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Fantasy Star Mage Academy

Asem pursed her lips as she looked down at her arms, tracing one of the runes to pass the time. She would let the two talk about their past, honestly she was amazed that theu did not know more about where they came from. She personally knew of her lineage, that could be due to the books written about her father, or perhaps her mothers costant babbling when she came to the end oof her life. She would let the two chat, mainly because she felt as though they did not really appreciate her presence, which was understandable.

So there she sat, tracing the runes on her arms as she pushed back her past in her mind, not caring to think about that at this point in time. Finally she nodded to the males remark about working, honestly growing antsy as they were to sit and wait here untile further notice.

Mistory Mistory That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Jayla swallowed. Her suspicions had been confirmed: she had definitely annoyed the girl who introduced herself as Teva. A spike of anxiety shot through her chest. It was fairly easy for her to make friends, this was uncharted territory. She didn't want to make any enemies so early in her adventure at the academy. Her heart pounded. Jayla gave an offhanded laugh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything," she said, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "I'm Jayla!" Despite her anxiety of potentially upsetting Teva, the girl spoke cheerfully. Her purple eyes confidently met the gaze of the two others. I'm fine, see, this is fine. With a lopsided smile, she shook the red hand of Rygat.

After Rygat had finished his warm introduction, Jayla was startled to see Teva holding back laughter. Jayla furrowed her eyebrows, glancing between the two students. Did she miss another social cue? Normally this wasn't such a problem. The girl inwardly groaned. Why can't I make friends today? Jayla twirled a long strand of blonde hair around her finger. "I'm not familiar with your race," she commented. "And I'm a shapeshifter!"
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Kumii Kumii
Rygat looks, for a quick second, at Teva with a mixture of confusion and a 'What are you on about?' accusatory glance, unsure of what she was on about with her question. Soon enough, though, he turns back to Jayla after hearing her answer. He wasn't surprised that she also has never heard of his species - they were very rare as it was, especially out of their homeworld. The second part surprises him, however. "Ahh, so that's why you have purple eyes. I'm also a shapeshifter, somewhat. What can you turn into?" He says with a curious tone.

Mandalay Mandalay Kumii Kumii
Teva Caledon
Teva wasn't actually holding back laughter, for most it was hard to get a read on her exact emotions. She turned to face them like nothing even happened, she said nothing and just observed the two. To her, Jayla didn't look any less human then she did, however, Rygat's question peaked her curiosity just as much as it did his. However she remained silent until she was addressed, her expression much more serious now, serious with information learning.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Mandalay Mandalay
"Nearly anything," Jayla replied with a grin. "The closer it is to my body-type, the easier. Like, elves, vampires, angels, fairies. Those are easy," she explained, "But if I wanna change into something harder, like, a whole different animal or creature, that's a bit more complicated. I can do it, it just takes a lot of time and energy. And potential fainting". Jayla gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "What can you do? You said sort-of shapeshifting?" she asked, aiming the question at Rygat.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Kumii Kumii
Alright, and that's it. Time to start up this. Aiko sighed to herself. Speeches were always her weakness. She wasn't good being in front of a big crowd. Squad members? No problem. Thousands of dark enemies? Throw 'em at her. But not crowds filled with parents and new recruits, filled with aliens and humans of all kinds.

"Alright. Welcome to Star Mage Academy." Aiko said somewhat awkwardly. "Recruits, this is the day where you all become something more than your average being. You have chosen to do something greater with your life. You have chosen to protect this universe. The multitude of it all. To give up your life to protect those who cannot defend themselves. You all chose to become Star Mages. The responsibility is great. I won't lie to you. This is not an luxurious life. This is a life filled with hardships but this is also a life filled with hope. You are the beings that give hope to the hopeless, courage to the cowards, and a future to those who had none."

Aiko stepped down from the stage and saluted them all.

"I am honored to serve you all as you Alpha Leader." Aiko said confidently and genuinely. "You all now have a short time to mingle but when you are ready, come see me at my table to get your assignments."
Synth felt the same as the other two - anxious to get started. "Hey, Midas. If we end up in the same squad, let's try and work together, alright?" He looked back at the girl he never got the name of, figuring that she shouldn't be excluded. "The same goes for you, let's all meet up and be friends in this strange new workplace." He grinned, bumping Midas on the shoulder with his fist before running through the seats without care. He didn't need to wait for the response of those two - he already knew that Midas would likely cling to him if he was nearby, and the girl would likely seek him out to lecture him for the way he's irresponsibly pursuing a desire without logical reason.

The moment he broke out of the chair rows he ran forwards, towards the table in the front. His goal, without any reason or relation to him as a person, was to be at the table first.

And somehow, he did it.

"Ah, miss, would you mind assigning me first?" Synth spoke this loudly, affirming the place that he desired.

Aio Aio Mistory Mistory Akihito Akihito
Aiko looked over the eager recruit and turned her head away, obviously ignoring him. The intern gave a nervous chuckle.

