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Futuristic Star Ascension


Five Thousand Club
Captain Adira Rik flies her exploration ship all around space, encountering unique beings and situations that keep her voyage going longer than she expected.

Dragongal Dragongal
The Star Ascension was a United Planets Galaxy-class starship built with the intent of exploration. They had chosen the youngest Captain in their corps, a stellar cadet who had come up through the ranks with ease and a few odd situations. As an exploration ship, the Star Ascension was made to be fast and efficient and she was. Her crew of 300 was comfortably fit with room to spare. Amongst that crew were doctors, engineers, cartographers, geologists, microbiologists, etc. All were incredibly loyal to their Captain, who treated them very well in return. And since they were given much leeway with times and rules, they followed her in breaking up black market trades and slaver groups, among other things. Already they had been flying for a year together onboard the ship when they found something very strange. A number of small ships were listlessly floating, and would not respond to any communication attempts.

Adira was sitting in her Captain's chair and watching the screen. Based off the evidence given, she assumed that the passengers of the ships were dead. Once the probes had returned to say that there was no disease or lethal materials found on board, she had sent her away team to inspect the crafts. Now she was told that there were people onboard, but they had been cryogenically frozen. She had ordered these people brought into a sealed off shuttle bay to be revived, if possible.
Apollo sits on the edge of the Captain's control panel, watching as one by one, humans that seem to be asleep get carried in. They were definitely humans, which made things a lot easier. "There's a lot of them, Cap'. What do you plan to do with them once they're up?" Apollo turns slightly to look at Adira. As the ship's head engineer, he was always near Adira and able to respond to any issues she brings up. And he was staying near the entryway in case one of those pesky tethers broke again. That was also why he had his entire space suit except for his helmet on and ready to go.

A worker was standing nearby and counting how many people were brought in.
"I'm not entirely sure. I'd like to speak with their leader first. We have room for 200 people, so 150 rooms is not problem. But they may have had a mission of some form that I could be interfering with." She sighed and picked up her private communicator to ask Doc, "You don't think they're dead, right? Like, brain dead?"

Doctor Nova was in the shuttle Bay examining the people brought in. She would be overseeing the revival of those inside, and as such she also had a few security members with her as well. "Chances are a few of them will be but not all of them. Two of these pods have a kind of blue streak on them. I think we can assume they're the leaders. Do I wake them?"

Adira sighed, "Once they're all in, go ahead. I'll be on my way down to represent and all that good shit." With that, she closed her comm and started down to the shuttle bay. As an exploratory Captain, she was, by extension, also a kind of dignitary for the United Planets. She had been trained in negotiations and was allowed to make deals.

Once all the pods were brought in, Doc went about waking the denizen of the first of the two pods with the blue stripes.
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Apollo trailed behind Adira out of pure curiosity. The pods open to allow the two young-looking men to wake up. With their eyes closed, they looked like almost the same person save for hair length. A soldier is on standby in case these two are hostile.

Moments after the pods open, gasps for breath are heard. The man on Adira's left opens his eyes first and seems confused at first, then suddenly sits up and scoots back. "Where am I?" He asks-- or rather, demands. The other man groans and holds his head as if having a horrid head injury, but there is no injury to be found.
Doc immediately went to the one holding his head. Her job was clear and simple, to fix injuries and wounds. She had no taste for the paperwork of negotiations or the like. Not to mention, Adira had already barred her from making deals of any kind.

Adira looked to the one who spoke. A young human male, seemingly a little worse for wear, but it was to be expected. "You're aboard the Star Ascension. We picked up your capsule and the capsules of others on a number of ships. If I may ask, who are you?"
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"I... I'm Mason Starr. I'm from the planet Capath." Capath, a planet that was destroyed roughly a decade ago. He furrows his eyebrows as if he's trying to remember. "I am the leader of our military. My brother, Maxius, is head of the Intelligence Corps. Our planet was attacked and our leader was killed." Mason looks over at his brother. "Before we went to sleep, our escape ship was hit. He hit his head because of the turbulence. I told him to sleep anyway."

