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Fantasy Star Mage Academy

Teva Caledon
Teva sighed deeply while sitting on the ledge of the stage slightly swinging her feet, contently. I wonder where I will be placed. "So, Rygat, you're 18? You don't look like it." She looked at him, I really didn't expect him to be that young, though he is an alien, so his species aging system may be a little from humans'.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Other interactions(?); Mandalay Mandalay
(I'm assuming the characters learned the stuff like that.)
(yeah, at the very least it probably wouldve shown up in conversation or something)

Rygat sat next to her, one leg dangling down the side of the stage while the other was propped on the floor. As he rested his arm on his raised knee, he chuckles slightly. "Technically, to my kind, I'm not even half a year old with how long our solar orbit is. But, I see we are pretty much the same age, are we not?" He says, somewhat surprised. Humans always looked so young to him, even the older ones, but he guesses that's what happens when they don't have scales to base their age from.

Kumii Kumii Mandalay Mandalay
Teva Caledon
Teva brought her legs up and crossed them and put her arms around her legs and laid her head, at least her chin in it, I have so many questions to ask him, the more I think about it. The more it scares me that I'll offend him in some way. She sighed, "Yeah, just about." She said, I mean he seems pretty chill, but.. it's that fear of the unknown again.. She closed her eyes and shook her head, "Hey, so is your race.. like.. immortal? Can you die?" She started with that.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Mandalay Mandalay
Cete could be seen hanging ou by the dark of the stage, looking as other spoke to themselves. Cete didn't really want to speak with humans, but at the same time it should learn stuff about them or maybe get some information, that can help out it's own kind. Sure Arklut were very rare creatures that known had seen until recently and they lived for a long time, but Cete didn't think Humans knew anything about them besides they being creatures of ice and located on the deepest part of Antarctica, or different planets, depending if they we're full of ice or not. "Cete is bore and humans have been talking to each others for so long, Cete doesn't know what to think of them." Cete had never met any other creatures before, mostly because it's kind were solitary creatures that only got stuck with it's own kind never any other.
Mentioned: Kumii Kumii The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Squad Assignments - Company 182B - Captain Aiko Himawari

Dominick Ridge ( PicaPirate PicaPirate ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Dominick, or Dom as he prefers to be called, is your average soldier but I can see potential in his eyes. However he lacks the ability to work with others, let alone make any friends. My hope is that training with his new comrades will lighten up his attitude.

Kaito Sekoren ( MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Kaito is.. a good kid. His background is tragic and I believe it's given him unsavory qualities. Yet I can tell that he has been through much and understands what his job is, and eager to learn. I believe he will get along quickly with his comrades.

Asem Inju Madiev ( Aio Aio ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Asem is full of potential and is a no-nonsense kind of person. Yet she lacks empathy and that can be dangerous and harmful to her comrades. However I believe training with her new comrades will give her a chance to truly meet her new team and I believe she can easily climb the Squad Ranks.

Glash ( BlightGiver BlightGiver ) - BETA
[]Captain's Note: Glash impressed me. It was hard to understand them or it or whatever Glash truly is but they are clearly a being with great poise and intelligence, the perfect soldier to strategics. I only hope that it will learn to open themselves to more than...themselves. The potential in this being is immense but this tiny negativity could be the breaking point..

Teva Caledon ( Kumii Kumii ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Teva is average but her intelligence levels are impressive. Give her more confidence and I can see a Beta out of her in no time.

Keke ( animegirl20 animegirl20 ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: I have no words for this CAT. I am unsure if she's fully understanding her commitment. Very aloof but may have hidden talents, waiting to emerge.

Kypher Hawthorne ( Kloudy Kloudy ) - DELTA
[]Captain's Note: Kypher is a good soldier, may not be good with people, but a good soldier. He has the potential to become a Beta but I wasn't ready to give him that high position quite yet. When he proves himself in training and in the field, I will re-evaluate him.

Ellie Silver (@Flowër Powër ) - DELTA
[]Captain's Note: Loyalty is apparent to this one. She's an excellent soldier, that much is clear and she won't lose her nerve in battle, I just want her to connect with her soldiers easier.