"Ah hello. She is your superior officer.. Ms. Ai- I mean Captain Himawari is kind of a rules..person. So perhaps..trying..to converse with her by using her correct titles..?" The intern stammered apologetically.

Aiko gave the recruit a hard stare, waiting. This wasn't an ego or a power move. This was something every recruit (including her when she joined) had to get used to. Many officers went through a lot to get to their rank and deserved the respect.

That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Cete came forward toward Aiko with an emotionless look on it's face, looking at her without a care on the world. "May it get its assignment, Cete doesn't want to wait here too long." It was getting too anxious mostly because it never stood and it needed to go do some hunting for food, that's in case they are around water where fishes can be found. It had seen many new recruits and it hadn't been easy for it to stay here too long, but it needed to get out, before it got cranky and tried to attack someone.
Akihito Akihito
"Ah..." Synth nervously smiled and shrugged. "Honestly, it would have felt kind of weird calling someone that I didn't have a name for captain. Sorry, Captain Himawari." He bowed as an accompaniment to his apology, marking it as sincere. After making a remarkable 90 degree angle, Synth stood up and looked Aiko in the face. "Captain Himawari, would you mind assigning me-"

"May it get its assignment, Cete doesn't want to wait here too long."

Synth's eye twitched, his weakness to interruptions clearly shown as he couldn't make himself continue his sentence given the interruption of 'Cete', but he didn't move out from in front of the desk or make way for the rude person so he wasn't completely caving in.

Akihito Akihito Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
I calmly walk to Orientation because since I was late to get here due to my damn ship delay, and I make sure to keep the yellow folder tightly gripped to make sure that I don't lose it. Apparently, my home planet didn't want me to submit my bio the way it was supposed to be because it's 'confidential information that must be directly hand delivered by me.' It's tough to feel like a normal Grim when even your own kind treats you differently, but I don't even know why I'm always treated as someone who isn't even a Grim. Ugh...No time to waste on thinking that right now because I open the doors and look at the crowd. Seems like it already started, but apparently I'm supposed to give the file to the one who's giving the speech. Damnit. Now I sit at a random spot not knowing anyone in the room and open for interaction to anyone who wants to get to know me, but I just want to hurry up and give this damn thing to Himawari because I don't want to carry an annoyance. [Open to anyone. :]]]]]]]]]]]]
There is a note on Mikahil's bio that says he has the power over all energy, but Mikahil doesn't know this because they think he would go mad with power. Humour him into believing that his power is electricity.
Teva Caledon
Teva looked at Aiko as she gave her speech, when she was done, Teva stood up and bowed to the two with her, "I hope we get put in the same squad, if so, I look forward to working with you two." She said so formerly, before standing up straight walking gently to the table where the captain was, the walk seemed rushed though, like she wanted to get this assignment over with but was in no rush to actually be rude about it. A boy, however, rushed towards the table who was interrupted by someone called Cete, Everyone here is in a rush.. Teva waited behind the two patiently.
Akihito Akihito That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Lazy Taco Lazy Taco Mandalay Mandalay The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
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Midas was abit dazed by the boys enthusiasm,but couldnt help but nod. If they do end up together, they could definantly work together.
He chuckled, shaking his head as he looked to the girl, and waved to the desk
"Care to join us? Better get in line now..."
He looked off, and couldnt help but grin, catching afew bits of he conversation at the desk.
"Oh joy. Rank is apparently important. " he chuckled, before waving for her to follow" when will people learn. In war,we are all soldiers"
Aio Aio
Mentioned: everyone at the assignment desk
Asem pursed her lips as the announcement was made. Oh joy, let the games begin. She though before nodding to the boys question. "I suppose so." She spoke, following after him as they made their way into the line. Those in front seemed anxious, perhaps a little to excited but who was Asem to judge. "Some people see their rank as who they are. The way they see themselves." She spoke, eyeing those at the table wondering what on earth was taking so long. The male from before was already at the front and he seemed to have already made a critical error. Although she knew it was not his fault as most did not know many of the high ranking officers.

Mistory Mistory
That's a Damn shame. I look at the long line, and I can instantly feel tired from how much boredom I'm going to have waiting in it. I just want this thing delivered already, but I guess I don't have a choice in this matter. Wait...I know! If I can make a friend quickly then I can speed up the amount of time this'll take. I confidently stand up, but I look down and suddenly take in what I'm wearing. I'm in an all black suit with black combat boots. This makes me feel as if I were in a muddy funeral, but I ignore this and head on over to a group that already seem to know a lot. "Hello!" I stand in front of a girl who seems to be with one gentlemen that look quite cool. I can already taste the possible friendship.

