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Realistic or Modern Spells, books and candles A Witches of East Haven RP interest check


Unlucky Member
Glimpse into the RP plot/setting:

15th of October

Thunder cracked across the night sky and strong winds blew colorful autumn leaves across the empty main street of East Haven.
The small town located near a minor harbor had been known for the occasional creepy weather, thunder and big dark clouds that seem to come and go rather quickly, almost out of the blue.
No one knew the reason and the only ones that still seemed surprised by it were the occasional tourists that came to the one and only spa located at the edge of town, or 'ghost hunters' that had come to investigate the legend of Blackthorn manor, the supposedly haunted mansion deep inside the woods of East Haven.

The winds picked up and soon big fat raindrops started splashing onto the ground. It had come out of the blue, like most times and the only difference was that this time a group of people had been inside the woods at a secret party and some of them escaped into Blackthorn manor to get shelter from the sudden downpour.

As they waited for the rain to stop the group decided to explore the place with a mix of fear and fascination. The floorboards creaked, spider webs hung in every corner and thick layers of dust covered almost every surface. But despite their mixed feelings, they ascended the creaking stairs all the way to the big dusty attic.

A curious thrill spiked through them as they browsed through the old abandoned objects of the past. Faded paintings of previous owners sat in one corner, a stack of leather-bound books lay next to a floor-length mirror covered in spiredwebs and dust. Various objects lay in different sized boxes but a large wooden chest stood out as it rested underneath the only window in the attic. The box was in very good condition with intricate designs carved into its hard wooden surface. On top of it was a symbol that seemed familiar to them but they had been too intrigued to bother figuring out where they had seen it before.

As they carefully opened the lock and lifted the lid a loud crack of thunder sounded outside making them jump. Laughing it off the group continued to explore the contents of the chest. Inside were tools of witchcraft. Crystals, candles, herbs, charms, books and more were neatly organized making it obvious it's owner had had great care for them. The group inspected the contents and after a spark of static electricity decided it was better to leave the objects alone.

Once the weather calmed each of the teens went home. But they didn't know that from the moment they had stepped foot inside Blackthorn manor their lives had become connected to a new fate. Nothing would be the same again.

Plot summary:
A group of teens (17-19) find shelter from a sudden storm by running into a mansion in the woods that has a darker legend about it (I will add a short description of the legend in the lore thread if you want to). They decide to explore and end up in the manor's attic where they discover a wooden chest with tools of witchcraft inside it. Without knowing that the object unlocked their potential for witchcraft they close the chest and go home only to start realizing something weird is going on when their powers start to awaken. They meet at the manor to try and figure out what happened or at least what to do about it.
Later after they get a somewhat better handle on their abilities and think magic is really the best thing that happened to them the group is faced with the darker sides of magic.

Since I still couldn't find any RP's to join I decided to try one more time, this time with a small group RP. I am looking for a 3-4 people group of semi-literate writers that intend to plot and work together so this RP would be as fun as possible. I also have a job so I can't do back and forth replies, it would be great to find people that are okay with that, I am also willing to make a discord for OOC so we can talk and plan faster. Anyway, let me know if you are interested in this and I will make the threads needed for us to start if this gets any interest.
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