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Fantasy success full villians

akira tilts her head eyeing him closely and curiously as she drew her pipe to her lips. "so who are you supposed to be,hm? " she asked blowing puffs of smoke glancing away. "also,i'm not from around here..."
she was grinning at warsaw then exhaled turning her gaze to terror biting down on her pipe. "hm.. for starters that is correct i just showed up but,i have no damn clue where i am. secondly,you two are the first i met. thirdly, and most importantly you two were hiding and that means you're up to something...if you don't want me to interfere with whatever business you have i suggest you help me out here." she explained as her eyes flickered. "plus,if you're nice to me i'll reward you." she said with a grin.

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her eye twitched in irritation. warsaw pissed her off. fire began to burn around her suddenly starting to grow from her body obviously controlled by her irritation. "important or not you could atleast not act like a total ass! zero manners!" she growled.
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EvelynX31 EvelynX31
Terror "forgive him, he tends not to have any" he placed his hand on the handle of his sword in case of a fight
Warsaw shoots his grapple on top of a building and grapples up disappearing from sight
Nerek walks over to her "you pick, just something interesting"
she growled deeply looking at him narrowing her red eyes. her fire continued to burn around her as it consumed her lower half as her eyes glowed. she was very much pissed. "fine. but i'm serious,i'm not from here...from another world infact and i could use some help. i know you're busy and all but don't just leave me alone."

EvelynX31 EvelynX31
Harold grabbed Lazarus' shoulder. "That's good to know. Now, shall we go to the place of residence?"
Terror let go of his sword and pointed in the direction of the club, "there is a club called the Golden Lady, in that direction, it should open soon"
Harold grabbed Lazarus' shoulder. "That's good to know. Now, shall we go to the place of residence?"
"yes,we shall. and if anything i don't think anyone will question this though if anything you can say Artemis silverstein was my father as he was rather much older than you and he had taken me in at a young age, he wanted someone to keep his legacy going and his studies...i even carry some of his dna. i'm suprised he didn't leave plans to clone himself." he said smiling thinking of his old master.
akira exhaled deeply calming down once she got a answer and her flames subsided. "thankyou." she told him and turned away starting to walk in that direction. she headed for the golden lady.


lazarus walked beside him leading the way to the manor. when they got there he walked to the door unlocking it and walked inside. the house was huge and very interesting with alot of inventions and weird stuff all over the place. "the faimly rooms are this way... the guest rooms are in the opposite wing...dressing rooms and the baths are located in the master rooms. kitchen and other rooms are down stairs, the lab on the other hand is underground...if you have any questions or need my service just say so. also,i ask you be careful...there's other creatures that live here. " he explained as he headed into the main master bedroom and exhaled stripping off his ruined clothes before heading for the shower to clean himself up.
Harold looked at his surroundings. He was intrigued by almost everything around him. He almost wanted to explore more, but remembered what Lazarus said about the other creatures.
lazarus finished taking a shower and decided to take scissors cutting off his long hair and fixed it. he then decided to get dressed and everything before coming out. "how's this?"


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