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Futuristic Star Ascension

"Well besides essentially saving this whole ship and doing some reports, it was uneventful and kinda stressful. At least I got my blood pumping for part of it," Mason shrugs. "What about you? How was your day?"
"Making everyone do all the work, being angry, everything, especially today. I heard it's because the Captain's in critical but I don't know, and he hates me and I hate him and.... Ugh!" Amalie was flustered to say the least.
"Yeah you two seem to butt heads a lot. But maybe he just needs a friend right now cause he's not sure how to deal," Mason shrugs.
Mason chuckles. "Yeah. Sucks for him," Mason shrugs. He pats his lap for Amalie. "Come hang out over here."
Amalie hesitated for a moment, then went over to him and hesitated. "I assume if you're inviting me, it's okay...."
"I only like cuddling you. My brother punches me when I try to hug him, and everyone else doesn't suit my taste," Mason laughs a little.
Amalie blushed a little. "It's not my fault you're so damn attractive," she chuckled. "And besides, if I took my shirt off, what would you do? Not look?"
Mason smiles. "No because I'm a classy gentleman," he winks. "Also because if I look, it'll prove to you that I'm a man with curiosity in him and we can't have that."
"You already proved that you are by saying that," Amalie laughed, then leaned in to kiss his cheek. "You're funny."
"Thank you. I try since your laugh is so nice," he says. Mason strokes Amalie's hair. "Hey, Amalie... are we in a relationship? I'm not really sure how that stuff works," he says kind of quietly.
Amalie paused. "Well, I think we are. It's rather informal, but I think we are. I mean I already told you... I love you. We meet up regularly. We cuddle. I think we are. And there's no guidebook, we just do whatever feels right."
Mason nods slowly. "Good. I'm glad my first relationship is with you," Mason smiles at her. "My first girlfriend is the prettiest girl ever."
"You're too cute," she chuckled.

The next morning, Adira woke to find Miles still at her side, with his head in the bed. She smiled and noticed that her tablet was on a bedside table not far away at all. Therefore, she tried desperately to reach it, shaking the bed, but Doc had moved it just out of reach on purpose.
Miles wakes up to the movement and groans tiredly. "What's going on? Earthquake?" He says, half asleep but still witty. He wakes up fully and looks up at Adira. "Oh, no. Just an angel shifting beside me."
Emmalia grunted in reply as she still reached for the tablet. "Thanks slick, but would you mind giving me that tablet? I need to do work. I'm fucking useless here."
"What you really need is rest. The Co-Captain will take care of everything while you're in here," Miles takes Adira's arm and puts it back on the bed.
"Sweetheart you know she'll agree with me. Just take a few more hours to relax. At least until the afternoon," Miles says and gently pulls her closer to him.

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