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Fantasy Some sort of isekai RP thing (Sci-Fi/Fantasy RP)


ur lite fades awey
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Might as well start looking again.

Anyway, on to the plot.

I'd probably describe this RP as Jason Bourne from the future wakes up in a fantasy world with even more amnesia than Daniel from Amnesia. The reason for his transportation to the fantasy world is probably due to a freak accident, although he remembers exactly nothing, not even his name. He does have, however, intimate knowledge of combat, mechanics, and weaponry. Call it instinctive, if you will. With no memory of who he is or his past, my character is more or less a blank slate at the beginning. He more or less just appears in a flash of light.

At that point, your character, who just so happens to be in the area, sees the flash, and decides to investigate. The two meet for the first time, and the actual plot starts from there. Your character can be much of anything, though preferably female if you want romance, probably a knight or rogue or whatever. Anything you choose. Romance is optional, adventure is mandatory. The fantasy world is also of your creation. Just go crazy if you want.

But there's one thing about my character: he isn't what he seems.

Tl;dr: Jason Bourne ripoff from the future gets transported to a fantasy world, meets your character, stuff happens.

Now, I really don't care who you are. As long as your English is good and your grammar is within acceptable levels, I'm sold.

If I get more than one reply or PM, I'll perhaps consider turning this into a small group RP.

PM me if you're interested.

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