Eros Odin Phobos ( Mandalay Mandalay ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: This is one hell of a moody kid. He has potential but he needs true confidence and needs to lose his false egotistical nature.

Jayla Nova Isidora ( Mandalay Mandalay ) - DELTA
[]Captain's Note: Jayla knows how to talk to others. She is constantly brightening the room around her. However she needs to understand that everyone, including herself, needs to be true to themselves and to be open.

Cete Orcinus ( Lazy Taco Lazy Taco ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Loyal kid and strong. I wanted him to become a Beta, had he been older with more experience. I expect much from this recruit. I pray he does not disappoint me.

Zikame ( Will_0121 Will_0121 ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Loner at times but can be good at judgement. Average but potential is always there.

Rygat Darastrix ( The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald ) - DELTA
[]Captain's Note: This guy scared the hell out of me when he approached but his potential was abundantly clear. Reading upon his species, his calm demeanor is a rarity and I won't waste that potential. I will not be surprised if he is promoted quickly.

Marissa Gem Yellowtail (@B R E E Z E ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: This one's a mess. She requires a lot of empathy. I can see a lot in her and I'll be damned if I lose a recruit from a battle by herself. Perhaps I will pair her with Jayla..

Synth ( That Lass Over There That Lass Over There ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Above average soldier. I want to see more of him. When I see his training and it's as good as I predict, I'll be there to hand him his Delta badge.

Vask ( Souldymono Souldymono ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: What a nutjob this one is. He'll need a lot of work but he has a lot of power. Vask, I hope, will lighten up soon and not scare away new recruits..

Amara ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ) - BETA
[]Captain's Note: An ancient being that even I could tell just by looking at her. This is the definition of a leader. I want her in Alpha but I just need a bit more observation..

Midas Worth ( Mistory Mistory ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: The silent protector. Always lending a hand but yet never mingles with his fellow comrades. His only flaw is that he seems to be battling himself inside. I want to see more of him.

Mikahil (@Mikahil ) - OMEGA
[]Captain's Note: Not much on him. Hard to read. Seems average but I've read that his anger is apparent in battle. I must keep that in check, or perhaps unleash it when the time is due.
Jayla- 17- shapeshifter
The girl's heart pounded against her chest. Jayla's body buzzed with excitement. She showed it through movement: squirming in line while waiting to be assigned, playing with her hair while talking to Rygat and Teva, and currently, pacing back and forth in elegant steps. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. She tried to stay focused on the conversation on hand, but her mind was consumed with the future. She blinked, returning her gaze to her new friends. Teva had just asked Rygat a questioned. "Yeah," Jayla chipped in. "Tell us more about your race."
Kumii Kumii The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Rygat was somewhat surprised about her strange line of questioning, but sort of enjoyed it. He did see himself more curious than most of his kind and only saw it as fair to return the favour. "Well, we live for ages, but we die like most creatures. The oldest Hatibahu I know of lived for around 200 years. I guess that would be about...8000 in your time?" He says, not really sure how she may react to such a thing. He hears someone behind him talking, but he really isn't sure who he was talking to and his friends had questions...of which Jayla chipped in. "Oh, you want to know more of my kind?", he says with a proud smile, "Well, we live on a planet far away from here. The planet itself is more like a huge ball of mountains, and as a result we evolved to be big enough to scale such mountains, or to fly. However, we also evolved to be able to do the things only small creatures can do effectively - building, sneaking, etcetera. So, we soon evolved to be able to switch between the two. Unfortunately, with this came a lot of...territorial disputes. There aren't many of us left now, and we have a much shorter life expectancy." He says, but not really in a way that might seem sad or regretful. He was almost proud of his ability to let things go, and it helped him survive much longer than usually expected.