Aio Aio Mistory Mistory
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"Who they are? All i see are labels, made to seperate us. No matter how you cut it, we are all fighting the same war. What happens if someone kills an innocent while following a captains order? The soldier is blamed for recklessness, but if the soldier says no, and saves a life, he is punished for not following orders. Ranking just shifts where blame and glory is put"
He shook his head, moving to the line. However he quickly paused as another gentlemen came up. He gave a soft smile, holding his hand out"hello. Names midas. Ready to get put in a rank?"
Aio Aio Sabishi Sabishi
After a while of waiting, someone Glash did not recognize stepped forward and addressed everyone in the main hall. She spoke some sort of jargon about saving others and fighting evil or something along those lines. Glash literally only understood half of what was actually said, and they didn't see a real reason to care. "Protecting swarm only." they hissed in an unthreatening manner. All students began to form a line to receive their assignment to squads; Glash confided and traveled into line as well.

Unfortunately, plenty of other students were more eager about this, so Glash found themselves toward the end of the line. If the swarm could sigh, they would knowing that this would take a while. The animal Glash was wary of earlier was further ahead; it didn't seem to be harming anyone. For now, the swarm would deduce it as no trouble, though they'd still have to be cautious around here. Apparently, almost everyone here is very adept at combat or using magic of multiple varieties; and now they were mostly gathered into one large room.

"Try not to take too long up there!" Glash screeched to the front of the line; much to the annoyance of those who were patiently waiting or in the process of getting their assignment. The swarm's manners could use a little work, which many of the Comtarians duly noted for future reference.

Akihito Akihito Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
Mention: everyone else in line
Asem sighed, "To some a label is important" She spoke her voice calm, a small appeared on her lips though it quickly dropped as confusion covered her face as a man stepped in front of them. "Greetings" Asem looked at the man. Why was everyone so damn chipper today? She thought, listening to the he two speak as she watched the line move foreword.

Mistory Mistory Sabishi Sabishi
(imma do some presumptions to save time and small posts, i hope its fine)

Rygat was about to replay to Jayla when all of a sudden someone who called themselves an 'Alpha Leader' took centre stage. As he listened to what she had to say, he felt a somewhat...pride in him - no Hatibahu would ever do anything like this. Heck, no Hatibahu would ever tolerate simply being in a room like this. After the short speech was over, Rygat gets up and follow Teva to the assignment table, waiting in turn for his assignment.

Presuming that Jayla follows (?), he turns back to her to finish her question. "Right, yeah. My species have the ability to pick a form other than our true from and be able to change into it. As for me, I picked this form, but I wouldn't be able to show you my true form. Not in a room this small." He says with a smirk as he moves up with the line.

Akihito Akihito Kumii Kumii Mandalay Mandalay
"I'm Mikahil, but um...what rank?" I didn't know that there was some sort of ranking system. Seems like I'm not so prepared after all. I knew I should have read more into this place, but I really didn't care much about it. Oh well. I look at the long line and realize all the diversity. There are aliens of all shapes, sizes, colors, and forms. So much uniqueness, but this kinda' seems dangerous to me. With all the people who are so different wouldn't you think that some disputes would happen? I'll have to ask a lot of questions, but I'm sure most of them can be answered right now.

Mistory Mistory Aio Aio
Midas gave a nod,pulling his hand away must not be he hand shaking type. He could respect that. At the mans question, he gave another nod,forcing a thumb toward the line forming.
"We get put in different ranks. Alpha,beta,delta, and omega. Pretty much in that order, it depends on how valueble a student you are. Alpha's are the straight A's, while omega's are the kids nobody really wants to deal with." He gave a grumble, dropping his hand.
He turned to the girl, and eventually spoke again.
"Ok, you gonna offer your name, or do i have to ask?" He grumbled. He couldnt remember any mention of her name,but he may have just not paid attention...

Aio Aio Sabishi Sabishi
Aiko turned red with embarrassment, not realizing she never mentioned her name in her speech.

"C-captain is fine. State your full name, species, and age." She said, a bit flustered. "That goes for all of you!"

(I am spending most of the afternoon reviewing all of your characters to assign them in their squads so I apologize for this short post)
Synth used Aiko's words as a chance to recover from the shock of being interrupted rudely, something that he was never quite good at dealing with, and answered immediately.

"My name is Synth, I'm technically human, and I'm 17 years old captain." He smiled, deciding to push out the occurrence that he found a bit embarrassing out of his mind.
Akihito Akihito
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Rygat then steps up, clearly wanting to get himself known to the big leagues as soon as possible. "Rygat Darastrix", he says to the Captain with a confident and somewhat brash tone, "and I am a Hatibahu, or a Hyperion in your tongue, and I am around 18 in your human years." Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't really know how old he is exactly. It gets a bit awkward with age when one year of your homeworld is about 40 years of the planet yo are currently on. He thinks he's about 18.

Akihito Akihito

This timeskip is only for a few hours (most of orientation) to the point where all of the characters have spoken to Aiko and have received their squad assignment. Stay tuned for a follow up post with all squad assignments and notes made to help you improve on your character or take a different direction.

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