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Dice Sorrow’s Reach - Exalted 3e (OOC)

Psychie Psychie , one thing to keep in mind is that she’ll still hit. She needs to meet or exceed your defense. Now, granted, she won’t have any threshold successes. So, unless she uses a Charm, it’s weapon + strength for raw damage.

I’ll be giving you the 2-point stunt, but she’s still going to hit you. Shall I proceed or is there more you’d like to add?
<sigh> I don't think that I can up this to the level of awesome of a level three stunt, and I don't have any Charms that will boost my DV any more. At least I cut down the amount of dice she's going to roll on me.
Well, keep in mind, this is a withering attack. You’re really in no direct danger of injury yet. You cut out her successes, so it won’t be as much initiative damage.

I like the way the system plays out a lot.
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai A quick question. Since I had my sword delay its attack last turn, can it attack this turn with Scorpion on her initiative? If not, no worries. But I was just curious.
As far as I understand it, when you delay, it’s within the same round. I don’t think you can delay to change iniatitive to the top of the next order since initiative is the currency of damage.

So, consider this a refreshed round where your sword just didn’t get to act last round.
That is reasonable. Had to ask, though. IC post is up. Hopefully I hit this bitch with a taste of her own medicine.
I have to give it to them, I really like the ebb and flow of the combat system thus far. I know we haven’t really gotten that far into things, and this is fight one, but it’s working really well.
Its an interesting system. I can see the advantage between two opponents going back and forth until one finally gets enough Initiative to be able to make a powerful attack. It kinda makes sense if you think about it that way.
Thank you! I do try. Hopefully I'll be able to switch to Decisive attacks on my next round and do some actual health levels to her.
Well, eventually it will get to my tick and I'll be able to fire off my spell and show everyone how nasty Obsidian Butterflies is to formations of enemy combatants.
Awesome. Having that second strike with your sword is a real cool combat trick. Makes a big difference.
Hey, Crocodile Crocodile , sorry the zombies were wiped out by Deimos’ Gold Claws. There are still plenty of ghosts, though. You should be able to just change the attack against them.
Sure, sorry, saw them on the lineup still. If I can go for the ghosts and bust up their armor, etc. then that is Mountain Shadows target.
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai Are we still holding on something before Tomiko's action? I don't want to post out of turn, but I don't want to leave everyone waiting on me.
Yeah, I wasn’t clear. The stats are different, but I’m just going to fudge/re-roll Mountain Shadow’s damage. I want to keep it moving.

Sorry for the wait.

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