Apollo raises an eyebrow. Capath? It's been awhile since he heard that name. He, and others, had assumed Capath was long gone. And it was very far from their current location, even for space. They weren't hit... they must have been sling-shotted away from their planet.
"Capath...? Mason, I don't know how to tell you this, but Capath has been dead for years. It's nothing but a rubble field now." Adira shook her head sadly and shrugged a bit. It had to be hard for him to understand - he had lost everything he ever knew. She had never had a specific planet to claim as home, so she could only try to sympathize.

Doc was already examining Max's head with a number of instruments. "Yeah he put a good dent in it, but it'll be fine with time."
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Mason stares at Adira for a bit. He sighs. "I figured as much. That's why we got as many people out of there as we could." Mason pauses. "How many others did you find?"

Max opens his eyes for the first time. Bright, almost neon green eyes look from the doctor to the Captain and finally to his brother, who had dark brown eyes that almost seemed to have a maroon tint to them. He looks back at the doctor with pain on his face. "Help me get rid of this pain," he says in a strained voice.
"About 150. No clue how many aren't brain dead. You're very far from the remains of Capath. We're guessing that you all got launched from the explosion. Your ships are in rough condition, too." Adira leaned back a bit and crossed her arms as she looked at Mason. "Can you tell me what you want to do now?" He didn't yet know that she was the Captain. Perhaps he'd think that was confidential information.

"That's what I'm trying to do, kid. Like I said, you must a really kissed that wall hard." Despite the joking, Doc's tone was very no-nonsense.
Mason doesn't take his eyes off Adira. Their plan had been to escape, get found, and either save their planet with reinforcements or pray a neighboring planet would take them in. Obviously neither of those things could happen anymore. "I don't know. But who are you to be asking these kinds of questions?"

"She's the Captain, Mr. Starr, and you should bow down to her before she slices your head clean off," Apollo interjects jokingly, winking.

Max glares up at the doctor. "I'm not a kid. Now fix me up so I can think clearly. You are a doctor, are you not? Do your job quickly." He was irritated by the voices around him, the ringing in his ears, and the almost unbearable pain in his skull.
Adira smirked and looked over at Apollo. "Thank you Mr. Sharp." She looked over at Mason and said, "He's correct. I'm Captain Adira Rik. So if you truly don't know and want options, I'm the one you speak to."

Doc glared at Max and flicked his forehead. "Shut up. What do you think I'm trying to do?" Doc dug around in the bag she'd been carrying and pulled out a pill to give him. She took his hand and put the pill in it. "There."
Mason brings his knees up to rest his elbows on them and puts his face in his hands, thinking. "Okay. Shoot. What are our options?"

Max keeps glaring. He takes the pill and tips his head back, swallowing it. "Thanks. Took you long enough. Also, don't touch me," Max says.
"Well, next time I stop by any Bay or harbor I could drop you off, or you could wait until we meet at a hub with some officials who will go about settling you and your people." Adira shrugged a bit. She had not personal preference for that they did. Hearing the conversation next to her, she said, "Don't talk to doc like that, she'll put laxatives in your food then refuse you medication to fix it."

Doc glared I'm passively at Max, then backed up by Apollo, who knew by now of her rough but justified temper.
Mason frowns at his brother. "He's not usually like that. Sorry. And whatever is best for you works for me. I'd just like the opportunity to talk to my people, please."

"I'm not staying another minute on a damn ship. I want to land on a planet," Max says, apparently very pissy.

Mason glares at him, and Max immediately shuts up and looks at his feet.
Adira glanced at Max, then looked back to Mason. "Your people are being woken slowly. We wanted to make sure you weren't hostile before we woke you all. We can speak more of further plans later. In the meantime, why don't you both try to stand on your feet? You haven't moved in a very long time, after all."
Mason sighs but goes to stand anyway. He slowly gets out of the pod and stumbles a bit, but manages to stand relatively easily. He does feel like he's only been asleep for a short time, after all. Max has a harder time, though, and ends up stumbling so much that he just falls. Mason hurries to his side and helps his brother up.

