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Dice Storm King's Thunder: Rolls

Ehlark Longbow Attack
(Advantage from Natural Explorer Class Feat)
14 + 6 = 20 vs 18

Ehlark Longbow Damage: 5 + 4 (Dexterity) + 2 (Favored Enemy) = 11
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orc war chief multiattack
(vs sasha, then athaclenna)

14 total damage vs sasha
miss vs athaclenna
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Shortbow bois move 30ft ahead and 2 aim for Hommett (disadvantage because +80ft)

Xolkin AC 15 HP 12
Elf lady AC 12 HP 12
Hommett AC 10 HP 13
Merc AC 12 HP 11

One of each goblins fights a mercenary
Rest of goblins (6 of them) go for the party (all use dash action + diagonal movements + each gets one bonus action disengage so no attacks of opportunities triggered)

Goblin leader vs Xolkin
Doesn't get to go cuz he ate holy fire and an arrow
5 goblins melee vs mercs
20 hits: 6 damage vs S1
22 hits: 8 damage vs S2
18 hits: 6 damage vs Elf lady
nat 20: 10 damage vs S3
23 hits: 3 damage vs S4
2 goblins ranged vs Hommett (disadvantage)
13 hits: 7 damage vs H
19 hits: 8 damage vs H
Total 15 damage versus Hommett (man down)
1 goblin ranged vs merc (disadvantage)
16 hits: total 3 damage versus S5

Xolkin vs goblin 13
5 misses
6 mercs melee vs goblins
18 hits: 7 damage vs goblin 6
12 misses
16 hits: 4 damage vs goblin 8
17 hits: 7 damage vs goblin 10
10 misses
13 misses
Hommett pees pants
It's super effective

Goblins 1-6 use dash as action
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Dexterity Check (+2); Total: 7 vs 10 - Fail
Acrobatics Check (+2); Total: 3 vs 8 - Fail (Prone)
Damage: 5 bludgeoning
Shield of Faith Concentration Check (+0): 10 vs 10 (Shield of Faith remains up for the time being)
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More spells!
Bonus Action: Healing Word (Hommett); Total Health: 2 + 5 = 7 hp
Action: Sacred Flame (G1); Dex Saving Throw: 10 + 2 = 12 vs DC 15 (Fail)
1d8 damage: 7 - Goblin at 0
Shield of Faith still up, remaining prone, 0 spell slots remain
DC 12 (didn't understand verbal warning) Dex saves for Goblins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8
1: 12 - ok
2: 20 - ok
3: 11 - athletics ok - 2 damage
4: 15 - ok
5: 5 - athletics ok - 5 damage
8: 3 - athletics ok - 4 damage
DC 8 dex save for Goblin 13, 14 + Xolkin, Elf lady, S5
13: 5 - athletics ok - 4 damage
14: 3 - athletics fail - 6 damage
Xolkin: 4 - athletics ok - 3 damage
Elf lady: 21 - ok
S5: 12 - ok

DC 8 athletics/acrobatics checks for those that got hit (6)
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hit dice (short rest) 1d8+0 = 6, brings her to 9/13
Perception Check? for other living people 1d20 + 5 = 13
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