could even find food. Passerbys didn't seem very charitable, but she was running out of options. A tear began to run down her face as her eyes turned a deep blue.
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Harold was speechless, "Wow... that's... good!" he was reapeating things in his head along the lines of 'remember that he is a guy', 'how are they so hot', 'holy shit' and other things.

lazarus grinned widely. "good. this was one of my new ones. " he told him and giggled. lazarus loved his clothes. he had so many. "oh by the way you can share my room,it would probly make sense if you did."
"Uh, sure?" Harold was having a tiny mental breakdown, "lead the way"
lazarus nodded and started to walk back to the room he came from and gestured to the master room door which had a rose painted on it. "this one that i just walked out of...it's my room. " he then looked up at him with his amber eyes. "we don't have to go in right now,i presume you want to look around and maybe even eat something?"
"Ah, I have no idea. Why kind of food is available? My name is Harold Eisenthiys. I understand that it is a mouth full, but remember to pronounce it correctly; for it would be odd to forget your own last name. Also, it really bothers me when people pronounce it as 'Eyes en thighs'. Just confirming, what did you want me to call you when in disguise?"
"Ah, I have no idea. Why kind of food is available? My name is Harold Eisenthiys. I understand that it is a mouth full, but remember to pronounce it correctly; for it would be odd to forget your own last name. Also, it really bothers me when people pronounce it as 'Eyes en thighs'. Just confirming, what did you want me to call you when in disguise?"

"hmm well,a variety of things. there's plenty of fresh ingredients stocked,i didn't expect things to happen the way they did. " he said crossing his arms. he thought for a moment. "if i am to be your wife it would be iris Eisenthiys,right?...."
Harold stood motionless for a brief moment, "You are the first person to pronounce it correctly the first time you said it..." He shook himself out of it, "We could make a lovely hand tossed salad if you would like?"
Harold stood motionless for a brief moment, "You are the first person to pronounce it correctly the first time you said it..." He shook himself out of it, "We could make a lovely hand tossed salad if you would like?"
"am i? " he asked tilting his head to the side. Lazarus grinned booping harold in the nose. he then grabbed out the necessary ingredients and a knife and bowl."very well." he said starting to make it. "anything else??"

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
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Harold raised an eyebrow, "More? Well, I guess sorry fresh fruit would be amazing"
he got some strawberries,bananas,and apples out cutting up slices as well. he got out a mix of berries putting the fruit into a seprate bowl. he also made a nice cranberry salad dressing as well as a smoothie.
Harold stood there for a second, "You are really good at cooking..."


Amber got up and began walking, she almost felt as if she was out of energy. She needed to find shelter, for rain drops have begun to fall. Her tears grew and her face flashed from blue to regular. She saw a building up ahead, The Golden Lady, maybe she would be allowed to stay there.
Harold stood there for a second, "You are really good at cooking..."


Amber got up and began walking, she almost felt as if she was out of energy. She needed to find shelter, for rain drops have begun to fall. Her tears grew and her face flashed from blue to regular. She saw a building up ahead, The Golden Lady, maybe she would be allowed to stay there.

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he smiled and got out the silverware setting everything nicely on a tray. he then carried it over to the table setting it up delicately. "okay try it"
he sat across from him observing him eat as he stared at him cutely. he smiled with a slight sparkle in his eyes. "it is? that's good!" he told him slightly excited with his answer.

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Harold continued eating

Amber walked up to the doorway and looked inside for anyone that may be there.
after he watched him eat he stood up and took any dishes after he was done. "so i assume you'd like to explore the manor?" he asked softly and came to stand beside him awaiting his anwser.

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he ran his fingers through his soft white hair keeping his amber eyes on harold. "this way then.." he echoed softly and took his hand without thinking pulling him along gently. he led him to the labs.

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Harold was again in a mental panic. It was slightly visible on his face. However, Lazarus did not see.
they had entered the labs after lazarus showed him the way pushing open the white doors. the labs were large and full of everything from materials to specialized stations and even bookshelves. there were many containers of substances of many kinds lining glass shelves in special containers. the room itself was white,chrome,crisp,and clean smelling of fresh cleaning materials. there were bright lights hanging over head and many creatures could be seen in protected cages from animals to hybrids. lazarus looked up at him with his amber eyes on harold once more. "are you ok?"he asked softly pausing as he was concerned for his new master.

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983

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