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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

Violet Obsidian] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20664-pariah-stark/ said:
@Pariah Stark[/URL] Would you have any problem with me saying that Warren was one of the people close enough to Aeryn that he could hear what Aeryn said?
Nevermind me. I figured out a different way to write this post that I actually like a lot better because it shows how stupid Warren is without him actually doing something stupid.
[QUOTE="Violet Obsidian]Nevermind me. I figured out a different way to write this post that I actually like a lot better because it shows how stupid Warren is without him actually doing something stupid.

Warren means so much to me. He is truly built in the Soul Eater Spirit. *solemn nod*
@Violet Obsidian I wouldn't have cared, no. Aeryn is highly cautious presently. He's pretty sure the entire situation is a trap of some sort. If Warren went out for a full on attack, Aeryn would have used it to observe basically everything. Even now, he's trying to decipher what the greeting means.
The Succubi Queen]Warren means so much to me. He is truly built in the Soul Eater Spirit. *solemn nod* [/QUOTE] I know.... I love him!!!! [QUOTE="Pariah Stark] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15143-violet-obsidian/ said:
@Violet Obsidian[/URL] I wouldn't have cared, no. Aeryn is highly cautious presently. He's pretty sure the entire situation is a trap of some sort. If Warren went out for a full on attack, Aeryn would have used it to observe basically everything. Even now, he's trying to decipher what the greeting means.
Mmk. Well, I decided not to go for an attack for starters because I honestly didn't want Warren to attack right away. I still needed to show off some of his... specialness... though.
I really need to get to a point where I show of all of Deryn's goofy quirks. It's just that she has certain things that trigger her mood and I have to encounter them. My poor overachieving baby. Stop trying to be so perfect.

Hell, I almost lit her on fire earlier to create one of those moments.
Violet Obsidian]@Stamper [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15143-violet-obsidian/ said:
@Violet Obsidian[/URL] @Sophrosyne03 @DeadgurlXD @TheWeirdPhilosopher @T h e F o o l @Pariah Stark
Hey guys! You are all in a group with Warren. Does anyone want to join him in doing something potentially very stupid? Or would anyone be interested in restraining him from doing anything stupid - this might actually be better.

I'm just trying to look for interaction...
Undine would be ditzy enough to go along xD
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]I really need to get to a point where I show of all of Deryn's goofy quirks. It's just that she has certain things that trigger her mood and I have to encounter them. My poor overachieving baby. Stop trying to be so perfect.

Well... she is in a building with a dead body, a creepy atmosphere and a bunch of other really weird things...

Although that might not be the best environment to bring out quirks now that I think about it.
[QUOTE="Violet Obsidian]Is Undine as oblivious as Warren?

Not oblivious, but her motives and actions do get questionable when she's hungry... Like, contemplating asking a traumatized guy if he wants to help her take a dead body to a morgue, questionable.
I need motivation to get through writing the next chapter for this collab story.... Someone halp.
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
I need motivation to get through writing the next chapter for this collab story.... Someone halp.
Hmm? Collab story? Are you working on another collab with Fool or is this something else?
DaughterofAthena said:
Hmm? Collab story? Are you working on another collab with Fool or is this something else?
I'm apart of this writing website as the Teen Lit portion and we're doing a collab story. It's my turn and I need to finish this chapter.
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
I'm apart of this writing website as the Teen Lit portion and we're doing a collab story. It's my turn and I need to finish this chapter.
Hmm... well, I'm not the best motivator. When it comes to writing, I tend to not require a lot of outside motivation.
I'm part of tons of writing projects across the board. If I ever need inspiration, I tend to look to one of three things:

- Music. It's arguably one of the most powerful forms of inspiration and motivation that exists, and it has universal impact on people due to its diversity. It doesn't always work, but it's a quick go-to.

- Previous stories. Either something you have wrote or maybe just a show or book you have read. I have a long list of tabs for chapters in books I adore. Reading something that gives me a thrill to read, either by the literary talent of its author or simply by the plot, is what encourages me to write to begin with. Not only that, I have a long list of shows I just watch for entertainment. Instead of just burning through them, I watch them when I'm a little down. They're a good pick-me-up and sometimes offer a bit of refreshment.

- I nap. Not gonna lie, sometimes it's not even a lack of source material. I just need to reset my body a bit. 15-45 minute naps feel like a battery charge and can make a blank slate into a vortex of creativity. May not be as dynamic as the other two, but it rarely fails me.
DaughterofAthena said:
Hmm... well, I'm not the best motivator. When it comes to writing, I tend to not require a lot of outside motivation.
I'm going to try and think of something for this chapter.
[QUOTE="Violet Obsidian]Is Undine as oblivious as Warren?

I can kind of imagine her attempting to talk quietly or whisper while trying to tell him that the lady is a witch and being really loud because she sucks at being subtle.
Hey, saw th interest check so I thought I may as well drop in, been having some horrid luck roleplay wise, some don't get off the group from the start, some are planned for a month but come time to go people just... disappear...

Regardless, this dog is just looking for a place to sit for awhile, you got a place for me?
Orikanyo said:
Hey, saw th interest check so I thought I may as well drop in, been having some horrid luck roleplay wise, some don't get off the group from the start, some are planned for a month but come time to go people just... disappear...
Regardless, this dog is just looking for a place to sit for awhile, you got a place for me?
You are more than welcome to create a character. Please make sure you read the rules before you do so. As long as you meet all the requirements of the cs, we shouldn't have any problems integrating you in! We actually have come to love new people; they tend to bring more energy and its great!
Alright then, is there any niche to be filled as of now?
@Orikanyo I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Players create characters who are students at the DWMA and the GMs generally provide a story which the players' characters are placed within. We don't require specific niche's and any required action to move things forward is simply posting as your character - although, first you have to make a character and it has to get approved.
Alright then, you answered my queries.

After my exam tomorrow I shall examine this further, as of now I must sleep and prepare. Second last one, wish I could do both of them tomorrow but what can you do.

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