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Dice Sorrow’s Reach - Exalted 3e (OOC)

Excellent. I'll need it with as low as I rolled on my initiative.
I'll have to look for whatever Lore Charm there is that will do that. Thanks for the info!
Just made donation to the Kickstarter campaign for the Lunars book. First time I've ever been involved in one, and I'm looking forward to seeing my name in the back of the book when it comes out.
I just can't wait for the books to get released.
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai Quick question, I saw you marked me as 8 Initiative and after the Dead-Eyed Woman. While my starting initiative is 8, the charm I used gives me a plus 2 for purposes of attack order for the first turn. So would it be possible for Deimos to act before the Dead-Eyed Woman?
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai I forgot to add dice for a 1-point stunt while rolling. Should I add those or just not worry with them, since successes aren't added into damage roll (assuming I hit) for decisive attacks?
Too true. Thank you for reminding me. Here it is.

Crappy roll. Only a 3 on its initiative.
So a 6 total, right?

Separate note: man, I really like what they did with 3e. A lot. CANNOT wait for all the damn books for other Exalts.
I may not be able to do so without hitting allies with the melee going on now. We'll have to wait and see how it goes.
Since I can use my Occult Excellency to boost the speed of my spell casting, can I also add in the effects of the Charm Ghost Cutting Attack to the spell? I want to be able to hit the ghosts with the area of effect of the Obsidian Butterflies.
Outstanding. Now lets see how the battlefield looks once its my turn to act.

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