"Do you have any water? I think Max needs to get a bit refreshed and rest for awhile," Mason says.
Adira looked at the security officer and nodded to him, and he left to get some water.

Doc sighed and said, "Yeah I was going to tell him that his concussion may be healing thanks to those meds but he's going to have trouble for a bit. Then he started insulting me so I assume he clearly must already know."

Adira gave Doc a glare, then said, "We'll give you all rooms. I'm sure he can rest there once it's all set."
"Once he's rested, I'm sure he'll apologize," Mason says, aiming it at Max.

Apollo stretches and starts leaving the room they're in. "I'd love to stay and chat but frankly you all are a drag."

Before Apollo leaves, a worker comes in with something in her hands. "Captain, we found this on one of the ships. You might want to watch it," she says.
Adira took the device offered her, which consisted of a screen attached to a thick metal body - some kind of extremely durable tablet. One that wouldn't be a risk in deep space, which was wise. After a minute of fiddling, an image appeared on the screen.
On the screen is Max, looking like he's in a rush. "This is Maxius Starr of planet Capath. My planet has been attacked by the Tia people. Our leader, Clyde Huck, has been killed. My brother and I are what's left of the High Council. Almost all of our ships were destroyed. Our escape pods can't hold our whole population. There are fifteen pods with 20 hypersleep chambers on each pod. Ours has five cambers." Max is walking quickly, looking at the screen every few seconds. "I don't know who will find this or when, but if something goes wrong and our people don't wake up, please avenge our planet. Classified files are in my pod. The pod has a sensor to prevent the files from getting into the wrong hands." Max puts the device down and is seen sliding into a narrow escape pod door. He grabs the device and starts getting situated in his chamber. Mason is in the background, shutting the door of the pod. Once he closes it, there's a motion of it starting to fly out from the larger ship. Mason holds onto the wall and moves to his pod.

Max continues to speak. "Please try to find all fifteen ships. Again, it's the Tia people who are responsible for this. Epicot Price in pod 7 speaks Tian. If you need him, find h-" Something knocks against the pod, sending the device flying out of Max's hand and onto the ground.


Groans are heard off-screen.

"Shit, Max, just go to sleep. It won't hurt if you sleep. Shit." There are a few beeps and the sound of the hypersleep chamber closing. The groans stop. Mason lifts the device and ends the video with a pained expression on his face. His shoulder was injured in the collision.
Adira watched the video carefully. It was a lot of information to take in. At the end she sighed heavily. What was there that she could do? The Tia were a violent race, but there was a hesitant peace with them. A treaty. She couldn't do anything without risking the start of a war. Besides, this had been decades ago. Perhaps before even the treaties were made.

Doc had watched as well, and commented, "Well, Maxius is more charming on video isn't he?"

Adira rolled her eyes. "No more passive aggression, Doctor. Now.... this is going to require a diplomatic miracle, to say the least. We'll stay in the area a while longer. We only have thirteen pods. We'll drift more toward the Tia region as we go, but we can't cross the neutral zones. They're too territorial. For the moment, that's all we can do."
Apollo pops his head over Adira's shoulder. "Yknow, I'd love to try out that new war ship I made before we left for this voyage. Just sayin'," Apollo smirks. He had been listening to the video, not really having gone very far.
Adira rolled her eyes. "Apollo, I've told you, we are an exploration ship, not a warship. Go away." Turning her attention back to her guests, she said, "We'll get on reviving the rest of your crew. In the mean time, both of you should go to the medbay."
Apollo pouts. Mason stares at Adira. "Bring my brother somewhere he can sleep peacefully." Mason gets out of his pod and goes to help Max out of his. Max is wavering a bit and leans against Mason.

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