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Futuristic Star Ascension

Adira nodded, but seemed uncomfortable. She wished Miles could get in bed with her. Doc would never allow that, though.... then again, Chrice did know of Adira's sleeping problem. "If I move over, would you lay with me? Doc might yell at you, but then again, when you got stabbed by a spear, she didn't yell at me for laying with you." Though, Miles had been gutted, her spear had gone through diagonally. But then again, she was Chrice's "favorite patient."
"Are you sure? I'd be happy to lay with you but I don't want you to be uncomfortable," Miles says, though he really did want to be close to Adira.
Adira carefully scooted over and made space for him. "Yes, please. I love the pangolin, but I want you with me too. Just be careful of my wounds, that's all."
Miles nods and carefully climbs into the bed, laying on his side next to her. He kisses her cheek. "Is this good?"
Adira nodded slowly. She wanted to move onto her side to cuddle him but that just was not possible. The best she could do was squeeze his hand and hold the stuff animal in her other hand. It was only a matter of seconds before she drifted to sleep.

Doc came in then, and said, "Well it's a good thing she has a private room. Keeps Apollo out of here and from seeing this."
Miles looks at Doc. "Yeah. Uh, maybe it would be a good idea to keep an eye on Apollo. He seemed really unstable," Miles says. Apollo might've been an all around unstable person pretending to be cool, calm, and collected, but Miles didn't know him well enough to confirm that.
"I mean, I saw Adira should just boot him out the air lock, but nobody listens to me." Doc had no trouble talking bad about Apollo.
"I'd agree with that but I'm not hateful," Miles smiles innocently. He glances at Adira. "Not to sound possessive but I'm glad I'm the one who has her and not anybody else."
"It's good to be possessive at times. I wish I could be, but if anyone knew who my girlfriend was, she'd get pestered by people to get drugs for them, and that's not worth it." Chrice was slyly dropping the she had a girlfriend so Miles would feel a bit more at ease about her rules on cuddling.
Miles raises an eyebrow at her. "A girlfriend? Wow Doc, so you're not as heartless as you seem," Miles smiles at her as a silent thank you.
"Well don't tell anybody. Then they would come to me for problems not of the medical type, and quite frankly, fuck that. That is only an option for you two. We have counselors on this ship for a reason."
Miles laughs lightly. "We're not really that public but I feel like we will be soon. I'll make sure your relationship is secret too."
Doc made certain that no nurses were allowed into that room, and that Apollo wasn't allowed in or near the medical bay.

Amalie knocked on Mason's door, knowing he was there.
Mason chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "I didn't do much, she still got hurt. Come in," he says and moves aside for her.
"Well it wouldn't really be good if the captain died and we could've done something about it. I acted out of nobility," Mason closes the door and turns around to bow elegantly. He chuckles and sits down on his bed.
"Ah, of course," Amalie chuckled. "Must have been stressful, though. I heard there were monsters on the dunes above you guys."
"My nurse friend said she'll be okay. That's all I know." Amalie shrugged and softly said, "But I want to hear about your day."

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