Kumii Kumii Mandalay Mandalay Lazy Taco Lazy Taco

( Akihito Akihito , is there like a board or something that ou characters go to find this out or...?)
Teva Caledon
Teva nodded, "And you're not bothered that you have a short life expectancy?" She asked, "Ah, what am I saying." She sat there quietly, at a loss of what to ask him, not because she was afraid but because she couldn't think of anything else, "Is there anything you wanna know about us?" She asked after a few moments pause.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Mandalay Mandalay
Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions
Eros wasn't surprised at his placement: Omega. He had never been particularly good at school, aside from being popular. It'd be different being on the bottom of the chain, though. He frowned, slightly disappointed. On one hand, he thought that perhaps his powers deserved a higher ranking. It stung knowing that his low-ranking was most likely due to his inability to handle them. Eros sighed. His blue eyes searched the crowd for other potential omegas. The boy decided that he needed friends; it made him uncomfortable not knowing many people.

[Open for interaction.]

Jayla listened attentively, her purple eyes wide, as Rygat spoke. "Wow, that's so interesting!" the girl said enthusiastically once the male was finished. "You guys live for so long," she commented, her voice trailing off. The girl became lost in thought again, her purple eyes dreamy. She wondered, who else would be in her squad? Would she have a roommate? What classes and training would there be? Her eyes snapped back to Teva as the girl spoke. "Yeah, I bet it's weird interacting with humans," Jayla echoed.
Kumii Kumii The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Last edited:
Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions
Eros wasn't surprised at his placement: Omega. He had never been particularly good at school, aside from being popular. It'd be different being on the bottom of the chain, though. He frowned, slightly disappointed. On one hand, he thought that perhaps his powers deserved a higher ranking. It stung knowing that his low-ranking was most likely due to his inability to handle them. Eros sighed. His blue eyes searched the crowd for other potential omegas. The boy decided that he needed friends; it made him uncomfortable not knowing many people.

[Open for interaction.]

Jayla listened attentively, her purple eyes wide, as Rygat spoke. "Wow, that's so interesting!" the girl said enthusiastically once the male was finished. "You guys live for so long," she commented, her voice trailing off. Her gaze turned to Teva. "What do you do?"
Kumii Kumii The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

(EDIT: whoops I got ninja'ed. I'll edit jayla in a hot sec)
Rygat shrugs his broad shoulders as he looks at Jayla. "Eh, not really. It's like interacting with anybody else, to be honest. And as for learning about humans...there's not really much to learn about them except what individuals humans can do. It's why I'm so interested in everyone's talents - I like seeing how strong different races are compared to my own, you know?" He says with the honesty of an angel as he looks at them both, replying to them simultaneously. He felt lucky that he had already made such a variety of species as his new friends, but he admits he didn't know much about them. "So...I think the Captain has decided who's where, so should we look?"

Mandalay Mandalay Kumii Kumii
Kai wasn't surprised that he was placed in Omega. Firstly, he was a new guy. This meant he'd have to prove himself if he wanted to be higher up. Secondly, he was rusty with his abilities. When he was younger he didn't have to hide his abilities as much. His Mom happily let him and his sister to practice but once she passed and his sister went missing, he forced himself to stop using his abilities for his own safety. Lastly, being able to only wield a less violent weapon compared to others put him at risk from attack. He wasn't surprised that he was considered an Omega. Omegas were lone wolves. He was a lone wolf. He continued to create shapes using water. It wast like he had anything better to do.
"Omega..." Synth's mouth formed the word as he leaned against the wall, having migrated to a corner as soon as he had told Aiko his information. He wasn't exactly made to be outgoing or the one to initiate things in social situations, take the lead so to say, so he was a bit exhausted. Taking the lead was all he had been doing so far, after all. Whether or not it seemed big to others, going out and searching for allies, making conversation and befriending people for the sake of victory wasn't something he was used to doing at all. After being so tired from so little, Synth understood why Aiko hadn't put him in a higher squad. However, even though it was praise, Synth's heart stung after reading a portion of her comment on him; "When I see his training and it's as good as I predict, I'll be there to hand him his Delta badge." Even though it was unwarranted, even though he knew the thought was wrong, he couldn't help but wonder if that meant that Delta was as far as Aiko expected him to go.

