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Fantasy success full villians

He opens the door and steps in then turns on the light to show an outfit and some weapons with plaques under them "this is my old partners stuff and room"
"Yeah but he died a few years ago, his name was dark hawk" he goes over to a sword and picks it up and brings it over to her "this was his weapon of choice, still don't know what was special about it"
Terror find's information on a doctor Nerek is a associated with and decides to go to his clinic to question him, leaving Warsaw behind
a hole tore open spitting out akira and she landed on her butt with loud thud. growling she got up brushing herself off looking around. "where the hell am i? STUPID PORTALS!" she growled and shook her head. she started walking lighting her pipe.
akira inhales deeply and exhales blowing rings of smoke. "mm..that's the good shit hahaa." she grinned widely. that smile faded as she turned around with a woosh holding her pipe and her eyes flickered glowing. "come out. now."
akira stares at him taking a deep inhale from her pipe as she moves forward slowly eyeing him. she draws her lips away from the pipe exhaling deeply blowing a heavy cloud of smoke right in terror's face. she gave a toothy grin snickering."who the hell are you?....and why the hell were you hiding?" she asked tilting her head and snickered taking another hit from her pipe. she was obviously high off her ass.
Harold finished up the procedure, "Arm is finished! How does it feel?"
(Sorry, for some reason it won't notify me about this rp sometimes. Also, it doesn't show some posts occasionally. It sucks)
After virus was looking around at everything she walked out and closed the door behind her and went to her room. she fabricated a sign that said virus on it and stuck it to the door.
she raised a brow."oh?" she then started to follow terror out of curiosity at first only to glance back stopping. "...i know you're there too." she said loudly to Warsaw.

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