Is Delta really the stopping point for me? Is it truly impossible for me to climb above the mediocre worker class with my abilities?

Will I get stuck, watching everyone here surpass me? Seeing people rise up has always been a favorite sight of mine, but what will I have to bring home to Mom after hitting such a discouraging, impossibl wall known as potential?

[open for interaction]
Teva Caledon
Teva hoped off the stage and landed like a child would, arms out in a 'T'. She a had sinking that this would probably be the last time she would see both Jayla and Rygat, though she hoped it wasn't true, she turned and looked at them expectantly before turning back around and running off to where the squads postings were listed, arriving before both of them.

"Hmm let's see.. Rygat... Delta. Jayla is also Delta, Me.. I'm.." Her heart feel, "Omega." It looked like she had to make new friends, though she held herself high on the chance they could work together someday, she kept a smile on her face and nodded once. She saw the same man from earlier there too, "Excuse me, did I hear you say Omega?" She asked Synth.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Mandalay Mandalay That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
He smiles at Jayla, hearing that there are on the same squad, but sighs as he hears the sadness in Teva's voice. With his strong hand, he pats her shoulder while saying 'Good luck' to her, all with a smile on his face. After all, just because there were on different teams doesn't mean they could still be friends. He lets her go to her new squad, while returning to Jayla. "Should we look for our new squad as well?" He felt somewhat disappointed that only one of his new friends were on the same team as him, but it is as his people say 'Batobot ui filki wer idol youwei shinalt'.

Kumii Kumii Mandalay Mandalay
Synth looked up, but in spite of his discomfort with the idea of interacting right now he smiled at the girl that had approached him. "Yes, I did. I kind of wish I got evaluated better, but it can't be helped since I'm not really experienced in combat. What about you? Are you in Omega as well?" Synth felt a bit better when he had seen on the board that the vast majority were starting as Omegas, especially Midas.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Synth, and yours?" Synth inwardly slapped himself for forgetting the basics of meeting a new person. Especially if they were in Omega, it was a large possibility that they would work together at some point, and Synth wouldn't want to be remembered as rude at that time.
Kumii Kumii
Teva Caledon
Teva looked back at Rygat and Jayla until Synth's question caught her attention, "Oh, uhm, sorry. Yeah, I'm in Omega and my name is Teva." She looked at Synth and raised an eyebrow, "Sorry if I'm rude, but are you human or..?" She was curious, he looked human but wasn't too sure about it.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Synth frowned for a moment when the question was asked. Even if he didn't have any large lingering feelings about that part of his past, it still happened, and while he was willing to talk about it it was a sensitive thing. "I'm basically a human, yeah. I don't have a biological mother or father as far as I know of, though. I came out of a set of experiments to improve humans at the base, called the 'Ascended' project. You might have heard of it, it was a big genetic engineering fiasco that got the project shut down." Synth squeezed his right arm that was the size one would expect to see in a healthy male that doesn't exercise much. "Believe it or not, I can lift 60 kg with these arms. I'm actually really buff, since I exercised a lot when I thought of coming here, but that's as big as my arms get. My trait - the result of genetic manipulation - is super dense muscle mass. It's kind of hilarious, actually." Synth chuckled, remembering comical situations that his trait had resulted in. "I have other abilities, but I was born with them."

"And? What about you?" Synth looked at Teva expectantly, enjoying his talking with her.

Kumii Kumii
Teva Caledon
Teva looked at Synth, "The Ascended Project.. I have heard of it, but I don't know much about it." She didn't ask him to give her his story, just if he was human, but can't be helped, "Yeah, I'm 100% pure human, I dont have any fancy genetics in me other then the fact I can create my own fire. Unlike you, though, I knew my parents though be it a short time." Now that she thinks about it, her above average intelligence is genetics, "Well come to think of it, I am above the average in intelligence. The people who determined this classified me as 'Robotic Intelligence' while others said I was, 'Artificial Intelligence'. I'm not a robot and I'm certainly not--" She cut herself off, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't trouble you with my full past. That is to say, though that this 'above average' is above the average of scientists."

She paused and thought for a moment, "The short version, I am human, with a few quirks that make me who I am. Just like you."
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Asem looked down at the assignment she was given. It wasn't as if she was taken back by her place as she knew it was probably for the best although she couldn't say she was all to happy with the note attatched. lacks empathy... She thought and although she knew she could come off as unempathetic she couldn't help but feel slightly taken aback. She was working on it, and hoped it showed although when one is treated like a moster for so long it is hard to make connections. But she vowed she would try harder. Happy to work her way up although saddened by the reasoning for her being assigned Omega in the first place. She looked to find everyone had paired off yet again, pursing her lips as she sighed. Finding it would be a lot harder than she first assumed to prove that she had empathy.
Synth grinned at Teva, nodding his head after hearing her story. "Cool!" Honestly, though, all Synth had paid attention to was the part about her intelligence and the part about fire. An image quickly formed in his head of the girl in front of him spitting out fire with wings made of fire spouting from her back, like a dragon from a story of old. "So, if you have high intelligence, do you like games? If you're as good as you say you are, I'd like to take you on in Starcraft. I've never been beaten in that game, as well as other RTSs, regardless of what tournament I go to. It would be nice to have some fresh competition, and you might really enjoy it!" The idea took seed in his head, and he couldn't help but hope. Synth was universally acknowledged as a champion of strategy games, especially those of the real time set up, and rarely knew defeat. It was the one thing he never drove himself hard about, and he really enjoyed commanding everything from small tactical squads to large armies that numbered in the hundreds of thousands. There were even times when he would roleplay out such scenarios instead of relying on a set game system, and he still rarely met his match.

Essentially, he was super stoked to see the "new challenger approaches" system message.

Kumii Kumii
Teva Caledon
Teva stared at Synth blankly, My god... The look she was giving him was the look of friendly judgement. She snickered, "Your silly!" She said, "Though my strength doesn't really stand in with strategy, I'm more of a tactician and mathematics expert." She gave him a warm smile, "If I do face you, it won't be much of a challenge for you." I like Synth, he's a fun person. He says some silly stuff and looks like he's always thinking. I can see the estatic look on his face. To her, Synth felt like the type of person who she would get along with, so she tried not to do or say anything too harsh to him.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Cete had to growl at what rank it was assigned. It was a freaking Beta not an Omega, but it decided to sight when it realized it couldn't do anything about it. Cete felt it was mostly because it has never been partnered up with other creatures, heck this was the first time Cete has ever seen every type of creatures here. Look closely, Cete saw someone that was alone and decided to walk toward her. "Hello human." It didn't know what else to call her, so human was the most reasonable name to give her, well unless the human was something else. Aio Aio
Asem looked over at the man who called her out. Human? She thought, although this the appearance she portrayed she supposed she looked the most human out of all the aliens, although that could change. "Hello...male." She spoke, looking him over before stuffing the piece of paper in one of her pockets. "Do you just assume everyone is human?" She questioned him, raising an eyebrow to further the effect. She was not angry that he assumed she was human but then again why would someone ever start off by calling one out on their race.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
Synth shook his head, grinning. "If you say so. Everyone has a learning phase, so who knows? After a few times, it might be you that stands at the pinnacle, and I wouldn't stand a chance." The same as Teva, Synth was enjoying the conversation. Unlike the rules-based girl from before, Teva was agreeable and easy to open up to, so more of his personality showed itself when he spoke. It was like talking with a friend back home, except newly meeting them all over again. "Ah, you told my about your power, didn't you? Guess I should tell you mine then. It's nothing flashy like instant barbecue, but I can make objects into sentient beings called golems and give them orders. I can also manipulate things from a distance using a string of energy - it's my most used ability, and will probably continue to be since the first one isn't really useful in combat against super powerful people." Synth payed close attention to Teva's face, curious of what she thought of his abilities. Everyone typically thought of his abilities as super weak for someone that wants to fight, but he wanted to hear Teva's opinion.

Kumii Kumii

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